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呈现眼睛图片就会使人们的行为发生变化即眼睛效应(the watching eyes effect)。名誉机制和规则心理可以解释眼睛效应,但尚未得出一致的结论。虽然大量研究证明亲社会行为中存在眼睛效应,但任务类型、实验情境、暴露时间、匿名性等客观环境以及被试的群体成员身份和个性特征等因素都会影响眼睛效应的发生及其强度。未来研究可以从具身认知的视角深入探讨眼睛效应的进化心理机制,开展眼睛效应的跨文化研究,探讨其背后的脑神经机制,并扩展眼睛效应的应用型研究。  相似文献   

儿童亲社会行为发展研究述评   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
李丹 《心理科学》2001,24(2):202-204
有关儿童亲社会行为的早期研究多集中在发展趋势上。一些研究发现,儿童很早就表现出亲社会行为的倾向,最初的亲社会行为伴随具体、确定的奖赏,以后逐渐发展为自发自愿、不求外加报酬的利他行为。Stabu的研究发现,儿童的助人行为是随着年龄的增长而变化的,5岁至8岁期间的助人行为是随着年龄的增加而增加的,而9岁至12岁期间的助人行为呈下降趋势。顾鹏飞、李伯黍的研究发  相似文献   

苑明亮  张梦圆  寇彧 《心理科学进展》2016,24(10):1655-1662
亲社会名声是行动者获得的亲社会特质声誉, 它有益于行动者的社会适应。行动者首先通过亲社会行为建立亲社会名声, 亲社会名声又通过间接互惠和同伴选择过程对行动者产生外在激励作用, 通过自我概念对行动者产生内在激励作用, 进而促进其亲社会行为。行动者的贫富水平、亲社会行为的公开性、自我获益和宣传方式影响其亲社会名声的获得。未来研究应关注亲社会行为与亲社会名声之间的相互促进过程, 探索行动者亲社会行为的代价与获益如何交互影响其亲社会名声; 行动者的社会阶层如何通过对人们预期的影响而调节行动者的亲社会名声; 亲社会名声促进亲社会行为的内在机制与边界条件。  相似文献   

对2097名六年级儿童(平均年龄12.27岁, 男生1093名)的亲社会行为以及多种心理社会适应指标进行测量, 主要运用个体定向的方法考察童年晚期亲社会行为与儿童心理社会适应之间的关系。结果发现:(1)亲社会行为与孤独感、攻击等不良适应呈中等程度负相关, 与同伴接纳、社交自我概念等积极适应呈中等程度正相关;(2)童年晚期儿童的心理社会适应表现为内化问题、外化问题、同伴拒绝与正常发展4种模式;(3)个体亲社会行为水平越高, 越可能属于正常发展组, 越不可能属于不良适应组;在各种不良适应组中, 个体亲社会行为水平越高, 更可能属于内化问题组, 而非外化问题和同伴拒绝组;(4)高亲社会组的儿童有6.8%存在内化问题;低亲社会组的儿童有50.2%适应良好;与普通儿童相比, 低亲社会组的儿童表现出更多的适应不良。  相似文献   

亲社会行为是指有利于他人和社会的行为,包括合作、分享、助人、安慰等。亲社会行为产生主要涉及几种认知过程:对他人行为和情绪的注意、社会信息加工、对结果的奖赏预期、社会规范表征、自我控制、以及社会信息整合与价值计算等。基于这些认知过程,研究发现,亲社会行为主要与前脑岛和前扣带回、默认网络背内侧子系统、奖赏系统以及前额叶皮层等神经区域有关,因此提出亲社会行为共同的认知-脑神经回路。未来可以对亲社会行为脑神经基础的共性、功能连接以及跨文化研究等方面做进一步探讨。  相似文献   

本文简要回顾了亲社会行为研究的简要历史。20世纪90年代以来,亲社会行为研究出现新的发展趋势:(1)首先随着多元统计技术的发展,研究者越来越多采用多变量的研究方法,以期更为准确地解释和预测亲社会行为的发生。(2)研究者对人们眼中亲社会行为进行研究,深化了亲社会行为的内涵。(3)社会信息加工模型在亲社会行为研究中得到了应用。  相似文献   

