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A Danish translation of the Cattell's 16PF has been used in studies evaluating the effects of prenatal drug exposure. This paper reports a psychometric analysis of the 16PF and Eysenck's EPQ based on a sample of 558 young Danes. Many 16PF scales had unacceptable psychometric properties (as indicated by coefficient alpha and item–total score correlations), but more satisfactory results were obtained with the EPQ N and E scales. A factor analysis of all 16PF and EPQ scales suggested a six factor solution that roughly corresponds to the second-order factor structure obtained by Krug and Johns (1986). It is concluded that the second-order factor structure should be the basis of interpretation of the 16PF in both practical and research contexts.  相似文献   

While Sensation Seeking is a construct which loads on both Extraversion (E) and Psychoticism (P), it is not clear whether Sensation Seeking can be reduced to E and P and whether all of its subfactors necessarily load on the same factor(s). We therefore decided to investigate the relationship among these. The 682 participants comprised a heterogeneous sample. They completed the SSS (Form V) and then the EPQ-R-S (short version of the revised EPQ). Factor analysis of the EPQ-R-S revealed simple structure, with 46 of the 48 items being correctly located on their respective factors. Analysis of the SSS also revealed simple structure, with 31 of the 40 items being correctly located on their respective factors. When the items from the EPQ-R-S and SSS were combined in one analysis, using a 4-factor constraint, we could identify these as follows: The first factor entailing items from 3 SSS scales (ES, Dis and BS) and 2 EPQ scales (L and P), could be referred to as Impulsive Unsocialized Sensation Seeking (P-ImpUSS). The second was identified as N; the third was identified as E; and the fourth as TAS. Thus it is P which loads on P-ImpUSS, with TAS being distinct from the latter.  相似文献   

Psychometric characteristics of Eysenck's revised P scale were studied in a cross-cultural research. The Spanish version of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revised (EPQ-R) was administered to a Spanish sample of 527 males and 583 females. Maximum-likelihood factor analyses of the item intercorrelations and Direct Oblimin rotations of the extracted factors were carried out separately for males and females. The results revealed four factors identified as psychoticism (P), extraversion (E), neuroticism (N) and dissimulation/conformity (L). Internal consistency and test–retest reliability coefficients were satisfactory and very similar to the ones found in the original study. Skewness and kurtosis of the P scale distribution were closer to normal than on the original British revised P scale.  相似文献   

Orienting reflex (OR) habituation and dishabituation may be influenced by individual difference variables, including Eysenck's Extraversion (E) and Neuroticism (N) dimensions. Ninety subjects formed nine groups based on the crossover of high, medium, and low E and N. Each subject received, at each of two auditory stimulus intensities, two blocks of tone presentations. The last standard stimulus trial was followed by a novel stimulus and four repetitions of the standard stimulus. Using square root SCR, extraverts showed smaller initial response amplitudes than introverts at the low intensity of stimulation, while the reverse was true at high intensity. E and N were unrelated to SCR habituation rate. However, extraverts showed no dishabituation, while introverts did dishabituate.  相似文献   

The study utilised responses to the E.P.Q. from 3 samples of subjects. An initial sample of 239 Independent Study Students, a second sample of 278 student and pupil nurses and an aggregate sample of 617 students of both types. The samples were subjected to principal components analyses followed by varimax and promax rotations. Scree Test, number of significant loadings, replicability across samples and sexes, factor reliability and factor replicability were used as criterion measures to determine the number of real factors present. Nearly all the N, E and L-items were recovered in the analyses of each of the samples. In the two smaller samples, insufficient items were retrieved to indicate the presence of a clear psychoticism factor, but in the aggregate sample one factor contained 19 of the 25 P-items. Scree Test, numbers of significant loadings, replicability over samples and factor reliability criteria indicated that either a 4- or 5-factor solution was a valid possibility. Application of the criterion of factor replicability, using factor comparability coefficients based on factor scores, revealed an exceptionally clear 4-factor structure which was also replicable across sexes. The effects of dissimulation were investigated by dichotomising the male and female samples by L-scores. In both cases the mean scores for P and N for the low L-score group were higher than the corresponding mean scores for the high L-score group, which supports a previous finding that dissimulation tends to artificially lower the P and N-scores. Examination of the effect of dissimulation on the factor structure showed that E and N came out equally clearly in the high and low L-score groups for both males and females. P came out more clearly in the low L-score group for males and in the high L-score group for females, the latter finding being contrary to that of other authors. The investigation confirmed the presence of 4 “real”, replicable factors of P, E, N and L at the first order, showed that P and N are sensitive to dissimulation and illustrated the effectiveness of using factor replicability, measured by factor comparability coefficients based on factor scores, to determine the number of “real” factors in an analysis.  相似文献   

