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情绪障碍治疗的关键在于消退条件性恐惧记忆,研究证明基于记忆再巩固的提取-消退范式能有效消除或改写原有的恐惧记忆。本研究将提取-消退范式应用到更复杂的恐惧记忆中,采用多感官复合刺激(声音+图片)作为条件刺激,以皮电反应作为恐惧反应指标,考察采用单个线索(声音或图片)、复合线索(声音+图片)进行提取-消退对条件性恐惧记忆的消退效果有何差异。结果表明:声音线索提取-消退组出现了自发恢复和重建效应,图片提取-消退组只出现了重建效应,复合刺激提取-消退组未出现自发恢复和重建效应。说明由复合刺激线索引发的条件性恐惧,采用复合刺激中的单个较强线索或原有完整线索进行提取-消退,对恐惧记忆的消退效果最好。  相似文献   

基于记忆再巩固理论的提取消退范式被证明是一种有效和颇有前景的消除不良记忆的方法。本研究将预期错误(Prediction Error, PE)应用于提取消退范式中, 采用多感官复合刺激模型(声音 + 图片)作为条件刺激, 以皮电反应作为恐惧反应指标, 考察在提取阶段不同的预期错误设置(无PE、单个负性PE、单个正性PE和多重PE)对条件性恐惧记忆提取消退效果有何差异。结果表明:无PE组和多重PE组出现了恐惧的自发恢复和重建效应, 而负性PE组和正性PE组均没有出现恐惧的自发恢复和重建效应。说明了在对复合恐惧记忆进行提取消退时, 提取阶段适当的PE才能使记忆进入再巩固过程, 随后传统消退达到抑制恐惧返回效果, 提取阶段没有PE或PE量过多都不能达到恐惧消退效果。  相似文献   

陈伟海  乔婧  杨瑜  袁加锦 《心理科学进展》2014,22(10):1585-1596
暴露疗法是治疗创伤后应激障碍的主要行为疗法。当被试反复暴露于可引起恐惧反应的条件刺激(如白噪音), 但却不伴有非条件刺激(如足底电击)时, 恐惧记忆将被消退, 形成消退记忆。但恐惧记忆并未从根本上被擦除, 当被试在消退训练以外的情景暴露于条件刺激时, 已消退的恐惧记忆将会重现。海马、内侧前额叶皮层、杏仁核等脑区及其相互连接的神经环路是情景诱发恐惧记忆重现的生理基础。情景变化诱发恐惧记忆重现过程中, 海马可能是通过直接投射至杏仁核基底核、杏仁核外侧核或通过边缘前皮质间接调控杏仁核基底核、杏仁核外侧核的功能, 产生恐惧反应。  相似文献   

已有动物和人类研究均表明, 通过记忆的再巩固更新机制能有效削弱新形成的条件性恐惧记忆(1天), 并且存在线索选择性特点。然而创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)往往在形成相当一段时间后才能得到治疗, 且现实生活中人们通常一次习得对多个线索的恐惧。因此找到针对多线索创伤记忆的有效治疗方法显得尤为重要。目前未有人研究远期恐惧记忆的再巩固更新机制是否存在线索选择性特点。为探究远期恐惧记忆(>7天)的再巩固更新机制是否同样存在线索选择性特点, 本研究采用被试内实验设计, 以皮肤电作为恐惧反应指标, 多个线索作为条件刺激进行恐惧习得, 习得14天后给被试单独呈现一个线索进行恐惧记忆提取, 10分钟后进行消退训练, 24小时后对不同线索进行自发恢复测试。结果显示:未提取线索的自发恢复程度显著高于提取线索。说明远期记忆(14天)的再巩固更新机制同样存在线索选择性特点, 并确认了提取消退作为一种行为手段对远期恐惧记忆再巩固进行干预的有效性, 对临床干预具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