赵春黎 《心理科学进展》2015,23(11):1956-1965
社会从众是指个体改变态度或行为, 与他人保持一致的现象。社会认知神经科学采用社会心理学的实验范式研究发现:背内侧前额叶、纹状体、眶额皮层、脑岛、杏仁核和海马等多个脑区在社会从众中扮演重要角色; 能够提高多巴胺水平、改善大脑奖赏敏感性的某些神经递质可能间接影响从众。强化学习理论的奖惩预期可以部分解释社会从众的原因。未来研究应改进实验范式, 扩大研究群体, 借助神经、生化技术, 利用动物模型, 深入探讨社会从众的神经生物学基础。  相似文献   

为探讨亲社会视频游戏接触与青少年亲社会行为的关系及其内部机制——共情和道德认同在这一关系之中的中介作用,使用游戏接触经验问卷、人际反应指数量表、青少年道德自我认同问卷和青少年亲社会倾向量表对777名青少年进行调查。结果发现:(1)亲社会视频游戏接触正向预测青少年亲社会行为;(2)共情和道德认同在亲社会视频游戏接触影响青少年亲社会行为的中介作用显著。具体表现为四条中介路径:一是共情的中介作用,二是道德认同的中介作用,三是通过共情和道德认同的中介顺序在亲社会视频游戏接触与亲社会行为之间起链式中介作用,四是通过道德认同和共情的中介顺序在亲社会视频游戏接触与亲社会行为之间起链式中介作用。研究揭示了亲社会视频游戏接触影响青少年亲社会行为的作用机制,为合理引导青少年接触视频游戏和培养其道德情绪、认知及行为发展提供有益指导。  相似文献   

丁如一  周晖  张豹  陈晓 《心理学报》2016,(8):981-988
本文以青少年为研究对象,使用相关研究和实验设计探究自恋与亲社会倾向及与现实情境中亲社会行为的关系。研究1表明,对男性而言,自恋与公开的亲社会倾向之间存在正相关,与匿名的亲社会倾向之间不存在相关;而女性的自恋与公开、匿名的亲社会倾向之间均不存在显著相关。研究2通过行为实验证实,在公开的情境下,男性青少年中高自恋者比低自恋者做出更多的亲社会行为;而在非公开的情境下,高低自恋者的亲社会行为没有差异。研究结果揭示,男性青少年自恋者将亲社会行为作为自我调节的策略之一。  相似文献   

原型理论视野中的亲社会行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
亲社会行为是伦理学、心理学、社会学等学科研究的中心议题之一。学界对于什么是亲社会行为、如何对亲社会行为实施测评等一系列问题依然没有达成统一的认识。该文从概念原型理论视角出发,分析了将原型理论纳入青少年亲社会行为研究的可行性,利用原型理论探讨了青少年对亲社会行为的概念表征问题,并提出根据青少年的亲社会行为的概念结构,建构亲社会行为测评体系。  相似文献   

How people perceive outgroup prosocial behaviors is an important but under‐researched aspect of intergroup relations. In three experiments conducted in two cultural contexts (Italy and Kosovo) and with two different populations (adolescents and adults; N = 586), we asked participants to imagine being offered help by an outgroup versus ingroup member. Participants attributed fewer prosocial motives to and were less willing to accept help from the outgroup (vs. ingroup) member. This was particularly true for highly prejudiced participants and when the outgroup was described negatively. Participants' perceptions of the outgroup helper's prosocial motives and expected quality of the interaction with the helper mediated the effect of helper's group membership on willingness to accept the help (Experiment 3). We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of these findings for intergroup relations.  相似文献   

