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Repetition priming is easily elicited in many traditional paradigms, and the possibility that perceptual priming may be other than an automatic consequence of perception has received little consideration. This issue is explored in two experiments. In Experiment 1, participants named the target from a four-item category search study task more quickly than the nontarget study items at a later naming test. Experiment 2 extended this finding to conditions in which stimuli were individually presented at study. In three different study tasks, stimuli relevant to study-task completion elicited priming on a later test, but stimuli presented outside the context of a task did not. In both experiments, recognition was above chance for nonrelevant stimuli, suggesting that participants explicitly remembered stimuli that did not elicit priming. Results suggest that priming is sensitive to study-task demands and may reflect a more adaptive and flexible mechanism for modification of perceptual processing than previously appreciated.  相似文献   

The counter model for word identification (Ratcliff & McKoon, 1997) has been challenged by recent empirical findings that performance on low-frequency words improves as the result of repetition of the words. We show that the model can accommodate this learning effect, and that it can do so without jeopardizing its explanations of the effects on word identification of a large number of other variables.  相似文献   

Using the Remember/Know procedure, we compared the impact of a reflective repetition by refreshing (i.e., briefly thinking of a just-seen item) and a perceptual repetition (i.e., seeing an item again) on subjective experience during recognition memory. Participants read aloud words as they appeared on a screen. Critical words were presented once (read condition), immediately repeated (repeat condition), or followed by a dot signalling the participants to think of and say the just-previous word (refresh condition). In Experiments 1 and 2, Remember responses benefited from refreshing a word (in comparison with reading it). In Experiment 2, this benefit disappeared when participants had to refresh one of three active items. Perceptual repetition increased Remember responses in Experiment 1, but not in Experiment 2 regardless of whether participants had just previously seen 1- or 3-items. These findings indicate that under some circumstances, reflective and perceptual repetition may have different consequences for later subjective experience during remembering, suggesting differences in their underlying functional mechanisms.  相似文献   

Corina DP  Grosvald M 《Cognition》2012,122(3):330-345
In this paper, we compare responses of deaf signers and hearing non-signers engaged in a categorization task of signs and non-linguistic human actions. We examine the time it takes to make such categorizations under conditions of 180° stimulus inversion and as a function of repetition priming, in an effort to understand whether the processing of sign language forms draws upon special processing mechanisms or makes use of mechanisms used in recognition of non-linguistic human actions. Our data show that deaf signers were much faster in the categorization of both linguistic and non-linguistic actions, and relative to hearing non-signers, show evidence that they were more sensitive to the configural properties of signs. Our study suggests that sign expertise may lead to modifications of a general-purpose human action recognition system rather than evoking a qualitatively different mode of processing, and supports the contention that signed languages make use of perceptual systems through which humans understand or parse human actions and gestures more generally.  相似文献   

We describe a methodology for investigating whether two manipulations exert independent effects on perception. This method avoids the strong scaling assumptions inherent to traditional analysis of variance techniques, and we used it to investigate the combined effects of cued visual attention and stimulus repetition. Subjects identified previously studied (primed) and new (unprimed) masked words that were presented to validly and invalidly cued locations for varying durations. Performance improved more rapidly with increasing exposure duration for primed than for unprimed, and for attended than for unattended, stimuli. We interpret this finding as indicating that both variables speed the rate of information acquisition. The speedup provided by priming and attention combined equaled the product of benefits for each alone, providing evidence they are serial, independent effects.  相似文献   

