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Libby O. Ruch 《Sex roles》1984,10(1-2):99-117
Bem has criticized psychological scales which categorize individuals as masculine or feminine and has developed the Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) to measure androgyny as well as femininity and masculinity. Bem's work on androgyny has stimulated not only a growing research tradition on androgyny but also methodological critiques of the BSRI instrument and scoring procedure. The purpose of this research is to replicate in part a study done by Pedhazur and Tetenbaum which raises serious questions about the unidimensionality of the feminine and masculine subscales in the BSRI. The alternative multidimensional techniques of factor analysis (the method used by Pedhazur and Tetenbaum) and smallest space analysis are applied to the BSRI data set. Both techniques indicate that the feminine and masculine subsets are not unidimensional, but they yield quite different results concerning the actual nature of the dimensions in the BSRI. The results of the factor analysis, but not the smallest space analysis, are consistent with the findings of Pedhazur and Tetenbaum, thus yielding mixed evidence about the validity of their conclusions based solely on factor-analyzed data.The author wishes to acknowledge the constructive comments by Professors Milton Bloombaum, John Gartrell, Louis Guttman, and Martha Mednick during various stages of this research, and the assistance of Dr. Jerry Brennan with the data analysis. Support for this project was provided by the Social Science Research Institute, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii.  相似文献   


Measuring fear of failure (FF) is a tremendous challenge for researchers and practitioners because (a) existing measures have demonstrated limited support for the validity of their score interpretations, and (b) existing measures are unidimensional while accumulating evidence suggests that FF is multidimensional. The Performance Failure Appraisal Inventory (PFAI) was developed to measures a set of empirically-derived congnitive-motivational-relational appraisals associated with FF. Results indicated that PFAI scores represented fears of (a) experiencing shame and embarrassment, (b) devaluing one's self-estimate, (c) losing social influence, (d) having an uncertain future, and (e) upsetting important others. Correlations with external measures of achievement goal orientations, trait anxiety, and social desirability were consistent with theoretical predictions. PFAI scores correctly classified 76.5% of participants' perceptions of underachievement.  相似文献   

IntroductionLittle is known about the importance of the adaptive, maladaptive and neutral facets of competitive orientations among French athletes.ObjectiveThe aim of this study is to test the factorial validation and measurement invariance of the French version of the multidimensional competitive orientation inventory (FVMCOI) from the original version (MCOI, Orosz et al., 2018), which included 12 items and four factors (i.e., hypercompetitive orientation, self-developmental competitive orientation, anxiety-driven competition avoidance, and lack of interest toward competition).MethodA series of three complementary studies was carried out with a total sample of 891 competitors.ResultsFollowing cross-cultural validation methods a preliminary version of the FVMCOI was constructed and the clarity of its items was established (study 1). Then, exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) confirmed that the four-factor model for the FVMCOI was factorially valid, and consistent with the model of the original version. As such, the multiple-group invariance tests showed that the FVMCOI was partially invariant across both age and gender and fully invariant across type of sport, level of competition and over time (study 2). Finally, the concurrent validity of the FVMCOI was demonstrated through its expected relationships with achievement goals, competitive aggressiveness and anger in sport (study 3).ConclusionThe establishment of the FVMCOI extends the research in sport psychology by allowing an extensive psychometric study of the MCOI in the sport domain and providing deeper insights into the healthy, unhealthy, and neutral nature of competitive orientation in this context. The FVMCOI's potential practical applications in sport context, with some limitations and perspectives of this study, are also discussed.  相似文献   

