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The height of a chair seat affects the burden on the lower limbs during the sit-to-stand (STS). To develop an objective test to evaluate muscle function of the lower limbs using floor reaction force during a STS, the relationship between chair-seat height and the burden on the lower legs must be assessed. To examine the influence of the chair-seat height, floor reaction forces during a STS performed with 5 chair heights adjusted to each subject's lower leg length were compared. The force production and quickness of movement tended to decrease in the phases of trunk flexion and knee and hip joint extension when performing a STS from a lower chair, when the chair height differed by 20% (6.2 cm) from the lower leg length, and was marked when the difference between chair height and lower leg length became larger. In 52 elderly and 50 young adults, floor reaction forces during a STS performed from a chair of the same height as subjects' lower leg lengths were compared. Elderly persons were inferior in force production (strength) and quickness of movement, which decreased as elderly stood up from a chair of a lower height.  相似文献   

The first objective was to assess whether healthy individuals could accurately estimate their weight-bearing distribution in sit-to-stand transfers. The second was to evaluate the effect of age on weight-bearing perception. 16 young participants (11 women, 5 men; M age 29 yr., SD = 8.7) and 15 elderly participants (7 women, 8 men; M age 65 yr., SD = 3.8) were recruited. Verbal instructions and visual feedback referring to different percentages of weight-bearing distribution to execute were used to quantify weight-bearing perception in sit-to-stand tasks. For the feedback approach, the perception was assessed with a visual analog scale. For the verbal task, the weight-bearing distribution produced was assessed with force plates. Both young and elderly participants had good perception of weight-bearing distribution, with mean absolute errors of 6.4%. Moreover, their perceived and real weight-bearing distribution showed good agreement (ICC > or = .79).  相似文献   

Previous research has indicated that muscle fatigue due to repeated bouts of physical activity can have negative residual effects on balance; however investigations using multi-joint forms of exercise involved in everyday settings and determination of how control of posture is altered during the physical activity itself are limited. The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate alterations in postural stability before, during, and after prolonged multi-joint STS exercise in healthy young adults. Center of pressure (COP) acquisitions were collected during repetitive STS exercise, while voluntary limits of stability (LOS) testing was performed before, immediately after, and 10 min after STS exercise. By 50% total STS exercise time, fatigue resulted in increased anterio-posterior (y) and medio-lateral (x) COP path lengths (p = 0.003 and p = 0.018 respectively) and an anterior shift of COP at seat-off towards the mid-foot (p = 0.010). No significant change in LOS mean amplitude was found after STS exercise; however a significant fatigue effect resulted in increased COPy sway velocity at maximal lean positions (p = 0.006), but returned to PRE values after 10 min of rest. Declines in postural stability during repetitive STS exercise was associated with reduced control of COP, as well as a reduced ability to stably control COP at extreme postural limits; however, 10 min was adequate in young adults for recovery. These results may have important implications for monitoring fall risk due to acute bouts of exercise induced muscle fatigue from repetitive multi-joint activities such as the STS.  相似文献   

In this study, the authors examined the parenting practices, developmental expectations, and stress levels of 136 fathers and the challenging and prosocial behaviors of their 1- to 5-year-old children. In addition, the authors systematically addressed fathers' qualitative concerns about their parenting. The authors divided the participants into 4 groups and controlled for family socioeconomic status (SES) and the focus child's gender. Results showed a significantly higher use of corporal and verbal punishment and parenting stress among lower income fathers. Secondary analyses demonstrated a significant effect of paternal disciplinary practices that emphasized the frequent use of corporal and verbal punishment on child behavior problems, regardless of SES level. On a positive note, fathers from both lower and higher SES groups had reasonable developmental expectations for their boys and girls, and they reported similar frequencies of their children's prosocial behavior. The authors discuss the need for early parent education programs that include fathers and that teach specific strategies to address child behavior problems.  相似文献   

Three key points of the sit-to-stand (STS) movement were confirmed as aspects of the ground reaction force (GRF): the onset, maximum GRF, and seat-off. 46 healthy subjects (M age = 22.2 yr., SD = 4.4) participated. During the STS movement, two vertical force platforms were used to measure the resultant GRF, defined as the whole-body force, and its two components, the buttock and leg GRFs. The onsets of the component GRFs identified the sequence of the important time points in the STS movement more precisely than the onset of the resultant GRF. Data showed that the maximum whole-body GRF, the maximum GRF of both legs, and seat-off appeared in sequence and not simultaneously.  相似文献   

