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凤雏 《心理科学》1993,16(5):295-298
前额叶(Prefrontal lobule)是哺乳类动物大脑额叶前端的皮层区,位于运动前区的前方,包括额叶眼区在内的新皮层区,它属于大脑皮层联合区。人类的前额叶最发达,超过了整个皮层的1/4。灵长类动物的前额叶也相当发达,例如,猕猴的前额区占据了大脑嘴侧部到弓状沟之间的区域以及整个眶底面。在灵长类动物前额叶皮层以显著的第Ⅳ层颗粒层为特征,因此,灵长类前额叶皮层也称为“额叶颗粒皮层”。大量研究证明,前额叶与感觉的产生和肌肉运动的发生没有直接关系,而在脑的高级功能中起着重要作用。  相似文献   

不同语言的神经生理基础不同,文化和语言对脑组织的可塑性发挥着重要作用。对儿童、双语者和阅读障碍者语言加工的神经生理机制研究揭示,在不同语言和文化背景下,个体负责语言加工的脑区的结构和功能不同。语言和文化塑造个体的脑组织。  相似文献   

皮层功能的正常发展依赖于充分的外部感觉信息的输入。先天性听力障碍群体由于经历早期听觉剥夺, 皮层功能往往出现异常。具体表现为初级听皮层功能退化, 初级、次级听皮层的功能连接变弱, 次级听皮层出现跨通道功能重组; 在后天听力重建后听皮层功能重组仍然存在, 言语加工需要更多高级认知资源的补偿。已有研究在探讨听力重建后皮层的长期可塑性机制、复杂声学环境下言语加工机制、汉语言加工独特性等方面尚不深入, 值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

大脑慢电活动研究及其进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前对脑电活动的研究大多局限于频率在0.5-40Hz的活动范围内,其研究方法无明显改进,对大脑慢电活动的研究尚未受到应有的重视.对脑慢电活动的记录有两大类方法:复杂直流放大技术和脑涨落图技术.脑涨落图技术能对大脑慢电活动进行精确的定量分析,巳找出其在各种生理和病理状态下的时空精细结构,并初步揭示出慢电活动与神经化学振荡的关系,因而为在无损条件下从宏观整合角度研究大脑的复杂功能状态及其生理生化基础提供了一种有效可行的方法.  相似文献   

传统的反应时任务只能为听觉词汇加工提供定量数据,而不能提供定性信息,Gating范式的优势在于可以提供以上两种信息,使研究者能够全面、细致地了解听觉词汇加工的即时过程。而且它的适用群体广泛,可被用于研究不同年龄段的发展。文章较详细地介绍了Gating范式的基本特点及其在汉语研究中的应用,期待它被更多的研究者所认识和使用。  相似文献   

经颅电刺激(Transcranial Electrical Stimulation, TES)通过电极将特定模式的低强度电流作用于大脑头皮以调控皮层活动, 是一种非侵入、无创的神经刺激方法。根据刺激电流的模式的不同, TES分为经颅直流电刺激(tDCS), 经颅交流电刺激(tACS)和经颅随机电刺激(tRNS)。TES能对视功能诸如光幻视阈值、视野、对比敏感度、视知觉运动等进行一定程度上的调控, 并且能够与传统的视觉知觉学习训练相结合以调控视觉功能。对于不同的视觉功能, 不同的TES参数和模式的调控效果有所不同。  相似文献   

婴儿刺激能迅速引起成人的注意和偏爱,这与人类大脑中特定的神经机制有关。这个特定的神经机制是成人有效地加工和回应婴儿需要的神经基础,它能够促进个体对婴儿产生亲社会行为,因此被称为父母大脑。本文综合婴儿刺激加工领域的研究,从研究范式、神经机制介绍以及影响该神经机制的调节因素这三个重要方面来介绍该领域研究。首先归纳被动加...  相似文献   

情绪刺激的特定加工路径使其能够有效捕获注意并获得加工资源,在一定程度上反映了其加工优势。然而,由于信息加工资源的有限性,由情绪信息引发的、不受自上而下认知因素影响的加工优势并非一直存在。本文根据情绪刺激在信息加工过程不同阶段的加工特点,阐述了情绪注意效应与自上而下注意效应在知觉阶段的注意选择过程中的交互影响,以及在执行控制阶段,情绪刺激加工与执行控制功能间的相互作用。  相似文献   