The multidimensional driving style inventory (MDSI), assessing four broad dimensions of driving styles, was originally built in Israel. In line with other previous adaptations of this instrument in different cultural contexts (such as Argentina), our research aimed to develop a valid and reliable Romanian version of the MDSI and to evaluate its external and construct validity. We conducted two studies aimed at this objective. Study 1 (n = 1237) first tested the factorial adequacy of the previous MDSI versions in our Romanian sample. Then, the culture-specific version of the MDSI that emerged from the factor analysis was examined in terms of its structure, internal consistency, item proprieties, and associations to socio-demographic variables and self-reported traffic crashes and offenses. Study 2 (n = 835) examined the associations between the driving styles assessed by this newly developed measure and several relevant personality traits: sensation seeking (both general and in traffic), desire for control, driving anger, normlessness, dutifulness and frustration discomfort. The results of the two studies support the validity and reliability of this culture-specific version of the MDSI. In comparison to the previous versions, the Romanian MDSI version addresses a supplementary driving style, concerning the violation of rules perceived as irrational in the respective situation. The reasons for the emergence of this distinct driving style in the Romanian driving context, as well as its relationships to the high traffic crashes rate in this country are discussed.  相似文献   

This study provides convergent, discriminant, and incremental validity data for a new measure of narcissistic personality traits created from the perspective of the Five-factor model (FFM) of general personality structure. Fifteen scales were constructed as maladaptive variants of respective facets of the FFM (e.g., Reactive Anger as a narcissistic variant of angry hostility), with item selection made on the basis of a criterion-keying approach using results from 167 undergraduates. On the basis of data from 166 additional undergraduates, the convergent validity of these 15 scales was tested with respect to 8 established measures of narcissism (including measures of both grandiose and vulnerable narcissism) and the respective facets of the FFM. Discriminant validity was tested with respect to facets from other FFM domains. Incremental validity was tested with respect to the ability of the FFM narcissism trait scales to account for variance in 2 alternative measures of narcissism, after variance accounted for by respective NEO PI-R facet scales and other established measures of narcissism were first removed. The findings support the validity of these new scales as measures of narcissistic personality traits and as maladaptive variants of the FFM.  相似文献   

Baer RA  Smith GT  Allen KB 《Assessment》2004,11(3):191-206
A self-report inventory for the assessment of mindfulness skills was developed, and its psychometric characteristics and relationships with other constructs were examined. Participants included three samples of undergraduate students and a sample of outpatients with borderline personality disorder Based on discussions of mindfulness in the current literature, four mindfulness skills were specified: observing, describing, acting with awareness, and accepting without judgment. Scales designed to measure each skill were developed and evaluated. Results showed good internal consistency and test-retest reliability and a clear factor structure. Most expected relationships with other constructs were significant. Findings suggest that mindfulness skills are differentially related to aspects of personality and mental health, including neuroticism, psychological symptoms, emotional intelligence, alexithymia, experiential avoidance, dissociation, and absorption.  相似文献   

Interest in the topic of loneliness has resulted in the development of a number of global, unidimensional instruments used for measuring current levels of loneliness. A new, multidimensional scale, the Loneliness Rating Scale (LRS), is introduced. This 40-item scale assesses the frequency and intensity of particular affects reported by lonely individuals. Results of a factor analytic procedure suggest that the LRS contains four affective dimensions: Depletion, Isolation, Agitation, and Dejection. The theoretical implications of these results are presented, along with information concerning the usage and scoring of the LRS.  相似文献   

The MBHI and MMPI personality disorder scales were analyzed for convergent and discriminant validity. Correlational data demonstrated that six of the eight scales were significantly related, while the remaining two scales approached significance. Further analyses of these data, however, demonstrated that none of the scales correlated significantly better with its convergent scale compared to nonconvergent scales. The MBHI classified significantly more of the sample as personality disordered (93%) compared to the MMPI personality disorder scales (17%). Furthermore, the MBHI tended to describe the sample as falling within the Anxious cluster of personality disorders, whereas the MMPI described them within the Dramatic cluster. Single scale codetype correspondence was found to be 15%, while two-point concordance was 12.5%, indicating very low congruence between personality style codetypes. These two measures do not appear to be measuring the same personality style constructs.  相似文献   

