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There is accumulating evidence to suggest that social phobia is associated with attentional bias for words related to social threat. Information processing in individuals with social phobia (n = 87) was investigated in the present study using 2 versions of the emotional Stroop task. Results from a standard emotional Stroop task indicated delayed colour naming of socially threatening words relative to neutral words, in line with previous research, whereas results from a Web-based emotional Stroop task indicated a facilitation effect, with faster manual indication of colour choice for socially threatening words than for neutral words. Possible explanations for these contrasting findings and issues for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to assess the relationship between level of auditory noise and a measure derived from the steady-state evoked potential (SSEP) called relative transmission time (RTF). The visual stimulus consisted of a 150-fL light that was modulated at 45, 48, or 51 Hz to a depth of 30%. The auditory stimulus was bandpass-limited white noise at 65, 75, or 85 dB, The outcomes of single-subject and group statistical analyses were compared. Neither statistic indicated a significant effect for cross-modal white noise on the SSEP. Whereas the more traditional group approach indicated only large between-subject variability, the single-subject approach clearly indicated deviant data of one of the subjects.  相似文献   

青少年网络成瘾人格特征研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究采用问卷调查法,对某初级中学363名初中生的网络成瘾状况与人格特征进行研究。结论表明:初中生网络成瘾检出率为5.79%;初中生在网络成瘾存在性别差异,男生比女生更易成瘾。网络成瘾学生与非成瘾学生在《卡特尔十四种人格因素问题》中的忧虑性、自律性、适应性与焦虑性、孤独倾向、身体症状和冲动倾向等因子上差异显著。与非成瘾学生相比,成瘾学生的自制能力较差,成瘾学生可能更经常体验到孤独、焦虑和不满,并且在生活中较容易出现适应不良现象。  相似文献   

In this brief primer, we provide an outline of key issues that will help psychologists organize and prepare their expert testimony. These issues include the need to obtain essential sources of research, a review of the actual legal standards regarding admissibility of test data in expert testimony, the nature of the expert relative to the assessment instrument in expert testimony, the nature of legal versus scientific debate, and the examination of appropriate qualifications of expertise when offering legal testimony. In addition, we use a summary of information contained in several recent articles to address challenges directed against forensic psychological testing. We use the empirical literature on the Rorschach as an exemplar in discussing these issues, as the admissibility of the Rorschach in particular has been challenged, and the issues frequently focused on with the Rorschach are equally applicable to other psychological measures. In this article, we provide essential sources of Rorschach research regarding several empirical studies that summarize important information and directly address previous criticisms of the measure.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the psychometric equivalency of Web-based research. The Sexual Boredom Scale was presented via the World-Wide Web along with five additional scales used to validate it. A subset of 533 participants that matched a previously published sample (Watt & Ewing, 1996) on age, gender, and race was identified. An 8 × 8 correlation matrix from the matched Internet sample was compared via structural equation modeling with a similar 8 × 8 correlation matrix from the previously published study. The Internet and previously published samples were psychometrically equivalent. Co-efficient alpha values calculated on the matched Internet sample yielded reliability coefficients almost identical to those for the previously published sample. Factors such as computer administration and uncontrollable administration settings did not appear to affect the results. Demographic data indicated an overrepresentation of males by about 6% and Caucasians by about 13% relative to the U.S. Census (2000). A total of 2,230 participants were obtained in about 8 months without remuneration. These results suggest that data collection on the Web is (1) reliable, (2) valid, (3) reasonably representative, (4) cost effective, and (5) efficient.  相似文献   

This article examines differences in subjective culture among three societies that vary in their extent of urbanization and differentiation and within these societies between females and males. David Bakan's agency-communion and Talcott Parsons' instrumental-expressive distinctions are used to capture both these ruralurban and male-female differences using data collected with Harry Triandis' antecedent-consequent method of studying subjective culture. Both between-society and within-society differences in subjective culture are found, although they occur independently of each other. Cross-cultural differences are stronger for concepts dealing with group life, and sex differences are stronger for concepts regarding individual actions and self-orientations. Specifications and extensions of existing theory, as well as directions for future research, are suggested.  相似文献   

