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Two experiments investigated characteristic generalized imitation procedures on a nonimitative successive visual discrimination task. In Experiment I, no discriminative behavior was obtained though a number of procedures designed to enhance discrimination were employed. The introduction of a differential modeling procedure after nine or 10 sessions of nondifferential performance was ineffective in producing differential responding for three of four Ss. In the second experiment, the differential modeling procedure was introduced as an initial manipulation and was successful in establishing discriminative performance in all Ss. After several sessions of differential responding, the observation of a model performing nondifferentially was relatively ineffective in altering the pattern of responding. These results suggest (1) that modeling may be functional in altering a S's behavior depending on what point in the procedures the manipulation is introduced and (2) that certain procedural variables may define a functional response class characterized by the failure to develop discriminative responding.  相似文献   

Attention, Perception, &; Psychophysics - Two experiments measured RTs for matching sequentially displayed color names to color patches. Experiment I demonstrated that printing the name in an...  相似文献   

《Cognitive development》2001,16(3):811-829
There is now a considerable literature demonstrating analogical reasoning in children as young as 3 and 4 years of age. Here, we used analogy as a sensitive measure of proportional understanding in young children. In two experiments, we examined whether children's performance in a proportional analogy task would be affected when concrete models evoking different kinds of conceptual referents were used as the basis for the analogies. We chose two different conceptual referents (pizza and chocolates) of the kind typically used in fractions instruction. In both experiments, children were shown a base substance by the experimenter (e.g., a whole pizza) from which a proportion was then removed (e.g., a half pizza). Children were asked to complete the analogy by removing an equivalent proportion of their own target set (e.g., a whole box of chocolates changed to half a box of chocolates). This proportional matching paradigm resulted in analogy problems of the form: 8/8 pizza: 4/8 pizza: 4/4 box of chocolates:2/4 box of chocolates. Results indicated that 3- to 4-year-old children do have an emergent understanding of proportional equivalence, even when the materials to be matched are not isomorphic.  相似文献   

The Simon effect refers to faster responding when an irrelevant stimulus location corresponds with the response to a relevant stimulus attribute than when it does not. We investigated whether a memory-based Simon-like effect would occur when the irrelevant spatial attribute was associated with the stimulus during a prior task. In a first task, an association between colour and location was formed by requiring participants to count the occurrences of two colour stimuli, each of which was always presented in a left or right location. In a second task, the colour stimuli were presented centrally and mapped to left and right keypresses, with the mapping being inconsistent or consistent with the prior colour-location associations. A Simon-like effect was evident at the start of the second task, with performance being better when the established colour–position associations were consistent with the colour–response mapping than when they were not. This result indicates that stimulus–stimulus short-term memory associations formed during the first task transferred to the second task. For the remainder of the second task, the data showed a more conservative speed–accuracy criterion for the inconsistent condition than for the consistent condition, though a processing efficiency measure suggested that the prior stimulus–stimulus short-term associations may also continue to directly influence performance. Results suggest that simple declarative knowledge, as represented by stimulus–stimulus STM links, exerts less persistent transfer effects than procedural knowledge as provided by stimulus–response STM links.  相似文献   

In verbal communication, affective information is commonly conveyed to others through spatial terms (e.g. in “I am feeling down”, negative affect is associated with a lower spatial location). This study used a target location discrimination task with neutral, positive and negative stimuli (words, facial expressions, and vocalizations) to test the automaticity of the emotion-space association, both in the vertical and horizontal spatial axes. The effects of stimulus type on emotion-space representations were also probed. A congruency effect (reflected in reaction times) was observed in the vertical axis: detection of upper targets preceded by positive stimuli was faster. This effect occurred for all stimulus types, indicating that the emotion-space association is not dependent on sensory modality and on the verbal content of affective stimuli.  相似文献   

