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中西心理治疗之比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
孙凤  李兆生 《心理科学》2001,24(3):360-360
在当今生物—心理—社会医学模式下,世界卫生组织把“健康”定义为:“不但没有身体的缺陷和疾病,还要有生理、心理和社会适应能力的完满状态。”并提出了“2000年人人享有保健”的宏伟目标。但是。社会竞争日益激烈,社会环境空前紧张,使当今民众承受着前所未有的心理压力,由此导致日渐增多的心理障碍急需行之有效的心理治疗。  相似文献   

伊斯兰教法是以宗教名义制定的制约信仰者日常生活的行为规范。教法学研究不仅受到东方穆斯林学者的重视,近百年来也成为西方学术界伊斯兰教研究关注的重要领域之一。本文在以往研究的基础上,就近代以来西方学者在伊斯兰教法学研究方面所取得的成果、提出的理论观点、学术价值以及在方法论方面与东方穆斯林学者的异同做了较为系统的论述。本文认为,由于世界观、人生观、价值观等方面的差异,欧美西方学者关于教法传统的研究和著述,有其长处和短处,但其学术价值已然得到中外学术界的广泛赞赏和肯定。在改革开放的大环境下,宗教研究应当吸纳、借鉴一切有益的学术研究成果。  相似文献   

The purpose of this review is to compare and contrast western and eastern conceptualizations of happiness and optimal functioning. Towards this end, accounts of happiness and optimal functioning provided in western philosophy and scientific psychology are compared with those in some eastern schools of thought (namely, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and Sufism). Six fundamental differences in western and eastern conceptualizations of the good life are identified and discussed in the context of broader psychological theory. It is hoped that this theoretical analysis will stimulate more culturally informed research among happiness researchers.  相似文献   

The distinction between hedonic enjoyment and eudaimonia was evaluated in three data sets involving use of the Personally Expressive Activities Questionnaire—Standard Form (PEAQ-S) with college student samples (n > 200 in each sample). Indices of these two conceptions of happiness were strongly and reliably related across the three samples. Differences between these two conceptions of happiness were evaluated in two ways. First, we examined and compared correlations of hedonic enjoyment and eudaimonia with variables related to intrinsic motivation. Zero-order correlations involving hedonic enjoyment were significantly stronger with respect to measures of self-determination and interest than were the corresponding correlations involving feelings of personal expressiveness (eudaimonia). In contrast, correlations involving eudaimonia were significantly stronger with measures of the balance of challenges and skills, self-realization values, effort, and importance than were the corresponding correlations with hedonic enjoyment. Second, we empirically distinguished between activities for which both hedonic enjoyment and eudaimonia are present (intrinsically motivated activities) and activities for which hedonic enjoyment alone is present (hedonically enjoyed activities). Intrinsically motivated activities were judged to be significantly higher with respect to measures of the balance of challenges and skills, self-realization values, effort, importance, interest, and flow experiences. No differences between the two categories of activities were found for self-determination and the frequency with which activities were performed. Given these distinguishable patterns in the two conceptions of happiness, a reconceptualization for the understanding of intrinsic motivation is proposed.  相似文献   

It is crucial to know the factors that influence happiness. This study investigates the determinants of happiness with an emphasis on comparison effects (income relative to others’ income or relative to the own income in the past) and expectations about own future income. Nationally representative cross-sectional data collected by a Turkish survey on happiness of individuals 18 or older in years 2003–2011 are used to conduct regression analyses. The dataset includes around 6,000–7,000 individuals in each year. The findings of the study indicate that favorable income comparisons and expectations of future household income are correlated with a higher level of happiness, consistent with a model in which both comparisons and income expectations are seen as a consumption good. Secondly, comparisons and expectations bear on happiness asymmetrically. Third, the estimated effect of expecting higher income is smaller in Turkey than the estimates reported in the literature. Fourth, the magnitudes of the effects of comparisons and expectations depend on the business cycle. In crisis years, compared to years of economic expansion, the importance for happiness of having high absolute income is greater and the importance of having high relative income or high income expectations is lower. Finally, Turkish people have greater concern for their relative position in the society than for having higher absolute income in the future. Several robustness checks lend support to the validity of the aforementioned results.  相似文献   

Applied Research in Quality of Life - Sustainable happiness research has recently received renewed attention. Studies present exercises intended to enhance happiness. A comprehensive process by...  相似文献   