The effects of a study/test mismatch in the viewing mode of natural scenes on recognition memory performance were examined. At both encoding and retrieval, scenes were presented either by being divided into quarters that were displayed in a sequential cumulative fashion or by scrolling the images through the screen, thereby gradually revealing the content of the images. Half of the participants were tested immediately after encoding and the other half after 48 hours. For both the immediate and delayed retrieval conditions, better recognition memory was demonstrated when viewing modes matched across study and test than when they mismatched. Implications for current processing and multiple systems views of memory are discussed.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the effect of activation of higher-level semantic representations on lower-level perceptual representations. A forced-choice discrimination paradigm was used, a method known to produce repetition blindness (RB) for words unconfounded by memory demands or response bias. In Experiment 1, equivalent reductions in RB (as measured by omission error rate and by d') occurred when successive word pairs were identical in: (1) form, pronunciation, and meaning (both uppercase versions of the same word); (2) pronunciation and meaning but not form (lowercase versus uppercase; lexical identity); and (3) pronunciation, but not form or meaning (homonyms; phonological identity), relative to when the words were unrelated on all dimensions. The RB effect was markedly attenuated, but not eliminated, when the words were semantically related. Similar results were obtained in Experiment 2 using a larger group of subjects. These findings show that higher-order semantic representations can have a top-down influence on judgements based on lower-order perceptual representations. The results are discussed within the framework of a cascade model of object processing in the human brain.  相似文献   

When the stimuli in one perceptual class (A') become related to the stimuli in another perceptual class (B'), the two are functioning as a single linked perceptual class. A common linked perceptual class would be the sounds of a person's voice (class A') and the pictures of that person (class B'). Such classes are ubiquitous in real world settings. We describe the effects of a variety of training procedures on the formation of these classes. The results could account for the development of naturally occurring linked perceptual classes. Two perceptual classes (A' and B') were formed in Experiment 1. The endpoints of the A' class were called anchor (Aa) and boundary (Ab) stimuli. Likewise, the anchor and boundary stimuli in the B' class were represented as Ba and Bb. In Experiment 2, the A' and B' classes were linked by the establishment of one of four cross-class conditional discriminations: Aa-->Ba, Aa-->Bb, Ab-->Ba, or Ab-->Bb. Results were greatest after Aa-->Bb training, intermediate after Aa-->Ba and Ab-->Ba training, and lowest after Ab-->Bb training. Class formation was influenced by the interaction of the anchor/boundary values and the sample/comparison functions of the stimuli used in training. Experiment 3 determined whether class formation was influenced by different sets of two cross-class conditional discriminations: Aa-->Ba and Ab-->Bb, or Aa-->Bb and Ab-->Ba. Both conditions produced equivalent results. Similarities were attributable to the use of anchor stimuli as samples and boundary stimuli as comparisons in each training condition. Finally, the results afterjoint Aa-->Ba and Ab-->Bb training were much greater than those produced by summing the results of Aa-->Ba training alone and Ab-->Bb training alone. This same synergy was not observed after joint Aa-->Bb and Ab-->Ba training or either alone.  相似文献   

Five experiments are reported that demonstrate the use of the repetition discrimination task (RDT) to study perceptual grouping effects objectively and quantitatively. Experiments 1 and 3 validate the method by measuring grouping based on proximity, color similarity, common region, and element connectedness. Experiment 2 compares the RDT effects for proximity grouping to explicit subjective ratings of grouping strength in identical displays. Experiments 4 and 5 investigate the effects of size and orientation of surrounding ovals in displays in which competing organizations are present. In each case, the RDT produces clear, consistent patterns of response times that are consistent with predictions based on grouping. It thus represents an objective method for studying the full range of grouping phenomena originally described by Wertheimer.  相似文献   

In two different tasks, subjects were asked to make lexical decisions (word or nonword) and symmetry judgments (symmetrical or nonsymmetrical) about two-dimensional polygons. In both tasks, every stimulus was repeated at one of four lags (0, 1, 4, or 8 items interposed between the first and second stimulus presentations). This paradigm, known as repetition priming, revealed comparable short-term priming (Lag 0) and long-term priming (Lags 1, 4, and 8) both for symmetrical polygons and for words. A shorter term component (Lags 0 and 1) of priming was observed for nonwords, and only very short-term priming (Lag 0) was observed for nonsymmetrical polygons. These results indicate that response facilitation accruing from repeated exposure can be observed for stimuli that have no preexisting memory representations and suggest that perceptual factors contribute to repetition-priming effects.  相似文献   

