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Employing the implicit priming task, we examined whether Chinese words that shared the initial onset consonant could be typed, using the phonetic-based method (called zhuyin), with faster response times than words that did not share the initial onset consonant. We also examined the effect of sharing the initial tonal syllable. A significant onset preparation effect and a significant syllable preparation effect were both observed. The latter was found to vary linearly with the number of segments in the syllable. The slope of 63 ms was similar to the 70-ms onset effect, suggesting that the syllable effect was segment-based. The results contrasted with the lack of an onset effect previously reported for speaking, and were interpreted as supporting the output constraint hypothesis which states that the kind of outputs a production system is designed to produce (speaking vs. typing) can flexibly and adaptively alter the way the system is organized and operates.  相似文献   

The extent to which phonological similarity of list words impairs short-term-memory recall was investigated in two experiments. Experiment 1 showed that the phonological-similarity effect occurred both when list words were repeatedly sampled from a small set and when they were new on every trial, both when word-order information was required and when it was not. Furthermore, the adverse effect of phonological similarity on recall was apparent on the initial lists recalled, did not change over trials, and cannot be attributed to increasing levels of proactive inhibition across lists. In Experiment 2, subjects were required to count repeatedly to six during list presentation. Concurrent irrelevant articulation lowered recall and abolished the phonological similarity effect for both repeated and novel word lists.  相似文献   

Frequency and magnitude of reinforcement were varied in concurrent variable-interval variable-interval schedules of reinforcement. The relative response rate to the two stimuli did not support the notion that choice approximately matches relative total access to food (the product of frequency and magnitude of reinforcement in one schedule divided by the sum of products of frequency and magnitude in both schedules). Relative response rates matched relative reinforcement value when that measure was adjusted to give more emphasis to reinforcement frequency than to reinforcement duration.  相似文献   

This study employed a 2 (writing vs. talking) × 2 (life goals vs. daily schedule) fully crossed, factorial design to examine whether health benefits might accrue for talking and/or writing about life goals. Participants assigned the life goals topic had fewer illness-related health center visits, regardless of mode of expression, compared to participants assigned the non-emotional topic. Counter to expectation, optimism did not moderate the effect of topic on illness-related health center visits. Participants in talking groups rated post-intervention mood as less negative than those in writing groups and participants rated talking about life goals as more difficult than writing about life goals.  相似文献   

A normative study was conducted using the Deese/Roediger–McDermott paradigm (DRM) to obtain false recognition for 60 six-word lists in Spanish, designed with a completely new methodology. For the first time, lists included words (e.g., bridal, newlyweds, bond, commitment, couple, to marry) simultaneously associated with three critical words (e.g., love, wedding, marriage). Backward associative strength between lists and critical words was taken into account when creating the lists. The results showed that all lists produced false recognition. Moreover, some lists had a high false recognition rate (e.g., 65%; jail, inmate, prison: bars, prisoner, cell, offender, penitentiary, imprisonment). This is an aspect of special interest for those DRM experiments that, for example, record brain electrical activity. This type of list will enable researchers to raise the signal-to-noise ratio in false recognition event-related potential studies as they increase the number of critical trials per list, and it will be especially useful for the design of future research.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that episodic future thoughts can be formed through the same dual mechanisms, direct and generative, as autobiographical memories. However, the prevalence and determinants of the direct production of future event representations remain unclear. Here, we addressed this issue by collecting self-reports of production modes, response times (RTs), and verbal protocols for the production past and future events in the word cueing paradigm. Across three experiments, we found that both past and future events were frequently reported to come directly to mind in response to the cue, and RTs confirmed that events were produced faster for direct than for generative responses. When looking at the determinants of direct responses, we found that most past and future events that were directly produced had already been thought of on a previous occasion, and the frequency of previous thoughts predicted the occurrence of direct access. The direct production of autobiographical thoughts was also more frequent for past and future events that were judged important and emotionally intense. Collectively, these findings provide novel evidence that the direct production of episodic future thoughts is frequent in the word cueing paradigm and often involves the activation of personally significant “memories of the future.”  相似文献   

With three experiments, we explored the nature of specific interference between the concurrent production and perception of movements. Participants were asked to move one of their hands in a certain direction while simultaneously trying to identify the direction of an independent and non-biological stimulus motion. Perceived direction of the stimulus was assessed with either above/below judgements (Experiment 1), same/different judgements (Experiment 2), or the adjustment of a line (Experiment 3). The results revealed a form of contrast effect: Perceived directions were repulsed by produced directions. Moreover, the size of the effect was comparable across the three experiments, which points to its robustness and allowed us to control for potential confounds associated with some of the perceptual measures. These results alleviate concerns regarding the interpretation of related findings and demonstrate that effects of this type are not tied to the processing of biological motion, as previously proposed.  相似文献   