A growing number of studies have supported the use of unidimensional psychometric test instruments administered via the Internet; however, support for the use of multidimensional scales is weak. The present study compares paper and Internet administrations of the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control (MHLC) Scale (Wallston & Wallston, 1981). In terms of reliabilities and factor structures, the Internet data were found to be at least as good as the paper data. MHLC scores were comparable for paper and Internet administrations, although the Internet sample scored significantly lower on the Powerful Others subscale. Overall, the results show that administration of the MHLC Scale via the Internet can produce data comparable to that obtained by pen-and-paper methods. However, it is concluded that generalization of these findings beyond the psychometric test instrument and sampling procedures used here is not warranted.  相似文献   

The study compared Kibbutz career women (who studied beyond high school and worked in their profession) to Kibbutz noncareer women (who did not study beyond high school and worked in various nonprofessional jobs such as the laundry, the kitchen, and child care) on several personality characteristics. All subjects were nonorthodox Jewish women who were born and raised in the Kibbutz. The two groups completed a variety of self-report inventories, including the Bem Sex-Role Orientation Inventory, need for achievement inventory, two self-esteem scales that measured both the global self-esteem and various dimensions of self-esteem (academic, social, physical appearance, physical abilities, and self-regard) and Cattell's Clinical Analysis Questionnaire (CAQ), which is a short version of Cattell's 16 Personality Factors Test. The results showed that Kibbutz career women differed significantly from noncareer women on several personality characteristics. These women attributed to themselves more instrumental characteristics, were found to be more independent and emotionally stable, and had a higher need for achievement and a higher academic and social self-esteem. In addition, the division of household work was more egalitarian in the case of career women. The results are discussed in view of the fact that all of the career women were actually holding traditionally feminine positions such as teachers and social workers.  相似文献   

The Internet presents a potentially revolutionary tool in the dissemination of scientific information, offering many advantages to authors and audiences. However, this resource has been underutilized in psychological research because of several factors: unfamiliarity with required technology, lack of peer review, absence of an efficient centralized accessibility resource, concerns about copyright issues, and financial considerations. The present article describes the advantages of on-line presentation of research, as well as discusses various concerns about on-line publishing and the developing solutions to deal with those concerns.  相似文献   

大学生上网行为、态度和人格特征的研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本研究使用自编大学生上网成瘾诊断问卷、自编上网行为和态度问卷以及三个人格量表,对上海市6所高校370名大学生的上网情况进行了调查。结果表明:(1)上网成瘾的大学生在上网的行为和态度上明显不同于非成瘾的大学生,他们表现出高开放性、社交性、胜任能力和匿名性,并且更认可网络交流的便利性。(2)上网成瘾的大学生比非成瘾的大学生明显表现出孤独、抑郁和焦虑的人格特质。(3)逐步回归分析的结果表明,“社交性”、“交流便利”、“焦虑量表分数”、“开放性”、“胜任能力”对大学生陷人网络的程度有显著的预测作用。  相似文献   

Meta-analysis is the name given to a set of techniques for reviewing research in which the data from different studies are statistically combined. Meta-analysts have criticized the more traditional qualitative methods of review on three principal grounds: (1) that relevant information is ignored in favor of a simplistic box count of the number of studies in which a particular relationship is and is not statistically significant; (2) that the sample of studies for review often contains important biases; and (3) that box counts ignore statistical interactions. Our discussion suggests that these criticisms are not intrinsic to qualitative reviews, but rather represent poor practices by reviewers using traditional methods. Moreover, although meta-analysis has some advantages, it is not without its unique limitations. Our comparison of both methods is applied to the qualitative literature review of Zuckerman (1979) and the meta-analysis of Arkin, Cooper, and Kolditz (1980) which reached different conclusions about the “existence” of self-serving attributions in studies of interpersonal influence.  相似文献   

Although collaborative instructional techniques have become popular in college courses, it is unclear whether collaborative techniques can replace more traditional instructional methods. We examined the efficacy of collaborative courses (in-class, collaborative activities with no lectures) compared to traditional lecture courses (in-class, instructor-led presentations) in four sections of introductory psychology. Most other aspects of the courses remained constant, including the professor, assignments, and exams. The collaborative learning condition resulted in significantly lower quiz and exam scores in addition to lower self-reported satisfaction with the course and the instructor than the traditional lecture condition. Moreover, students were no more likely to be satisfied with the social environment in the collaborative condition. Our results suggest that collaborative techniques may be a way to enhance professorial lectures but should not be used to replace them entirely. Further research should explore the ratio of collaborative to traditional techniques that is most beneficial for college student learning.  相似文献   

