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Factor analyses identified one General and 23 Primary factors, grouping independently the dimensions of importance (attitudinal), frequency (of experiences), and pleasantness-unpleasantness (of bodily feelings) for 48 items that broadly reflect human values, activities, and feelings such that they are applicable cross-culturally. This Specific Value Scale was self-rated by 296 college students whose 13 “Values” (incorporating the three dimensions) ranged from Social Activities and Ethical Beliefs to Sexual Activities and Significance (importance feeling), these values being also reflected in factors. The importance of self-understanding and the pleasantness of clothes grooming and of friendship were emphasized. Deemphasized were rebelling, arguments, and negative feelings. No significant differences were found between the sexes.  相似文献   

苏南村庄领袖的权威是一种由基于为村庄共同体带来福利的报偿性权威、基于上级任命获得的法理权威和基于个人人格和道德威望的魅力型权威共同组成的"复合型权威"。这一权威的延续,必须基于村庄领袖作为"经济能人"对村庄发展作出的持续贡献和作为"道德楷模"对村庄福利的慷慨回报。在此基础上,村庄领袖的政治权威可以自然获得并不断巩固。相反,一旦失去这两种权威基础,村庄领袖的双重角色则会自然中断。  相似文献   

Individual difference approaches have typically treated emotional clarity (i.e., one’s understanding of one’s own emotions) as a unitary construct. Based on strong theoretical reasons, in this study we explored two related aspects of emotional clarity in a student sample. The first, type awareness, refers to the extent to which people typically can identify and distinguish the types of emotions they experience. The second, source awareness, refers to the extent to which people typically know the causes of their emotions. We psychometrically distinguished self-report items of source and type awareness. Items measuring type awareness were obtained from traditional measures of the construct, clarity of emotions. As no existing measures assess individual differences in source awareness, we developed a set of items with strong face validity. Our results provide initial evidence that one can measure source and type awareness separately.  相似文献   

有意遗忘是一种探讨个体抑制能力发展的新的记忆研究的实验范式。本研究以单字为实验材料,被试为小学二、四、六年级共90名学生,每个年级的学生按学习成绩好和差分别选取15人。实验结果为:1、小学生有意遗忘中的认知抑制能力是发展的;2、小学生有意遗忘中的认知抑制能力具有明显的个体差异,各年级小学生中学习成绩好的学生抑制能力强,学习成绩差的学生抑制能力弱。  相似文献   

We examined the relationships between hardiness, work engagement, and burnout. Participants were Belgian service members involved in the International Security and Assistance Force (ISAF) operation. They completed a questionnaire containing hardiness items from the revised Norwegian Hardiness Scale, items concerning vigor and dedication from the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, and those tapping cynicism and emotional exhaustion from the Utrecht Burnout Scale. Results showed that hardiness was positively related to dedication and vigor, and negatively to cynicism and emotional exhaustion. Our results further suggest that work engagement and burnout are the opposite ends of a continuum. However, analyses concerning the moderation effect of hardiness suggest that individual differences could imply different processes in the relationship between work engagement and burnout.  相似文献   

In this article, I will discuss three realities of the activating event (A) and argue the importance of making staying in the moment a key concept of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy. I will also discuss the unlikelihood of reaching personal happiness and inner peace with a concept of self-worth. I will then provide two equations for happiness that help us achieve the ultimate goal of inner peace and will virtually guarantee that we feel good without feeling good about ourselves.  相似文献   

My focus in this paper is on a type of bad actions, namely actions that appear to be done for reasons that are not good reasons. I take such bad actions to be ubiquitous. But their ubiquity gives rise to a puzzle, especially if we assume that intentional actions are performed for what one believes or takes to be good reasons. The puzzle I aim to solve in this paper is: why do we seem to be getting it wrong so much of the time? I will argue that we can explain the ubiquity of bad action in light of the practical uncertainties that we face. My claim is not just that the more uncertainty we face as agents, the more likely we are to make a mistake about what counts as a good reason for action, although that is certainly one possible effect of practical uncertainty. My main claim is, rather, that practical uncertainty can have an impact on what counts as acting for a good reason for the agent.  相似文献   

情感对员工工作行为的影响是组织行为研究领域中长期被忽视的内容。通过回顾积极与消极情感对创造性绩效影响的理论与实证研究,梳理相关的中介变量与调节变量的作用机理,构建出以任务特征、主管支持等组织背景因素为调节变量,以认知因素与动机因素为中介变量,积极与消极情感共存,并与情感强度等性质变量交互作用,最终影响员工创造性绩效的假设模型,为未来的研究工作提供了思路和方向。  相似文献   

When and why does the experience of helping others at work spill over into positive affect at home? This paper presents a within‐person examination of the association between perceived prosocial impact at work and positive affect at home, as well as the psychological mechanisms that mediate this relationship. Sixty‐eight firefighters and rescue workers completed electronic diaries twice a day over the course of 1 working week. Random‐coefficient modeling showed that perceived prosocial impact predicted positive affect at bedtime. This relationship was mediated by perceived competence at the end of the working day and positive work reflection during after‐work hours but not by positive affect at the end of the working day. The findings demonstrate that the experience of helping others at work has delayed emotional benefits at home that appear to be channeled through the cognitive mechanisms of perceived competence and reflection rather than through an immediate affective boost.  相似文献   

颜青山 《伦理学研究》2013,(1):27-33,141
通过改进齐硕姆-摩尔分析内在价值的孤立法方法,可以发展出“态度孤立法”和“极端孤立法”两种新方法.意向内容“坏”和“错”分别处于意向态度“愧”和“悔”的态度之下,因为“愧”可以孤立于“悔”,所以“坏”与“错”是相互独立、互不还原的.由此,“好”与“对”也是不可相互还原的.  相似文献   

Studies in Philosophy and Education - Franco “Bifo” Berardi tells us that the current transformation of every domain of social life into economy has led to “the subjugation of the...  相似文献   

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