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A model was quantified to describe the integration of vowel duration, fricative duration, and fundamental frequency (F0) contour as cues to final position fricatives differing in voicing. The basic assumptions are that perceived vowel duration and perceived frication duration are cues to the identity of final position fricatives and that both F0 contour and vowel duration influence perceived vowel duration. Binary choice and rating responses to synthetic stimuli varying independently along the three dimensions were collected. The results were consistent with the assumption that F0 contour operates by modifying perceived vowel duration, which is a direct cue. Unfortunately, the nature of the modification appears to be very similar in form to that which results from the integration of two independent cues in syllable identification. Therefore, the results do not allow a rejection of the idea that the perception of F0 contour may directly cue the identity of final position fricatives.  相似文献   

Variation of amplitude envelope at stimulus onset has been considered to be of primary importance for distinguishing voiceless affricates from fricatives (e.g., [symbol: see text]). In earlier perceptual experiments, however, variation in amplitude rise time was confounded with variation in frication duration. In two experiments, these variables were independently manipulated, and their individual and combined effects for perception of magnitude of [symbol: see text] were examined. Variation in amplitude rise time alone was not sufficient to signal the voiceless affricate/fricative contrast in these experiments, but variation in frication duration alone was sufficient.  相似文献   

Variation of amplitude envelope at stimulus onset has been considered to be of primary importance for distinguishing voiceless affricates from fricatives (e.g., |t∫| and |∫|). In earlier perceptual experiments, however, variation in amplitude rise time was confounded with variation in frication duration. In two experiments, these variables were independently manipulated, and their individual and combined effects for perception of |t∫| and |∫| were examined. Variation in amplitude rise time alone was not sufficient to signal the voiceless affricate/fricative contrast in these experiments, but variation in frication duration alone was sufficient.  相似文献   

The voiceless affricate/fricative contrast has played an important role in developing auditory theories of speech perception. This type of theory draws some of its support from experimental data on animals. However, nothing is known about differential responding of affricate/fricative continua by animals. In the current study, the ability of hooded rats to "label" an affricate/fricative continuum was tested. Transfer (without retraining) to analogous nonspeech continua was also tested. The nonspeech continua were chosen so that if transfer occurred, it would indicate whether the animals had learned to use rise time or duration cues to differentiate affricates from fricatives. The data from 9 of 10 rats indicated that rats can discriminate between these cues and do so in a similar manner to human subjects. The data from 9 of 10 rats also demonstrated that the rise time of the stimulus was the basis of the discrimination; the remaining rat appeared to use duration.  相似文献   

Across languages, children with developmental dyslexia have a specific difficulty with the neural representation of the sound structure (phonological structure) of speech. One likely cause of their difficulties with phonology is a perceptual difficulty in auditory temporal processing (Tallal, 1980). Tallal (1980) proposed that basic auditory processing of brief, rapidly successive acoustic changes is compromised in dyslexia, thereby affecting phonetic discrimination (e.g. discriminating /b/ from /d/) via impaired discrimination of formant transitions (rapid acoustic changes in frequency and intensity). However, an alternative auditory temporal hypothesis is that the basic auditory processing of the slower amplitude modulation cues in speech is compromised (Goswami et al., 2002). Here, we contrast children's perception of a synthetic speech contrast (ba/wa) when it is based on the speed of the rate of change of frequency information (formant transition duration) versus the speed of the rate of change of amplitude modulation (rise time). We show that children with dyslexia have excellent phonetic discrimination based on formant transition duration, but poor phonetic discrimination based on envelope cues. The results explain why phonetic discrimination may be allophonic in developmental dyslexia (Serniclaes et al., 2004), and suggest new avenues for the remediation of developmental dyslexia.  相似文献   

