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同胞关系是指兄弟姐妹之间分享与彼此有关的知识、观点、态度、信念和感受的所有互动,具有平等互惠性和补充性。同胞关系质量分为同胞温暖与冲突、界限黏结与解离、积极与消极同胞关系。亲缘选择和家庭系统理论从进化和环境视角解释同胞关系。同胞关系对于儿童青少年内外化问题行为和人际关系等具有重要影响。未来应关注特殊儿童青少年同胞关系的特点,深入探讨同胞关系对儿童青少年社会性发展的作用机制和干预措施,加强本土化研究。  相似文献   

以河南省某市四所幼儿园大、中、小班共196名学前儿童及其父母和教师为研究对象,基于家庭系统理论,采用父、母填写的父母感知协同教养量表和亲子关系量表、母亲填写的儿童早期同胞关系质量问卷和幼儿教师报告的儿童行为量表探讨亲子关系、同胞关系在父母感知协同教养与学前儿童社会行为之间的中介作用。结果发现:(1)母子冲突和母子亲密分别在母亲感知协同教养与同胞冲突和同胞温暖间起部分中介作用;父子冲突和父子亲密分别在父亲感知协同教养与同胞冲突和同胞温暖间起完全中介作用;(2)父/母子冲突和同胞冲突在母亲感知协同教养和儿童攻击行为间起链式中介作用;父子冲突和同胞冲突在父亲感知协同教养和儿童攻击行为间起链式中介作用。  相似文献   

本文对青少年亲子冲突的研究进行了综述。在对亲子冲突概念充分界定的基础上,介绍了亲子冲突涉及的相关理论,包括精神分析理论、社会生物学理论、家庭系统理论、社会认知模型,并阐明了影响青少年亲子冲突的几大因素,如青少年所处的年龄段、父母的教养方式、父母的婚姻质量。最后在上述理论基础上提出了家庭干预和学校干预两大青少年亲子冲突的应对策略。  相似文献   

随着多孩政策的开放,同胞嫉妒易发且普遍存在。同胞嫉妒指家庭中一个孩子与父母的亲密关系受到另一个孩子威胁或挑战时出现的认知、情绪和行为的复合体。本文深入挖掘同胞嫉妒的内涵、价值及其个体、养育者和社会文化等维度的影响因素,未来研究需要进一步注重综合作用机制研究;重视干预性研究,探索缓解同胞嫉妒的方法。  相似文献   

采用纵向设计,以湖北省某地区457名来自全同胞家庭的青少年为被试,进行3次追踪调查,考察了教养方式在父母婚姻质量与青少年同胞关系间的中介作用及性别差异。研究发现:(1)控制了性别、年龄段和家庭的经济状况,父母的婚姻质量能直接预测青少年的同胞关系,还能通过教养方式进而显著预测青少年的同胞关系,教养方式起到部分中介作用;(2)教养方式的中介作用存在显著的性别差异。严厉教养在父母婚姻质量与男生同胞关系之间的中介效应大于女生,积极教养在父母婚姻质量与女生同胞关系之间的中介效应大于男生。研究结果对于青少年同胞关系的干预具有一定启示意义。  相似文献   

基于国内外家庭对幼儿心理理论影响的研究,可将家庭微系统分成三个子系统:家庭基本环境子系统(包含家庭社会经济地位和兄弟姐妹数量类型)、父母与儿童互动子系统(包含依恋类型、教养方式、情绪表达和亲子游戏)和兄弟姐妹与儿童互动子系统(包含合作冲突和假装游戏)。家庭微系统对幼儿心理理论的影响机制模型可假设为:家庭基本环境子系统中家庭社会经济地位影响着父母与儿童互动子系统,兄弟姐妹数量类型影响着兄弟姐妹与儿童互动子系统。父母与儿童互动子系统、兄弟姐妹与儿童互动子系统中的各变量均通过心理状态术语使用这一中介变量进而影响儿童心理理论的发展。该模型需要实证研究加以进一步验证。  相似文献   

研究采用问卷集体施测,收集了788名小学高年级“脱独”儿童的父母教养方式、同胞关系以及心理理论的状况,探讨小学高年级“脱独”儿童父母教养方式对同胞关系的影响及心理理论作为中介变量的影响。结果表明:心理理论在父母教养方式中的父亲过分干涉、母亲情感温暖理解、母亲惩罚严厉、母亲过分干涉与同胞关系之间起完全中介作用; 心理理论在父亲情感温暖理解、父亲偏爱与同胞关系之间起部分中介作用。研究认为,良好的父母教养方式,有助于个体提高心理理论,并可能在一定程度上改善同胞关系。  相似文献   

