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正念禅修在心理治疗和医学领域中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
正念禅修渊源于南传佛教中的毗婆舍那禅修传统,指透过如实观察身心变化实相而达至烦恼解脱的禅修方法,于20世纪80年代初被引入心理治疗和医学领域后,其临床应用和相关研究日益增多.本文主要介绍了其中最为突出的正念减压疗法(MBSR)、正念认知行为治疗(MBCT)、辩证行为治疗(DBT),以及正念在创伤治疗中的应用情况;并综述了正念疗法在医疗保健和心理治疗领域的应用、疗效、作用机制等方面的相关研究.  相似文献   

以精神分析、来访者中心疗法、认知行为疗法这三大当代主流心理治疗流派为对象,分析了其哲学基础,并对这三大流派的临床应用效果作出评价。从本体论和认识论的角度,对各流派理论的主要哲学基础进行简单的划分,发现有的偏向于唯心主义,有的则偏向于唯物主义,哲学取向上有着本质的不同,但各流派的临床适应证相似。总的说来,疗效无明显差异,均各有利弊,各流派应取长补短,走向心理治疗整合,以期提高心理治疗效果并缩短其疗程。  相似文献   

本文从哲学方法论演变的视角,揭示了哈贝马斯在建构社会批判理论时,发生了从意识哲学到语言分析的语用学转向。其规范语用学的首要任务就是为理性重建提供新的模式,以支持交流行为理论,在此过程中显示出的对语形、语义和语用分析方法的整合运用,深刻地折射了20世纪哲学思维和方法论在大陆哲学和英美哲学、人文主义和科学主义之间合流的整体演进趋势。  相似文献   

李涛  李永红  宋慧  高冉  冯菲 《心理科学进展》2022,30(9):2067-2077
安全行为是个体用于预防或者减轻恐惧后果的行为, 它被认为是焦虑障碍维持的重要机制之一, 也会对焦虑的暴露治疗产生干扰。安全行为与焦虑水平、焦虑相关的认知偏差存在联系, 错误归因假说、注意资源偏离假说和行为信息假说对这种联系做出了解释。此外, 安全行为的使用会削弱焦虑暴露治疗的效果、提高暴露的接受性。未来研究应对安全行为做出更清晰的界定和准确的测量, 进一步改进研究设计, 借鉴第三代行为治疗的理论解释安全行为与焦虑的关系; 同时还需要考察安全行为的双重作用, 开发聚焦于安全行为的治疗方案并评估其效果。  相似文献   

话语理论是以拉克劳、墨菲为代表的后马克思主义哲学思想的核心,是他们在现代哲学,特别是20世纪哲学的语言学转向之后试图重构其哲学基石的理论尝试和结果。具体而言,话语理论是在当代言语行为理论,特别是后期维特根斯坦语言哲学的基础上,结合后结构主义者德里达的解构思想,综合而成的一种哲学理论。它试图将“话语”(d iscourse)作为后马克思主义的基石,并服务其以“霸权”(hegemony)为核心的“政治本体论”。在拉克劳和墨菲的后马克思主义思想中,所有问题都可归结为“话语”。“话语”成了阐释后马克思主义理论的重要依据和理论参考。不仅…  相似文献   

哈贝马斯的交往行为理论建基于对马克思实践哲学和西方现代主体性哲学的反思与批判之上。他将"理解"作为交往行为理论的奠基性概念,展现了交往理性的生存论向度。而对于实践哲学、语言哲学和解释学的反思与借鉴,能够阐明交往行为理论的生存解释学之维。  相似文献   

接纳与承诺疗法的理论背景、实证研究与未来发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
接纳与承诺疗法(Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, ACT)于上世纪90年代初由美国治疗师Steven C. Hayes提出。作为基于正念技术的第三代行为治疗理论之一, 该疗法以功能情境主义为哲学基础, 立足于人类认知和语言基本性质的实证研究, 旨在通过平衡接纳与改变来提高心理灵活性。临床研究已证明其在相当广泛的临床问题上都取得了良好效果, 并在与CBT等传统疗法的对比中展现优势。ACT的临床效果和技术细节可做进一步研究, 该疗法与CBT的融合及其在临床领域之外的应用也是未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

奥斯汀论言和行   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
奥斯汀 (J .L .Austin ,1 91 1— 1 96 0 )是二战后英国著名的分析哲学家 ,是所谓牛津派普通语言哲学的领袖人物 ,在英美哲学界有很大的影响。奥斯汀的贡献是多方面的 ,其中“施事话语”概念和言语行为理论是对哲学和语言学的原创性的、永久性的贡献。本文着重从哲学角度阐述奥斯汀的“施事话语”概念和言语行为理论及其意义。一、“施事话语”和“记述话语”区分的提出及其困难奥斯汀有关言语行为的系统观点在他的《如何以言行事》一书中得到较为完整的表述。他先是提出“施事话语”和“记述话语”区分说 ,但是 ,由于他的“施事话语”概…  相似文献   

论政治科学基础理论研究的传统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
政治科学在其起源时就包含着深刻的哲学分析、执着的价值追求和严密的社会规范论证。在从古代到近代的三个快速发展时期 ,政治科学的理论研究都坚持以哲学、伦理学和社会学作为其理论支撑 ,并由此形成政治科学理论研究的哲理性、价值性和社会性的传统。 19世纪4 0年代出现的政治理论的革命同样是在哲学、伦理学和社会学理论变革的基础上发生的。现代西方政治学理论研究在经过 50年代专注行为、避谈价值和脱离社会的狂躁 ,从而偏离传统的曲折后 ,到 6 0、70年代以后又回复到传统上来  相似文献   

