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《Heythrop Journal》1974,15(4):446-482
Book reviewed in this article:
Man and his Salvation: Studies in Memory of S. G. F. Brandon. Edited by E ric J. S harpe and J ohn R. H innells .
Religion in Ancient History: Studies in Ideas, Men and Events. By S. G. F. B randon .
The Attractiveness of God. By R. P. C. H anson .
Christian Celebration: The Sacraments. By J. D. C richton .
La Confirmation: sens et conjoncture oecuménique hier et aujourd'hui. By L ouis L igier .
Christian Marriage in Africa: A Report , By A drian H astings .
The Priesthood of Man. By A nthony D. D uncan .
The Christian Priest: Elder and Prophet. By D avid N. P ower .
Les Dieux Rêvés. By H. D esroche .
Politics, Medicine, and Christian Ethics. By C harles E. C urran .
Essays on the Freedom of Action. Edited by T ed H onderich .
Problems of the Self. By B ernard W illiams .
The Nature of Things. By A nthony Q uinton .
The Existence of Cod. (Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, Volume XLVI.) Edited by G eorge F. M aclean , o.m.i.
Analogy. By H umphrey P almer .
Modes of Thought. Essays on Thinking in Western and Non- Western Societies. Edited with an introduction by R obin H orton and R uth F innegan .
Mind: An Essay on Human Feeling, Volume II. By S usanne K. L anger .
Psyche and Cerebrum. By J ohn N. F indlay .
Existential Guilt; a Phenomenological Study. By D onald V. M orano .
The Existential Experience. By R alph H arper .
Fractured Personalities. By G ary C ollins .
Essays in the Philosophy of Religion. By H. H. P rice .
Religions of the Ancient Near East. By H elmer R inggren .
History of Israelite Religion. By G eorg F ohrer .
Religion in Judah under the Assyrians. By J ohn M c K ay .
The Gentiles and the Gentile Mission in Luke-Acts. By S. G. W ilson .
By R. de V aux , o.p.
The Stones and the Scriptures. By E dwin Y amauchi .  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article.
God and the New Physics. By P aul D avies .
Cosmology and Theology. Edited by D avid T racy and N icholas L ash .
Discovering Reality: Feminist Perspectives on Epistemology, Metaphysics, and Philosophy of Science. Edited by S andra H arding and M errill B. H intikka .
Experimenting with Truth: The Fusion of Religion with Technology, Needed for Humanity's Survival. By R ustum R oy .
The Creation of Consciousness: Jung's Myth for Modern Man. By E dward F. E dinger .
The Naked Public Square: Religion and Democracy in America. By R ichard N euhaus .  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
The New Universalism: Foundations for a Global Theology . By D avid J. K rieger .
Religious and Ethical Factors in Psychiatric Practice . Edited by D on S. B rowning , T homas J obe , and I na S. E vison .
The Diversity of Life . By E dward O. W ilson .
Religion and Social Theory . By B ryan S. T urner .
Origins: The Lives and Worldr of Modern Cosmologists. By A lan L ightman and R oberta B rawer .  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1973,14(1):72-107
Book reviewed in this article:
The Meaning of Righteousness in Paul . By J. A. Z iesler .
Clement of Alexandria: A Study in Christian Platonism and Gnosticism . By S alvatore R. C. L illa .
Ancient Rhetoric and the Art of Tertullian . By R obert D ick S ider .
Tertullian, A Historical and Literary Study . By T imothy D avid B arnes .
Cluniac Monasticism in the Middle Ages . Edited by N oreen H unt .
Papal Judges Delegate in the Province of Canterbury 1198–1254 . By J ane E. S ayers .
Itinera Ministri Generalis Bernardini De Arezzo (1691–1698). By P hilippus D e F irenze .
The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman . Volume XXI, January 1864 to June 1865. Edited by C harles S tephen D essain and E dward E. K elly .
The Spirituality of Friedrich von Hügel . By J oseph P. W helan .
Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Theologian of Reality . By A ndré D umas .
Contemplation in a World of Action . By T homas M erton .
Merton's Theology of Prayer . By J ohn J. H iggins .
Faith and Order Louvain 1971 .
The Absolute and the Atonement . By I lltyd T rethowan .
Religion and the Scientific Future . By L angdon G ilkey .
Problems of Religious Knowledge . By T erence P enelhum .