Alternating between static images of human bodies with an appropriate interstimulus interval (ISI) produces apparent biological motion. Here we investigate links between apparent biological motion and time perception. We presented two pictures of the initial and final positions of a human movement separated by six different ISIs. The shortest movement path between two positions was always biomechanically impossible. Participants performed two tasks: In an explicit task, participants judged whether they saw the longer, feasible movement path between the two postures, or the shorter, biomechanically impossible path. In an implicit task, participants judged the duration of a white square surrounding the picture sequence. At longer ISIs participants were more likely to see a longer, feasible movement path (explicit task) and underestimated the duration of body picture pairs, compared to trials displaying degraded body pictures (implicit task). We argue that perceiving apparent biological motion involves temporal binding of two static pictures into a continuous movement. Such temporal binding may be mediated by a top-down mechanism that produces a percept of biological motion in the absence of any retinal motion.  相似文献   

In performing the sit-to-stand transition, young children (6- to 7-year-olds) were expected to display a movement form similar to that of adults. However, movement consistency was predicted to be poorer in children than in adults because they lack refinement of motor control processes. Kinematic analysis of 10 repetitions of the sit-to-stand movement was carried out for 6 typically developing children and 6 adults. Supporting the authors' prediction of comparable form, no differences were evident between age groups for sequence of joint onsets, proportional duration of segmental motion, or in angle-angle plots of displacement at 2 segments. In contrast, within-participant variability was found to be higher for children: Coefficients of variation for most kinematic measures were twice those seen for adults. The authors interpret the children's lack of movement consistency as a reflection of inadequate stabilization of an internal model of intersegmental dynamics. Whereas adults have attained a skill level associated with refinement of that model, children have not. Children have an additional control problem because changes in body morphology throughout childhood require ongoing updating of the internal model that controls intrinsic dynamics.  相似文献   

A psychophysical model that provides separate measures of judgmental standards and sensitivity is utilized to compare an O’s visual sensitivity for vertical and horizontal movement. The analysis indicates no consistent difference in sensitivity; those asymmetries that do exist simply appear to be due to idiosyncratic judgmental standards.  相似文献   

肢体是社会性信息的重要载体。研究肢体表征的早期发展对于揭示其肢体表征加工的内在机制, 进一步理解婴儿的社会性发展具有重要意义。从肢体形状和肢体动作两个方面来看, 已有研究主要考察了婴儿在处理肢体结构信息和运动信息时的表征方式, 并提出了婴儿肢体表征发展机制的两种理论。未来应进一步明确婴儿肢体表征的具体发展过程及关键期, 并通过脑成像技术探究生物运动偏好对于肢体表征的作用机制。  相似文献   

The sit-to-stand movement strategy of each subject is different depending on whether the subjects perform voluntary movements or have concrete instructions (i.e., stand quickly), which is strongly reflected in the performance of each sit-to-stand movement phase. Thirty young-adult male subjects participated in this study (M age=20.7 yr; SD=2.6). Subjects performed the two movements from a chair height adjusted to the subject's lower thigh length. In the self-administered (SA) condition, subjects voluntarily stood up from the chair without instruction, and in the assigned-ordered (AO) condition subjects stood up from the chair as fast as possible. Vertical floor reaction force and electromyograms of the rectus femoris and tibialis anterior muscles were measured, and 15 parameters were selected. The parameters in the phase between the peak value of the floor reaction force and completion of the movement was highly reliable regardless of instruction. However, other parameters had different reliabilities between the instruction conditions. In particular, the parameters in the phase between starting the movement and the peak value of the floor reaction force under the assigned-order were higher than those of the self-administered condition. Moreover, the sit-to-stand movement was conducted faster in the assigned-order condition during the phase between starting the movement and buttocks-syneresis, and the peak value of the floor reaction force and completion of the movement. From the above, in the assigned-order condition "as fast as possible," the anteflexion bending movement and extension of knee and trunk joints were faster, and anteflexion movement was repeated more similarly under a concrete instruction such as moving as fast as possible.  相似文献   

