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Three experiments were conducted to determine whether the mechanisms responsible for the detection of three-dimensional (3-D) surfaces from optic flow operate in a cooperative manner. The first experiment was conducted to determine whether a hysteresis effect occurs for 3-D surface detection from optic flow. The results of the first experiment demonstrated a hysteresis effect with lower thresholds occurring for decreasing texture density than for increasing texture density. The second experiment used a priming methodology to determine whether this form of cooperativity was based on preactivation of shear detectors or preactivation of 2-D motion detectors. The results suggest that only shear detectors were primed. The third experiment utilized a similar methodology to determine whether a surface representation would produce a priming effect. We found no evidence that the priming effect found in the second experiment was the result of preactivation of a generic representation of the test stimuli. The results of the experiments, considered together, suggest priming of the mechanisms responsible for recovering shear.  相似文献   

Perceived surface orientation and angular velocity were investigated for orthographic projections of 3-D rotating random-dot planes. It was found that (a) tilt was accurately perceived and (b) slant and angular velocity were systematically misperceived. It was hypothesized that these misperceptions are the product of a heuristic analysis based on the deformation, one of the differential invariants of the first-order optic flow. According to this heuristic, surface attitude and angular velocity are recovered by determining the magnitudes of these parameters that most likely produce the deformation of the velocity field, under the assumption that all slant and angular velocity magnitudes have the same a priori probability. The results of the present investigation support this hypothesis. Residual orientation anisotropies not accounted for by the proposed heuristic were also found.  相似文献   

Spatial orientation from optic flow in the central visual field   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Previous research has shown that stimulation of the central visual field with radial flow patterns (produced by forward motion) can induce perceived self-motion, but has failed to demonstrate effects on postural stability of either radial flow patterns or lamellar flow patterns (produced by horizontal translation) in the central visual field. The present study examined the effects of lamellar and radial flow on postural stability when stimulation was restricted to the central visual field. Displays simulating observer motion through a volume of randomly positioned points were observed binocularly through a window that limited the field of view to 15 degrees. The velocity of each display varied according to the sum of four sine functions of prime frequencies. Changes in posture were used to measure changes in perceived spatial orientation. A frequency analysis of postural sway indicated that increased sway occurred at the frequencies of motion simulated in the display for both lamellar and radial flow. These results suggest that both radial and lamellar optic flow are effective for determining spatial orientation when stimulation is limited to the central visual field.  相似文献   

Previous research (Andersen, 1989) has suggested that the recovery of 3-D shape from nonsmooth optic flow (motion transparency) can be performed by segregating surfaces according to the distributions of velocities present in the flow field. Five experiments were conducted to examine this hypothesis in a surface detection paradigm and to determine the limitations of human observers to detect 3-D surfaces in the presence of noise. Two display types were examined: a flow field that simulateda surface corrugated in depth and a flow field-that simulated a random volume. In addition, two types of noise were examined: a distribution of noise velocities that overlapped or did not overlap the velocity distribution that defined the -surface. Corrugation frequency and surface density were also examined. Detection performance increased with decreasing corrugation frequency, decreasing noise density, and decreasing surface density. Overall, the subjects demonstrated remarkable tolerance to the presence of noise and, for some conditions, could discriminate surface from random conditions when noise density was twice the-surface density. Discrimination accuracy was greater for the nonoverlapping than for the overlapping noise, providing support for an analysis based on the distribution of velocities.  相似文献   

W A Simpson 《Perception》1988,17(4):497-512
A simple scheme for deriving relative depth (time-to-collision, or TTC) from optic flow is developed in which the total flow is first sensed by unconnected motion (imperfect filter) sensors and then the rotational component is subtracted to yield the translational component. Only the latter component yields depth information. This scheme is contrasted with one where the TTC sensors respond only to the translational component at the initial registration of the flow (perfect filter sensors or looming detectors). The simple scheme predicts the results of three experiments on discrimination of TTC: discrimination thresholds are elevated if the objects withdraw from rather than approach the observer, thresholds are elevated if a rotational component is added to the flow, and the amount of threshold elevation resulting from the addition of a rotational component is reduced by prior adaptation to a pure rotational flow. These results confirm the simple model and disconfirm predictions based on the looming detector scheme.  相似文献   