心理学中脑电研究方法探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
事件相关电位(Event-related Potential,ERP)通常是指头皮记录到的与大脑对刺激反应相关的电位变化信息。ERP成分分析法是脑电在心理学中应用最广的方法之一。成分分析法一般认为ERP是由具有不同心理功能含义的ERP成分叠加构成,通过分析各成分的差异可以阐明心理认知活动上的异同。因此。精确提取ERP成分是ERP成分分析法的关键所在。然而在学术界ERP成分的定义至今仍是见仁见智,不同学者往往有着不同的定义,意见难以统一,所以对成分的提取仍是倍受争议的问题之一。  相似文献   

邓园  丁国盛  彭聃龄 《心理科学》2003,26(4):687-689
1 引言 探讨左前额叶的认知功能是目前脑成像研究的焦点之一。前额叶皮层占人类大脑的1/3。70年代初,鲁利亚提出大脑的三个机能系统时认为,额叶属于第三机能系统,负责编制行为程序,调节、控制行为,它对于完成很多高级认知加工,如计划、控制、问题解决等有着重要作用。近年来不断有研究发现,左侧前额叶还参与了许多和语言加工有关的活动,特别是额下回、Broca区等大脑区域被研究者进行了广泛地探讨。  相似文献   

Concurrent variable-ratio schedules of electrical brain stimulation, food, and water were paired in various combinations as reinforcement of rats' lever presses. Relative prices of the concurrent reinforcers were varied by changing the ratio of the response requirements on the two levers. Economic substitutability, measured by the sensitivity of response ratio to changes in relative price, was highest with brain stimulation reinforcement of presses on both levers and lowest with food reinforcement of presses on one lever and water reinforcement of presses on the other. Substitutability with brain stimulation reinforcement of presses on one lever and either food or water reinforcement for presses on the other was about as high as with brain stimulation for presses on both levers. Electrical brain stimulation for rats may thus serve as an economic substitute for two reinforcers, neither of which is substitutable for the other.  相似文献   

Electrical stimulation via electrodes implanted in the lateral hypothalamus may induce intraspecific aggressive behavior. Small electrolytic lesions placed via these electrodes resulted in a five– to tenfold increase in the current threshold for aggression. Degenerating fibers were stained by means of the Fink-Heimer method and could be followed caudally to the dorsal midbrain central gray and to the mammillary bodies. A few axons could be traced rostrally to the medial septum. Aggression could be induced from 10 of 112 electrodes implanted in the central gray; the other electrodes elicited either locomotion, vocalization, jump, or “alarm-like reactions.” The morphology of the induced aggression was similar to the morphology of the hypothalamically induced aggression, though it was often accompanied with motor disturbances and was less intense. Hypothalamic stimulation was combined with simultaneous central gray stimulation in rats with electrodes both in the hypothalamus and in the central gray. Hypothalamic thresholds for aggression could be lowered by this stimulation of the central gray, even when no aggressive responses were observed during central gray stimulation alone. This suggests that, although aggression is not manifest, electrical stimulation may activate neural tissue involved in aggressive behavior. It is concluded that in rats central gray and hypothalamus are part of the same neural network mediating intraspecific aggression.  相似文献   

陈宝国  胡琳 《心理科学》2012,35(5):1031-1038
两个实验通过操纵句子呈现的速度,考察加工速度因素对于晚期第二语言学习者句法加工的影响。实验1采用视觉方式呈现句子,实验2采用听觉方式呈现句子。被试的母语为汉语,第二语言为英语,属于晚期第二语言学习者,实验任务为句法判断。两个实验的结果表明,加工速度缓慢是导致晚期第二语言学习者句法加工困难的重要因素之一。加工速度缓慢对第二语言句法加工的影响,不是局限于少数一两种句法形式,而是作用于多数句法形式。研究还发现,视觉和听觉两种呈现方式下,不同句法形式的加工难度既存在共性的一面,也存在差异性的一面。  相似文献   

