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Abstract.— The factorial stability of a previously constructed six-factor check-list for self-reported arousal was studied in three different situations which were conceived of as inducing different levels of arousal, viz. in the evening before going to bed, at a lecture, and at an examination. The analyses showed that the six factors obtained in the Lecture group were reduced to five in the Examination group and to four in the Evening group. This reduction was due to a combination of the items from pairs of the original factors into one factor. Significant differences between the three groups were obtained in all factors but one. The results were regarded as support for the usefulness of the six-factor instrument, the implication being that one or two of the factors in some situations might be redundant. The relevance of the results for a previously proposed model of arousal was discussed.  相似文献   

Subjects who previously expressed either partial or full agreement with an attitudinal position were exposed to a low- or high-threat essay advocating the position. Anonymous post-communication measures of opinion indicated a reactance effect (negative attitude change) only for subjects who (1) read the hrgh-threat essay, and (2) previously expressed complete agreement with the communicator. Theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous investigations of the effects of bogus arousal feedback on approach toward an aversive stimulus have failed to separate two conceptual issues: (1) the influence of perceived anxiety on approach behavior, and (2) the degree to which perceptions of decreased anxiety are central to systematic desensitization. The present research deals with only the first of these issues. The procedure required each subject to attach a microphone to his or her chest and approach a snake. Bogus heartbeat feedback was presented concurrently with the subject's approach. In Experiments 1 and 2, self-reported snake phobics approached more with a constant than with an accelerating heartbeat. Nonphobics in Experiment 2 were not systematically influenced by the feedback. In Experiment 3, subjects with moderate fear, but who had stated that they could pick up a snake, behaved like the previously tested nonphobics; moderate fear subjects who had stated uncertainty about their ability to handle a snake behaved like previously tested phobics. In no case did postexperimental self-rated fear of snakes yield a difference between feedback conditions. The results are discussed in terms of the attributional analysis of emotional behavior.  相似文献   

Previous studies have found that attention is automatically oriented in the direction of other people's gaze. This study directly investigated whether the perceiving gaze direction modulates the orienting of observers' attention. Gaze perception was manipulated by changing the face context (head orientation) of the gaze cue: the perceived gaze angle was increased (or decreased) when the head and gaze are congruent (or incongruent), while the local‐feature information of the eye region was preserved for all stimuli. The results showed that gaze‐cueing effects were enhanced when the perceived gaze direction was averted more toward left or right, and reduced when the perceived gaze direction was closer to direct gaze. The results suggest that gaze‐cueing effects are based on mechanisms specialized for gaze perception, and the magnitude of gaze‐cueing effects was probably a function of the perceived gaze direction.  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out to demonstrate that the relationship between attitudes of a stranger and attraction to that stranger can be mediated by effectance arousal and the consequent information search to reduce the arousal. The argument posited was that individuals under high effectance arousal produced by a confusing and ambiguous film would be attracted to dissimilar others as a source of information and uncertainty reduction. Results indicated that high levels of arousal produced greater attraction to a dissimilar stranger than to a similar stranger. This finding was reversed when an explanation was provided along with the confusing film, lending support to the uncertainty reduction position.  相似文献   

Subjects made predictions of the grade point averages of hypothetical students who varied over complete continua of scholastic ability and effort. Subjects in Study 1 made their predictions on the implicit assumption that target students were drawn from a student body chosen via selective admissions criteria. Study 2 subjects assumed that the ability range was one resulting from a first-come, first-served open-admissions policy. Although the ability assumption inductions, as intended, led to performance level predictions that were differently dispersed, the basic patterns of subjects' predictions were essentially the same in both studies: For the overwhelming majority of subjects, ability and effort were perceived to affect scholastic performance additively rather than multiplicatively, thus contradicting the suggestions of previous theory. In addition, students with high ability were anticipated to perform reasonably well even when exerting practically no effort. Theoretical interpretations and practical implications of these results are introduced and discussed.This research was supported by Grant MH 27000 from the National Institute of Mental Health. It is a pleasure to acknowledge the capable assistance of Philip Johnson in the running of subjects and analysis of data for the reported studies.  相似文献   

The majority of research on situation model processing in older adults has focused on narrative texts. Much of this research has shown that many important aspects of constructing a situation model for a text are preserved and may even improve with age. However, narratives need not be text-based, and little is known as to whether these findings generalize to visually-based narratives. The present study assessed the impact of story modality on event segmentation, which is a basic component of event comprehension. Older and younger adults viewed picture stories or read text versions of them and segmented them into events. There was comparable alignment between the segmentation judgments and a theoretically guided analysis of shifts in situational features across modalities for both populations. These results suggest that situation models provide older adults with a stable basis for event comprehension across different modalities of expereinces.  相似文献   

It was suggested that thought changes cognitions to be more consistent with one's initial attitude direction and, therefore, results in attitude polarization. Specifically, it was predicted that polarization would be highest under thought with reality constraints absent, followed by thought with reality constraints present, followed by distration. During the first period of each of two trials, some of the 144 subjects were distracted from thinking about a preselected painting, others thought about the painting while viewing it, and others thought about it in its absence. Subjects were redistributed across the same three conditions for a second period. They then indicated their feelings about the painting. In the original study as well as a partial replication, females behaved as predicted: Thought with reality constraints absent produced the most polarization, followed by thought with reality constraints present, followed by distraction. In both the original study and the replication there was no systematic trend for the males. The theoretical implications of the female results and the sex differences were discussed.  相似文献   

Subjects worked on a task which was described as either easy or difficult. When the task was thought to be difficult, Ss high in resultant achievement motivation performed better than those low in resultant achievement motivation. However, when the task was perceived as easy, the high motive group performed worse than the low group. These results confirm a prediction from Kukla's attributional theory of performance, in which resultant achievement motivation is conceived as a measure of perceived ability. They are not, however, deriveable from Spence's theory of the effects on performance of objective task difficulty, nor from Weiner's hypothesis concerning the motivational effects of success and failure. On the other hand, Kukla's theory provides an explanation for both the data usually cited in support of Spence's position and those taken to confirm Weiner's hypothesis. The relationship between the present results and Atkinson's theory of achievement motivation, which also hypothesizes an effect of perceived difficulty on performance, is discussed.  相似文献   

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