This study was designed to compare peak frequency, mean power frequency, and power spectrum of each frequency band of body-sway time series and velocity time series power spectra between 30 healthy elderly people and 30 young adults and to clarify their frequency characteristics. Peak frequency and mean power frequency differed between groups, being higher for elderly persons, and the difference was marked in the front-back direction. When comparing power spectra of three domains (A: 0.02-0.2 Hz, B: 0.2-2.0 Hz, and C: 2.0-10.0 Hz) of an international standard, a significant age-group difference was found only in the front-back direction. Young adults were higher in the low frequency band (A domain) in sway time series, and the elderly group was higher in the high frequency band (C domain) in body-sway velocity time series. However, almost all power spectra of both groups appeared in the low frequency band. The present results suggested frequency characteristics of healthy people occur in the low frequency band, but the elderly group compared with the young adults had more characteristics in the high frequency band. Their frequency characteristics cannot be properly evaluated by the international standard established to screen disorders. It may be necessary for healthy people to have new evaluation frequency sections when considering power spectrum characteristics of sway time series and sway-velocity time series.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate rhythmic performance during two-legged hopping in place. In particular, it was tested whether (a) timing control is independent of force control, (b) a dynamic timer model explains rhythmic performance, and (c) it is a force related parameter that carries the timing information. Eleven participants performed two-legged hopping at their preferred hopping frequency (PHF) and at two hopping frequencies set by an external rhythmic stimulus as lower (LHF) and higher (HHF) than their PHF, respectively. A force plate was used to record the ground reaction force (GRF) time curves during two-legged hopping. The primary temporal and force related parameters determined from the GRF-time curves were the durations of the cycle of movement (t(cycle)), of the contact phase (t(contact)), of the flight phase (t(flight)), the magnitude of peak force (Fz(peak)) and the rate of peak force development (RFD). Control of t(cycle) was independent of force control as shown by the non-significant correlations between t(cycle) and the force parameters of the GRF-time curve. Lag 1 autocorrelations of t(cycle) were not significant in any of the HF, thereby a dynamic timer model is considered to explain the timing of t(cycle) during two-legged hopping. RFD varied more than any other GRF-time curve parameter, exhibited consistent significant strong correlations with the GRF-time curve parameters and significant negative lag 1 autocorrelations in PHF, thus, it was highlighted as the potent timing control parameter. Finally, we provide a practical application for the optimization of rhythmic performance.  相似文献   

In contrast to the cervical and lumbar region, the normal kinematics of the thoracic spine have not been thoroughly investigated. The aim of this study was to characterize normal multi-segmental continuous motion of the whole thoracolumbar spine, during a flexion maneuver, in young and elderly subjects. Forty-two healthy volunteers were analyzed: 21 young (age = 27.00 ± 3.96) and 21 elderly (age = 70.1 ± 3.85). Spinal motion was recorded with a motion-capture system and analyzed using a 3rd order polynomial function to approximate spinal curvature throughout the motion sequence. The average motion profiles of the two age groups were characterized. Flexion timing of the thoracic region of the spine, as compared to the lumbar spine and hips, was found to be different in the two age groups (p = 0.011): a delayed/sequential motion type was observed in most of the young, whereas mostly a simultaneous motion pattern was observed in the elderly subjects. A similar trend was observed in flexion of the lower thoracic segments (p = 0.017). Differences between age groups were also found for regional and segmental displacements and velocities. The reported characterization of the thoracic spine kinematics may in the future support identification of abnormal movement or be used to improve biomechanical models of the spine.  相似文献   

This study investigated the EMG characteristics and the kinematics of the trunk and lower extremity during the sit-to-stand (STS) task while wearing 1-, 4-, and 8-cm high-heeled shoes. We examined differences in the EMG data of the internal oblique, erector spinae, medial hamstring, and rectus femoris muscles during the STS task. The motion of the hip joint during an STS task was measured with a NorAngle Electrogoniometer System. Twelve young healthy women were recruited to this study. EMG characteristics and the hip joint angle were recorded during the performance of an STS task by subjects wearing high-heeled shoes of three different heel heights. The muscle onset time and EMG activity during this task were analyzed. In 8-cm high-heeled shoes, the onset time for the erector spinae muscle was significantly delayed, and the onset latency for the medial hamstring and the rectus femoris was significantly decreased. There was increased activity in the erector spinae and rectus femoris muscle during this task when wearing 8-cm high-heeled shoes. The initial hip flexion angle at the start point of the STS task did not differ among the 1-, 4-, and 8-cm heel-height conditions, but the trunk flexion angle, corresponding to the displacement between the peak hip flexion and initial hip flexion, was significantly larger in the 8-cm heel-height condition than in the 1- and 4-cm heel-height conditions. The findings suggest that excessive heel height has the potential to induce muscle imbalance during the STS task.  相似文献   