Hypochondriacal and hysteroid personalities are considered the extreme variants of defined emotional and motivational dimensions. The hysteroid personality is mainly characterized by a strong need for social attention and respect as well as by a lack of emotional genuiness. For the diagnosis of hypochondriacal and hysteroid personality tendencies, a Hypochondria-Hysteria Inventory was developed and employed in 13 different samples with a total of 1206 persons. The index scores of the individual degrees of hypochondriacal and hysteroid tendencies were demonstrated to be of sufficient reliability. There was no important relationship between the individual degrees of hypochondriacal and hysteroid tendencies. Hypochondriacal tendencies are significantly correlated with general anxiety, neuroticism, depression, inhibition and psychasthenia as well as with a general negative self-concept. There is only a weak and partial significant relationship to the degree of introversion. The intensity of hypochondriacal tendencies increases with age. Hysteroid personality tendencies are significantly associated with extraversion, a certain degree of aggressiveness as well as with unconcern and sociability. The intensity of hysteroid tendencies in older adults is lower than in adolescents and young adults.  相似文献   

The Multidimensional Driving Style Inventory (MDSI) is the most comprehensive measure of typical driving behavior to date and has been frequently used to compare driving styles across different groups of drivers, particularly between gender- and age-related groups. However, the factor structure of MDSI has not been clearly established and its measurement invariance has not been demonstrated. The goal of the present study was to examine the internal structure and measurement invariance of the MDSI across gender and age. A sample of 1277 drivers from Argentina responded to the Argentinian version of the MDSI. Exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) was used to test the factor structure and measurement invariance across females (n = 602) and males (n = 675), and across young (18–29, n = 558), adult (30–49, n = 395) and older (50 and older, n = 317) drivers. The results showed that a 36-item six-factor ESEM model represented by risky, angry, dissociative, anxious, distress-reduction and careful and patient driving styles was the best model based on fit indices and interpretability. Configural, weak and strong invariance of the six-factor ESEM model across gender and age was also supported. The MDSI in its Argentinian version is equivalent across gender and age, supporting the validity of previous research findings examining gender and age differences in driving styles. Future studies should examine the measurement invariance of the MDSI across other relevant driving-related variables.  相似文献   

The Personality Inventory for Children-Revised (PIC-R) is a parent-report measure of social-emotional adjustment for children 3 to 16 years of age. The present study examined the clinical value of the PIC-R by exploring the impact of age and developmental status on PIC-R profiles, particularly on the Psychosis (PSY) scale, within a sample of preschool and school-age children referred for assessment of suspected cognitive impairment and learning problems. Compared to school-age children, significantly more preschoolers obtained elevated scores on the Psychosis scale; those preschoolers with cognitive impairments were even more likely to obtain significantly elevated Psychosis scale scores, despite the absence of diagnosed childhood psychosis. No significant relationship was found between Psychosis scale elevations and cognitive impairment in the school-age group. The PIC-R was moderately accurate in identifying cognitively impaired preschoolers but only minimally accurate in identifying cognitively impaired school-age children.  相似文献   

The present study tests the mediating role of hypochondriasis to explain the relation between anxiety sensitivity and panic symptomatology. Fifty-seven outpatients with clinically significant levels of panic symptomatology were selected to participate in the study. Measures of anxiety sensitivity, hypochondriasis, and panic symptomatology were obtained from standardized, self-administered questionnaires: the Anxiety Sensitivity Index (ASI; Reiss, Peterson, Gursky, & McNally, 1986), the Whiteley Index of Hypochondriasis (WI; Pilowsky, 1967), and the Panic-Agoraphobic Spectrum Self-Report (PAS-SR; Cassano et al., 1997; Shear et al., 2001). Regression analyses were performed to test for the mediation models. The results show that the effect of anxiety sensitivity on panic symptomatology is not significant when controlling the hypochondriacal concerns, whereas the latter predicted panic symptoms. This result holds for the overall ASI as well as for the Physical Concerns and the Mental Incapacitation Concerns dimensions of the ASI scale. No evidence of a direct relation between the Social Concerns dimension and panic symptoms was found. The findings suggest that hypochondriacal concerns might represent the mechanism through which anxiety sensitivity is able to influence panic symptoms.  相似文献   