To separate effects of maternal depression on infant cognitive versus language development, 1-year-olds were assessed using the revised Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development (BSID-III). Percentile scores on the Bayley Expressive Communication (EC) subscale were significantly negatively correlated with maternal self-report scores on the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II). However, mothers’ BDI-II scores did not correlate with infant percentile scores on the general cognitive (COG) or receptive communication (RC) subscales. Boys had significantly lower percentile scores than girls on the RC and EC scales, but did not differ on the Cog scale. Gender and maternal depression did not significantly interact on any of the scales. These findings suggest problems with expressive communication precede, and may at least partially account for, apparent deficits in general cognitive development.  相似文献   

《Trends in cognitive sciences》2022,26(12):1064-1065
How do humans, including toddlers, take knowledge from past experiences and apply this knowledge in new ways? Current approaches to human and artificial intelligence (AI) fail to offer satisfactory explanations. We suggest the explanation will be found in the coherence statistics of the individual time-extended episodes of human experience and the cognitive processes those statistics engage.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to examine offender types in a sample of Belgian single‐perpetrator/single‐victim homicide cases. First, it was investigated if the distinction between instrumental and expressive aggression could be documented in crime scene and offender background characteristics. Second, the instrumental and expressive themes from the first analysis were examined in relation to the motives the perpetrators themselves provided for their offence. A sample of 97 solved homicide cases was analysed using the non‐metric multidimensional scaling procedure Proxscal. The results revealed that 62% of the homicide crime scenes and 67% of the offender backgrounds could be classified as either expressive or instrumental. The self‐reported motives did not correspond with the themes according to the Proxscal analysis. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Summary This paper is concerned with the perception of small-scale timing changes in musical sequences. The control and expressive function of these have been studied quite extensively from a production perspective, but not much is known about listeners' ability to detect them. A pilot study and two experiments are reported which investigate the detectability of different amounts of timing change in different sequential positions, different pitch contexts, and against the background of both metronomic and expressive comparisons. The results show that listeners are able to perceive as little as 20 ms lengthening in the context of notes lasting between 100 and 400 ms, and that this threshold appears not to be a function of base duration in this range. Sequential position and pitch structure influence the detectability of timing changes to a limited extent, for which some possible explanations are offered. A case is made for regarding timing in music as both a medium to convey structure and an object in its own right, suggesting that it may be perceptually organized in two different ways — as the consequence of a structural interpretation and as a directly registered quantity.  相似文献   

Emotional well-being depends in part on affect modulation. The present study extends research on emotion regulation by assessing the physiological and cognitive effects of a novel response-focused regulation strategy, termed 'expressive dissonance.' Expressive dissonance refers to the incongruence between an emotional state (e.g., sadness) and a behavioral expression (e.g., a smile). Fifty-five participants watched a series of sad film clips in which they were asked to either naturally watch or express the opposite of what they were feeling. Results suggest that persons using the expressive dissonant strategies evidenced greater sympathetic arousal and performed worse on subsequent memory tasks than persons in the natural-watch conditions.  相似文献   

Noncued and cued recall of categorized lists are similar in a number of ways: They show the same rate of gain in item recall with increasing category size; they both produce serial position effects within categories; and they both show a “some-or-none” pattern of with-category recall frequency. Cued and noncued recall differ in other respects: There is a great improvement in item and in category recall attendant on the provision of cues, and only noncued recall displays a list position effect. The points of similarity are taken to indicate that both cued and noncued recall measure the same underlying processes. The points of differences suggest the utility of cueing procedures in identifying the origin of characteristics of recall, according to the principle that any feature of noncued recall that is altered by provision of cues must originate in the retrieval process; features resistant to such modification represent encoding or storage effects.  相似文献   

The present study assessed the effectiveness of a multi-session training aproach intended to teach mildly retarded adolescents to discover and utilize categorical list structure. The performance of a group of trained retarded individuals was compared with that of another group of retarded individuals who had simply received practice with the training materials. The performance of both retarded groups was evaluated relative to that of a group of equivalent-CA normal adolescents. Recall transfer with a new word list was indicated by the finding that trained retarded subjects achieved a criterion of perfect recall in fewer trials than untrained retarded subjects. Differences in the use of categorization strategies by normal and retarded subjects were interpreted in the light of the automatic-controlled processing distinction of Schneider and Shiffrin (1977).  相似文献   

