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The importance of job autonomy, cognitive ability, and job-related skill for predicting role breadth and job performance 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Role theory suggests and empirical research has found that there is considerable variation in how broadly individuals define their jobs. We investigated the theoretically meaningful yet infrequently studied relationships between incumbent job autonomy, cognitive ability, job-related skill, role breadth, and job performance. Using multiple data sources and multiple measurement occasions in a field setting, we found that job autonomy, cognitive ability, and job-related skill were positively related to role breadth, accounting for 23% of the variance in role breadth. In addition, role breadth was positively related to job performance and was found to mediate the relationship between job autonomy, cognitive ability, job-related skill, and job performance. These results add to our understanding of the factors that predict role breadth, as well as having implications for how job aspects and individual characteristics are translated into performance outcomes and the treatment of variability in incumbent reports of job tasks. 相似文献
Peter Leeson Joseph Ciarrochi Patrick C.L. Heaven 《Personality and individual differences》2008,45(7):630-635
Does positive thinking predict variance in school grades over and above that predicted by cognitive ability? Six hundred and thirty nine high school students participated in a three-year longitudinal study that predicted grades using cognitive ability and three positive thinking variables – self-esteem, hope, and attributional style. Hope, positive attributional style and cognitive ability predicted higher grades, whilst self-esteem was a less consistent predictor of academic performance. Structural equation modelling revealed significant paths from cognitive ability, gender, and a second order positive thinking factor to grades. The results suggest that intelligence, gender, and positive thinking each play a unique role in predicting academic performance in youth. Some suggestions for further research are made. 相似文献
Pat-Anthony Federico 《Personality and individual differences》1984,5(5):575-585
Fifty, right-handed males were given 11 psychometric tests of cognitive styles, abilities and aptitudes. Visual (VERP), auditory (AERP) and bimodal (BERP) brain event-related-potential (ERP) amplitudes were recorded from each of these Ss. Canonical and product-moment correlations were computed. These analyses established that VERPs and BERPs elicited in the frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital regions were related to abilities and aptitudes: general aptitude, reading and verbal comprehension and spatial ability; and a cognitive style: field dependence-independence. The results demonstrated the construct validity of ERPs as indicators of individual differences in cognitive characteristics, especially crystallized and fluid intelligence. 相似文献
What are the underlying sources of cognitive ability differences and of cognitive growth? Recent attention has focused on the experimental isolation of cognitive processing factors in the explanation of performance differences on complex tasks, and a number of research studies show a substantial relation between processing parameters and ability differences. Several validity issues—convergent process measures, differential ability prediction, and multiple levels of analysis—have not been addressed empirically, and these concerns are the focus of this study. Sixty eighth graders (30 F, 30 M) and 60 adults (30 F, 30 M) participated in verbal and spatial assessments, and in six experiments over two sessions. Three experiments were designed to estimate memory retrieval processing and three to estimate mental rotation processing. Two strategy parameters were derived also from these experiments. Within the processing tasks, there was modest convergence for eighth graders but negligible convergence for adults. More importantly, relationships between the processing parameters and the ability indices failed substantially to conform to the theoretically predicted convergent/discriminant pattern. Regression analyses also provided support for these disconforming patterns. The viability of explaining developmental and/or individual] differences using cognitive processing variance is explored. 相似文献
Goal orientation and ability: interactive effects on self-efficacy,performance, and knowledge 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
This study examined the direct relationship of goal orientation--and the interaction of goal orientation and cognitive ability--with self-efficacy, performance, and knowledge in a learning context. The authors argue that whether a particular type of goal orientation is adaptive or not adaptive depends on individuals' cognitive ability. Consistent with previous research, learning orientation was positively related to self-efficacy, performance, and knowledge, whereas performance orientation was negatively related to performance only. The interactions between goal orientation and ability also supported several hypotheses. As expected, learning orientation was generally adaptive for high-ability individuals but had no effect for low-ability individuals. In contrast, the effects of performance orientation were contingent on both individuals' level of cognitive ability and the outcome examined. 相似文献
This study suggests regression trees as a complementary tool to regression and SEM to respond to questions related with the influence of intelligence, personality, and their interplay on academic performance. Data from 818 secondary education students (402 girls and 416 boys) in aptitudes, personality, and academic performance in four learning areas: language (Catalan and Spanish) and science (Natural and Mathematics) were modelled with this technique. Two hypotheses articulated the presentation of this methodology. Aptitudes were much more relevant than personality to explain variance in academic performance. Verbal aptitude was particularly more relevant for girls than for boys. 相似文献
The predictive validity of General Aptitude Test Battery and Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire scores were compared to standard training ratings made by vocational instructors against the criterion of work performance measured by the Minnesota Satisfactoriness Scales for a sample of 106 employees with severe handicaps. The psychometric test variables were not correlated with the criterion; however, the training ratings were consistently predictive of the job satisfactoriness scores. These results suggest that the employment potential of job applicants with disabilities can be assessed more accurately using situational training ratings, as opposed to standardized psychometric test scores. 相似文献