王栋  陈作松 《心理学报》2016,48(3):305-317
为寻找适合我国运动员运动道德推脱的有效测量工具, 揭示运动道德推脱与运动亲反社会行为的关系, 采用心理测量法对我国运动员进行了研究。结果表明:(1)我国运动员运动道德推脱包含行为重建、有利比较、委婉标签、非人性化和非责任; (2)性别、项目类型和运动等级可有效解释和预测运动反社会行为, 但对运动亲社会行为的解释和预测效应较低, 项目类型成为负向预测运动反社会行为的最佳变量; (3)在控制性别、项目类型和运动等级的基础上, 非责任成为负向预测运动亲社会行为(队友和对手)的最佳指标; 委婉标签和行为重建分别成为正向预测运动反社会行为(队友)和运动反社会行为(对手)的最佳指标。文章说明运动道德推脱可以解释和预测我国运动员的运动亲反社会行为。  相似文献   

Our research examines the effect of subjective financial vulnerability on prosocial activity. First, data from the European Survey of Health, Aging and Retirement (SHARE) revealed that higher assessment of one's financial vulnerability might be associated with prosocial motivation for social activities. Next, we manipulated participants' perception of their relative financial position compared to their peers and found that participants randomly assigned to the low financial position condition were more willing to volunteer than participants assigned to the high financial position condition. In Study 3, we manipulated participants' financial advantage. Participants who were disadvantaged in the experimental settings were more willing to volunteer and donate to charity compared to participants with financial advantage. In our final study, we examined willingness to donate to in‐group and out‐group help organizations and found that individuals of lower perceived financial standing may be motivated by the goal of increasing the strength of the social group, rather than by expectations of direct reciprocity. We also found that emotional distress mediates the relationship between perceived financial vulnerability and prosocial behavior. In line with earlier research illustrating that lower financial status promotes prosociality on an interpersonal level, we demonstrate that even momentary perception of relative financial disadvantage and vulnerability promotes prosociality in the broader social context.  相似文献   

The development of prosocial behavior is traced from middle childhood to adulthood in a 22-year longitudinal study of 800 children first seen at age 8 and is compared to the development of aggression over the same period. Prosocial behavior and aggression seem to represent opposite ends of a single dimension of behavior since they are consistently negatively related to each other and relate in opposite ways to correlated variables both synchronously and over time. Both are stable forms of behavior with good predictability over the time span studied and both are related to the quality of the parent-child relationship. The most important deterrent to the development of antisocial behavior and the encouragement of prosocial behavior is probably a close identification between the child and his/her parents.  相似文献   


Four experiments utilized experimental inductions of gratitude and behavioral measures of prosociality to explore the effects of 4 variables on gratitude and grateful prosocial outcomes: benefactor similarity (Study 1), intention (Study 2), future benefits (Study 3), and anonymity (Study 4). We consistently found that the receipt of a favor increased prosocial behavior, and this effect was mediated by gratitude. Benefactor similarity did not meaningfully influence either prosocial behavior or gratitude. Although benefactor intention did meaningfully affect gratitude, the effect was too small to influence the mediational effect of gratitude on prosocial behavior. Neither anonymity nor the possibility of future procurement decreased the role of gratitude in distribution; instead, both of these variables may have enhanced the role of gratitude. These data support gratitude as an important component of prosocial behavior and suggest that gratitude may contain an altruistic component, consistent with its relational function.  相似文献   

Prosocial violent media (e.g., media that combines both violent and prosocial content) is especially popular in entertainment media today. However, it remains unclear how parental media monitoring is associated with exposure to prosocial violent content and adolescent behavior. Accordingly, 1,193 adolescents were asked about parental media monitoring, media content exposure, and behavior. Main findings suggest that autonomy supportive restrictive monitoring was associated with lower levels of exposure to prosocial violent content, but only among older adolescents. Additionally, autonomy supportive restrictive monitoring was the only form of parental media monitoring associated with lower levels of violent content and higher levels of prosocial content, and autonomy supportive active monitoring was the only parental monitoring strategy that promoted prosocial behavior via exposure to prosocial media content. Discussion focuses on the importance of autonomy supportive parental monitoring, as well as the implications of parents encouraging their children to watch media with limited violent content—even if it is prosocial violent content.  相似文献   

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