Sensitivity of 8-week-old infants to optical flow specifying the shape of a three-dimensional object was assessed. Infants viewed kinetic random-dot displays that specified three-dimensional cubes. The cubes were identical except for the presence or absence of an interior corner. Half of the infants viewed the full display. The other half viewed the central region of the displays, where the flow specifying the presence or absence of the corner differed. Infants in the full-view condition looked significantly longer to a novel cube than to the familiar cube following habituation. In contrast, infants in the partial-view condition looked equally to the novel and familiar cubes, ruling out the possibility that infants who viewed the full displays merely discriminated differences in motion in the central region of the two displays. These findings suggest that infants as young as 8 weeks perceive three-dimensional object shape from optic flow.  相似文献   

Step-like movements were examined in pre-crawling (n = 9) and crawling (n = 9) 6–13 month-old infants in the air and on a surface in response to a static pattern or optic flows that moved toward or away from the infant. Infants completed six 60-s trials. A significant interaction between locomotor status and support condition revealed that pre-crawling infants made more step-like movements in the air than on a rigid surface. In contrast, crawling infants made an equivalent number of step-like movements in the air and on the surface. Optic flow did not influence the number of step-like movements made by infants. The pre-crawling infant finding is consistent with a finding in a previous study in which two month-old infants were shown to step more in the air than on the ground. This finding is discussed relative to the idea that the infant stepping pattern disappears because the legs become too heavy to lift.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to determine whether the discrimination of heading from optic flow is retinally invariant and to determine the importance of acuity in accounting for heading eccentricity effects. In the first experiment, observers were presented with radial flow fields simulating forward translation through a three-dimensional volume of dots. The flow fields subtended 10° of visual angle and were presented at 0°, 10°, 20°, and 40° of retinal eccentricity. The observers were asked to indicate whether the simulated movement was to the right or the left of a target that appeared at the end of the display sequence. Eye movements were monitored with an electrooculogram apparatus. In a second experiment, static acuity thresholds were derived for each of the observers at the same retinal eccentricities. There was a significant increase in heading detection thresholds with retinal eccentricity (from 0.92° at 0° retinal eccentricity to 3.47° at 40°). An analysis of covariance indicated that the variation in sensitivity to radial flow, as a function of retinal eccentricity, is independent of acuity. Similar results were obtained when the Vernier acuity of observers was measured. These results suggest that the discrimination of heading from radial flow is not retinally invariant.  相似文献   

Path integration from optic flow and body senses in a homing task   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We examined the roles of information from optic flow and body senses (eg vestibular and proprioceptive information) for path integration, using a triangle completion task in a virtual environment. In two experiments, the contribution of optic flow was isolated by using a joystick control. Five circular arenas were used for testing: (B) both floor and wall texture; (F) floor texture only, reducing information for rotation; (W) wall texture only, reducing information for translation; (N) a no texture control condition, and (P) an array of posts. The results indicate that humans can use optic flow for path integration and are differentially influenced by rotational and translational flow. In a third experiment, participants actively walked in arenas B, F, and N, so body senses were also available. Performance shifted from a pattern of underturning to overturning and exhibited decreased variability, similar responses with and without optic flow, and no attrition. The results indicate that path integration can be performed by integrating optic flow, but when information from body senses is available it appears to dominate.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to determine whether the discrimination of heading from optic flow is retinally invariant and to determine the importance of acuity in accounting for heading eccentricity effects. In the first experiment, observers were presented with radial flow fields simulating forward translation through a three-dimensional volume of dots. The flow fields subtended 10 degrees of visual angle and were presented at 0 degree, 10 degrees, 20 degrees, and 40 degrees of retinal eccentricity. The observers were asked to indicate whether the simulated movement was to the right or the left of a target that appeared at the end of the display sequence. Eye movements were monitored with an electrooculogram apparatus. In a second experiment, static acuity thresholds were derived for each of the observers at the same retinal eccentricities. There was a significant increase in heading detection thresholds with retinal eccentricity (from 0.92 degree at 0 degree retinal eccentricity to 3.47 degrees at 40 degrees). An analysis of covariance indicated that the variation in sensitivity to radial flow, as a function of retinal eccentricity, is independent of acuity. Similar results were obtained when the Vernier acuity of observers was measured. These results suggest that the discrimination of heading from radial flow is not retinally invariant.  相似文献   