This commentary touches on practical, public policy, and social science domains informed by cognitive epidemiology while pulling together common themes running through this important special issue. As is made clear in the contributions assembled here, and others (Deary, Whalley, & Starr, 2009; Gottfredson, 2004; Lubinski & Humphreys, 1992, 1997), social scientists and practitioners cannot afford to neglect cognitive ability when modeling epidemiological and health care phenomena. However, given the dominant concern about the confounding of general cognitive ability (GCA) and socioeconomic status (SES), and the extent to which SES is frequently seen as the primary cause of health disparities (while GCA is neglected as a possible influence in epidemiology and health psychology), some methodological applications for untangling the relative influences of GCA and SES are reviewed. In addition, cognitive epidemiology is placed in a broader context: Just as cognitive epidemiology facilitates an understanding of pathology (“at risk” populations, and ways to attenuate undesirable personal and social conditions), it may also enrich our understanding of optimal functioning (“at promise” populations, and ways to identify and nurture the human and social capital needed to develop innovations for saving lives, economies, and perhaps even our planet). Finally, while GCA is likely the most important dimension in the study of individual differences for modeling healthy behaviors and outcomes, other relatively independent dimensions of psychological diversity do add value (Krueger, Caspi, & Moffitt, 2000). For example, compliance has at least two psychological components: a “can do” competency component (ability) and a “will do” motivational component (conscientiousness). Ultimately, developing and modeling healthy behaviors, interpersonal environments, and medical maladies are best accomplished by teaming multiple dimensions of human individuality. 相似文献
Abnormality, cognitive virtues, and knowledge 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Robert K. Shope 《Synthese》2008,163(1):99-118
Causal analyses of one’s knowing that p have recently emphasized the involvement of cognitive virtues in coming to believe that p. John Greco suggests that in order to deal with Gettier-type cases, a virtue analysis of knowing should include a requirement
that one’s knowing does not in a certain way involve abnormality. Yet Greco’s emphasis on statistical abnormality either renders
his analysis subject to a generality problem or to objections regarding certain Gettier-type cases. When we instead consider
abnormality in the sense of a causally differentiating factor in relation to a causal contrast situation, the account remains
unclear concerning its application to an interesting non-Gettier-type case concerning chance. The exploration of these shortcomings
casts doubt on the epistemological usefulness of the schema, ‘If you know, then there is no abnormality in your being right.’ 相似文献
Frank P. McKenna 《Applied cognitive psychology》1990,4(6):425-437
The relationship between field dependence-independence and learning has been the subject of much research. In particular it has been suggested that matching teachers and students on cognitive style may produce beneficial results. Much research has also related cognitive style to the way students learn, the way teachers teach, and the way students make choices and perform in various academic areas. While cognitive style has provided the theoretical framework, it is found upon re-examination that a contrasting interpretation in terms of cognitive ability is readily applicable. 相似文献
Leanne E. Atwater 《Journal of business and psychology》1992,7(1):27-44
New measures of practical intelligence and personality traits were assessed for their ability to improve the prediction of performance beyond cognitive ability. Measures of practical intelligence from the newly developed Constructive Thinking Inventory and traits measuring emotional stability and expedience were used as independent variables in regression analyses predicting academic performance, training performance and leadership ratings of 86 student leaders. The constructive thinking scales added significantly to the prediction of academic performance, beyond measures of cognitive ability. Constructive thinking also accounted for unique variance predicting training performance and leadership ratings. Personality traits were unrelated to performance or leadership. 相似文献
Robert P. Tett Kurt A. Freund Neil D. Christiansen Kevin E. Fox John Coaster 《Personality and individual differences》2012,52(2):195-201
We assessed the combined effects of cognitive ability, opportunity to fake, and trait job-relevance on faking self-report emotional intelligence and personality tests by having 150 undergraduates complete such tests honestly and then so as to appear ideal for one of three jobs: nurse practitioner, marketing manager, and computer programmer. Faking, as expected, was greater (a) in higher-g participants, (b) in those scoring lower under honest conditions (with greater opportunity to fake), and (c) on job-relevant traits. Predicted interactions accounted for additional unique variance in faking. Combining all three factors yielded a “perfect storm” standardized difference of around 2, more than double the overall .83 estimate. Implications for the study of faking are discussed. 相似文献
Parents' job insecurity affects children's academic performance through cognitive difficulties. 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The authors developed and tested a model in which children who perceive their parents to be insecure about their jobs are distracted cognitively, which in turn affects their academic performance negatively. Participants were 102 female and 18 male undergraduates (mean age = 18 years), their fathers (mean age = 49 years), and their mothers (mean age = 47 years). Students completed questionnaires measuring perceived parental job insecurity, identification with parents, and cognitive difficulties; 3 months later, they also reported their midyear grades. Fathers and mothers each completed questionnaires assessing their job insecurity. Support for the model was obtained using LISREL 8, and as predicted, children's identification with their mothers and fathers moderated the relationship between their perceptions of their mothers' and fathers' job insecurity and their own cognitive difficulties. 相似文献
A laboratory experiment was conducted to examine the effects of cognitive ability, task interests, goal setting, and feedback
on perceived competence, intrinsic motivation, performance, and satisfaction with performance. Data were collected from 90
introductory psychology students performing one of two computer-based tasks. Results indicated that the motivational interventions
interacted with cognitive ability in relation to intrinsic motivation, perceived competence, and satisfaction with performance.