The counter model for perceptual identification (Ratcliff & McKoon, 1997) differs from alternative views of word recognition in two important ways. First, it assumes that prior study of a word does not result in increased sensitivity but, rather, in bias. Second, the effects of word frequency and prior study are explained by different mechanisms. In the present experiment, study status and word frequency of target and foil were varied independently. Using a forced-choice task, we replicated the bias effect. However, we also found several interactions between frequency and prior study that are in direct conflict with the counter model. Most important, prior study of both alternatives resulted in an attenuation of the frequency effect and an increase in performance for low-frequency targets, but not for high-frequency targets. These findings suggest that the effects of frequency and prior study are not mediated by completely independent mechanisms.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the possibility that perceptual memory for words is dependent on level of awareness of those words. In Experiment 1, subjects attempted to report briefly exposed words in a study phase and then identify words that faded into view in a test phase. Old words appeared in both the study and test phases, whereas new words appeared only in the test phase. Perceptual memory, indexed as the faster identification of old vs. new words, was observed only for words correctly reported in the study phase. In the study phase of Experiment 2, words were flanked by digits, and the distribution of attention between words and digits was varied. Perceptual memory increased from nil to high levels as more attention was allocated to the words. These findings suggest that long-term perceptual memory is dependent on level of awareness of words in the study phase.  相似文献   

We examined the processing locus (location vs. response) of location repetition effects in terms of the event [target (t) or distractor (d)] that initially occupied and then re-occupied the repeated location (i.e., t-to-t, t-to-d, d-to-t, d-to-d). Trials were presented in pairs (prime, then probe) and 2:1 location-to-response mappings were used. Generally, for all repetition conditions, perceptual processing at the repeated location itself was facilitated (location locus), while re-activated responses delayed output production (response locus). More specifically, perceptual facilitation observed for a repeated location was independent of the kind of processing (i.e., t or d) that occurred earlier, suggesting that it is not the labeling of locations as relevant or irrelevant that determines location repetition effects. Response production was significantly slowed only when a just-inhibited response had then to be executed, which supported the view that the spatial negative priming effect has a response locus.  相似文献   

The authors used a cognitive load manipulation (rehearsing a string of digits during the trial) to test the automaticity of (a) masked repetition priming and (b) the masked repetition proportion (RP) effect (i.e., greater priming when the proportion of repetition-prime trials is higher) in the lexical decision task. The RP (.2 vs. .8) was varied across blocks. Masked priming was not reduced under load compared with a no-load group. Surprisingly, only the load group showed an RP effect in response latencies, although the no-load group showed an RP effect in the error rates. Our results show that masked priming is automatic, yet the influence of masked primes can nonetheless be adjusted at an unconscious level. Implications for accounts of masked priming are discussed.  相似文献   

Visual memory and stimulus repetition effects   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent investigations of memory for randomly configured patterns indicate that visual memory can involve distinct short-term and long-term components. The appearance of a visual recency effect that is confined to the last-presented item is believed to result from the active visualization of this item during the retention interval. Studies of the retention of familiar visual information have also suggested that the short-term effects observed are a result of active visualization. In a review of these studies, however, we argue that the effects obtained with familiar visual information are not necessarily a result of active visualization and, indeed, may not involve anything other than long-term visual memory. For example, Rabbitt and Vyas (1979) observed a visual recency effect in a serial choice reaction time task involving familiar information. That this recency effect was confined to the final item accords with the results obtained with unfamiliar visual information. However, this choice reaction time task did not require subjects to remember previous stimuli, so it is unlikely that they actively visualized them. With the case for a distinct short-term visual memory currently resting on the recency effect interpreted as reflecting a process of active visualization, this result is especially important. In the second part of the present paper, we report a series of experiments that provides an understanding of the visual recency effect in the serial choice reaction time task. We conclude from these studies that this effect is not due to visualization or to a visual trace either decaying or being overwritten by a succeeding stimulus.  相似文献   

