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This study examined whether training using a nonverbal auditory-visual matching task had a remedial effect on reading skills in developmental dyslexia. The pretest/post-test design was used with Swedish children ( N = 41), between the ages of 7 and 12. Training comprised twice-weekly sessions of 15 minutes, over eight weeks. There was an improvement in auditory-visual matching during the training period. There were also improvements in some reading test scores, especially in reading nonsense words and in reading speed. These improvements in tasks which are thought to rely on phonological processing suggest that such reading difficulties in dyslexia may stem in part from more basic perceptual difficulties, including those required to manage the visual and auditory components of the decoding task. The utility of the concept of auditory structuring is discussed in relation to auditory and phonological processing skills when a child learns to read.  相似文献   

Two cases of acquired spelling dyslexia and one case of developmental spelling dyslexia are described along with accounts of their performance on various psycholinguistic tasks. It is argued that there is some evidence that spelling dyslexia may exist in developmental form but that parallels are difficult to draw because of the very different histories of child and adult cases. It is also suggested that features of surface dyslexia exist in at least a proportion of spelling dyslexic cases and that this may be influenced by level of premorbid reading skill.  相似文献   

A T Smith  F Early  S C Grogan 《Perception》1986,15(4):473-482
Recent studies have provided evidence that dyslexic children tend to show longer visual persistence than control children when presented with low-spatial-frequency grating stimuli. The possibility that this phenomenon might reflect an impairment of inhibitory Y-cell activity in the visual system of dyslexics has been investigated. A flicker masking technique was used to mask Y-cell activity selectively in a group of dyslexic boys and a group of age-matched controls. There were no overall differences in reaction times to the offsets of grating patterns of various spatial frequencies between the groups, and no differences between subgroups defined by age, degree of reading impairment, or any other criterion. The results show no evidence of abnormal Y-cell function in developmental dyslexia.  相似文献   

Phonemic deficits in developmental dyslexia   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Summary The present study explored a possible relationship between reading difficulties and speech difficulties. Dyslexic and normal readers, matched for Reading Age, were compared first on a reading task and secondly on a speaking task.In the first experiment, the two groups were asked to read nonsense words aloud. Both groups were able to read one-syllable nonwords equally well but the dyslexics had more difficulty than the normal readers when asked to read two-syllable nonwords. Moreover, they found two-syllable nonwords containing consonant clusters particularly difficult. The probability of their making an error increased with the number of consonant clusters.In the second experiment, the subjects were required to repeat real words and nonsense words of two, three, or four syllables. Both groups found nonsense words more difficult to repeat than real words. However, the relative difficulty of nonsense words over real words was greater for the dyslexic group. Their difficulty was especially marked when they had to repeat four-syllable nonsense words.Thus, in both experiments the dyslexic readers were more affected by the phonological complexity of the stimuli than the normal readers were. Hence, it was suggested that the dyslexic readers tested were subject to a general phonemic deficit which affected their ability to process both written and spoken words.  相似文献   

This article examines the importance of developmental designs in dyslexia research using a neuroconstructivist framework. According to neuroconstructivism, the lowest level of impairment should be identified as early as possible, and developmental effects on higher-level cognition examined longitudinally. A number of recent studies proposing candidate low-level impairments have not used such developmental designs. The role of normal variation in postulated causal factors on development is ignored, inadequate control groups are used, and the nature and timing of environmental inputs are not measured, even though reading is taught systematically and both reading acquisition and dyslexia vary with orthography. It is suggested here that only a phonological deficit arising from low-level auditory processing problems meets the criteria for a neuroconstructivist approach.  相似文献   

鉴于阅读起始于基础视觉加工阶段, 越来越多的研究者开始关注阅读障碍者的视觉空间注意加工能力。视觉空间注意是指个体对视觉刺激的空间位置的注意, 可通过线索提示、视觉搜索和视觉注意广度等视觉任务来考察。大量国内外研究发现, 发展性阅读障碍者在视觉空间注意任务下表现出行为和神经活动方面的异常。其中的神经机制问题不仅反映在与视觉空间注意有关的顶叶区域激活异常, 还存在于脑区间功能连接异常(如顶叶区域与字形加工区的功能连接)。未来研究还需利用横断和追踪研究探讨阅读障碍与视觉空间注意能力发展关系的内在机制, 以及探究语言特性对阅读障碍者视觉空间注意缺陷的可能调节作用。  相似文献   