《Brain and cognition》2014,84(3):351-359
Using both behavioural and event-related potential (ERP) data, the current study sought to examine the neurophysiological underpinnings for the effect of distracting pictorial information on semantic word matching performance in younger and older adults. This was tested in the context of semantic relations between task-relevant word pairs, a task-irrelevant picture and the resultant N400 differences in ERP. Younger and older adults were shown a context word superimposed on a to-be-ignored picture, followed by a test word. Their task was to determine whether the prime and test words were semantically related. The to-be-ignored pictures were interfering (for ‘No’ trials), facilitating (for ‘Yes’ trials), or neutral (for both ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ trials) to the expected responses. The interfering and facilitatory effects of to-be-ignored pictures were assessed under more automatic and more controlled conditions by manipulating the context–test interstimulus-interval (ISI) as 50 ms and 1000 ms, respectively. The analysis of the N400 at centro-parietal sites during test word display revealed similar N400 amplitudes for the ‘No’ response trials at the two ISIs, suggesting that younger and older adults showed an equivalent effect from interfering pictures. In contrast, younger adults showed greater reductions in the N400, as compared to older adults, for ‘Yes’ trials indicating differential effects in facilitation from to-be-ignored pictorial information, but only in the long ISI condition. The data are discussed in terms of age differences in resource demanding strategy use during a semantic word matching task, specifically during controlled retrieval.  相似文献   

The activation of cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) after a learning experience is a common feature in the formation of several associative memories. We recently demonstrated that the increase in the hippocampal phosphorylated CREB (pCREB) levels 1 h after a short exploration of an open field (OF) was associated to detection of spatial novelty and was not related to the memory formation of habituation in this non-associative learning paradigm. Moreover, after a long training of three OF sessions, hippocampal pCREB levels were below to that observed in control rats. The present results show that such decrease does not correlate with memory retrieval or improvement in long-term memory of habituation. Instead, it is associated with the familiarity to the arena. Our experiments revealed that the relevant variable to induce CREB deactivation was the prolonged exploration of the arena (30 min). A 15 min OF exploration was ineffective. Furthermore, the last 5 min period of a prolonged exploration was crucial to change CREB phosphorylation state: when exploration took place in a novel arena the level of pCREB increased; in contrast, when it was performed in the familiar OF, pCREB levels decreased. Taken as a whole, our results suggest that CREB phosphorylation state in the hippocampus switches in response to exposure to a novel or to a familiar spatial environment.  相似文献   

Working-memory theories often include domain-specific verbal and visual stores (e.g., the phonological and visuospatial buffers of Baddeley, 1986), and some also posit more general stores thought to be capable of holding verbal or visuospatial materials (Baddeley, 2000; Cowan, 2005). However, it is currently unclear which type of store is primarily responsible for maintaining objects that include components from multiple domains. In these studies, a spatial array of letters was followed by a single probe identical to an item in the array or differing systematically in spatial location, letter identity, or their combination. Concurrent verbal rehearsal suppression impaired memory in each of these trial types in a task that required participants to remember verbal–spatial binding, but did not impair memory for spatial locations if the task did not require verbal–spatial binding for a correct response. Thus, spatial information might be stored differently when it must be bound to verbal information. This suggests that a cross-domain store such as the episodic buffer of Baddeley (2000) or the focus of attention of Cowan (2001) might be used for integrated object storage, rather than the maintenance of associations between features stored in separate domain-specific buffers.  相似文献   

In two masked repetition priming experiments with letter stimuli, the positions of prime and target stimuli were varied horizontally from fixation. Priming effects did not interact with position when prime and target location covaried (Experiment 1A) but diminished with increasing prime eccentricity when targets were always centrally located (Experiment 1B). Two accounts of this pattern of priming effects were proposed that postulate two different mechanisms over and above effects of visual acuity. The integration account postulates degree of separation of prime and target stimuli as the critical factor, and the attentional account postulates spatial attention as the critical factor. The results of Experiment 2, in which prime and target positions were manipulated orthogonally, were in favor of the attentional account. Repetition priming did not vary as a function of whether or not primes and targets appeared at the same location, but target processing was facilitated independently of priming when targets appeared at the same location as primes, especially in the right visual field.  相似文献   