Sequential presentation of a number of random-dot patterns which when super-imposed yield an expanding flow field leads to the perception of a coherent motion towards the observer. The motion vectors in this type of flow field all radiate from the origin. This percept of a global coherent expanding flow results only when the local speeds (magnitude of the local motion vectors) are zero at the centre and increase linearly towards the periphery. If all the dots radiate outwards but have the same speed, a clear percept of three-dimensional nonrigidity arises.  相似文献   

This is a study of perception of bending motion and jointed rigid motions over large invisible segments of a bending line. In this project, we investigated the visual perception of changing form of lines, built up by a series of dots and presented under highly reduced pictorial conditions. The changing form was indicated by one or two moving and continuously changing visible fragments of the line. The most extreme condition studied was the perception of the bending of an initially vertical 24-dot line, visually represented only by the stationary base dot and the two moving dots at its top. In this experiment, nearly all subjects reported experiencing a smooth bending connection over the 21-dot empty gap. Three experiments are described and analyzed. The results suggest that the human visual system is astonishingly well adapted for derivation of relevant figurai information from such severely reduced, continuously changing optical presentation. An explanation in terms of automatic sensory mechanisms related to the physiological receptive field effect is proposed.  相似文献   

Visually-based navigation is a key competence during spatial cognition. Animals avoid obstacles and approach goals in novel cluttered environments using optic flow to compute heading with respect to the environment. Most navigation models try either explain data, or to demonstrate navigational competence in real-world environments without regard to behavioral and neural substrates. The current article develops a model that does both. The ViSTARS neural model describes interactions among neurons in the primate magnocellular pathway, including V1, MT+, and MSTd. Model outputs are quantitatively similar to human heading data in response to complex natural scenes. The model estimates heading to within 1.5° in random dot or photo-realistically rendered scenes, and within 3° in video streams from driving in real-world environments. Simulated rotations of less than 1°/s do not affect heading estimates, but faster simulated rotation rates do, as in humans. The model is part of a larger navigational system that identifies and tracks objects while navigating in cluttered environments.  相似文献   

How do we determine where we are heading during visually controlled locomotion? Psychophysical research has shown that humans are quite good at judging their travel direction, or heading, from retinal optic flow. Here we show that retinal optic flow is sufficient, but not necessary, for determining heading. By using a purely cyclopean stimulus (random dot cinematogram), we demonstrate heading perception without retinal optic flow. We also show that heading judgments are equally accurate for the cyclopean stimulus and a conventional optic flow stimulus, when the two are matched for motion visibility. The human visual system thus demonstrates flexible, robust use of available visual cues for perceiving heading direction.  相似文献   