针对伽达默尔提出以"效果历史"理论为核心的解释学普遍适用的观点,哈贝马斯根据对语言、日常交往行为与认识过程关系的分析,认为这是一种错误要求,科学理论的形成并不受哲学解释学所提出的认识困难处境的影响。即使在哲学解释擅长的日常交往领域,它也存在明显局限。哈贝马斯在哲学解释学异军突起时主动捍卫解释学方法论意义并完成解释学向批判解释学转型,这有着重要的理论与实践意义。但哈贝马斯过分强调带有明显理想性的自由交往理论建构,也遭到了伽达默尔的有力反驳。  相似文献   


An examination of a clinical case in which severe demands on the analyst were made to bear silence and trauma unprocessable by the analysand. This discussion draws on the work of Coltart and Ferenczi to consider the demands of such work on the analyst. Intergenerational transmissions of trauma are also considered in the understanding of this case.  相似文献   

Contrast, induction, facilitation, suppression, and conservation   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Ten rats received all of their water in daily 1-hr sessions. Following a baseline phase in which lever and water spout were freely available throughout each session, subjects were trained to press the lever for water on mixed schedules composed of two alternating components. Each component gave access to water for a fixed cumulation of drinking time every time the rat cumulated a fixed amount of lever-pressing time. Changes in one component produced contrast and induction effects, both positive and negative, with respect to both lever pressing and drinking in the unchanged component. All schedules facilitated lever pressing relative to baseline. All schedules suppressed drinking relative to baseline, even though contingency sessions allowed ample time to perform the baseline amount of drinking. The entire pattern of results was predicted in quantitative detail by assuming that the total amount of a dimension apportioned to lever pressing and drinking is conserved between baseline and contingency sessions. Conservation theory was shown to predict several effects produced by simple fixed-ratio schedules, and was compared favorably with probability-differential (Premack, 1971) and response-deprivation (Timberlake and Allison, 1974) theory.  相似文献   

Tim Crane 《Metaphilosophy》2012,43(1-2):20-37
Analytic philosophy is sometimes said to have particularly close connections to logic and to science, and no particularly interesting or close relation to its own history. It is argued here that although the connections to logic and science have been important in the development of analytic philosophy, these connections do not come close to characterizing the nature of analytic philosophy, either as a body of doctrines or as a philosophical method. We will do better to understand analytic philosophy—and its relationship to continental philosophy—if we see it as a historically constructed collection of texts, which define its key problems and concerns. It is true, however, that analytic philosophy has paid little attention to the history of the subject. This is both its strength—since it allows for a distinctive kind of creativity—and its weakness—since ignoring history can encourage a philosophical variety of “normal science.”  相似文献   

Two coefficients are proposed for measuring the extent of overlap in distributions as a direct function of the variance between the arithmetic means (“disco” and “odisco”). They are designed to answer such questions as: “Given the value of a numerical variablex, to which population should an individual be assigned so that minimum error would be incurred?” This is just the reverse of the question addressed by ANOVA. These coefficients are shown to be analytic inx and they are related to Pearson's eta and Fisher'sF. Extensions of these coefficients (designed for univariate, one-way discrimination) tok-way and multivariate discriminant analysis and measurement of “interaction” are suggested.  相似文献   

Rape myth acceptance has been extensively studied. Little research is available, however, on the relationship of this variable to other oppressive belief systems. A sample of 492 male and 506 female college students completed the Illinois Rape Myth Acceptance Scale, the Attitudes Toward Women Scale (short form), the Neosexism Scale, the Modern and Old Fashioned Racism Scale, the Modern Homophobia Scale, a modified version of the Economic Belief Scale, the Fraboni Scale of Ageism, and the Marlowe–Crowne Social Desirability Scale (short form). Because there were no existing measures of intolerance toward multiple religions, the Religious Intolerance Scale was developed for this study (using relevant items from the Godfrey Richman Isms Scale). Findings here suggested that greater racism (both modern and old fashioned), sexism (both modern and old fashioned), homophobia (toward both gay men and lesbians), ageism, classism, and religious intolerance were each associated with greater rape myth acceptance. Moreover, each belief system collectively added to the prediction of rape myth acceptance, although sexism has the highest overlap with rape myth acceptance. Although gender did not moderate the relationship between oppressive belief systems and rape myth acceptance, results, across analyses, did indicate that men reported greater rape myth acceptance than women did. Results point to the interrelatedness of rape myth acceptance, racism, sexism, homophobia, classism, ageism, and religious intolerance.  相似文献   

We measured human frequency response functions for eleven angular frequency filters using a forced-choice procedure in a supra-threshold summation paradigm. Each of the eleven functions of 17 experimental conditions was measured 4-9 times among 12 observers. Results show that, for the arbitrarily selected filter phases, maximum summation effect occurred at test frequency for all filters. These results lead to the conclusion that there are narrow-band angular frequency filters operating in human visual system mostly through summation surrounded by inhibition at the specific test frequency ranges. Our previous suggestion (Simas and Santos, 2002), arguing that summation for the higher angular frequency filters should occur if background angular frequency contrast were set to a maximum of 5 times the test frequency threshold, was supported.  相似文献   

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