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Does the global precedence effect depend on the goodness of the global form and low spatial frequencies? In Experiments 1 and 2, under a variety of attentional and task conditions, a global advantage in response time (RT) occurred in “good,” many-element compound patterns but not in “poor,” few-element patterns (unless the local elements were too small to be easily recognized). Symmetric interference effects were found in all patterns, however, suggesting that global and local information were encoded in parallel and that the global advantage in RT involved some postperceptual processes. Experiments 3A and 3B showed that the global advantage in RT and perceived pattern goodness depend on low spatial frequencies: Lowpass-filtered patterns rated as “good” showed the usual global advantage in RT, but highpass-filtered, many-element forms rated as “poor” did not. These findings suggest that a global advantage in RT requires an unambiguous global form conveyed by low spatial frequencies.  相似文献   

This study assessed whether inhibitory processes occurring in IOR affect perceptual processing of hierarchically organised stimuli. Experiment 1 used a global/local task that presented stimuli to the left or the right side. Results showed a global task advantage and a larger interference in the local than in the global task—the global precedence effect (GPE). These effects were larger than in previous studies using centrally presented stimuli, which suggests a greater involvement of low spatial frequency analysis with peripheral than with central stimuli. Experiment 2 combined the global/local task with IOR. Results replicated those of Experiment 1 but there was no interaction with stimulus location. That is, the GPE was not affected in IOR. Thus, we conclude that the GPE and inhibitory processing occurring in IOR are subserved by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Studies on functional hemispheric asymmetries have suggested that the right vs. left hemisphere should be predominantly involved in low vs. high spatial frequency (SF) analysis, respectively. By manipulating exposure duration of filtered natural scene images, we examined whether the temporal characteristics of SF analysis (i.e., the temporal precedence of low on high spatial frequencies) may interfere with hemispheric specialization. Results showed the classical hemispheric specialization pattern for brief exposure duration and a trend to a right hemisphere advantage irrespective of the SF content for longer exposure duration. The present study suggests that the hemispheric specialization pattern for visual information processing should be considered as a dynamic system, wherein the superiority of one hemisphere over the other could change according to the level of temporal constraints: the higher the temporal constraints of the task, the more the hemispheres are specialized in SF processing.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that the two cerebral hemispheres are specialized for processing different visual spatial frequencies is discussed in reference to Christman's (1989) review. It is suggested that the relevant results from every study reviewed by Christman which support the hypothesis can also be explained in terms of the total amount of visible information or energy contained in a visual stimulus, and the right hemisphere's relative resistance to information degradation. A recent study provides evidence in support of this total visible information/energy hypothesis, and appropriate measures of information/energy are discussed. Furthermore, results from the studies reviewed may reflect response bias and not hemispheric specialization or competence. The few studies which examine response bias support such an interpretation.  相似文献   

The forest revisited: More on global precedence   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Several issues pertaining to the notion of global precedence, its testing, and its ecological validity are discussed. Global precedence is presented as a claim that, other things being equal, global structure is available in the percept earlier than local features are. It does not state that local processing starts only after global processing is terminated. Since global precedence is a hypothesis about temporal development of percepts, a natural way to test it is to limit exposure duration. Global precedence predicts that local features will be more sensitive to stimulus duration than global ones.An experiment is reported in which subjects were presented with 150 ms exposures of large letters made up of small ones, and had to discriminate either just the large letters or just the small ones. In addition, they had to respond to the presence of a concurrent tone. Local letters were responded to more slowly than global ones, and were associated with more tone errors. The variation of the global level as well as the consistency between the identities of the levels affected the latency to the local letter, but not vice versa. A single small-letter control-condition was used to rule out an explanation in terms of relative size. The effects, albeit weaker than some previous results, are compatible with the hypothesis tested.The results of this experiment are interpreted in the context of an extensive discussion of findings in the paradigm and the generality of the phenomenon assumed to underly them. Possible mechanisms which may mediate global precedence are evaluated. Among them are relative size, lateral masking, diffuse attention, and spatial uncertainty. The magnitude, or even the presence, of global precedence depends on some factors, most prominent of which are visual angle and retinal position. Ecological considerations suggest that proximal sizes and eccentricities which favor global features may be very frequent. Some further subtleties of, as well as problems with, the logic of compound letters are discussed.  相似文献   