An Introduction to Modal Logic . By G. E. H ughes and M. J. C resswell .
Modal Logic and its Applications . By D. P aul S nyder .
Deontic Logic: Introductory and Systematic Readings . Edited by R isto H ilpinen .
Philosophy as Dramatic Theory . By J ulián M arías . Translated from the Spanish by J ames P arsons .
Metaphysical Anthropology: the Empirical Structure of Human Life . By J ulián M arías . Translated by F rances M. L ópez -M orillas .
Shadows of Heaven . By G unnar U rang .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Cultural Psychology: Essays on Comparative Human Development . Edited by J ames W. S tigler , R ichard A. S hweder , and G ilbert H erdt .
Technology and Religion. (Vol. 10 of Research in Philosophy and Technology . Edited by F rederick F erre .
Human Universals . By D onald E. B rown .
A Theory of Religion . By R odney S tark and W illiam S ims B ainbridge .
Creation and the History of Science . By C hristopher K aiser .
Portraits of Creation: Biblical and Scientijiic Perspectiues on the World's Formtion . By H oward J. V an T ill , R obert E. S now , J ohn H. S tek , and D avis A. Y oung .  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
The Great Living System: The Religion Emerging From the Sciences By J ohn R uskin C lark .
Science and Reality: Recent Work in the Philosophy of Science Edited by J ames T. C ushing , C. F. D elaney , And G ary M. G utting .
Evil and Evolution: A Theodicy. By R ichard W. K ropf .
Process Ethics: A Constructive System , By K enneth C authen .  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Cry of the Environment: Rebuilding the Christian Creation Tradition. Edited by P hilip N. J oranson and K en B utigan .
The Return to Cosmology: Postmodern Science and the Theology of Nature. By S tephen T oulmin .
The New Story of Science: Mind and the Universe. By R obert M. A ugros and G eorge N. Stanciu.
The Theology of Grace and the American Mind: A Representation of Catholic Doctrine. By D aniel L iderbach .
The Human Animal. By P hil D onahue .
Contemporary Approaches to the Study of Religion. Edited by F rank W haling .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Evolution at a Crossroads: The New Biology and the New Philosophy of Science . Edited by D avid J. D epew and B ruce H. W eber .
Biophilia: The Human Bond With Other Species . By E dward O. W ilson .
From Aristotle to Darwin and Back Again: A Journey in Final Causality, Species, and Evolution . By E tienne G ilson . Translated by J ohn L yon .
Beyond Mechanism: The Universe in Recent Physics and Catholic Thought . Edited by D avid L. S chindler .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Creation or Evolution: Correspondence on the Current Controversy . By E dward O. D odson and G eorge F. H owe
God and the Process of Reality . By D avid P ailin
Theology for a Scientqic Age . By A rthur P eacocke
The American Empirical Movement in Theology . By D elores J oanl R ogers
Environmental Ethics: Duties to and Values in the Natural World . By H olmes R olston III.
A Purpose for Everything: Religion in a Postmodern Worldview . By L. C harles B irch  相似文献   


Book reviewed in this article:
Yoking Science and Religion: The Life and Thought of Ralph Wendell Burhoe . By D avid R. B reed .
Cosmos and Anthropos: A Philosophical Interpretation of the Anthropic Cosmological Principle . By E rrol E. H arris .
Cosmos and Theos: Ethical and Theological Implications of the Anthropic Cosmological Principle . By E rrol E. H arris .
Hegel's Circular Epistemology . By T om R ockmore .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Science, Ideology, and World View: Essays in the History of Evolutionary Ideas. By J ohn C. G reene .
The Evolutionary Vision: Toward a Unifying Paradigm of Physical, Biological, and Sociocultural Evolution. Edited by E rich J antsch .
Beyond Ideology: Religion and the Future OJ Western Civilization. By N inian S mart .
The Omega Seed, An Eschatological Hypothesis. By P aolo S oleri .
Advice and Planning. By M artin H. K rieger .
Technology and the Future: A Philosophical Challenge. S chuurman . Translated by H erbert D onlad M orton .
The Transforming Moment: Understanding Convictional Experiences. By J ames E. L oder .
Psychology and Christianity: Integrative Readings. Edited by J. R oland F leck and J ohn D. C arter .
