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社会阶层是影响再分配偏向的重要因素。研究发现, 与低阶层者相比, 高阶层者再分配偏向更低。基于以往研究, 提出高社会阶层者低再分配偏向的作用机制及干预模型。依据该模型, 动机方面的经济自利与系统合理信念, 认知方面的经济不平等感知、贫富差距归因与刻板印象, 情感方面的同情心与地位焦虑是影响高阶层者再分配偏向的中介因素; 培育谦卑心态、进行反刻板印象干预、利用不平等框架效应、提高同情心、改变阶层文化价值观有助于提升高阶层者的再分配偏向。未来研究可对高阶层者的慈善行为及部分低阶层者拒绝再分配的现象加以关注, 深入考察和完善该模型的作用机制, 探索提升高阶层者再分配偏向的策略。  相似文献   

系统合理化理论曾提出,低阶层者比高阶层者具有更高的系统合理化水平,即更认可社会体系的合理性、更支持当前社会系统。但这一论断一直存在争议。研究引入社会认知视角,考察低阶层与高阶层者系统合理化水平的差异及其机制。两个分研究得到了共同的结果:(1)低阶层者的系统合理化水平显著低于高阶层者;(2)这一差异是通过贫富归因的中介作用实现的,低阶层者系统合理化水平较低是基于其更少地认为社会贫富差距是由个人内部因素所致;(3)这一中介作用会受到个体控制感水平的调节,当控制感较低时,上述中介作用成立;但当控制感较高时,低阶层会弥合与高阶层贫富归因的差异,中介模型不成立。这些结果支持并发展了系统合理化的认知途径解释和阶层社会认知理论这两个立足于社会认知的理论观点,显示了认知因素在此问题中的重要作用,构建了更整合的阶层—归因—合理化的逻辑,并考虑了其边界因素,对于了解低阶层者的社会心态及其形成机制,包括如何改变此状况,均有一定的现实启示意义。  相似文献   

从特质性的主观阶层感和情境性的主观阶层感两个角度考察了主观社会阶层对个体亲社会行为的影响。实验1采用问卷调查法,发现主观社会阶层较高的被试在人际关系取向上更倾向于共享关系取向。实验2采用材料启动法,发现对社会距离近的他人,高阶层与低阶层利他行为差异不显著;对社会距离远的他人,高阶层的利他行为显著大于低阶层组。研究结论:主观社会阶层较高的个体表现出更多的亲社会行为;社会距离起调节作用。  相似文献   

基于目标追求理论和社会阶层心理学的相关理论, 本文通过3个研究, 逐步深入地考察了社会公平感对不同阶层个体目标达成的影响作用及其过程。研究1为相关研究, 考察了高低阶层成人被试的教育领域社会公平感与为孩子进行教育投入的目标承诺及目标达成之间的关系; 研究2为准实验研究, 通过操纵公平或不公平教育情境启动公平感, 考察其对高低阶层中学生的学习目标承诺与目标达成的影响; 研究3为实验研究, 通过实验操纵社会公平感和社会阶层, 考察社会公平感对高低阶层大学生的实验任务目标承诺和目标达成的影响。研究发现, 社会公平感通过正向影响低阶层者的目标承诺, 进而正向影响其目标达成; 而对于高阶层者来说, 变量之间这些关系则不显著。这表明:相对于高阶层来说, 低阶层者的目标追求易受社会公平感的影响; 低阶层者的社会公平感水平越高, 其追求目标的动机水平就越高, 进而越有利于目标达成。  相似文献   

陈思静  杨莎莎  汪昊  万丰华 《心理学报》2022,54(12):1548-1561
利他性惩罚是指个体自行承担成本来惩罚违规者的行为, 它受到社会阶层的影响。研究1利用2013年中国综合社会调查数据发现阶层显著正向预测利他性惩罚。研究2 (N = 450)基于真实生活事件的调查表明, 惩罚成本调节了阶层对惩罚的影响:在成本较高的直接惩罚中, 阶层正向预测惩罚; 而在成本较低的间接惩罚中, 这种作用不再显著。研究3 (N = 232)通过操纵阶层与成本进一步证实惩罚成本的调节作用:高阶层者比低阶层者更有可能做出利他性惩罚, 但两者的差距在高成本条件下更突出。研究4 (N = 125)综合考察了阶层影响惩罚的心理机制, 多层线性分析显示:惩罚成本较低时, 阶层通过公正世界信念来间接影响惩罚, 而成本较高时, 阶层直接正向影响了惩罚。上述结果意味着利他性惩罚受到个体社会阶层的影响, 同时也在一定程度上说明在利他性惩罚中基于成本-收益的策略性考虑并非完全缺席。  相似文献   