The initial data consisted of responses to the 16PF and E.P.Q., obtained at the same testing, from 239 Independent Study Students. The responses to the 16PF were subjected to a principal components analysis. A Scree Test applied to the original solution indicated that between 8 and 10 factors should be retained for rotation. As this was at variance with Cattell's postulated factor structure supplementary analyses involving the retention and rotation of from 16 to 22 factors and item-factor analyses of groups of scales were carried out. All of these analyses failed to reproduce anything like a clear 16-scale structure. In order to accommodate the hypothesis that a 3-factor solution, in line with Eysenck's postulated dimensions of P, E and N, underpinned the Cattell scales and to test the validity of the intermediate solutions, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 and 3 factors were retained and subjected to varimax and promax rotations. These solutions were compared with solutions obtained from analyses of the responses to the 16PF of 200 students at the Independent Assessment and Research Centre. Only the 3-factor solutions showed a degree of replicability across samples. The samples were combined to form a total sample of 439 cases and this was tested for factor replicability using factor comparability coefficients based on factor scores. This revealed a clear 3-factor structure, of anxiety, superego and exvia, which was replicable across sexes. An analysis of the responses to the combined questionnaires indicated that the neuroticism and anxiety factors and the extraversion and exvia factors were co-incident, but that psychoticism and superego were separate factors. However, the P-scale loaded -0.40 on the superego factor, which lends some support to Eysenck's contention that psychoticism is the obverse of superego. A 3-step analysis, in which pairs and triads of scales were tested for factor replicability, confirmed the equivalence of the neuroticism and anxiety factors and the extraversion and exvia factors. As far as psychoticism and superego were concerned only the latter appeared as a real, replicable factor. This factor contained virtually all the 16PF superego or S-items and 11 of the 25 E.P.Q. P-items. The 14 P-items which did not load significantly on the superego factor were those involving the cruelty or sadism element of the concept of psychoticism. It is contended that superego, rather than psychoticism, may best lay claim to join neuroticism and extraversion in what may be termed the great triumverate of the personality sphere.  相似文献   

Differential K Theory was recently proposed relating personality to reproductive strategy (Rushton, 1985). The more K the person is (the symbol derives from population biology), the more he or she will delay reproductive effort, produce fewer children and more intensely care for them. Concomitant characteristics include intelligence, altruism, law-abidingness and behavioural restraint. Race differences are hypothesized such that, in terms of K, Mongoloids > Caucasoids > Negroids. Barratt and Eysenck (1984) recently published standardized Extraversion (E), Neuroticism (N), Psychoticism (P) and Social Desirability (L) scores for males and females from 25 different countries, but did not analyse the data in such a way that racial differences were found. In the current study Barratt and Eysenck's data are aggregated across sex and over countries to examine whether theoretical predictions regarding race differences in behavioural restraint do in fact occur. Behavioural restraint was indexed by low E and high N scores. The means for 8 Mongoloid samples (N = 4044) were contrasted with those of 38 Caucasoid (N = 19, 807) and 4 Negroid ones (N = 1906), and the resultant comparisons confirmed expectations. Mongoloids are lower on E and higher on N than Caucasoids, who in turn are lower in E and higher on N than Negroids.  相似文献   