在条件性恐惧记忆再巩固模型下, 预期错误被证明是引发记忆不稳定的必要条件, 但其在不同强度恐惧记忆下的作用尚不明确。对于高强度可能导致的提取无效, 缺乏相应的探索以寻找解决办法, 而应激(stress)在其中发挥的作用值得探索。本研究考察人类被试中, 预期错误在不同强度恐惧记忆下的作用, 以及提取之后施加外源性应激对于消退进程的影响。结果发现, 对于较弱的恐惧记忆, 单个预期错误提取后消退可显著抑制恐惧自发恢复; 而对于较强恐惧记忆, 单个预期错误不能提取恐惧记忆进入再巩固, 已消退的记忆还会复发; 且在该种情况下, 如果在提取后施加外源性急性应激, 会进一步增大恐惧恢复。  相似文献   

诸多情绪障碍治疗的关键在于促进条件性恐惧反应的消退, 研究证明非条件刺激再评估能够引起恐惧反应的变化。本研究将非条件刺激降低再评估范式应用于消退训练, 以主观预期值、皮电反应作为恐惧反应指标, 考察恐惧习得后非条件刺激强度降低对条件性恐惧消退的影响, 并运用评价性条件作用探讨非条件刺激再评估的作用机制。结果表明:在消退阶段, 降低组对条件刺激的皮电反应显著低于控制组。同时评价性条件作用结果显示:经过非条件刺激再评估, 降低组较控制组对条件刺激的评价更为正性。说明非条件刺激降低再评估有效改变条件刺激的负性效价, 降低个体的恐惧反应、促进恐惧消退。  相似文献   

提取消退(retrieval-extinction, Ret+Ext)范式是基于记忆再巩固理论, 利用消退训练(extinction, Ext)能改变条件刺激(conditioned stimulus, CS)的恐惧效价特点, 把消退训练应用到再巩固时间窗内来改写(rewrite)恐惧记忆, 消除恐惧反应。提取消退范式是对传统暴露疗法和药物治疗的创新和拓展, 不仅为创伤性记忆的治疗提供一种非侵入性的技术, 而且也为改写人类记忆、积极心理学探索人类幸福感方面开辟了一种全新的理论视角。  相似文献   

孙楠  魏艺铭  李倩  郑希付 《心理学报》2012,44(3):314-321
采用预期判断任务考察男女性对已消退的条件性恐惧记忆是否会出现消退返回的现象。结果表明: (1)在对已习得的条件性恐惧记忆消退后4个小时进行测试, 被试整体会出现明显的消退返回现象; (2)对消退返回现象的性别差异进行比较, 女性比男性的消退返回现象更突出, 并且差异显著; (3)与男性相比, 女性对条件性恐惧记忆具有易习得难消退的趋势, 但是性别差异不显著。研究结果验证了消退返回现象存在的普遍性, 并且有着显著的性别差异, 为以后对创伤后应激障碍患者的治疗应考虑性别因素提供了心理学依据。  相似文献   

基于记忆再巩固理论的恐惧记忆提取干预范式被证明可以有效消退恐惧记忆, 能克服传统消退容易复发的缺点。该范式通过单独呈现条件刺激激活原有恐惧记忆, 使记忆重返不稳定状态, 随后在再巩固时间窗内实施干预则能改写原有记忆。目前该范式起作用的神经机制尚不明确, 本文在现有的人类研究和动物研究基础上, 总结了杏仁核、前额叶和海马三个脑区在提取干预过程中的作用, 以及该领域研究的争议点, 为之后的研究提供思路。  相似文献   

恐惧的过度泛化是焦虑障碍的核心症状之一, 表现为患者对与原危险刺激极不相似的中性刺激也有着较高强度的恐惧反应。临床上, 女性比男性更有可能患焦虑障碍, 因而对恐惧泛化进行性别差异研究可以为解释女性有着更高焦虑障碍发病率提供新的角度, 同时为临床治疗提供参考。本研究采用辨别性条件恐惧范式, 以主观预期值和皮电反应值作为测量指标, 从行为和生理两个层面对条件性恐惧泛化程度和恐惧泛化消退的性别差异进行研究。结果发现, 在恐惧泛化程度上, 未出现显著性别差异。在恐惧泛化消退上, 在主观预期值和皮电反应值两个层面均有着显著性别差异, 具体表现为相较于男性, 女性恐惧泛化的消退更慢, 持续时间更长。研究结果表明, 女性焦虑障碍高发病率的潜在影响因素之一可能在于女性对于恐惧泛化刺激的难以消除。  相似文献   