Previous work (Harris and Giachritsis 2000, Vision Research 40 601-611) has shown that, when global and local image expansion are placed in conflict, estimates of time-to-contact (TTC) are based almost exclusively upon global expansion. Here we extend this finding by demonstrating that global image expansion continues to predominate even under conditions that seem more favourable to a local analysis. We added a global rotation to the stimulus so that the global pattern of expansion was distorted while leaving the local expansion unaffected. Even under relatively high rotation rates (30 degrees s(-1)), local expansion continued to have little systematic effect upon estimates of TTC.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the effects of different gaze types (stationary fixation, directed looking, or gaze shifting) and gaze eccentricities (central or peripheral) on the vection induced by jittering, oscillating, and purely radial optic flow. Contrary to proposals of eccentricity independence for vection (e.g., Post, 1988), we found that peripheral directed looking improved vection and peripheral stationary fixation impaired vection induced by purely radial flow (relative to central gaze). Adding simulated horizontal or vertical viewpoint oscillation to radial flow always improved vection, irrespective of whether instructions were to fixate, or look at, the center or periphery of the self-motion display. However, adding simulated high-frequency horizontal or vertical viewpoint jitter was found to increase vection only when central gaze was maintained. In a second experiment, we showed that alternating gaze between the center and periphery of the display also improved vection (relative to stable central gaze), with greater benefits observed for purely radial flow than for horizontally or vertically oscillating radial flow. These results suggest that retinal slip plays an important role in determining the time course and strength of vection. We conclude that how and where one looks in a self-motion display can significantly alter vection by changing the degree of retinal slip.  相似文献   

Structure-from-motion algorithms based on weak-perspective projection have many interesting properties and could serve as a basis for a model of human perception of motion and structure from motion (M&SFM). There is some psychophysical evidence, however, that points to discrepancies between what can be accomplished with these algorithms and the performance of human subjects in certain M&SFM tasks. In light of this evidence, this paper presents a mechanism that both takes advantage of all the possibilities offered by a weak-perspective approach and behaves in a manner that is in close correspondence with human performance in M&SFM tasks. It consists of a novel weak-perspective—based method operating at small visual angles and a complementary, perspective-projection—based method operating at larger visual angles.  相似文献   

In everyday life, the optic flow associated with the performance of complex actions, like walking through a field of obstacles and catching a ball, entails retinal flow with motion energy (first-order motion). We report the results of four complex action tasks performed in virtual environments without any retinal motion energy. Specifically, we used dynamic random-dot stereograms with single-frame lifetimes (cyclopean stimuli) such that in neither eye was there retinal motion energy or other monocular information about the actions being performed. Performance on the four tasks with the cyclopean stimuli was comparable to performance with luminance stimuli, which do provide retinal optic flow. The near equivalence of the two types of stimuli indicates that if optic flow is involved in the control of action, it is not tied to first-order retinal motion.  相似文献   

In visual search, items defined by a unique feature are found easily and efficiently. Search for a moving target among stationary distractors is one such efficient search. Search for a stationary target among moving distractors is markedly more difficult. In the experiments reported here, we confirm this finding and further show that searches for a stationary target within a structured flow field are more efficient than searches for stationary targets among distractors moving in random directions. The structured motion fields tested included uniform direction of motion, a radial flow field simulating observer forward motion, and a deformation flow field inconsistent with observer motion. The results using optic flow stimuli were not significantly different from the results obtained with other structured fields of distractors. The results suggest that the local properties of the flow fields rather than global optic flow properties are important for determining the efficiency of search for a stationary target.  相似文献   

Baumberger B  Flückiger M 《Perception》2004,33(9):1081-1099
In three experiments we tested the ability of children aged 8 to 12 years and adults to locate a target in an optic texture flow projected onto the ground. During the exposure phase, a static target (diode) was lit up at 6 m or 8 m on the ground in front of the subject. During the pointing phase, the subject was asked to indicate the perceived location of the target with a laser pointer as soon as the target was switched off. In the first experiment, during both phases the optic texture (environment) was either motionless or approaching the subject. Results showed that target locations were significantly more underestimated within the moving texture than within the still texture. In the second experiment, a detailed error analysis showed that the differences of performance between children and adults were not due to differences in eye height. Errors can be described by a linear fit with the retinal speed of the optic flow surrounding the targets. Distance judgments improved from the age of 8 years onwards. In the last experiment we found the same kind of results with a receding texture and without stimulation in central vision. Results are discussed in terms of subject's capacity to compensate for the effect of linear vection produced by the optic flow.  相似文献   

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