The visual persistence of sinusoidal gratings of varying spatial frequency and contrast was measured. It was found that the persistence of low-contrast gratings was longer than that of high-contrast stimuli for all spatial frequencies investigated. At higher contrast levels of 1 and 4 cycles deg-1 gratings, a tendency for persistence to be independent of contrast was observed. For 12 cycles deg-1 gratings, however, persistence continued to decrease with increasing contrast. These results are compared with recently published data on other temporal responses, and are discussed in terms of the different properties of sustained and transient channels.  相似文献   

Phantom contours are a visual illusion that can define regions with distinctive boundaries when no real surrounding edges exist. Spatial-frequency sensitivity is known to vary reliably across the visual-processing pathways, as does temporal-frequency sensitivity. Given that the effect of temporal frequency on phantom-contour detection has been previously established, and that the relationship between spatial frequency and temporal frequency is known, two experiments were designed to measure the highest level of spatial frequency that would still allow reliable pattern detection at different temporal frequencies by using the phantom-contour paradigm. The results revealed that phantom-contour detection is impaired when the stimulus has a high spatial-frequency content and that phantom-contour perception is supported by low spatial frequencies.  相似文献   

G K Edgar  A T Smith 《Perception》1990,19(6):759-766
Measurements of the perceived spatial frequency of stationary sinewave gratings were made with the gratings presented at the same eccentricity in the left, right, upper, and lower visual hemifields. Ten subjects performed the task binocularly with spatial frequencies of 1, 2, and 4 cycles deg-1. Two of these subjects also performed the task monocularly at 2 cycles deg-1. In the majority of cases, the spatial frequency of stimuli presented in the left and lower visual hemifields was overestimated relative to stimuli presented in the right and upper visual hemifields. The results were similar for all spatial frequencies tested, and the direction of the asymmetry was the same whether viewing was with the left eye, right eye or binocular, suggesting that the differences in perceived spatial frequency are not retinal in origin.  相似文献   

Summary Hemispheric differences for feature perturbations were investigated in two experiments. Stimulus displays consisting of five small squares arranged in a single row were presented tachistoscopically, with the subject instructed to state in which square a horizontal tick mark was located. Ticks could occur in any of the three middle squares, with half of the ticks presented on the inside and half presented on the outside of the square in relation to the fovea. Experiment 1 presented each array of five squares to the right or left of fixation at one of three distances from the fovea. Experiment 2 manipulated the distance between the squares and kept foveal distance constant. In each experiment, fewer errors were made when stimuli were presented to the left visual field/right hemisphere than when they were presented to the right visual field/left hemisphere, when ticks migrated toward the fovea. Experiment 1 found that increasing the distance from the fovea increased the error rate, but did not change the hemispheric differences. Experiment 2 found that increasing the distance between the squares did not change hemispheric effects reliably. The data imply that hemispheric differences for perceptual processing begin very early during sensory analysis.  相似文献   

It is widely assumed that the cerebral hemispheres differ in their capacity for processing the global and local levels of hierarchical stimuli. However, corresponding visual-field (VF) effects in response time studies did not show up under all circumstances. In the present article the role of response conflict between the levels for the occurrence of these effects is investigated. Three experiments with hierarchical letters are reported, in which the absolute and/or the relative interference between the stimulus levels was varied. It turned out that VF effects occurred only for conflicting stimuli and only when there was at least a certain amount of absolute interference, whereas variations of the relative interference had no effect in this respect. These results suggest that there is a qualitative relationship between interference and VF effects. A possible explanation is provided by the assumption that the hemispheres are functionally equivalent with respect to early stimulus representations, whereas they differ in their efficiency for integrating letter identity and stimulus level.  相似文献   

Up to now functional hemispheric asymmetries for global/local processing have mainly been investigated with hierarchical letters as stimuli. In the present study, three experiments were conducted to examine whether corresponding visual-field (VF) effects can also be obtained with more naturalistic stimuli. To this end, images of animals with a pattern placed on their body were displayed as stimuli. The task for the global level and for the local level was to categorize the animals and the patterns, respectively. As a result, VF-effects were also found for these stimuli and tasks. It is concluded that the hemispheric differences observed for hierarchical letters also hold for naturalistic stimuli.  相似文献   

Visual field differences in spatial frequency discrimination   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Subjects discriminated between sine-wave gratings that differed by either +/-0.125 octaves (small difference) or +/-1.0 octaves (large difference). Baseline stimuli consisted of either 1.0 or 4.0 cycles per degree gratings. A left visual field advantage was obtained for the small difference in frequency, with no visual field advantages for the large difference in frequency. Similarly, moderate support for right versus left visual field advantages in processing high versus low spatial frequencies was found, although these interactions were not statistically significant. The results are discussed in light of Kosslyn's (1987) categorical and coordinate framework.  相似文献   