Amplitude envelopes derived from speech have been shown to facilitate speech-reading to varying degrees, depending on how the envelope signals were extracted and presented and on the amount of training given to the subjects. In this study, three parameters related to envelope extraction and presentation were examined using both easy and difficult sentence materials: (1) the bandwidth and centre frequency of the filtered speech signal used to obtain the envelope; (2) the bandwidth of the envelope signal determined by the lowpass filter cutoff frequency used to “smooth” the envelope fluctuations; and (3) the carrier signal used to convey the envelope cues. Results for normal hearing subjects following a brief visual and auditory-visual familiarization/training period showed that (1) the envelope derived from wideband speech does not provide the greatest benefit to speechreading when compared to envelopes derived from selected octave bands of speech; (2) as the bandwidth centred around the carrier frequency increased from 12.5 to 1600 Hz, auditory-visual (AV) performance obtained with difficult sentence materials improved, especially for envelopes derived from high-frequency speech energy; (3) envelope bandwidths below 25 Hz resulted in AV scores that were sometimes equal to or worse than speechreading alone; (4) for each filtering condition tested, there was at least one bandwidth and carrier condition that produced AV scores that were significantly greater than speech-reading alone; (5) low-frequency carriers were better than high-frequency or wideband carriers for envelopes derived from an octave band of speech centred at 500 Hz; and (6) low-frequency carriers were worse than high-frequency or wideband carriers for envelopes derived from an octave band centred at 3150 Hz. These results suggest that amplitude envelope cues can provide a substantial benefit to speechreading for both easy and difficult sentence materials, but that frequency transposition of these signals to regions remote from their “natural” spectral locations may result in reduced performance.  相似文献   

Reaction times were obtained to the onset and offset of 70-cps electrocutaneous signals of five rise and decay times and five intensity levels. The results show that both onset and offset RTs increase linearly with increased rise and decay times. With fast rates of rise or decay, the onset produces faster RTs than the cessation of stimulation. The opposite effect is found when long rise and decay times are used. Interpretations of these results are given in terms of neural adaptation and accommodation.  相似文献   

Reaction times were obtained to the onset and offset of 70-cps electrocutaneous signals of five rise and decay times and five intensity levels. The results show that both onset and offset RTs increase linearly with increased rise and decay times. With fast rates of rise or decay, the onset produces faster RTs than the cessation of stimulation. The opposite effect is found when long rise and decay times are used. Interpretations of these results are given in terms of neural adaptation and accommodation.  相似文献   

In an earlier study, it was shown that listeners can use prosodic cues that predict where sentence stress will fall; phoneme-monitoring RTs are faster when the preceding prosody indicates that the word bearing the target will be stressed. Two experiments which further investigate this effect are described. In the first, it is shown that the duration of the closure preceding the release of the target stop consonant burst does not affect the RT advantage for stressed words. In the second, it is shown that fundamental frequency variation is not a necessary component of the prosodic variation that produces the predicted-stress effect. It is argued that sentence processing involves a very flexible use of prosodic information.  相似文献   

Foraging involves the expenditure of both time and effort in the acquisition of food; animals typically modify their meal patterns so as to reduce these expenditures or costs. The contribution of time, as compared with effort, to the overall cost perceived by an animal is not known. We investigated the effect of foraging time as a cost independent of effort by measuring the meal patterns of rats living in a laboratory foraging simulation in which they earned all their daily intake. They pressed a bar once to initiate an interval (procurement interval) leading to the presentation of a large cup of food from which they could eat a meal of any size. As the length of the interval increased from 1 s to 46 hr, meal frequency decreased regularly. Meal size increased in a compensatory fashion, and total daily intake was conserved through an interval of 23 hr. The changes in meal frequency occurred because of changes in the rat's latency to bar press after each meal. The functions relating meal frequency and size to the procurement interval were of the same shape as those seen when cost is the completion of a bar-press requirement, which entails the expenditure of both effort and time. When the bar-press requirement was increased to 10, meal frequency was reduced, but time and effort did not appear to simply add together in the rat's perception of cost. These data reveal that time is preceived to be a cost by rats foraging in this laboratory environment. These results suggest that the time parameters of foraging are different from those of consumption.  相似文献   

Here we report, for the first time, a relationship between sensitivity to amplitude envelope rise time in infants and their later vocabulary development. Recent research in auditory neuroscience has revealed that amplitude envelope rise time plays a mechanistic role in speech encoding. Accordingly, individual differences in infant discrimination of amplitude envelope rise times could be expected to relate to individual differences in language acquisition. A group of 50 infants taking part in a longitudinal study contributed rise time discrimination thresholds when aged 7 and 10 months, and their vocabulary development was measured at 3 years. Experimental measures of phonological sensitivity were also administered at 3 years. Linear mixed effect models taking rise time sensitivity as the dependent variable, and controlling for non‐verbal IQ, showed significant predictive effects for vocabulary at 3 years, but not for the phonological sensitivity measures. The significant longitudinal relationship between amplitude envelope rise time discrimination and vocabulary development suggests that early rise time discrimination abilities have an impact on speech processing by infants.  相似文献   

