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个体应对紧张情境的两种理论述评   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
本文对目前应对研究中形成的两大理论——特质论和过程论进行了简要综述和评论。作者认为,特质论较好地解释了应对方式选择的内在自我动因,但所坚持的应对效果先验确定的观点不利于解释应对行为的学习和改变;过程论在预见、评价、调整和控制应对方式上可以发挥较大作用,但应对过程的测量具有较大的困难,某些情况下仍然需要借助对稳定人格特征的评估。因此,两种理论有机结合,相互之间取长补短,将是应对研究的正确思路。  相似文献   

6~9岁儿童特质观与其人格特质的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨丽珠  高雯 《心理科学》2007,30(4):839-843
为考察特质观与稳定的行为方式之间的关系,采用情境故事法和问卷法分别对180名6~9岁儿童进行了特质稳定性理解的个别测查和人格特质的教师评定。结果发现,持三种不同特质观(实体论、中间论、渐变论)的6~9岁儿童开始在认真有恒、自制稳重、聪慧性、开朗活泼和同情利他五种人格特质行为上表现出显著差异;6~9岁儿童的特质观能够预测以上五种人格特质,丽儿童“开朗插泼”和“聪慧性”特质行为的线性组合是预测儿童特质观的最佳指标。这些研究结论有助于说明关于特质的认知在调解和制约个体稳定的行为理解和反应中的重要作用,验证了人格认知流派的观点;支持了认知与人格之间交互作用的理论假设;对于解释年幼儿童发展中的不适应问题具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

宋耀武  齐冰 《心理科学》2004,27(5):1275-1277
特质起源信念研究是近年来内隐特质信念研究的新热点。本研究选取216名被试(5岁、7岁、9岁、13岁、19岁、65岁组各36名)为样本.采用“出生时意外互换”故事法探查其特质起源信念(天性信念或教养信念)发展。结果表明:(1)特质类型方面,心理特质被认为比混合特质和生理特质更多受教养影响。(2)特质性质方面,消极特质被认为比积极特质更多受教养影响。(3)特质起源信念年龄差异显著,7—8岁是重要过渡期。  相似文献   

陈松林  王重鸣 《心理科学》2006,29(3):688-689
从知觉论和特质论出发,本文回顾了信用涵义、结构、测量和效能方面的国外研究成果,认为未来的信用研究需要关注过程论的研究思路。  相似文献   

佛教生态哲学的德性论研究是当前佛教生态思想研究的重要趋势,其本身包含多方面内容。心性论是佛教生态德性论的人性论基础,佛教心性染净说对于克服建立在物欲基础上的现代自然主义人性论具有借鉴意义,佛教心性智慧说则能为生态智慧提供人性论基础;佛教"净佛世界"的生态环境建设是建立在主体净化身心、度化众生的德性修养实践基础上的;佛教德性论具有自身独特的美德体系,佛教美德具有丰富的生态环保意蕴。  相似文献   

宋子明 《哲学动态》2023,(10):106-114
决策的形式模型只有通过适当的解释才能与实证或规范内容相连接。研究个体选择行为的微观经济学,需要采取实证的自然主义方法论来定位其科学性,同时免不了对理性选择进行规范考察。根据经济学家对决策论模型的主流解释“显现论”,对选择行为的说明和预测是基于对行为的经验观测和内在一致性条件的。在哲学上,显现论曾一度被认为是逻辑实证主义和行为主义的“宿醉”,近年来却得到颇有影响力的辩护,也使经济理论的实证地位得到支持。而对信念、偏好、意图等心理状态及相关规范内容的兴趣,使得决策论模型在哲学上的应用默认了一种心理主义解释。通过引证并回应近年来哲学领域里对显现论的辩护,可以看到,决策论模型允许心理主义解释。但通过论证理论反例的泛在化,澄清其实证预测功能面临先天困境,从而能更恰当地理解决策论的实证地位。  相似文献   

真之收缩论是关于“真的收缩处理的理论”,其目的在于降低对传统真理论的高期望,主要包括冗余论、代语句理论、极小主义理论等。它们的共同点在于认为真是没有本质的,但在对真的具体解释上则存在不同的角度和方法。收缩论者并非认为“真的”这一谓词不重要,只是,他们对“真的”的理解更注重逻辑和形式的色彩。  相似文献   