Although it is often assumed that the left and right cerebral hemispheres are specialized for local and global processing, respectively, recent studies show that this difference mainly occurs if the responses to the two levels of a stimulus are conflicting. In the present study we examined whether the favorable effect of response conflicts is caused by the increased task difficulty in this situation. To this end, the response selection for nonconflicting stimuli was complicated by frequently changing the stimulus-response mappings. As a result, the reactions to nonconflicting stimuli were as slow as those to conflicting ones. Nevertheless, hemispheric differences were again restricted to the latter situation. This shows that increased task difficulty can not explain the modulating effect of response conflicts. The results support the alternative hypothesis that different representations are needed for the response selection for nonconflicting and conflicting stimuli, and that the hemispheres differ only with respect to the latter.  相似文献   

In a series of experiments, we investigated the matching of objects across visual and haptic modalities across different time delays and spatial dimensions. In all of the experiments, we used simple L-shaped figures as stimuli that varied in either the x or the y dimension or in both dimensions. In Experiment 1, we found that cross-modal matching performance decreased as a function of the time delay between the presentation of the objects. We found no difference in performance between the visual-haptic (VH) and haptic-visual (HV) conditions. Cross-modal performance was better when objects differed in both the x and y dimensions rather than in one dimension alone. In Experiment 2, we investigated the relative contribution of each modality to performance across different interstimulus delays. We found no differential effect of delay between the HH and VV conditions, although general performance was better for the VV condition than for the HH condition. Again, responses to xy changes were better than changes in the x or y dimensions alone. Finally, in Experiment 3, we examined performance in a matching task with simultaneous and successive presentation conditions. We failed to find any difference between simultaneous and successive presentation conditions. Our findings suggest that the short-term retention of object representations is similar in both the visual and haptic modalities. Moreover, these results suggest that recognition is best within a temporal window that includes simultaneous or rapidly successive presentation of stimuli across the modalities and is also best when objects are more discriminable from each other.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to examine the influence of the spatial frequency content of natural images on saccadic size and fixation duration. In the first experiment 10 pictures of natural textures were low-pass filtered (0.04-0.76 cycles/deg) and high-pass filtered (1.91-19.56 cycles/deg) and presented with the unfiltered originals in random order, each for 10 s, to 18 participants, with the instruction to inspect them in order to find a suitable name. The participants' eye movements were recorded. It was found that low-pass filtered images resulted in larger saccadic amplitudes compared with high-pass filtered images. A second experiment was conducted with natural stimuli selected for different power spectra which supported the results outlined above. In general, low-spatial frequencies elicit larger saccades associated with shorter fixation durations whereas high-spatial frequencies elicit smaller saccades with longer fixation durations.  相似文献   

The precedence effect in sound localization   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

This article presents and tests the authors' integration hypothesis of global/local processing, which proposes that at early stages of processing, the identities of global and local units of a hierarchical stimulus are represented separately from information about their respective levels and that, therefore, identity and level information have to be integrated at later stages. It further states that the cerebral hemispheres differ in their capacities for these binding processes. Three experiments are reported in which the integration hypothesis was tested. Participants had to identify a letter at a prespecified level with the viewing duration restricted by a mask. False reporting of the letter at the nontarget level was predicted to occur more often when the integration of identity and level could fail. This was the case. Moreover, visual-field effects occurred, as expected. Finally, a multinomial model was constructed and fitted to the data.  相似文献   

Male and female subjects with normal or corrected-to-normal visual acuity and less than .25 diopter of corrected astigmatism were asked to make contrast threshold judgments in response to both stationary and drifting grating displays. Results indicate a sex difference in contrast sensitivity as a function of spatial frequency for vertical and oblique orientations.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that shifts of attention between global and local forms might be based on selection between, or differential activation of, low- and high-spatial-frequency channels. In the present study, pretrial cues indicated which level (global or local) was likely to contain the target on each trial. There was a response time (RT) advantage for validly cued trials and an RT cost for invalidly cued trials relative to a neutral cue baseline. This cuing effect was the same for broadband stimuli and for contrast-balanced stimuli in which low spatial frequencies were eliminated. Thus, cued attentional shifts between global and local forms occur even when selection cannot be based on spatial frequency.  相似文献   

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