张跃  郭永玉  丁毅  李凯 《心理科学》2019,(5):1230-1235
阶层流动是指人们在社会分层体系中相对位置的变化。人们普遍预期,向上流动促进个体发展和社会进步。然而近期研究也表明,向上流动还可能损害个体健康和主观幸福感,使人们低估和容忍社会不平等,并反对再分配。地位认同、贫富归因倾向以及系统公正信念能够解释向上流动的双刃剑效应。未来研究需要进一步澄清向上流动感知的具体表现,深入考察向上流动影响的心理机制,探索促进阶层流动积极效应发挥的干预方法。  相似文献   

阶层流动是指人们在社会分层体系中相对位置的变化。人们普遍预期,向上流动促进个体发展和社会进步。然而近期研究也表明,向上流动还可能损害个体健康和主观幸福感,使人们低估和容忍社会不平等,并反对再分配。地位认同、贫富归因倾向以及系统公正信念能够解释向上流动的双刃剑效应。未来研究需要进一步澄清向上流动感知的具体表现,深入考察向上流动影响的心理机制,探索促进阶层流动积极效应发挥的干预方法。  相似文献   

再分配偏向是指人们对再分配的支持或倾向程度。其心理机制,一直是该领域关注的焦点。为此,研究者提出了三种理论视角。自利动机视角认为个体的再分配偏向受到经济自利动机的驱动。公平认知视角认为个体的再分配偏向受到公平认知或信念的影响。社会抽样视角认为社会抽样偏差也会影响再分配偏向。未来可以进行不同视角的整合、探索其他心理机制、关注政治行为后效,并更多发挥再分配偏向研究在推进共同富裕中的作用。  相似文献   

社会阶层是心理学研究的一个新的前沿领域,是指由于经济、政治等多种原因而形成的,在社会层次结构中处于不同地位的群体,这些群体之间存在着客观的社会资源(收入、教育和职业)的差异,以及感知到由此造成的社会地位的差异。基于社会认知视角的社会阶层理论认为,处于同一阶层中的个体,由于共享的经历,形成了相对稳定的认知倾向,低阶层者是情境主义的,高阶层是唯我主义的。大量的实证研究进一步证实,环境所导致的认知倾向差异,使得高低阶层这在感知自我、他人和社会的方式存在显著的不同。而阶层的流动性对个体心理与行为的影响以及本土化的社会阶层心理学研究是需要未来深入探索的研究方向。  相似文献   

为探讨社会阶层对刻板印象的影响,选取客观上处于相对高阶层的被试108名和处于相对低阶层的被试99名,请被试对当前中国社会中的典型高低阶层群体进行提名,并对两个群体进行能力-热情-道德三维度的评分。结果发现:(1)被评价者的社会阶层可以预测人们对其形成的刻板印象,高阶层群体被认为是"高能力、低热情、低道德"的,而低阶层群体则被认为是"低能力、高热情、高道德"的。(2)评价者的社会阶层主要影响了能力维度的评价,低阶层被试在能力评价上表现出了对内群体的偏好。整体来看,研究结果支持刻板印象内容模型的社会阶层假设。  相似文献   

Previous research has highlighted the social nature of humility. In three studies, we provide evidence that humility facilitates the initiation and maintenance of romantic relationships. In Study 1, very humble potential dating partners, relative to less humble partners, were rated more favorably and were more likely to elicit intentions to initiate a romantic relationship. Study 2 was a conceptual replication of Study 1 that provided evidence that participants find humble potential dating partners more attractive than arrogant dating partners. In Study 3, we examined perceptions of humility in participants in proximal or long-distance relationships. We found that humility buffers against unforgiveness in long-distant relationships. Although long-distance relationships were associated with greater unforgiveness, this effect was only present when partners were viewed as having low humility. Together, these findings highlight the social benefits of humility in initiating and maintaining romantic relationships.  相似文献   