Incremental learning models of long-term perceptual and conceptual knowledge hold that neural representations are gradually acquired over many individual experiences via Hebbian-like activity-dependent synaptic plasticity across cortical connections of the brain. In such models, variation in task relevance of information, anatomic constraints, and the statistics of sensory inputs and motor outputs lead to qualitative alterations in the nature of representations that are acquired. Here, the proposal that behavioral repetition priming and neural repetition suppression effects are empirical markers of incremental learning in the cortex is discussed, and research results that both support and challenge this position are reviewed. Discussion is focused on a recent fMRI-adaptation study from our laboratory that shows decoupling of experience-dependent changes in neural tuning, priming, and repetition suppression, with representational changes that appear to work counter to the explicit task demands. Finally, critical experiments that may help to clarify and resolve current challenges are outlined.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined effects of repetition and change on states of awareness in face recognition. Participants studied repeatedly presented photographs of faces, with the second presentation following either immediately after the first presentation (massed repetition) or following six intervening items (spaced repetition). To manipulate perceptual change, each repeated face was either identical or a mirror image of the first presentation. Subsequently, when recognising a face, participants indicated whether they consciously recollected its prior occurrence ("remembering") or recognised it on the basis of familiarity ("knowing"). Changes in appearance between repeated faces enhanced remember, but not know, responses, and these effects were accentuated for spaced, rather than massed, repetition. These findings suggest that distinctiveness of encoding supports the phenomenological experience of conscious remembering.  相似文献   

The effect of the just previous stimulus on the current response was determined in three speeded classification experiments. When the stimuli were perceptual patterns, and when they were words, there was marked facilitation if the previous stimulus was identical to the current stimulus. When successive perceptual stimuli were composed of identical elements, but in a changed configuration, there was no measureable sequential effect on “same” response times. These results are for integral stimuli. When stimuli are not integral, as with some studies in the literature, it is suggested that each two-dimensional nonintegral stimulus is treated by the observer as two objects. In those cases, responses can be facilitated by repetition of that object on which responses were based on the previous trial, and this can occur when a value of the other dimensions (other objects) has not repeated. Accordingly, the processing of integral and nonintegral stimuli must be considered separately when attempting to evaluate process models. Further, facilitation due to stimulus repetitions does not account for all of the differences in response times between various classification tasks. These additional differences may be attributed to a multidimensional range effect analogous to the range effects found in psychophysical tasks.  相似文献   

Perceptual implicit memory is typically most robust when the perceptual processing at encoding matches the perceptual processing required during retrieval. A consistent exception is the robust priming that semantic generation produces on the perceptual identification test (Masson & MacLeod, 2002), a finding which has been attributed to either (1) conceptual influences in this nominally perceptual task, or (2) covert orthographic processing during generative encoding. The present experiments assess these possibilities using both auditory and visual perceptual identification, tests in which participants identify auditory words in noise or rapidly-presented visual words. During the encoding phase of the experiments, participants generated some words and perceived others in an intermixed study list. The perceptual control condition was visual (reading) or auditory (hearing), and varied across participants. The reading and hearing conditions exhibited the expected modality–specificity, producing robust intra-modal priming and non-significant cross-modal priming. Priming in the generate condition depended on the perceptual control condition. With a read control condition, semantic generation produced robust visual priming but no auditory priming. With a hear control condition, the results were reversed: semantic generation produced robust auditory priming but not visual priming. This set of results is not consistent with a straightforward application of either the conceptual-influence or covert-orthography account, and implies that the nature of encoding in the generate condition is influenced by the broader list context.  相似文献   

This paper describes procedures for generating trial sequences to balance out practice effects and intertrial repetition effects in experiments consisting of repeated trials. In the sequences presented, each stimulus appears an equal number of times, is preceded equally often by itself and by each other stimulus, and is distributed in a “balanced” manner throughout the block of trials. Two criteria for balance are employed. One criterion aims to equalize the average position of each stimulus in the sequence. The second criterion maintains, as much as possible, a uniform interval between appearances of each stimulus in the sequence. For each criterion, optimal or near-optimal sequences are presented for experiments involving from three to nine different stimulus conditions. Suggestions are included for extending (e.g., doubling or tripling) the length of the sequences.  相似文献   

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