Exposure therapy for anxiety disorders is translated from fear conditioning and extinction. While exposure therapy is effective in treating anxiety, fear sometimes returns after exposure. One pathway for return of fear is reinstatement: unsignaled unconditional stimuli following completion of extinction. The present study investigated the extent to which valence of the conditional stimulus (CS+) after extinction predicts return of CS+ fear after reinstatement. Participants (N = 84) engaged in a differential fear conditioning paradigm and were randomised to reinstatement or non-reinstatement. We hypothesised that more negative post-extinction CS+ valence would predict higher CS+ fear after reinstatement relative to non-reinstatement and relative to extinction retest. Results supported the hypotheses and suggest that strategies designed to decrease negative valence of the CS+ may reduce the return of fear via reinstatement following exposure therapy.  相似文献   

The present study investigated reinstatement of fear in humans using an aversive differential conditioning paradigm. Two neutral human face pictures were presented during habituation, acquisition, extinction, and postreinstatement phases. One picture served as a conditioned stimulus (CS) reinforced by an unconditioned stimulus (US) in the form of electrical stimulation (CS+) and the second picture as a control stimulus that was never reinforced (CS-). The prediction that in a reinstatement manipulation a previously extinguished fear response in humans can be reinstated in a reinstatement group by the mere presentation of three unpredicted electrical stimulations (USs) was tested. Participants in the control group were not exposed to unpredicted USs and no reinstatement effect was expected. Outcome measures included subjective US expectancy ratings and skin conductance responses. Results showed non-selective return of the fear response due to fear recovery associated with both CSs (CS+/CS-) in the reinstatement group. Unexpected fear recovery was observed for both CSs (CS+/CS-) in control participants. Results are discussed with respect to context conditioning, fear generalisation, and anxiety-related cognitive mechanisms underlying fear recovery after extinction.  相似文献   

Violation of unconditioned stimulus (US) expectancy during extinction training may enhance associative learning and result in improved long-term extinction retention compared to within-session habituation. This experiment examines variation in US expectancy (i.e., expectancy violation) as a predictor of long-term extinction retention. It also examines within-session habituation of fear-potentiated startle (electromyography, EMG) and fear of conditioned stimuli (CS) throughout extinction training as predictors of extinction retention. Participants (n?=?63) underwent fear conditioning, extinction and retention and provided continuous ratings of US expectancy and EMG, as well as CS fear ratings before and after each phase. Variation in US expectancy throughout extinction and habituation of EMG and fear was entered into a regression as predictors of retention and reinstatement of levels of expectancy and fear. Greater variation in US expectancy throughout extinction training was significantly predictive of enhanced extinction performance measured at retention test, although not after reinstatement test. Slope of EMG and CS fear during extinction did not predict retention of extinction. Within-session habituation of EMG and self-reported fear is not sufficient for long-term retention of extinction learning, and models emphasizing expectation violation may result in enhanced outcomes.  相似文献   

Fear extinction is defined as a decline in conditioned fear responses (CRs) following nonreinforced exposure to a feared conditioned stimulus (CS). Behavioral evidence indicates that extinction is a form of inhibitory learning: Extinguished fear responses reappear with the passage of time (spontaneous recovery), a shift of context (renewal), and unsignaled presentations of the unconditioned stimulus (reinstatement). However, there also is evidence to suggest that extinction is an "unlearning" process corresponding to depotentiation of potentiated synapses within the amygdala. Because depotentiation is induced more readily at short intervals following LTP induction and is not inducible at all at a sufficient delay, it may be that extinction initiated shortly following fear acquisition preferentially engages depotentiation/"unlearning," whereas extinction initiated at longer delays recruits a different mechanism. We investigated this possibility through a series of behavioral experiments examining the recoverability of conditioned fear following extinction. Consistent with an inhibitory learning mechanism of extinction, rats extinguished 24-72 h following acquisition exhibited moderate to strong reinstatement, renewal, and spontaneous recovery. In contrast, and consistent with an erasure mechanism, rats extinguished 10 min to 1 h after acquisition exhibited little or no reinstatement, renewal, or spontaneous recovery. These data support a model in which different neural mechanisms are recruited depending on the temporal delay of fear extinction.  相似文献   

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