任俊 《世界哲学》2013,(1):69-76
提起罗尔斯的契约论,人们通常会想起那个著名的原初状态论证.然而,在罗尔斯的契约论框架中,具有根本意义的是良序社会而非原初状态的观念.原初状态是对良序社会的模拟和表征,原初状态的证成力量依赖于良序社会观念的吸引力.说罗尔斯的证成方式是契约论的,主要是因为他将良序社会中合理而理性的公民的同意,当作制度证成的标准;而制度证成的两个维度:正义和稳定,通过公民的两个视角先后得到检验.通过良序社会的观念重构契约论证,有助于我们消除对于罗尔斯理论的一些误解.  相似文献   

“智慧设计理论”是20世纪末创世论的最新版本。它用“智慧”取代“上帝”,目的是想绕开进入大众教育领域的相关法律障碍。本文讨论了“智慧设计理论”的起源、“楔入”策略及其在法律上与进化论的较量,认为“智慧设计理论”的出现,与当前弥漫于学术界的后现代相对主义思潮密切相关。  相似文献   

同样的知识状态,在某个语境中可以认为“知”,而处在另一个语境中却有可能被视为“不知”。这就涉及所谓的知识归赋问题。这个问题虽曾引起过语言哲学的精神教父维特根斯坦和言语行为论的创始人奥斯汀的兴趣,但对知识归赋全面系统的广泛关注则始于21世纪初叶。目前,围绕知识归赋语句(下文简称“知识语句”),语境敏感性的探究方兴未艾,不仅吸引了语言哲学家的踊跃参与,而且激发了心理学家与知识论者高昂的研究热情,继而催生了(知识)语境论、恒定论、对照论(contrastivism)等不同理论,旨在解决所谓的“知识归赋难题”。  相似文献   

许文涛  汪凤炎 《心理科学》2022,45(4):778-784
智慧与自我超越的关系紧密虽毋庸置疑,但基于智慧理论取向的不同,其关系模式存在三种观点:自我超越是智慧表现的影响因素;自我超越是智慧的一个方面或子类型;自我超越是智慧心理过程的核心。三种观点的分歧源自智慧定义取向的不同,在各自的理论体系中都有其合理性。以自我超越式的智慧自我为核心的智慧自我-人格-表现纵深模型整合了现有智慧与自我超越关系的多种观点,在发现每种观点更适宜的解释水平及其背后意义的同时,为进一步探究智慧多层内涵提供了可能研究方向。  相似文献   

基于正念的去自我中心机制,提出正念可通过观点采择与社会善念的链式中介对智慧产生正向效应的假设,运用问卷横断自评、正念干预和社会善念的操纵等多种方法从特质与状态层面进行验证(总样本量为909)。研究表明,特质层面的正念与社会善念、智慧两两正相关,可正向预测社会善念与智慧,并验证了社会善念的中介作用(研究1);从状态层面发现正念干预能在短期内有效提升个体的状态社会善念与智慧推理水平,再次验证社会善念的中介效应(研究2);受到操纵的社会善念也能够提升正念对智慧的正向预测效应,不仅验证了社会善念中介作用的稳健性,也验证了社会善念与智慧的因果关联,同时,观点采择与社会善念的链式中介作用也得到了研究结果的支持(研究3),即具备特质正念或进行正念练习时体验状态正念的个体,更易运用观点采择能力,在人际互动中表现出善意关注,由此作出考量他人的智慧决策。  相似文献   

Life is full of stressful events. However, while some individuals are negatively affected by stress, others are more resilient to its effects. The factors that contribute to variability in stress resilience are not fully understood. Here, we tested the hypothesis that trait reappraisal would be associated with greater stress resilience to a first-time tandem skydive. Specifically, we expected measures of “anxiety” to be lower and measures of “euphoria” to be higher in high trait reappraising individuals. Our findings that trait reappraisal is negatively correlated with stress reactivity as measured by cortisol, heart rate, and self-report state anxiety, but positively correlated with self-report state euphoria suggest that individuals high in trait reappraisal are more stress resilient.  相似文献   