This study represents an effort to better understand the latent structure of anxiety sensitivity (AS), as indexed by the 16-item Anxiety Sensitivity Index (ASI; S. Reiss, R. A. Peterson, M. Gursky, & R. J. McNally, 1986), by using taxometric and factor-analytic approaches in an integrative manner. Taxometric analyses indicated that AS has a taxonic latent class structure (i.e., a dichotomous latent class structure) in a large sample of North American adults (N=2,515). As predicted, confirmatory factor analyses indicated that a multidimensional 3-factor model of AS provided a good fit for the AS complement class (normative or low-risk form) but not the AS taxon class (high-risk form). Exploratory factor analytic results suggested that the AS taxon may demonstrate a unique, unidimensional factor solution, though there are alternative indications that it may be characterized by a 2-factor solution. Findings suggest that the latent structural nature of AS can be conceptualized as a taxonic latent class structure composed of 2 types or forms of AS, each of these forms characterized by its own unique latent continuity and dimensional structure.  相似文献   

The structure of the English personality lexicon was investigated using self-ratings (N = 310) on a set of 1,710 personality-trait adjectives. The 5-factor solution resembled the Big Five structure, but included rotational variants of Agreeableness and Emotional Stability similar to those of other languages. In the 6-factor solution an additional factor, defined by terms such as unpretentious versus sly, resembled an Honesty-Humility factor observed in other languages. The 6-factor solution also produced an especially clear 5th factor, defined by Intellect, Imagination, and Unconventionality content. The hierarchical emergence of factors from 1 to 7 was explored, and the 7-factor solution yielded a Religiosity factor, adding to the diverse array of 7th factors observed in other languages.  相似文献   

Bales (1981) tied his new method of group observation (SYMLOG) io several well-established theories and methods in the social sciences. Among these was Eysenck's Social Attitude space. With two reservations, Bales' initial assumptions concerning the isomorphism of the image or value level of SYMLOG and the Eysenck space were confirmed. First, conservatism was more strongly linked to self-interest and concern for material success and power than to conventionality. Second, the two dimensions of the Eysenck space were correlated in our sample. It is suggested that, while the structure of attitudes and values may remain constant, the correlations between dimensions can be used as an indication of primary and secondary polarizations in attitudes and values and that these polarizations may well reflect the political structure of the specific context. Implications of this observation for the analysis of issue polarization and policy formation are discussed, as are several points of comparison between the two systems.  相似文献   

In this article a critical evaluation is given of Eysenck's Psychoticism model. It is argued that in this model two sub-models can be distinguished, which, contrary to Eysenck's presentation, cannot be regarded as true extensions of each other. With respect to one of these models, the ?genotypic’? P-model, the theory is criticized in that both schizophrenia and affective psychosis are determined by a common genetic predisposition which can phenotypically manifest itself in variations of P. Instead of this theory, the likelihood is put forward that a high EPQ-P score, albeit in combination with a high N and a low E score (and notwithstanding the fact that criminals or psychopaths can also obtain high P scores), is (only) related to the schizoid state, and hence, that P seems to be relevant either as a predisposing factor contributing to the development of schizophrenic psychosis, or as a factor on which biological relatives of schizophrenics obtain higher scores on average than normals do. In this respect, Eysenck's theory that the non-schizoid form of psychopathy can also be found among first-degree relatives of schizophrenics, and hence, that psychopathy and schizoidia are genetically related, is also criticized. Furthermore, it is argued that Eysenck's EPQ-P scale is not optimal for measuring those traits of the schizoid personality which are independent of N and/or E. Both arguments regarding the contents of this scale and arguments with respect to the demonstrated lack of invariance of the EPQ-P factor are adduced to support this statement. Thus, an alternative scale for measuring ?P’? (labelled S or Insensitivity) was designed by us. The S-scale is based on literature concerning the schizoid state and reflects the results of a series of principal components analyses of (potential) S items, together with N and E items, put into execution with the intention of investigating the invariance of the S factor (and of E and N) with respect to six sample and other parameters. These investigations were carried out on a large, representative sample of the Dutch population. Additional investigations were carried out concerning the reliability and validity of the three newly formed scales. The results of these investigations turned out to be very satisfactory or, in some respects, at least promising. Finally, in this article, comments are made on the nature of the S factor, comparing this dimension with both Eysenck's P factor and the dimensions Agreeableness and Conscientiousness, as proposed, for instance, in McCrae and Costa's version of Nor-man's 5-factor model. As against P, the S or Insensitivity factor seems to be only (negatively) related to Agreeableness and not to Conscientiousness. It is also argued that this finding seems to be in accord with the supposed schizoid nature of S and the criticisms levelled at Eysenck's EPQ-P scale.  相似文献   