The age at which members of a semantic category are learned (age of acquisition), the typicality they demonstrate within their corresponding category, and the semantic domain to which they belong (living, non-living) are known to influence the speed and accuracy of lexical/semantic processing. So far, only a few studies have looked at the origin of age of acquisition and its interdependence with typicality and semantic domain within the same experimental design. Twenty adult participants performed an animacy decision task in which nouns were classified according to their semantic domain as being living or non-living. Response times were influenced by the independent main effects of each parameter: typicality, age of acquisition, semantic domain, and frequency. However, there were no interactions. The results are discussed with respect to recent models concerning the origin of age of acquisition effects.  相似文献   

The completion of partly occluded objects appears instantaneous and effortless, but empirically takes measurable time. The current study investigates how amount of occlusion affects the time course and mechanisms of visual completion. Experiment 1 used a primed-matching paradigm to determine completion times for objects occluded by various amounts. Experiments 2 and 3 used a dot-localization paradigm to probe completed contour representations for a qualitative shift above some spatial limit. The results demonstrate that time to completion rises with amount of occlusion. Nonetheless, the visual system can complete highly occluded objects, even when the occlusion renders visible contours nonrelatable. Furthermore, prolonged completion times for highly occluded objects do not result from a breakdown of low-level interpolation processes: The same contour completion mechanism operates on objects occluded by different spatial extents.  相似文献   

Sixty-five right- and left-handed preschool and school children were tested on three reach-to-grasp tasks of different levels of complexity, performed in three space locations. Our goal was to evaluate how the effect of attentional information related to object location interacts with task complexity and degree of handedness on children's hand selection. Results revealed a shift to the non-preferred hand in the contralateral hemispace, which was more or less pronounced according to the level of task complexity. The subject's degree of handedness also influenced this shift, since strongly lateralized children exhibited a greater use of their preferred hand than less lateralized ones for actions in the contralateral hemispace. These findings confirm that hand selection is to some extent adaptable to task demand and environmental context.  相似文献   

Traditionally, implicit learning has been defined in terms of a lack of awareness of the process and products of learning. In the face of a number of conceptual and empirical difficulties with this definition, it has recently been suggested instead that the critical feature of implicit learning is that it proceeds without making any demands on attentional resources. As disconfirmatory evidence for this, we describe the results of two experiments which each used a sequential reaction time task. With a tone-counting secondary task, measures of sequence learning were significantly affected by whether training occurred under single- or dual-task conditions, regardless of whether testing took place under single- or dual-task conditions.  相似文献   

Three experiments are presented that use a technique of selective interference—irrelevant pictures—to develop our understanding of visuo‐spatial working memory. Visual noise fields are used as the irrelevant pictures. Using two related measures of simple visual complexity, the experiments demonstrate that the greater the complexity the greater the degree of interference, even within a paradigm where subjects are instructed to look at but otherwise ignore the irrelevant pictures. Both the number of dots and the density of the dots comprising the visual noise fields affect the degree of interference in a concurrent memory task. In addition, increasing the size of the field increases the amount of interference. It is argued that the results give insight into the properties of visual working memory and contribute to its theoretical development. For example, it is argued that the store is directly accessible by externally presented interference and that particular aspects of the noise displays cause interference with visual memory.  相似文献   