We report two studies of romantic couples that examine the interactive effects of actor and partner humility on individual, relational, and physiological well-being. Using both longitudinal (Study 1) and physiological (Study 2) methods from two samples of romantic couples, we explored the interactive effects of actor and partner humility. Individuals in dyads with complementary high humility reported better mental health over time following a major life transition, the birth of their first child, in Study 1 and higher relationship satisfaction and lower physiological responses (i.e. blood pressure) following the discussion of a topic of disagreement in Study 2. These results suggest that being humble is beneficial when one has a humble partner, but being arrogant – especially within a disagreement with one’s partner – could undermine the benefits of humility. That is, the benefits of humility are greatest in dyads in which both partners are humble.  相似文献   

经济不平等是影响阶层流动感知的重要因素。研究发现,经济不平等可能抑制、也可能提升阶层流动感知。在梳理两者之间复杂关系的基础上,本文提出了经济不平等影响阶层流动感知的作用机制模型。经济不平等可能通过影响不同的心理过程,继而对阶层流动感知产生抑制或提升作用;此外,两者关系也会受到微观个体因素和宏观社会因素的调节,从而呈现出不同的关系模式。未来研究应进一步考察和完善经济不平等影响阶层流动感知的整合模型。  相似文献   

Connections between humility and other prosocial qualities led us to develop a humility–helpfulness hypothesis. In three studies, humble persons were more helpful than less humble persons. In Study 1, participants (n?=?117) completed self-report measures of humility, the Big Five, and helpfulness. In Study 2, participants (n?=?90) completed an implicit measure of humility and were presented with an unexpected opportunity to help someone in need. In Study 3, participants (n?=?103) completed self-report and implicit measures of humility and were presented a similar helping opportunity. Humility and helpfulness correlated positively when personality and impression management were controlled. Humble participants helped more than did less humble participants even when agreeableness and desirable responding were statistically controlled. Further, implicit humility uniquely predicted helping behavior in an altruistic motivation condition.  相似文献   

Lower-class individuals, because of their lower rank in society, are theorized to be more vigilant to social threats relative to their high-ranking upper-class counterparts. This class-related vigilance to threat, the authors predicted, would shape the emotional content of social interactions in systematic ways. In Study 1, participants engaged in a teasing interaction with a close friend. Lower-class participants--measured in terms of social class rank in society and within the friendship--more accurately tracked the hostile emotions of their friend. As a result, lower-class individuals experienced more hostile emotion contagion relative to upper-class participants. In Study 2, lower-class participants manipulated to experience lower subjective socioeconomic rank showed more hostile reactivity to ambiguous social scenarios relative to upper-class participants and to lower-class participants experiencing elevated socioeconomic rank. The results suggest that class affects expectations, perception, and experience of hostile emotion, particularly in situations in which lower-class individuals perceive their subordinate rank.  相似文献   

Preventive health practices have been crucial to mitigating viral spread during the COVID-19 pandemic. In two studies, we examined whether intellectual humility—openness to one's existing knowledge being inaccurate—related to greater engagement in preventive health practices (social distancing, handwashing, mask-wearing). In Study 1, we found that intellectually humble people were more likely to engage in COVID-19 preventive practices. Additionally, this link was driven by intellectually humble people's tendency to adopt information from data-driven sources (e.g., medical experts) and greater feelings of responsibility over the outcomes of COVID-19. In Study 2, we found support for these relationships over time (2 weeks). Additionally, Study 2 showed that the link between intellectual humility and preventive practices was driven by a greater tendency to adopt data-driven information when encountering it, rather than actively seeking out such information. These findings reveal the promising role of intellectual humility in making well-informed decisions during public health crises.  相似文献   

归因对理解和预测环境有着重要作用。归因的两阶段过程理论认为,自动化加工会衍生内归因,进一步的控制化加工才会导致外归因。社会权力会提升自动化加工倾向,因此,社会权力可能会提升基本归因错误的发生。通过四个研究,对此进行验证。研究1-3通过问卷测量,以特质性权力感作为社会权力的指标,其中研究1通过情境判断测验对基本归因错误进行测量,研究2-3采用自陈量表对基本归因错误进行测量,并对社会经济地位进行了控制。研究4则采用启动的方法启动临时性社会权力,探求社会权力与基本归因错误之间的因果关系。四个研究均得出了一致的结论:高社会权力个体更倾向于内归因。  相似文献   

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