随着"全面二孩"政策的开放,我国将有越来越多的家庭生育第二胎。二胎家庭与独生子女家庭一个显著的区别在于出现了新的家庭成员关系,即同胞关系。现有文献在同胞关系的类型(表现形式)、影响因素及对儿童发展的作用机制等方面已经有一定的积累。同胞关系的表现形式包括温暖和谐型、敌意冲突型、温暖与敌意并存型等。影响同胞关系的因素包括同胞自身因素(同胞的结构特征、气质)和父母相关因素(亲子关系、养育的差别对待、婚姻关系等)。各种形式的同胞关系可以通过以下不同的作用机制进一步影响儿童各自心理的发展:依恋作用机制、社会学习作用机制和社会比较作用机制。此外,结合已有文献,提出了一个整合的同胞关系理论假设框架,揭示各种因素如何影响同胞关系,又通过哪些作用机制引发同胞关系对儿童心理发展的影响。最后,强调我国未来研究需要进一步完善同胞关系相关理论框架,注重文化的影响,以及重视预防与干预相关研究。  相似文献   

随着我国全面二胎政策的实施,关于二胎家庭父母养育的问题越来越受到社会的广泛关注。但是,在我国这方面的研究极度稀缺。本文就二胎家庭父母养育的表现形式、影响因素及作用机制进行论述。二胎家庭父母养育的表现形式包括父母差别对待、协调同胞关系等。二胎家庭父母养育的影响因素包括父母养育第一胎的经验、婚姻质量、协同养育、儿童特点等。二胎父母养育的作用机制包括父母差别对待造成的儿童心理发展问题,以及父母在协调同胞关系中的作用。此外,本文结合已有文献,提出了一个"二胎家庭父母养育的过程机制"模型,揭示在二胎家庭情境下,各种因素是如何影响父母的养育模式,又通过哪些作用机制对家中的两个孩子产生影响。最后,强调未来我国的研究者应该重视本土化,关注社会变迁中二胎父母养育的特点。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查的方式,采用同胞不同经历问卷、关系网络问卷和问题行为量表对开封市1179名初高中学生进行研究。研究结果显示:(1)父母差别对待与外/内化问题行为呈显著正相关;同胞关系与外/内化问题行为呈显著负相关;父母差别对待和同胞关系呈显著负相关。(2)同胞关系在父母差别对待与外/内化问题行为之间起部分中介作用。(3)“父母差别对待→同胞关系→外/内化问题行为”这一中介路径的前半段受出生顺序调节;与年幼个体相比,父母差别对待对年长个体的同胞关系影响更大。出生顺序会调节父母差别对待对同胞关系的影响,提示二胎家庭要更关注年长个体的变化。  相似文献   

We investigated the associations among marital relationship quality, mothers’ parenting styles, and young children’s sibling relationship quality drawing on the principles of family systems theory. Survey data were collected from 130 mothers who had a target child (mean age = 4.6 years) with a sibling close in age. The sample consisted of participants who self-identified as Mexican-American (49%), European-American (20%), and Taiwanese in Taiwan (24%). Structural equation modeling was used to test the direct and indirect effects of marital relationships on children’s sibling relationship quality through parenting styles and the reciprocal association between sibling relationship quality and parenting styles. The findings revealed evidence of a direct effect of marital relationships on sibling relationship quality and bidirectional relations between sibling relationships and parenting styles. The importance of research on bidirectional associations between sibling relations and parenting styles is discussed.  相似文献   

Parents play a crucial role in the development of their children's relationships with their siblings. Despite this, relatively few evidence‐based parenting programs exist that specifically offer parents the strategies and techniques they desire and require for managing their children's sibling relationships. One way of bridging this gap is to design a tailored parenting intervention for sibling relationships that incorporates the parent voice in various aspects of program design. The current study recruited a convenience sample of 409 Australian parents to complete an online survey relating to their views on difficult sibling behaviors and what, if any, help they desire in dealing with the issue. The majority of respondents were Caucasian, middle‐ to upper‐class mothers. Respondents predominantly attributed the causes of sibling conflict to their child's internal traits, but expressed strong desire for assistance with managing behavioral problems, especially when sibling relationships were marked by physical aggression. Respondents reported high levels of acceptability for positive, rather than punitive, parenting strategies and showed a clear preference for parenting interventions delivered in easy‐to‐access formats. The findings are interpreted in the context of guiding the development of a tailored parenting intervention for enhancing sibling relationships and reducing conflict.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the potential genesis of conflict styles for couples by evaluating the association between parents’ conflict styles and those of their adult children and their adult children’s partners. Using Social Learning Theory as a theoretical foundation, the four conflict typologies from Gottman’s work (avoidant, validating, volatile, and hostile) were applied to study the participants’ conflict styles. Multinomial logistic regression was then conducted on a sample of 25,511 participants, testing the relationships between the conflict styles of parents, their adult children’s conflict styles, and their adult children’s partners’ conflict styles. All of the perceived parental conflict styles were linked to the same conflict styles in adult children. However, for adult children and their partners, the patterns were mixed. Whereas having validating parents predicted having validating partners, having avoidant or hostile parents predicted having hostile partners. The results suggest the possibility of the intergenerational transmission of conflict styles between parents and their adult children as well as contributing to the established research on assortative mating in that individuals may be more likely to select partners who are similar to them in terms of their approaches to conflict. The results of this study have important implications for intervening early in families with less functional conflict styles.  相似文献   