Research shows that extraversion is unrelated to performance approach goal orientation, both at the trait- and the state-level. However, since previous studies have either focused on the trait- or the state-level, such a conclusion may be premature. Building upon the idea that acting against one’s trait consumes self-control resources, we reason that within-person deviations from one’s level of trait extraversion might negatively relate to performance approach goal orientation. Using experience sampling data from 47 employees across 10 days (N = 307), we found that deviations from one’s trait extraversion levels are associated with lower levels of performance approach goal orientation. These findings suggest that an integrative approach to personality allows to better understanding of the relationship between extraversion and performance approach goal orientation.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to study whether trait cheerfulness modulates changes in state cheerfulness as a result of exposing participants to affective stimuli. Two studies with a within-participant experimental design were carried out. Forty-eight (33 women) and sixty-four (45 women) undergraduate psychology students were selected as Sample 1 and Sample 2, respectively, for scoring high or low on the Trait Form of the State-Trait-Cheerfulness Inventory (STCI-T; Ruch et al. in Humor Int J Humor Res 9:303–339, 1996; Ruch et al. in Personal Individ Differ 22:477–491, 1997). Participants watched amusing, neutral, and sad film clips and reported their affective states before and after viewing them. In the second study, heart rate and skin conductance level were also recorded. Results showed that people with high trait cheerfulness reported greater changes in state cheerfulness when exposed to both amusing and sad film clips, showing larger increases and decreases in state cheerfulness, respectively, than participants with low trait cheerfulness. Effects were not mediated by social desirability. Furthermore, people with low trait cheerfulness showed a greater heart rate deceleration during the visioning of the clips compared to high trait cheerfulness participants, especially in an amusing scene with high emotional load. No modulation on trait cheerfulness was found for skin conductance level. Data with self-report and electrophysiological measures are discussed, highlighting that high trait cheerfulness people are more permeable to affective events, perhaps showing a better understanding and management of them.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Moderator variables for cross-situational consistency can be tested m two different ways (a) a trait-specific manner which examines differences in cross-situational consistency among traits, or (b) a person-specific manner which examines differences in cross-situational consistency among people The present study examined moderator effects–both trait- and person-specific–of the discrepancy between private self-ratings on trait dimensions (“How do you see yourself?”) and the corresponding public self-ratings (“How do others see you?”) Agreement between self- and peer ratings served as the dependent variable The results showed that public-private discrepancy moderated self-peer agreement when operationalized in a trait-specific manner, i e, for each trait, higher discrepancy was associated with lower self-peer agreement On the other hand, the results showed only minimal moderator effects when public-private discrepancy was operationalized in a person-specific manner, i e, when mean discrepancy across all traits served as the moderator Implications of the distinction between trait- and person-specific approaches to moderator effects are discussed  相似文献   

Using meta-analytic evidence, this study tested trait- and task-based theoretical approaches to team personality management, using both team behaviors and team outcomes as criteria. Trait theories state that maximization of the team trait is harmful for Extroversion (complementary team fit) but beneficial for Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, and Emotional Stability (supplementary fit). Task-based theories state that tasks with few work exchanges are best reflected by mean trait scores, whereas tasks with frequent work exchanges are best represented by other types of scores (e.g., minimum score). Correlations between different aggregations of team personality and team performance were coded, as well as the study criterion choice and the pattern of workflow (as moderators). Partial support for both trait and task theories were found. Team Conscientiousness and Agreeableness provided supplementary fit primarily with team behaviors, but there was mixed evidence that Extroversion provided complementary fit. Furthermore, minimum and variance measures of the team trait related to team performance in tasks with frequent work exchanges, but not in tasks with few work exchanges. Results suggest several limitations with existing measurement methods, which are discussed.  相似文献   

"文"是中国古代文化研究中的一个关键词,值得引起学术界的足够重视。本文借鉴梭罗和杜威两位美国思想家的智慧,对在《周易·系辞》中出现的"文"的意义和用法进行了深入的探讨。本文认为,"文"体现了中国古代先哲对于真理锲而不舍的追求及其所取得的成就,而这不论是对于我们认识《周易》本身的价值,还是对中国当下的文化研究和文化建设,都具有不可忽视的意义。  相似文献   

职场内外部死亡提醒对员工绩效具有双刃效应已得到诸多研究的支持,但该现象背后的统一理论解释缺乏深入探讨。基于压力交互理论构建的模型指出,死亡提醒通过压力源认知评估与状态死亡意识的链式中介影响员工绩效。具体而言,员工对死亡提醒这一压力源的威胁性评估与挑战性评估分别影响其状态死亡焦虑与状态死亡反思,进而对任务绩效、组织公民行为和反生产行为产生双刃效应。最后,基于模型梳理了个体资源与情境资源等相关边界条件,并提出未来可探析死亡提醒双刃效应的过程机制、边界条件以及组织干预策略。  相似文献   

为了考察正念、个人成长主动性(PGI)与智慧推理之间的关系,采用五因素正念量表、个人成长主动性量表与智慧推理量表对242名18-27岁成年早期的大学生进行调查,探讨正念对智慧推理的影响,并检验个人成长主动性的中介效应模型。结果发现:(1)正念对智慧推理水平具有显著的正向影响;(2)个人成长主动性在正念对智慧推理的影响中发挥部分中介作用。  相似文献   

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