Philosophie des Lebendigen. Der Begner des Organischen bei Kant, sein Grund und seine Aktualitat. By R einhard L ow .
The Ten Commandments and Human Rights. By W alter H arrelson .
The Philosophy of Moral Development: Moral Stages and the Idea of justice. Vol. 1 of Essays on Moral Development. By Law KOHLBERG.
The Primordial Bond: Exploring Connections Between Man and Nature Through the Humanities and Sciences. By S tephen H. S chnieder and L ynne M orton .
Knowledge and the Sacred. By S eyed H ossein N asr .
Green Paradise Lost. By E lizabeth D odson G ray .
Creation, Science, and Theology. By W. A. Whitehouse. Edited by A nn L oades .
From Being to Becoming: Time and Complexity in the Physical Sciences. By I lya P rigogine .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Universes. By J ohn L eslie .
Physical Cosmology and Philosophy. Edited by J ohn L eslie .
The Biology of Moral Systems. By R ichard D. A lexander .
An Interpretation of Religion: Human Responses to the Transcendent. By J ohn H ick .  相似文献   

Reviews in this article:
The Lives of a Cell: Notes of a Biology Watcher . By L ewis T homas .
New Theology No. 10 . Edited by M artin E. M arty and D ean G. P eerman .
The World System: Models, Norms, Appliccitioiis . Edited by E rvin L aszi .
Meaning and Method: Prolegomena to ai Scientific Philosophy of Religion and a Scientific Theology . By A nders N ygren .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Economics, Ecology, Ethics: Essays Toward a Steady-State Economy . Edited by H erman E. D aly .
Anthropology and the Old Testament . By J. W. R ogerson .
The Edge of Contingency: French Catholic Reactions to Scientific Change from Darwin to Duhem . By H arry W. P aul .
The Human Reflex: Behavioral Psychology in Biblical Perspective . By R odger K. B ufford .
Interpretive Theories of Religion . By D onald A. C rosby .  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
The Blind Watchmaker: Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe Without Design . By R echard D awkins .
Darwin and the Emergence of Evolutionary Theories of Mind and Behavior . By R obert R ichards .
American Religious Empiricism . By W illiam D ean .
Religion, Science, and Public Policy . Edited by F rank T. B irtel .  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article.
The Experiment of Life: Science and Religion. Edited by F. K enneth H are .
The First Urban Christians: The Social World of the Apostle Paul. By W ayne A. M eeks .
Nature and Religious Imagination: From Edwards to Bushnell. By C onrad C herry .
The Sciences and Theology in the Twentieth Century. Edited by A. R. P eacocke .
Intimations of Reality: Critical Realism in Science and Religion. By A rthur P eacocke  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
Creation and the End of Days: Judaism and Scientific Cosmology . Edited by D avid N ovak and N orbert S amuelson
Evolution as Religion: Strange Hopes and Stranger Fears . B y M ary M idgley  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article.
Genes, Mind and Culture: The Coevolutionary Process. By C harles J. L umsden and E dward O. W ilson .
Myth, Creativity, Psychoanalysis: Essays in Honor of Harry Slochower. Edited by M aynard S olomon .
The Mind-Body Problem: A Psychobiological Approach. By M ario B unge .
Towards a New Mysticism: Teihard de Chardin and Eastern Religions. By U rsula K ing .
The Practice of Process Meditation: The Intensive Journal Way to Spiritual Experience. By I ra P rocoff .
Meaning and the Moral Sciences. By H ilary P utnam .
Faith, Science and the Future. Edited by P aul A brecht .
Faith and Science in an Unjust World: Report of the World Council of Churches' Conference on Faith, Science and the Future , vol. 1: Plenary Presentations. Edited by R oger L. S hinn .
Faith and Science in an Unjust World , vol. 2: Reports and Recommendations. Edited by P aul A brecht .
The Image of Eternity: Roots of Time in the Physical World. By D avid P ark .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Ethics of Environment and Development: Global Challenge and International Response . Edited by J. R onald E ngel and J oan G ibb E ngel .
Amythia: Crisis in the Natural History of Western Culture . By L 1oyal D. R ue. Foreword by William G. Doty.
God in History: Shapes of Freedom . By P eter C. H odgson .
The Brain and Belief: Faith in the Light of Brain Research . By J ames B. A shbrook .  相似文献   

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