The present study was an investigation of the basic psychometric properties and the factor structure of the Sensation Seeking Scale (Form-V). The relationship between Zuckerman's concept of Sensation Seeking and the Eysenckian dimensions of personality was also investigated. The SSS (Form-V), the EPQ-R and the I.7 were administered to 192 S's (58 male and 134 female). Means and standard deviations were calculated for all scales and reliability was tested. Discrepancies are reported between the mean scale scores obtained in the present study and those reported by Eysenck et al. (1985a, b) and Zuckerman et al. (1978). Item factor analysis (ML) was performed on the SSS (Form-V). The results of this suggests that the factor structure of the SSS (Form-V) is similar to that reported by Zuckerman et al., for the female Ss, in the present study. For the male Ss, however, the factor structure is not in keeping with that reported by other writers. Intercorrelations were run between the sub-scales of the SSS (Form-V), the EPQ-R scales and the I.7 scales, for males and females separately. A rather curious positive correlation emerged between P and L, which is not in keeping with previous work in this area. These matrices were subsequently factor analysed. Four factors were extracted for both the male and female sub-samples and identified as P, E, N and General Sensation Seeking. The results of this analysis, taken with the results of multiple regression analysis suggests that the SSS (Form-V) does not share very much identity or relationship with the EPQ-R or the I.7.  相似文献   

The relationship between Eysenck's major personality factors and responses to the Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale were examined. E was related to loneliness for both males and females. Females also showed a moderately high correlation between N and loneliness. Regression analyses indicated a substantially stronger relationship between the Eysenck factors and loneliness for females than males.  相似文献   

Lynn and Hampson (1975) and recently Lester (2000) suggested that national level of extraversion (E) and neuroticism (N) could be assessed by using certain national indicators like suicide and divorce rates. In this study, Lynn and Hampson’s (1975) and Lester’s (2000) models were assessed by using 1990s data. Although Lynn and Hampson’s original N and E factors correlated with EPQ N (r=0.48) and E (r=0.60) scores as hypothesised, the factor structure did not recur in the 1990s data. Factor analysis supported Lester’s (2000) model of N and E. However, the factor loadings for EPQ N and E were rather modest (0.49 for N and 0.36 for E). It was concluded that more research with larger datasets and new social indicators are needed before social indicators could replace the EPQ in comparisons of national characteristics of nations.  相似文献   

While Eysenck (1977) has argued that socialization is in part determined by classical conditioning, there is little difinitive evidence to support this hypothesis. Close inspection of investigations carried out to date reveal most to contain conceptual or methodological flaws which invalidate their results as a strict test of Eysenck's theory. An attempt was made to circumvent these problems by testing Eysenck's undersocialization-poor conditionability prediction on a sample of 101 15-year-old male schoolchildren using self-report and teacher rating measures of socialization in conjuction with skin conductance measures of classical conditioning. This study also investigated the more specific hypothesis that biological predispositional factors are of particular relevance in determining antisocial conduct in the higher social classes (Mednick et al., 1977).Results of the first analysis provided no support for Eysenck's theory. In a second analysis an undersocialization-poor conditionability relationship was uncovered in the high-class children, a relationship which was reversed in the low classes. This result contradicts Eysenck's general prediction, is not readily interpretable by Mednick's analysis, but is explained by Eysenck's suggestion that in more criminogenic environments, superior conditionability facilities antisocial behaviour. These results suggest that the interaction between conditionability and social milieu needs to play a much more central role in the explanation of antisocial conduct than hitherto.  相似文献   