Violence in correctional facilities is an important issue for both prisoners and prison staff. Risk assessment instruments have demonstrated their accuracy in predicting the risk of (re) offending and institutional violence in psychiatric settings, but less is known about their ability to predict violent misconduct in prison. The present study applied four risk assessment instruments (Structured Assessment of Protective Factors for violence risk, Historical Clinical Risk Management‐20, Psychopathy checklist – Revised, and Violent Risk Appraisal Guide) to 52 violent offenders in a Swiss prison in order to evaluate the instruments' predictive validities. Outcomes were instances of physically violent, other and any misconduct as recorded in prison files during the 12 months following the prisoners' assessments. Approximately 15% of offenders committed physically violent misconduct and approximately 42% committed any misconduct. The results show that mainly dynamic assessment tools are as good predictors of physically violent misconduct as mainly static assessment tools. Targeting dynamic factors could increase the effectiveness of interventions to reduce the risk of physical violence in prison.  相似文献   

为探讨善良人格与网络利他行为的关系及其内在心理机制,研究采用实验法,将192名被试随机分配到不同风险情境中,并完成善良人格问卷、自我控制问卷和网络利他行为任务。结果表明:(1)善良人格正向预测网络利他行为;(2)自我控制在善良人格与网络利他之间起中介作用;(3)情境风险在善良人格与网络利他行为之间的直接路径以及自我控制中介效应的后半路径起调节作用。因此,善良人格对网络利他行为的影响是有调节的中介作用,该结果具有一定的理论和现实价值。  相似文献   

Using a group correlational design and path analysis, the authors examined the relationships among personality, motivation, and internet gaming disorder (IGD). Findings showed that significant predictors of IGD included male gender, neurotic and introverted personality traits, and motivation related to achievement.  相似文献   

Previous work from Germany and Austria highlighted the importance of personality and excessive private Internet usage for Internet Addiction (IA). In a cross-cultural approach we tried to replicate a negative association between IA and the personality trait of self-directedness in Bulgaria, Germany, Spain, Colombia, China, Taiwan and Sweden and as well the finding that persons with a damaged self-esteem have a higher proclivity for becoming Internet addicted in Bulgaria, Spain, Germany and Colombia. In total N = 989 took part in the study. Results show that the personality dimension self-directedness was negatively correlated to the IA score of the participants in all samples. In contrast, no interaction effect between implicit and explicit self-esteem on IA could be observed.  相似文献   

Scientific LogAnalyzer is a platform-independent interactive Web service for the analysis of log files. Scientific LogAnalyzer offers several features not available in other log file analysis tools—for example, organizational criteria and computational algorithms suited to aid behavioral and social scientists. Scientific LogAnalyzer is highly flexible on the input side (unlimited types of log file formats), while strictly keeping a scientific output format. Features include (1) free definition of log file format, (2) searching and marking dependent on any combination of strings (necessary for identifying conditions in experiment data), (3) computation of response times, (4) detection of multiple sessions, (5) speedy analysis of large log files, (6) output in HTML and/or tab-delimited form, suitable for import into statistics software, and (7) a module for analyzing and visualizing drop-out. Several methodological features specifically needed in the analysis of data collected in Internet-based experiments have been implemented in the Web-based tool and are described in this article. A regression analysis with data from 44 log file analyses shows that the size of the log file and the domain name lookup are the two main factors determining the duration of an analysis. It is less than a minute for a standard experimental study with a 2 × 2 design, a dozen Web pages, and 48 participants (ca. 800 lines, including data from drop-outs). The current version of Scientific LogAnalyzer is freely available for small log files. Its Web address ishttp://genpsylab-logcrunsh.unizh.ch/.  相似文献   

The impact of personality and job characteristics on parental rearing styles was compared in 353 employees. Hypotheses concerning the relationships between personality and job variables were formulated in accordance with findings in past research and the Belsky's model (1984). Structural equation nested models showed that Aggression-hostility, Sociability and job Demand were predictive of Rejection and Emotional Warmth parenting styles, providing support for some of the hypothesized relationships. The findings suggest a well-balanced association of personality variables with both parenting styles: Aggression-Hostility was positively related to Rejection and negatively to Emotional Warmth, whereas Sociability was positively related to Emotional Warmth and negatively related to Rejection. Personality dimensions explained a higher amount of variance in observed parenting styles. However, a model that considered both, personality and job dimensions as antecedent variables of parenting was the best representation of observed data, as both systems play a role in the prediction of parenting behavior.  相似文献   

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