This study investigates the subjective representation of the components of happiness and their attainment in older adults from two countries with different economic well-being and cultural orientations: Italy and Cuba. Two hundred and nine Italians and 186 Cubans completed a questionnaire. Respondents were asked to write down at least five components that made them feel happy. A measure of overall happiness was also obtained by asking the subjects to rate to what extent they had attained each component in their life and calculating their mean. The results showed that there was agreement amongst the participants over their choice of components used to represent happiness; however, there were cross-cultural differences regarding the frequency of citation and importance of these components. The fact of living in Italy or Cuba was not a predictor of overall happiness, despite the difference in national income. This is in line with previous research highlighting how subjective well-being does not depend wholly on economic well-being.  相似文献   

作为一位欧洲伊斯兰公共知识分子,塔里格·拉玛丹认为,从伊斯兰原则本身出发,就可获得西方穆斯林与西方社会相融合的基础和动力。西方穆斯林首先应恪守不可改变的伊斯兰基本原则,保持其宗教认同;但与此同时,他们却可以转变那些与当代世界严重脱节的文化观念和习俗,摒弃伊斯兰与西方水火不容的成见,走向与西方社会的深度融合。为此,拉玛丹进一步提出了实现融合的具体路径,这就是改革伊斯兰教育、加强文明对话和重建公民伦理。伊斯兰认同与国家认同可以同时并存,伊斯兰与西方现代性亦能达成重叠共识与和解共生,而这将为全人类的共同发展作出重要的贡献。  相似文献   

《孔子诗论》与春秋时期诗学观念之比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
把《孔子诗论》同《左传》、《国语》所反映的诗学观念相比较,二者有三个相同之处:对诗的本质的认识和对风、雅、颂的认识是一致的;都采用“断章取义”的解诗方法;乃至对一些具体作品的解释也是一致的。这表明春秋时期的解《诗》用《诗》之风,不但是《诗论》产生的土壤,也给其形成提供了充足的条件。同时二者又有三个不同之处,即点滴论述和自成体系的不同;断章取义和评论篇旨的不同;大、小雅并重和国风、小雅并重的不同。这表明《诗论》是在更高的水平上评论作品,是对春秋时期诗学思想的重大超越。  相似文献   

儒家与当代西方环境伦理学:一个初步的比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当代西方环境伦理学是一个多元化的话语体系。人类中心主义(anthropocentrism)、动物/解放权利论(ani mal liberation/rights theory)、生物中心主义(biocentrism)和生态中心主义(ecocentrism)是这个话语体系的四个主要思想流派。它们之间的相互批评、回应、沟通和交流构成了当代西方环境伦理学的历史主题。一、规范层面的共识与差异人类中心主义是西方近现代伦理学的主流话语体系。这个话语体系的基础是康德的这样两个基本预设:只有人(作为惟一的理性存在物)才是目的王国和道德共同体的成员;人只对人负有直接的道德义务,人对动物等非人类存…  相似文献   

This study used Rawls’ social contract theory of right to examine the conceptions of compassion of Western Buddhist practitioners as they made ethical decisions. The study, which used a construction sample of 140 subjects in order to study the developmental levels of thinking among the Buddhist practitioners, identified five structural-developmental levels of conceptions of compassion along with a level of pre-compassionate thinking. Only a sparse amount of thinking at the level of ethical principles of compassion was found among the Buddhist practitioners. Buddhist practitioners gave priority to issues of karma over issues of rights in ethical decisions involving dilemmas related to life and death decisions. Scoring manuals were constructed for assessing ethical reasoning and justice-reasoning based on Rawls’ meta-ethical theory of justice and right. Different dilemmas seem to elicit different levels of conceptions of compassion, which supports the view of compassion as “levels of conceptions” rather than a singular state.
Albert ErdynastEmail:

My ethnographic fieldwork conducted with female converts to Islam in France and in Quebec (Canada) shows that, for these women, being Muslim does not necessarily mean wearing clothes with ‘oriental’ designs. Rather, they are starting their own clothing companies so as to produce distinct Muslim-Western fashions that they promote through the Internet. By interpreting Islam in a context where Muslims are a minority religious group, converts construct alternative religious and social representations of Muslim identity that accord with their feminist interpretation of the Qu’ran while simultaneously incorporating the Western background within which they were socialized. In this regard, the strategies that they develop for wearing the veil and for integrating into their environment (family, workplace, etc.) make it clear that fashion, religion and politics are interacting in multiple, creative ways. In this paper, I look at how new Muslim feminist subjectivities are produced and realized through habits of dress, resulting in new representations of the body. I explore this issue by considering dress and hairstyle strategies developed by Muslim converts, in order to examine new perspectives on the place of gender in religion as it relates to particular social contexts.  相似文献   

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