The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revised (EPQ-R), the Eysenck Personality Profiler Short Version (EPP-S), and the Big Five Inventory (BFI-V4a) were administered to 135 postgraduate students of business in Pakistan. Whilst Extraversion and Neuroticism scales from the three questionnaires were highly correlated, it was found that Agreeableness was most highly correlated with Psychoticism in the EPQ-R and Conscientiousness was most highly correlated with Psychoticism in the EPP-S. Principal component analyses with varimax rotation were carried out. The analyses generally suggested that the five factor model rather than the three-factor model was more robust and better for interpretation of all the higher order scales of the EPQ-R, EPP-S, and BFI-V4a in the Pakistani data. Results show that the superiority of the five factor solution results from the inclusion of a broader variety of personality scales in the input data, whereas Eysenck's three factor solution seems to be best when a less complete but possibly more important set of variables are input.  相似文献   

The Reitan-Indiana Neuropsychological Battery (RINB) was administered to a sample of children referred for educational and behavioral problems (N = 130). Subtest scores were standardized by age at 1-year intervals (6, 7, and 8 years). A principal components analysis (PCA) with promax rotation of 18 subtest scores produced a five-factor solution. Factor 1 emphasizes tactile/spatial functions, Factor 2 emphasizes concept formation and visual/spatial abilities, Factor 3 reflects motor strength, Factor 4 emphasizes sensory perception, and Factor 5 reflects motor speed. Principal factor analysis (PFA) of these data was performed to permit comparison with the PCA solutions. The PFA and PCA solutions were similar and major conclusions about factor structure were consistent.  相似文献   

Within this study we used self-report measures completed by 123 undergraduate students from an Australian university to investigate the validity of Peterson and Seligman’s [Peterson, C., & Seligman, M. E. P (2004). Character strengths and virtues. New York: Oxford.] classification system of 24 character strengths and six virtues. We also looked at how the 24 character strengths relate to the Five Factor Model of personality and to a measure of social desirability. Using a second order factor analysis of the 24 character strengths, we found that these 24 character strengths did not produce a factor structure consistent with the six higher order virtues as proposed by Peterson and Seligman [Peterson, C., & Seligman, M. E. P (2004). Character strengths and virtues. New York: Oxford.]. Instead, the 24 character strengths were well represented by both a one and four factor solution. Patterns of significant relationships between each of the 24 character strengths, the one and four factor solutions and the Five Factor Model of personality were found. The results have implications for [Peterson, C., & Seligman, M. E. P (2004). Character strengths and virtues. New York: Oxford.] classification.  相似文献   

One hundred and seventy seven males and 399 females completed a translated short version of the Eysenck Personality Profiler (EPP-S). Two hundred and ninety four Ss also completed the EPQ. By means of item analysis, further shortening of the EPP was achieved, while retaining adequate psychometric characteristics and convergent validity with EPQ scales. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) confirmed the Eysenck hierarchical model of personality with three basic dimensions and showed stability of the EPP factor structure across genders and sub-samples of different origin. However, CFA showed that only E and P were independent, while N was correlated with E and P.  相似文献   

Eysenck's personality inventory (EPI) was administered to 653 females and 666 males. Item analyses were carried out for the subsamples and the combined sample. In addition hierarchical oblique factor analysis was applied to the data. The purpose of both item and factor analysis was to examine the psychometric properties of the EPI in regard to (a) the homogeneity of the scales, in terms both of internal and external item-scale relationships (b) the univocality of the scales assessed in factor analytic terms. It was found that the neuroticism scale was superior to the extraversion scale in both these respects.  相似文献   

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