Working memory impairments in dyslexia are well documented. However, research has mostly been limited to the phonological domain, a modality in which people with dyslexia have a range of problems. In this paper, 22 adult students with dyslexia and 22 age- and IQ-matched controls were presented with both verbal and visuospatial working memory tasks. Performance was compared on measures of simple span, complex span (requiring both storage and processing), and dynamic memory updating in the two domains. The dyslexic group had significantly lower spans than the controls on all the verbal tasks, both simple and complex, and also on the spatial complex span measure. Impairments remained on the complex span measures after controlling statistically for simple span performance, suggesting a central executive impairment in dyslexia. The novelty of task demands on the initial trials of the spatial updating task also proved more problematic for the dyslexic than control participants. The results are interpreted in terms of extant theories of dyslexia. The possibility of a supervisory attentional system deficit in dyslexia is also raised. It seems clear that working memory difficulties in dyslexia extend into adulthood, can affect performance in both the phonological and visuospatial modalities, and implicate central executive dysfunction, in addition to problems with storage.  相似文献   

Working memory functioning in developmental dyslexia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Working memory impairments in dyslexia are well documented. However, research has mostly been limited to the phonological domain, a modality in which people with dyslexia have a range of problems. In this paper, 22 adult students with dyslexia and 22 age- and IQ-matched controls were presented with both verbal and visuospatial working memory tasks. Performance was compared on measures of simple span, complex span (requiring both storage and processing), and dynamic memory updating in the two domains. The dyslexic group had significantly lower spans than the controls on all the verbal tasks, both simple and complex, and also on the spatial complex span measure. Impairments remained on the complex span measures after controlling statistically for simple span performance, suggesting a central executive impairment in dyslexia. The novelty of task demands on the initial trials of the spatial updating task also proved more problematic for the dyslexic than control participants. The results are interpreted in terms of extant theories of dyslexia. The possibility of a supervisory attentional system deficit in dyslexia is also raised. It seems clear that working memory difficulties in dyslexia extend into adulthood, can affect performance in both the phonological and visuospatial modalities, and implicate central executive dysfunction, in addition to problems with storage.  相似文献   

The International Dyslexia Association defines dyslexia as unexpected problems of neurobiological origin in accuracy and rate of oral reading of single real words, single pseudowords, or text or of written spelling. However, prior research has focused more on the reading than the spelling problems of students with dyslexia. A test battery was administered to 122 children who met the inclusion criteria for dyslexia and qualified their families for participation in a family genetics study that has been ongoing for over a decade. Their parents completed the same test battery. Although a past structural equation modeling study of typically developing children identified a significant path from handwriting to composition quality, the current structural equation modeling study identified a significant path from spelling to composition for children and their parents with dyslexia. Grapho-motor planning did not contribute uniquely to their composition, showing that writing is not just a motor skill. Students with dyslexia do have a problem in automatic letter writing and naming, which was related to impaired inhibition and verbal fluency and may explain their spelling problems. Results are discussed in reference to the importance of providing explicit instruction in the phonological, orthographic, and morphological processes of spelling and in composition to students with dyslexia and not only offering accommodation for their writing problems.  相似文献   

We present a study of the accuracy, consistency, and speed of word naming in a dyslexic boy, JM, who has severe impairments in the ability to use sub-lexical, phonological reading strategies. For words that he can recognise, JM's naming latencies do not differ from those of control subjects matched for reading age, and he is generally consistent from one occasion to the next. He can also match printed homophones with their definitions--a skill that requires access to well-specified orthographic representations. The data are interpreted as evidence for the creation of efficient recognition devices for words within JM's sight vocabulary. However, he shows a continuing inability to use phonological decoding strategies to deal with words that he cannot recognize by sight. Overall we argue our results pose problems for stage models of reading development, and that they may best be interpreted within a connectionist framework of the development of word recognition skills.  相似文献   

The sociocultural developmental model of autobiographical memory development has been a highly generative theoretical framework over the past 30 years, garnering both a great deal of empirical attention and support. In this article, the author details the theoretical framework and reviews the empirical evidence that indicates that individual differences in maternal reminiscing style has profound and enduring implications for the development of autobiographical memory. Concurrent, longitudinal, and experimental intervention research has demonstrated that mothers who reminisce in more highly elaborated ways with their preschool children facilitate the development of more elaborate and coherent autobiographical memories.  相似文献   