When two adults jointly perform a task, they often show interference effects whereby the other’s task interferes with their own performance (Sebanz, Knoblich, & Prinz, 2003). The current study investigated whether these co-representation effects can be observed in young children. This phenomenon can be used as a criterion for adult-like joint action in children, which has been under debate in existing literature due to the difficulty in identifying what mechanisms underlie the behaviours observed (Brownell, 2011). In Experiment 1, two children performed an adapted Bear Dragon task (Kochanska, Murray, Jacques, Koenig, & Vandegeest, 1996), where children were required to point to a picture when instructed to do so by one puppet and to inhibit pointing when instructed to by the other. In the Same Task condition, both children in a pair were asked to respond to the same puppet, whereas in the Different Task condition, they were asked to respond to different puppets. Children made more errors in the Different Task condition than the Same Task, suggesting that they were experiencing interference from their partner’s task rule. In Experiment 2 children in Different and Same task conditions began with the same task as in Experiment 1 and then switched which puppet to respond to. Switch costs were lower in the Different task condition, consistent with children having already represented the alternative task rule on behalf of their partner during the pre-switch phase. Experiment 3 replicated the effect of Task in a novel computer-based paradigm with children between 4 and 5 years, but not younger. These data provide the first direct evidence that children as young as 4 years co-represent a partner's task during a joint activity, and that younger children may not be capable of co-representation.  相似文献   

Tlauka and McKenna (2000 Tlauka, M. and McKenna, F. P. 2000. Hierarchical knowledge influences stimulus–response compatibility effects. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 53A: 85103.  [Google Scholar]) reported a reversal of the traditional stimulus–response compatibility (SRC) effect (faster responding to a stimulus presented on the same side than to one on the opposite side) when the stimulus appearing on one side of a display is a member of a superordinate unit that is largely on the opposite side. We investigated the effects of a visual cue that explicitly shows a superordinate unit, and of assignment of multiple stimuli within each superordinate unit to one response, on the SRC effect based on superordinate unit position. Three experiments revealed that stimulus–response assignment is critical, while the visual cue plays a minor role, in eliciting the SRC effect based on the superordinate unit position. Findings suggest bidirectional interaction between perception and action and simultaneous spatial stimulus coding according to multiple frames of reference, with contribution of each coding to the SRC effect flexibly varying with task situations.  相似文献   

In the past years, growing attention has been devoted to the masked priming same–different task introduced by Norris and Kinoshita (2008 Norris, D. and Kinoshita, S. 2008. Perception as evidence accumulation and Bayesian inference: Insights from masked priming. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 137: 433455. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], Journal of Experimental Psychology: General). However, a number of researchers have raised concerns on the nature of the cognitive processes underlying this task—in particular the suspicion that masked priming effects in this task are mostly inhibitory in nature and may be affected by probe–prime contingency. To examine the pattern of facilitative/inhibitory priming effects in this task, we conducted two experiments with an incremental priming paradigm using four stimulus–onset asynchronies (13, 27, 40, and 53 ms). Experiment 1 was conducted under a predictive-contingency scenario (probe–prime–target; i.e., “same” trials: HOUSEhouseHOUSE vs. housewaterHOUSE; “different” trials: fieldhouseHOUSE vs. fieldwaterHOUSE), while Experiment 2 employed a zero-contingency scenario (i.e., “same” trials: HOUSEhouseHOUSE vs. housewaterHOUSE; “different” trials: fieldfieldHOUSE vs. fieldwaterHOUSE). Results revealed that, for “same” responses, both facilitation and inhibition increased linearly with prime duration in the two scenarios, whereas the pattern of data varied for “different” responses, as predicted by the Bayesian Reader model.  相似文献   

In order to examine whether confidence rating is a result of direct memory-relevant output monitoring, a general-knowledge test was used. A question set was answered in experimental session 1, and the same question set was employed in session 2. Subjects chose one answer from two alternatives. No significant difference in answer accuracy was found between sessions, which suggests that identical information processing was carried out, and that any difference between sessions was based on probabilistic fluctuation. The major results were as follows: (a) In both sessions, answer accuracy was an increasing function of confidence. (b) Answer-change rate (rate of different answers to the same question between sessions) decreased monotonically with confidence. (c) The distributions of confidence rating in session 2, conditional on the rating in session 1, were nearly identical in no-answer-change and answer-change cases. These results suggest that confidence rating is not a result of monitoring memory-relevant output itself but an estimation of possibility of answer fluctuation.  相似文献   

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