Implications are discussed within the framework of cognitive resources theory and goal-setting theory. 相似文献
We tested the combined effects of goal type and cognitive ability on task performance using a moderately complex task. Business
students (N = 105) worked on a 24 min class scheduling task. The results showed that participants with higher cognitive ability benefited
more from the setting of a performance goal as opposed to a learning goal. The reverse pattern was true for participants with
lower cognitive ability. Performance goals were more effective for participants with higher cognitive ability vis-à-vis those
with lower cognitive ability. The correlation between goal commitment and performance was positive and significant as was
the correlation between cognitive ability and performance. 相似文献
Gerhard Blickle James A. Meurs Ingo Zettler Jutta Solga Daniela Noethen Jochen Kramer Gerald R. Ferris 《Journal of Vocational Behavior》2008,(3):377-387
Based on the socioanalytic perspective of performance prediction [Hogan, R. (1991). Personality and personality assessment. In M. D. Dunnette, L. Hough, (Eds.), Handbook of industrial and organizational psychology (2nd ed., pp. 873–919). Chicago: Rand McNally; Hogan, R., & Shelton, D. (1998). A socioanalytic perspective on job performance. Human Performance, 11, 129–144.], the present study tests whether motives to get along and to get ahead produce greater performance when interactively combined with social effectiveness. Specifically, we investigated whether interactions of the Five-Factor Model constructs of agreeableness and conscientiousness with political skill predict job performance. Our results supported our hypothesis for the agreeableness-political skill interaction. Additionally, after correcting for the unreliability and restricted range of conscientiousness, we found that its interaction with political skill also significantly predicted job performance, although not precisely as hypothesized. Implications of the results and directions for future research are provided. 相似文献
This study addressed the effect of job involvement on the relationship between Machiavellianism and job performance. The results showed a significant effect for managers who perceive themselves as possessing high levels of job involvement. No effect was found for managers who perceived themselves as having low levels of job involvement. Findings are discussed in the context of the research, and implications are provided for executives in the retail setting. 相似文献
Interaction of social skill and general mental ability on job performance and salary. 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Job and organizational changes have promoted the importance of social skill at work, yet research in this area has been limited. The authors investigated the interaction between social skill and general mental ability (GMA) in the explanation of job performance and salary, controlling for personality and demographic characteristics. The results indicated that the relationships between social skill and job performance were stronger among workers high than low in GMA. In a similar manner. the relationships between GMA and job performance were stronger among workers high than low in social skill. The interaction on salary indicated that increases in social skill (or GMA) for high-GMA (or social skill) individuals were associated with higher salary levels. It is interesting, however, that increases in social skill (or GMA) for those low in GMA (or social skill) contributed to lower salaries. Implications of these results and directions for future research are discussed. 相似文献
Jens M. Unger Nina Keith Christine Hilling Michael M. Gielnik Michael Frese 《Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology》2009,82(1):21-44
The study examines antecedents and outcomes of deliberate practice activities in South African small businesses. Deliberate practice consists of individualized self‐regulated and effortful activities aimed at improving one's current performance level. Interview and questionnaire data from 90 South African business owners showed a direct impact of deliberate practice on entrepreneurial knowledge as well as an indirect effect on business growth via entrepreneurial knowledge. Cognitive ability and education were identified as antecedents of deliberate practice. Findings underline the importance of continuous proactive learning efforts in small business. The results of this study are relevant for policy makers, consultants, and credit providers. 相似文献