We studied a group of 24 children with dyslexia in second to fifth primary school grades by using a discrete-trial computerized version of the Stroop Color-Word Test. Since the classic Stroop effect depends on the interference of reading with color naming, one would expect these children to show no interference or, at least, less interference than normal readers. Children with dyslexia showed, however, a Stroop effect larger than normal readers of the same age. This suggests that reading, although difficult and slow, is an inescapable step that precedes naming both in poor and in normal readers.  相似文献   

冯小霞  李乐  丁国盛 《心理科学进展》2016,24(12):1864-1872
过去几十年中, 研究者基于脑区功能定位的思想对发展性阅读障碍的神经机制进行了大量的研究, 揭示出阅读障碍者在特定脑区的异常。近些年, 考虑到阅读加工过程的复杂性以及需要多脑区协同参与的特点, 越来越多的研究者从脑区连接的角度探讨阅读障碍的神经机制。结果发现阅读障碍者在阅读相关脑区间的白质结构连接和功能连接上均表现出异常, 这说明阅读技能受损和脑区连接异常之间存在着密切的联系。未来的研究还需进一步探讨脑区连接异常和特定脑区异常之间的关系, 以及结合基因、脑、行为和环境等多个因素探寻阅读障碍的发生机制。  相似文献   

发展性阅读障碍的缺陷本质一直是研究者们关注和争论的焦点。近些年, 有研究者提出了一种新的理论假设——噪音抑制缺陷假设, 并得到了许多研究证据的支持。这种缺陷在视觉和听觉通道中均存在, 说明阅读障碍具有多感觉/一般性噪音抑制缺陷。但也有研究者指出知觉噪音抑制本质上反映了注意的功能, 因而这种缺陷可能是由注意缺陷导致的。目前还缺乏直接证据支持汉语阅读障碍存在噪音抑制缺陷。最后本文对该领域未来的发展方向做出展望。  相似文献   

Neural coding by brain oscillations is a major focus in neuroscience, with important implications for dyslexia research. Here, I argue that an oscillatory 'temporal sampling' framework enables diverse data from developmental dyslexia to be drawn into an integrated theoretical framework. The core deficit in dyslexia is phonological. Temporal sampling of speech by neuroelectric oscillations that encode incoming information at different frequencies could explain the perceptual and phonological difficulties with syllables, rhymes and phonemes found in individuals with dyslexia. A conceptual framework based on oscillations that entrain to sensory input also has implications for other sensory theories of dyslexia, offering opportunities for integrating a diverse and confusing experimental literature.  相似文献   

Leisman G 《Brain and cognition》2002,48(2-3):425-431
Left parieto-occipital EEG leads record a frequency spectrum in dyslexics that is consistently different from the spectrum obtained from normals. It is suggested that these effects represent significant differences in the functional organization of these areas. EEG coherence values indicate that normals have significantly greater sharing between hemispheres at symmetrical locations. Dyslexics demonstrate significantly greater sharing within hemisphere than do normals. The data supports developmental dyslexia being a functional hemispheric disconnection syndrome.  相似文献   

发展性阅读障碍是指个体在智力正常并且不缺乏学校教育的情况下, 仍无法获得与年龄相匹配的阅读技能的一种学习障碍, 其缺陷的本质一直是研究者争论的焦点。大量研究显示, 阅读障碍者常表现出听觉时间加工损伤。在行为层面, 阅读障碍者难以辨别快速、连续呈现刺激的顺序以及刺激本身的动态时间特征。在神经层面, 阅读障碍者诱发的失匹配负波更弱且具有异常的神经同步加工。这些损伤同时存在于对言语和非言语刺激的加工中, 表明听觉时间加工缺陷非言语加工所特有。未来的研究还需阐明以下几个问题:1)阅读障碍的听觉时间加工缺陷发生在哪些时间窗口, 随年龄增长如何变化; 2)阅读障碍听觉时间加工缺陷在神经层面的时间进程是怎样的; 3)听觉时间加工缺陷是否为阅读障碍的核心缺陷。  相似文献   

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