These studies examined the perceptual role of various components of naturally produced stop consonants (/b, d, g, p, t, k/) in CV syllables. In the first experiment, the context-sensitive voiced formant transitions were removed with a computer-splicing technique. Identification accuracy was 84% when the consonant was presented with the same vowel as had been used to produce it. Performance fell to 66% when the consonant was juxtaposed with a different vowel. The second experiment not only deleted the voiced formant transition, but also replaced the aspiration with silence. Here, identification accuracy dropped substantially, especially for voiceless stops, which had contained devoiced formant transitions in the replaced interval. The pattern of errors suggested that listeners try to extract the missing locus of the consonant from the vowel transition, and in the absence of a vowel transition, they try to extrapolate it from the second formant of the steady-state vowel.  相似文献   

N Cowan 《Acta psychologica》1991,77(2):121-135
First and second language acquisition both require that speech be segmented into familiar, multiphonemic units (e.g., words and common phrases). The present research examines one segmentation cue that is of considerable theoretical interest: the repetition of fixed sequences of speech. On each trial, subjects heard repetitions ('pre-exposures') of two artificially-constructed, multisyllabic patterns that shared an embedded segment 1 or 2 syllables long (e.g., 2 shared syllables: [ga-li-SE] and [li-SE-stu]). There were 2 and 6, 4 and 4, or 6 and 2 repetitions of the two patterns, randomly ordered. Subjects were then to indicate the groupings they perceived within a subsequent, longer sequence containing both of the pre-exposed patterns (e.g., [ga-li-SE-stu]). Responses varied systematically with the size of the embedded segment, the repetition frequencies of the two pre-exposed patterns, and the serial position of each pre-exposure. The results illustrate how investigations of the processing of speech patterns may contribute to an understanding of some elementary aspects of language learning.  相似文献   

Listeners are quite adept at maintaining integrated perceptual events in environments that are frequently noisy. Three experiments were conducted to assess the mechanisms by which listeners maintain continuity for upward sinusoidal glides that are interrupted by a period of broadband noise. The first two experiments used stimulus complexes consisting of three parts: prenoise glide, broadband noise interval, and postnoise glide. For a given prenoise glide and noise interval, the subject's task was to adjust the onset frequency of a same-slope postnoise glide so that, together with the prenoise glide and noise, the complex sounded as "smooth and continuous as possible." The slope of the glides (1.67, 3.33, 5, and 6.67 Bark/sec) as well as the duration (50, 200, and 350 msec) and relative level of the interrupting noise (0, -6, and -12 dB S/N) were varied. For all but the shallowest glides, subjects consistently adjusted the offset portion of the glide to frequencies lower than predicted by accurate interpolation of the prenoise portion. Curiously, for the shallowest glides, subjects consistently selected postnoise glide onset-frequency values higher than predicted by accurate extrapolation of the prenoise glide. There was no effect of noise level on subjects' adjustments in the first two experiments. The third experiment used a signal detection task to measure the phenomenal experience of continuity through the noise. Frequency glides were either present or absent during the noise for stimuli like those use in the first two experiments as well as for stimuli that had no prenoise or postnoise glides. Subjects were more likely to report the presence of glides in the noise when none occurred (false positives) when noise was shorter or of greater relative level and when glides were present adjacent to the noise.  相似文献   

H Akutsu  D M Levi 《Perception》1998,27(9):1015-1023
Asymmetric patterns have several spatially distinct cues for spatial localization. These cues include the peak of the luminance distribution, the centroid of the contrast distribution, zero-crossings in the second derivative of the luminance profile, and the midpoint of the visible area. If these cues are represented as primitives in the visual system, the observer should be able to access them at will. To examine whether observers can selectively attend to particular cues, we measured perceived alignment for an asymmetric pattern with two distinct instructions: "align the peak", and "align the center". We found that observers could align the patterns in accord with the instructions with identical precision, suggesting that the peak and the center cues were equally accessible by the observer. We conclude that multiple localization cues are represented in and can be selectively accessed by the visual system.  相似文献   

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