This study employed a repeated-measures simulation design to examine (a) the specific effects of malingering on a recently developed measure of psychopathy, the Psychopathic Personality Inventory (PPI), and (b) the broader association between psychopathic traits and dissimulation. One hundred and forty-three participants completed the PPI twice (both under standard instructions and with instructions to feign psychosis), and also completed post-test questionnaires assessing their attitudes toward engaging in malingering across several hypothetical settings. When attempting to feign psychosis, participants produced elevated scores on a validity scale designed to identify deviant responding, and use of a cross-validated cutoff score with this scale produced high sensitivity and specificity rates across the honest and malingering conditions. Furthermore, PPI scores (in the honest condition) were significantly correlated with a willingness to engage in dissimulation across various hypothetical forensic/correctional scenarios. Results are discussed in terms of the "fakability" of the PPI, as well as the relationship between psychopathic personality features and malingering more generally.  相似文献   

This investigation reports on the development and initial validation of the anti-racism behavioral inventory, a measure designed to assess anti-racism awareness and behavior among students in counseling and counseling psychology programs within the United States (US). Data from 513 participants were collected over three related studies. Factor analyses suggested that the 21-item scale was best represented as a bifactor model with one general anti-racism behavior factor and three domain-specific factors, namely individual advocacy, awareness of racism, and institutional advocacy. Additional validity was supported through inverse associations with measures of symbolic racism and color-blind racial attitudes, as well as positive associations with scores on the Quick Discrimination Index. Potential utility of the measure and future directions for ongoing development is discussed.  相似文献   

The traditional physiologically defined activation or arousal continuum, which ranges from intense emotion and vigorous activity on one extreme to calmness and sleep on the other, is rejected in favor of a psychological model with two activation dimensions and a single continuum of energy expenditure. One activation dimension ranges from subjectively defined feelings of energy and vigor to the opposite feelings of sleepiness and tiredness. Activation states associated with this dimension regularly vary in a circadian rhythm, and this dimension underlies gross physical activity and many aspects of cognition. The second dimension ranges from subjective tension to placidity and quietness, and it probably underlies a variety of emotions (e.g., anxiety) and stress reactions (e.g., effects of loud noise). While the two dimensions are positively correlated at moderate levels of energy expenditure, they are negatively correlated at high levels of expenditure; therefore, tension is lowest when energy-vigor is greatest and vice versa. Vulnerability to tension increases at late night, early morning, and at other times when effort and stress have increased tiredness and reduced vigorousness. Extremely low activation on either dimension de-energizes the whole system. Although only two dimensions are assumed, the possibility of four or more activation dimensions is discussed.I am grateful to Carolyn Thayer, Leonard Hommel, John Jung, Lyle Creamer, and Kenneth Armbruster for reading and commenting on an earlier version of this paper. I also wish to thank David McCarty for his aid in collecting and reducing data for Study 1. Finally, thanks are due to David Payne for his contributions of thermometers for Study 1 and literature retrieval services for other aspects of this work.  相似文献   

The efficiency of (a) a school readiness test, (b) mental age, and (c) specific sensory and perceptual skills was tested as predictors of word recognition at the end of the first school year. Five hundred and eigth children in four schools with three significantly different socioeconomic backgrounds were tested in kindergarten. Two schools were in the same middle-class area: one was a traditional classroom school, the other was open space in structure. When the variables were examined by means of stepwise regression analysis and partial correlations, the school readiness test appeared as the most efficient predictor in each of the four schools, as well as in the total group. Mental age and auditory skills ranked either second or third in importance depending on the school situation.  相似文献   

Theoretically, there are many possible relationships between multidimensional scaling and unidimensional scalings of the same stimulus domain. In particular, it is uncertain what will happen if the number of psychological “dimensions” exceeds the number of physical variables. The multidimensional scaling of noise bands, unidimensionally a relatively well-understood domain, was done to explore these problems. In correspondence with the number of physical variables, a two-dimensional configuration was found to give a satisfactory account of the judgments of magnitude of stimulus difference. Axes of loudness, volume, and density were found to fit the configuration with a high degree of precision, lending support to the metric value of numbers produced in magnitude estimation. Pitch, or frequency, also had a simple relationship to the configuration, but was not an axis or dimension. Therefore, the usual conceptualization of judgments of overall similarity as the result of combining difference on separate dimensions is questioned. It is suggested that multidimensional configurations may sometimes correspond to internal representations of general importance.  相似文献   

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