A central issue in bilingual research concerns the extent to which linguistic representations in the two languages are processed independently of each other. This paper reports the results of an empirical study and a model stimulation, which provide evidence for the interactive view, which holds that processing is not independent. Specifically, a reading experiment examined whether morpho-syntactic features associated with lexical representations in a bilinguals’ native language, in this case the masculine gender feature associated with the er ending of agentive nouns in German, are automatically activated by the processing of morphologically related representations in their second language, in this case English agentive nouns that end in er. Experimental findings suggest that the German-English bilinguals have a bias to interpret the referents of such nouns as male relative to English monolinguals. Subsequent computational simulation studies with an interactive activation network confirmed that this effect is due to the influence of the morphosyntactic er representation in the bilingual models that is absent in the monolingual models. The results provide evidence for an interactive view of bilingual memory and processing for language learners of age 8 and above.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between a spatial auditory inspection time task and previous versions of AIT, as well as the relationships of these tasks with visual inspection time (VIT) and general speediness (Gs). A total of 96 university undergraduates (age mean (M) = 20.0 years, standard deviation (SD) = 4.0 years) completed three AIT tasks, VIT, auditory reaction time (ART) and visual reaction time (VRT), and two Gs marker tests. Auditory inspection time‐spatial (AIT‐S) did not relate to VIT, but it did relate to the Gs marker tests. It also loaded moderately on a Gs factor along with VIT. Neither of the alternate AIT tasks showed any consistent relationships to reaction time (RT) or Gs measures. The AIT‐S task did, however, share substantial variance with its predecessors, suggesting that performance on all AIT tasks relies to some extent on similar processes. Further research is required to determine the nature of these processes.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of 3 types of noncontingent auditory stimulation (music, white noise, recordings of vocal stereotypy) on 2 children with autism who engaged in high rates of vocal stereotypy. For both participants, the music condition was the most effective in decreasing vocal stereotypy to near-zero levels, resulted in the highest parent social validity ratings, and was selected as most preferred in treatment preference evaluations.  相似文献   

日常生活中, 语言的使用往往出现在某个视觉情境里。大量认知科学研究表明, 视觉信息与语言信息加工模块并不是独立工作, 而是存在复杂的交互作用。本文以视觉信息对语言加工的影响为主线, 首先对视觉信息影响言语理解, 言语产生以及言语交流的相关研究进展进行了综述。其次, 重点对视觉信息影响语言加工的机制进行了探讨。最后介绍了关于视觉信息影响语言加工的计算模型, 并对未来的研究方向提出了展望。  相似文献   

During the last decades, a considerable number of studies about auditory processing deficits in schizophrenia have been published, some of them using the term of Auditory Processing Disorder (APD). Due to heterogeneous methodology and inconsistent results concrete conclusions may not be straightforward. We focused on studies that used at least one behavioral test for the assessment of auditory processing in schizophrenia, in order to identify new evidence on auditory processing deficits in schizophrenia, and to consider fields for future research. 28 studies met inclusion criteria and are presented in this review. The articles were divided into three groups, those that implemented a test battery approach, those that used only Dichotic Listening (DL), those that used DL along with imaging or electrophysiology techniques. Most of the studies that implemented a test battery showed significant performance differences between patients and controls. This indicates APD presence. Due to the limited number of studies implementing a test battery, this is not conclusive. The majority of all studies that used a DL task showed that patients' performance or laterality was significantly lower than that of controls. Age, duration of illness, total and specific positive symptoms seem to affect significantly DL performance and auditory laterality. The results support the existence of various schizophrenia subgroups that differ in their auditory processing performance, and also have structural and functional specificities. Further research in the field is needed, especially studies that implement a test battery, and studies that examine possible correlations between clinical variables and auditory processing deficits.  相似文献   

观点采择是指个体从他人或他人所处情境出发, 想象或推测他人观点与态度的心理过程。对相关研究综述发现: (1)观点采择是否存在自我中心偏向依然存在争论; (2)观点采择自我中心偏向不是始终存在的, 其原因可能是个体受到时间压力和特定类型任务的要求; (3)他人存在影响观点采择自我中心偏向, 并且这种影响是自动化的, 不受任务类型的影响; (4)观点采择的认知机制主要包括交互对齐、记忆提取和概率计算。未来研究需要: (1)整合已实现的计算模型; (2)进一步探究观点采择能力与心理理论的关系; (3)探究观点采择中私有信息的作用; (4)提高观点采择研究的生态效度; (5)采用不同的技术手段进行汇聚性验证。  相似文献   

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