Immediate recall of phonemes was studied in a pseudoword span task. Finnish participants recalled lists of increasing length, consisting of C(consonant)V(vowel)CVCV pseudowords. The lists were made up from pools of 12 pseudowords. There were three types of lists. In the non-redundant lists the items were unpredictable combinations of consonants and vowels. In consonant-redundant lists, all items had the consonant frame /t/_/s/_/l/. In vowel-redundant lists, all items had the vowel frame _/u/_/e/_/o/. Unlike redundant last syllables in a previous experiment, neither consonant nor vowel redundancy helped list recall. Instead, a harmful phonological similarity effect was apparent in the vowel-redundant case but not the consonant-redundant case. A phoneme-level analysis of recall showed that consonants were recalled better in consonant-redundant lists and vowels were recalled better in vowel-redundant lists compared to non-redundant lists. Vowels appeared to be more important for discrimination between items, with redundancy resulting in confusions. The consequences of phoneme-level forgetting and redintegration for item- and list-level recall are discussed.  相似文献   

Brown SW 《Memory & cognition》2006,34(7):1464-1471
A review of interference effects in concurrent temporal/nontemporal dual-task studies suggests that prospective timing may be related to executive cognitive functions. Executive processes play a supervisory role in behavior by controlling attention, coordinating information, and scheduling actions. In the present research, a timing task was paired with an established executive task in a dual-task paradigm. The timing task required subjects t o generate a series o f 5-sec temporal productions,and the executive task was random number generation. These tasks were performed both separately and concurrently. Comparisons of single-task and dual-task conditions showed that (1) the randomization task interfered with timing by making temporal productions more variable and longer and (2) concurrent timing disrupted randomization performance by making responses less random. This pattern of bidirectional interference supports the idea that timing relies on the same attentional resources used by other executive-level tasks.  相似文献   

In the prevention of physical aggression, possible etiological links with language development are rarely taken into account. Indeed, little is known about when language and aggressive behavior become linked during development and which mechanisms are responsible for this association. This study investigated the association between physical aggression and language in late infancy with a genetic design that involved 562 19-month-old twins. A modest but significant correlation (r = -.20) was found between physical aggression and expressive vocabulary. Substantial heritability was found for physical aggression. Quantitative genetic modeling suggests that the correlation between expressive vocabulary and physical aggression cannot be explained by shared etiologies. However, phenotype-to-phenotype models indicate that the covariation can be entirely accounted for by a significant phenotypic path from expressive vocabulary to physical aggression. The implications of these results for early prevention of chronic physical aggression are discussed.  相似文献   

Depression-vulnerable college students (with both elevated prior depressive symptoms and low current depressive symptoms) wrote on 3 consecutive days in either an expressive writing or a control condition. As predicted, participants scoring above the median on the suppression scale of the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (Gross & John, 2003) showed significantly lower depression symptoms at the 6-month assessment when they wrote in the expressive writing versus the control condition. Additional analyses revealed that treatment benefits were mediated by changes in the Brooding but not the Reflection scale of the Ruminative Response Scale (Nolen-Hoeksema & Morrow, 1991). A "booster" writing session predicted to enhance treatment benefits failed to have a significant effect.  相似文献   

Immediate recall of phonemes was studied in a pseudoword span task. Finnish participants recalled lists of increasing length, consisting of C(consonant)V(vowel)CVCV pseudowords. The lists were made up from pools of 12 pseudowords. There were three types of lists. In the non‐redundant lists the items were unpredictable combinations of consonants and vowels. In consonant‐redundant lists, all items had the consonant frame /t/_/s/_/l/. In vowel‐redundant lists, all items had the vowel frame _/u/_/e/_/o/. Unlike redundant last syllables in a previous experiment, neither consonant nor vowel redundancy helped list recall. Instead, a harmful phonological similarity effect was apparent in the vowel‐redundant case but not the consonant‐redundant case. A phoneme‐level analysis of recall showed that consonants were recalled better in consonant‐redundant lists and vowels were recalled better in vowel‐redundant lists compared to non‐redundant lists. Vowels appeared to be more important for discrimination between items, with redundancy resulting in confusions. The consequences of phoneme‐level forgetting and redintegration for item‐ and list‐level recall are discussed.  相似文献   

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