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This article addresses selected effects of postmodernism on spirituality and contains a discussion of implications for promoting change in counseling. Because aspects of postmodern spirituality can prevent change, spiritual transformation may need to occur in the life of the client. Spiritual transformation is conceptualized as a process of helping the client develop resilient spirituality, which can enable the client to overcome his or her difficulties. Resilient spirituality involves finding meaning in adherence to a set of larger beliefs, the exercise of faith as a way of knowing, and an experience of connection with God and others.  相似文献   


In this essay I explore some of the ramifications that postmodernism, in its re-vision of Western rationality, holds for African philosophy. Insofar as African philosophy has associated itself with the traditional form of Western rationality, I argue that much can be gleaned by African philosophy from postmodernism's re-vision of Western rationality. The merits of such a postmodern re-vision of Western rationality for African philosophy include, an acknowledgement of alternative forms of reasoning and their accompanying cultural expressions; an insistence that knowledge production is not independent of moral and political value; a grounding of rationality in social relations; and a recognition of commitment, caring and feeling in rationality.  相似文献   

后现代语境与马克思哲学总体性概念的再思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
仰海峰 《现代哲学》2004,30(4):1-10
随着后现代主义的扩散,总体性的哲学观念受到了根本性的否定,马克思哲学的总体性理论,作为现代性谱系的构成要素,也成为后现代批评的焦点。本文从资本逻辑的历史形态学出发,认为马克思哲学的总体性思想是他批判资本主义及其文化的理论基础,强调差异、非总体化的后现代主义,体现了资本在后组织化(弹性生产)资本主义社会的文化理念,这是不同于组织化资本主义社会总体性的另一种总体性,重思马克思哲学的总体性观念,才能更为真实地透视后组织化资本主义及其文化逻辑,这构成了马克思哲学当代理解的一个重要维度。  相似文献   

孙慕义 《学海》2004,(5):126-131
我们所关注的不应仅仅集中于生命科学技术的基督教伦理学或宗教神学问题的解答 ,它应包括所有生命问题的神学研究 ;这其中应指所有生命体的生存状态 ,主要以人的生命为主要研究对象 ,它应包括生理的、心理的、社会的和灵性的四个方面的生命 ;它不仅要解释和解决诸多的理论问题和文化问题 ,还应包含各宗教对生命问题的思想的比较研究 ;生命神学必须基本给出对临床医务活动、高新生命科学技术与死亡、与医学相关的社会问题、卫生经济政策以及生态问题的神学解释和评价方法等。生命神学应该是 :对生命诸问题的道德神学注释 ,是对人类生存状态和过程、生命科学技术、卫生保健和卫生经济政策的神学伦理学研究 ,是有关人和其它生命体的生命终极问题的学科 ;它应涵盖理论生命神学 (元生命神学与文化生命神学 )和应用生命神学 (医务或临床生命神学、生存与死亡神学、卫生经济与医疗保健政策神学、生态神学 )两部分。  相似文献   

从1980年以来在英国出现的麦田圈现象,我们可以看出病态科学的天真可笑、灵学向社会各方面的渗透和骗局的社会承受力.……  相似文献   


Learning organizations are in dire need of teaching professionals eager to develop and grow up fast while maintaining a positive aura around them. An agile workforce consists of upbeat, adjustable, supple, adventurous and pliant employees who perceive life optimistically and flaunt an open mind to gather wisdom for personal development; have better analytical skills; can acclimatize continuously with the changing work environment. Teachers are the soul of any academic institution, and there is an urgent need to cultivate an agile teaching workforce by assisting them to be psychologically empowered. The key purpose of the present study is to establish a relationship between workplace spirituality (WS) and workforce agility (WA) among teaching professionals. The current research article proposes a model or conceptual framework linking the components of WS, WA and psychological empowerment (PSYEMP) in educational organizations. This is an original work that proposes a model where WS has an impact upon the WA of teaching professionals through the mediating effect of PSYEMP. WS is thus an emerging paradigm for augmenting the agility of teaching workforce in educational organizations. Future implications on ways to enhance the agility of teaching professionals are further recommended.


We examined the concepts of aging, time, spirituality, and future care needs in four randomly selected informants from a group of 54 never-married childless older women. Using data from the Generativity and Lifestyles of Older Women (GLOW) study, we questioned how women’s perceptions of these concepts came together in current older age. We employed cultural theory, (our theoretical framework), ethnography, (our methodological framework), and phenomenology, (our philosophical foundation) to produce a portrait of each woman interviewed. Through a three-session interview process, we elicited the women’s life stories, reasons for childlessness, and topics that emerged as significant to the women, including aging, a sense of time remaining, and spirituality. A key finding was that the context of each woman’s life, both biographical and historical, transpired as a foundation for these concepts. That is, a woman’s “place in time” shaped their experiences of aging, as well as her reasons for childlessness and perceptions of finitude.  相似文献   

Dor Miller 《Sophia》2018,57(3):425-442
In his published lectures Civilizations: Nostalgia and Utopia (2012), Daya Krishna criticizes postmodern thought and especially the writings of Jacques Derrida. By outlining similarities between the two, I would claim that, indeed, it was Daya Krishna’s unexpected proximity to Derrida’s ‘deconstruction’ project that triggered his scathing critique of the latter. Moreover, Daya Krishna’s response to Derrida reveals an ongoing inner conflict in his own thinking. On the one hand, he provides us with a harsh critique of Derrida the ‘postmodern’; on the other hand, he concedes that the ‘modern’ notion of knowledge has been totally transformed, and the ‘deconstruction’ of its old formulations was the major catalyst that provoked and directed his own philosophical enterprise in the last years of his life, reformulating knowledges (in the plural). Reconstructing in this way, the dialogue which never happened might prove beneficial, not only for understanding the distinctive works of its participants, but also for carrying their writings and us one step further towards a productive, ‘relevant’ philosophical discourse in the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

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