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The relationship between Loevinger's measure of ego development and the Wechsler Intelligence Scales subtest scores was investigated in 91 adolescent and young adult psychiatric inpatients. Correlations with Verbal IQ and verbal subtests in general were positive and significant. The correlation with the Comprehension subtest was the highest and remained significant when Full Scale IQ was partialled. Post-conformists obtained the highest mean scores on Picture Arrangement; however, there was no difference among the lower stages on this subtest. The results lend support to a social reasoning component of ego development.  相似文献   

Male-female differences on the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence were examined for 1200 children aged 4–6.5 yr. Results provided fundamental support for previous work with older children showing better female performance on memory and psychomotor tasks and better male performance on spatial tasks, although the distinctions in performance were not as clear as with older children.  相似文献   

The current study supports Levinson's contention (1988) that the diagnosis of dyslexia cannot be based solely on neurophysiological evidence but must be made in conjunction with reading and educational test scores. Contrary to much current research, in the present study specific WISC-R profiles are identified within a stringently defined subgroup of 57 9- to 12-yr-old dyslexic children. Well-defined subtest scatter can differentiate dyslexics from proficient readers. In particular, the Digit Span subtest, which is not routinely administered by psychologists or included in computing Verbal IQ, can be considered an important component of a diagnostic battery. Unexpectedly, Coding emerged with Digit Span as a third factor in a principal component analysis; statistically significant sex differences appeared on the Coding task. Findings appear to confirm the phonological encoding deficiencies displayed by dyslexics on the Digit Span subtest. This study strongly supports consideration of WISC-R subtest differences, along with correlated factors, neurophysiological and perceptual evidence, when diagnosing dyslexic children. Cross-validation is planned.  相似文献   

A major criticism of the Wechsler Memory Scale-III Faces subtest is the number of items, which can be daunting and time-consuming for an impaired client or boring for a normal client. An analysis of several versions, with data from a sample of 50 clinical referrals, revealed that a 32-item subtest was best overall. Using this version, 100% (Faces I) and 94% (Faces II) of the predicted raw scores were less than 4 points away from the actual raw scores, whereas 66% (Faces I) and 70% (Faces II) were less than 2 points away. Limitations of this procedure are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of three modes of test administration upon the performance of third and fourth grade boys and girls on four subtests of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children. Ninety Ss were randomly assigned to three groups, two experimental and one control. Each of the three groups was subdivided to enable two examiners to administer the same treatment. The Approval group was given verbal approval after the first response in each subtest and between subtests. Verbal disapproval was given in the same sequence for the Disapproval group. The Neutral group received the standard test administration without any intended approval or disapproval. For both examiners the Approval group performed significantly higher (p < .05) than the Disapproval group; the Neutral group performed higher than the Disapproval group and lower than the Approval group, although the differences were slightly less than significant at the .05 level.  相似文献   

This study examined the convergent and discriminant validity of the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence and the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test for 85 psychiatric inpatients. The correlation between the WASI Full Scale and K-BIT Composite IQ scores was significant (r = .89, p < .001). Multitrait-multimethod analysis of the subtest scores showed that the K-BIT had higher internal consistency for its two subtests but, therefore, less differentiation of cognitive functioning than the brief Wechsler scale, as would be expected due to the larger number and diversity of the latter subtests. Correlations among the Wechsler scale subtests were lower than among those for the K-BIT, so the former may tap different cognitive functions and yield more clinically useful information than the latter. This brief Wechsler scale appears to be a valid screening measure of verbal, performance. and general intellectual ability for use with an inpatient psychiatric population when considerations of the setting or patient preclude administration of a longer measure of intellectual ability.  相似文献   

Using 72 lower class children, concurrent validity of the WPPSI was studied employing Form L-M of the Stanford-Binet as the criterion. Correlations between SB and WPPSI were moderately high (.86 for FS, .81 for VS, .73 for PS), but the WPPSI appeared a somewhat more difficult test for the sample employed. Mean SB IQ (94.61) was higher than the mean FS (90.71), VS (89.38) and PS (93.68) IQs; it exceeded WPPSI IQ in 72% of all cases. On the WPPSI, PS IQ was significantly greater than either VS or FS IQs. Amont the WPPSI subtests, Vocabulary was significantly lower than all other subtests and Comprehension lower than Picture Completion, Mazes, and Block Design. The only significant sexual difference favored females on Similarities. For subjects whose FS IQ was below the group median IQ, relationships among each of the WPPSI scales and subtests were lower than for those subjects who scored above the median. This was particularly true for the Vocabulary, Animal House, and Picture Completion subtests.  相似文献   

Drawing on findings reported in an earlier paper (Robinson, 1985a), ‘introversion- extraversion’ scores were derived from WAIS-R profile differences. Scores on a ‘psychopathy’ dimension were derived from WAIS-R profiles in similar fashion. Results are described which show that these WAIS-R scores do relate to personality in the predicted fashion. The essential findings are that groups with high and low WAIS-R introversion-extraversion scores obtain significantly different scores on the Extraversion scale of the EPO. Groups with high and low WAIS-R psychopathy scores obtain significantly different scores on the Psychoticism scale of the same questionnaire. Some theoretical and practical implications are discussed. Special reference is made to biologically based explanations for ‘intelligence’ differences and differences in ‘cognition’.  相似文献   

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