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The history and developments in psychotherapy assessment are reviewed. Suggestions for an extended assessment of several sessions derived from the clinical experience of a District Psychotherapy service are put forward with clinical illustrations. The advantages in terms of flexibility, and the ability to embrace the range of factors involved as well as the influence this has in generating a sense of containment in the patients, are discussed. The implications of this approach on technique, and its differentiation from ongoing psychotherapy, are highlighted. It is suggested that assessment should be seen as an entity in its own right, with its own clinical technique.  相似文献   


In this article I deal first with the relevance of theories of frustration and general persistence to the concept of attention, and offer an interpretation of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in terms of persistence deficits. After summarising these theories and the manner in which they integrate the concepts of arousal, suppression, and persistence, I describe relevant developmental work in infant rats comprising an ontogenetic sequence of first appearance of a number of reward-schedule effects, and suggest their possible utility as a behavioural assay. Finally, I briefly review neuroanatomical and behavioural work on fetal alcohol and its possible implications for theories of attention and hyperactivity, and provide some data from experiments on fetal alcohol effects in infant rats which may have some relevance to such an interpretation.  相似文献   

The paper describes research on children’s responses to failures of gratification. Although this has always been an important area of consideration in psychoanalytic thinking, arguments are put forward for the child’s actual feelings of disappointment being significant in ways that have yet to be fully realised theoretically and clinically within Kleinian object relations. Since Freud first used the term ‘frustration’, it has been applied in psychoanalysis as a means by which to describe in an undifferentiated way all those responses to failures of gratification that have an aggressive content. It will be argued that, in a context of the historical shift in thinking from drive to relational models, there is now perhaps scope to posit the existence instead of two discrete object relational positions towards such failures of aim – that frustrated responses can be differentiated in important structural and developmental ways from disappointed ones, by suggesting that the former are schizoid, whilst the latter are depressive in quality. To try and begin to test the hypothesis that there might be an object relational distinction between feelings of frustration and feelings of disappointment, selected process notes from two training cases became the subject of a combined piece of clinical and theoretical research. I will outline how this research was undertaken and present the findings that arose from the clinical part of it. With the use of a content analysis, a method for gathering interesting quantitative data about the children’s various responses to the failures of gratification was arrived at.  相似文献   

怀疑论者通常不愿与迷信的人交流,因为与他们的对话容易让人产生挫折感。迷信超自然的人惯用荒谬的语言和逻辑来挑战现有的科学知识以建构自己的立论。然而积极的怀疑论者不应该选择消极的逃避,而是应该勇敢直面这种挫折感,将自己所信奉的理性探究的伟大事业进行到底。你可能经常遇到这样的情况,比如,你参加一个聚会或者社会活动,悠哉游哉地喝着饮料,聊着感兴趣的话题。突然,就有人不识趣地将话题转移到了伪科学方面,你可能如坐针毡。但是,如果偏偏有人“哪壶水不开提哪壶”,问起你有什么高见,你也许会手足无措。为什么会这样呢?我想倒不是…  相似文献   

This article aims to provide an overview of the Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) concept of frustration intolerance. Therapeutic issues regarding these beliefs are discussed, including engagement, the use of disputation, and behavioral techniques.  相似文献   

We are privileged to publish the last talk Fordham prepared before he died, which Fordham himself observed was ‘rather discursive’. As he comments, ‘theories are so ingrained in my work that I do not need to remember them’. ‘Theory in practice’ was part of a series of talks on theory by different speakers, given to the Society of Analytical Psychology monthly scientific meeting. It is not a polished nor a comprehensive essay, rather it is the musings of an 89-year-old analyst intended for a group who knew his work and achievements. He was too ill to deliver it himself.

In this informal communication the part theory plays in analytic practice is examined and examples of the different uses to which theory is put within analytic sessions are considered. The usefulness and value of theories are discussed with reference to Jung's theories and attitudes to them and to the theory of the primary self.  相似文献   

Studies in East European Thought -  相似文献   

The satisfaction and frustration of the psychological needs for autonomy, relatedness and competence predict well-being and ill-being outcomes. However, research within educational and work contexts is stifled by the lack of an exhaustively validated measure. Following extensive preparatory and pilot work, the present three studies (total N = 762) aimed to develop such a measure and validate it against the Basic Need Satisfaction at Work Scale (Deci et al. in Personal Soc Psychol Bull 27(8):930–942, 2001) and an adapted version of the Balanced Measure of Psychological Needs (Sheldon and Hilpert in Motivation Emot 36(4):439–451, 2012). The Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale demonstrated a better factor structure and internal reliability than its predecessors, and good criterion validity. This improvement was due to the exclusion of ambiguous items and items measuring antecedents of need satisfaction and frustration. The results also strengthen current evidence showing that need satisfaction and frustration are distinct but related constructs, and each better predicts well-being and psychological health problems, respectively.  相似文献   

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