Sibling relationships are ambivalent. They are full of love and hate, and therefore, our most basic wish cannot simply be to get rid of our siblings. Many of the conflicts we find ourselves in, either with friends or within institutions, may need a complex and subtle understanding of sibling dynamics. The famous Controversial Discussions that nearly destroyed the Institute of Psychoanalysis in the early forties could be partly attributed to the unacknowledged and unconscious dynamics of the sibling transferences that swirled around Melanie Klein, Anna Freud and Freud. One of the tasks of therapists is to explore how we all must live within a society, with our contemporaries. This difficulty involves observing that sometimes in therapy we are part of the nursery quarrel itself, rather than superior. And so in adult sibling conflict within an institution, there may be a need for an outside moderator, like a parent, to sort out the quarrel; for when sibling passions are revived at work or in the consulting room, they can knock one sideways with the unmeditated quality of the encounter.  相似文献   

This study investigated relations among children's Theory‐of‐Mind (ToM) development, early sibling interactions, and parental discipline strategies during the transition to siblinghood. Using a sample of firstborn children and their parents (N = 208), we assessed children's ToM before the birth of a sibling and 12 months after the birth, and sibling interactions (i.e., positive engagement and antagonism) and parental discipline strategies (i.e., child‐centred and parent‐centred discipline) at 4 and 8 months in the first year of siblinghood. Structural equation modelling analyses revealed that children's ToM before the birth of the sibling predicted children's positive engagement with the infant sibling, whereas children's antagonistic behaviours towards the infant sibling negatively predicted children's ToM at 12 months, but only when mothers used low levels of child‐centred discipline. These findings emphasize the role of parents in the development of young children's social‐cognitive understanding in the context of early sibling interactions.


  • This study investigated relations among firstborns' Theory‐of‐Mind (ToM), early sibling relationships, and parental discipline during the first year of siblinghood.
  • Multigroup analyses showed that ToM predicted higher sibling positive engagement, and early sibling antagonism predicted poorer ToM when mothers used low child‐centred discipline.
  • Parental discipline plays an important role in the development of young children's social understanding and sibling relationships as early as the first year of siblinghood.

Young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SENDs) and their families have been particularly hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. In this longitudinal study, sibling conflict in these families during and after the first lockdown in the United Kingdom was investigated. Online questionnaires were completed by 504 parents of young people with SENDs at four time points between 23 March 2020 and 10 October 2020 (over half completed the questionnaire at multiple time points). As lockdown progressed, young people with SENDs were more likely to be picked on or hurt by their siblings compared with earlier stages of the lockdown but there was no change in how frequently they harmed or picked on their siblings. After lockdown, both perpetration and victimization decreased but not to the same rates as the first month of lockdown. Young people with SENDs with severe or complex needs were somewhat protected from sibling conflict. Findings are discussed with reference to implications for support and planning for future pandemics.  相似文献   

Adolescents' relationships with parents are considered to be a major learning source and emotional base for developing expectations and styles of behaviour in close relationships. Using a longitudinal sample of late adolescents from nuclear families drawn from the German Family Panel pairfam (N = 720; mean age: 18.6 years), we investigated how adolescents' relationships with both parents influenced their romantic relationship quality one year later. Bagged (Averaged) Binary Recursive Partitioning was used to compare features of adolescents' relationships with mother and father (relatedness, negative conflict, emotional insecurity, and parental dominance) in respect of their importance in predicting similar aspects of romantic relationship quality. Overall, our findings suggest some degree of domain-specific continuities in adolescents' relationships with parents and partner, particularly for negative conflict, as well as more global effects for most features of the parent–adolescent relationship. Emotional insecurity with mother was most broadly linked to all features of adolescents' romantic relationship. Overall, adolescents' relationship with mother was found to be more influential than their relationship with father. The findings are discussed with reference to a behavioural systems perspective and attachment theory.  相似文献   

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