U Hadar 《Brain and language》1991,41(3):339-366
The effects of aphasia on coverbal body movement have important implications for the understanding of both normal and pathological speech processes. The related findings were often inconsistent, partly due to inherent methodological difficulties which could be reduced by the use of advanced techniques of movement monitoring (Hadar, 1991). The present study employed a new computerized system, CODA-3, which locates small prismatic markers and computes by triangulation their three-dimensional position at 100 Hz. Movement of the head and the upper arms was monitored in 15 aphasic and normal subjects engaged in speech during a naturalistic interview. Movement analysis was based on automatized identification of successive movement extrema ("period analysis") and the computation of amplitude, duration, and velocity of each period. The results showed higher incidence and amplitude of all body movement in the aphasic population. Fluent aphasics showed this particularly with "symbolic," content-bearing movements, while nonfluent aphasics were higher than controls in both symbolic and "motor" (simple and small) movements. No deficit in the internal organization of movement was seen in the aphasic population. These results indicate that aphasics increase their coverbal movement in compensation for their speech impairment: fluent aphasics compensate primarily for a symbolic impairment, while nonfluent aphasics compensate more for a motor impairment.  相似文献   

The speed at which sit-to-stand (STS) motions are performed and the subsequent terminal constraint upon upright stance can present subjects with contradictory goals. Previous findings suggested that subjects might adopt a strategy of limiting the peak horizontal momentum of the center of mass (CM), and perhaps of body segments as well, regardless of the speed of ascent. The primary purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that the limitation in CM momentum is related to the constraint on upright stance at the termination of the task. The secondary purpose was to describe the contribution of the shank, thigh, and upper body (head-arm-trunk) to the peak horizontal momentum of the CM under each test condition. Nine healthy adult males rose from a seated position under the following three conditions: (a) at natural speeds (natural STS); (b) as fast as possible (fast STS); and (c) as fast as possible, followed by falling forward while keeping the feet fixed and using the arms on a support bar to stop the fall (fast STS+fall). The results showed that the peak horizontal momentum of the CM did not change substantially from the natural to fast STS, but increased significantly from the fast STS to the fast STS+fall. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that limiting peak horizontal momentum of the CM may reflect a movement control strategy related to maintaining equilibrium at the termination of the voluntary task of rising from a chair. The momentum profile of the upper body, but not of the thigh or shank, remained constant across all experimental conditions, suggesting that the motion of the upper body may be tightly controlled in STS, regardless of the altered constraint on balance.  相似文献   

Conclusion We do not conclude that homosexuality must be accepted by society. We do hope that society's attitudes towards homosexuals can be more intelligent, less confused. Perhaps our society will reject homosexuality on a basis of manifestly conscious prejudice of the majority who simply find it distasteful; but at least this will be more honest than many current rationalizations. Perhaps it will be possible and desirable because of changing conditions to accept homosexuality in our culture at some future time. Any sincere effort to confront the issues raised by homosexuality in our culture will be rewarded with a deeper understanding of many other aspects of human life.Presented to One Inc., Los Angeles, May 7, 1967.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the effectiveness of a 12 week weight loss intervention within a commercial fitness centre on body weight, moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA), dietary intake, and behavioural regulations for exercise and healthy eating. Using a quasi-experimental design, the intervention group received weekly coaching sessions and bi-weekly seminars designed to increase MVPA and improve dietary intake. Outcome variables were assessed at three time points over a six month period. Results showed a significant interaction for body weight (p = .04) and dietary changes (p < .05) following the weight loss challenge but were not maintained across the six month period. Changes in behavioural regulations favoured the intervention condition. Results imply that a 12 week weight loss challenge within a commercial fitness centre may be effective at prompting short-term weight loss and support the internalization of behavioural regulations specific to healthy eating and exercise.  相似文献   

Elderly adults often exhibit performance deficits during goal-directed movements of the dominant arm compared with young adults. Recent studies involving hemispheric lateralization have provided evidence that the dominant and non-dominant hemisphere-arm systems are specialized for controlling different movement parameters and that hemispheric specialization may be reduced during normal aging. The purpose was to examine age-related differences in the movement structure for the dominant (right) and non-dominant (left) during goal-directed movements. Young and elderly adults performed 72 aiming movements as fast and as accurately as possible to visual targets with both arms. The findings suggest that previous research utilizing the dominant arm can be generalized to the non-dominant arm because performance was similar for the two arms. However, as expected, the elderly adults showed shorter relative primary submovement lengths and longer relative primary submovement durations, reaction times, movement durations, and normalized jerk scores compared to the young adults.  相似文献   

To examine the development of movement schema in young school-age children, i.e., whether principles which govern fine eye-hand coordination skill learning as suggested by Schmidt's schema theory apply to the learning of gross motor skills Exp. 1 involved 48 right-handed first-grade children. On a modification of the Fitts Reciprocal Tapping task children moved a stylus (held in the hand or attached to a special shoe worn on the foot) between two metal targets separated by different distances. Children were randomly assigned to one of eight groups: two control or no-practice groups and six experimental or transfer groups. A one-way analysis of variance followed by appropriate Scheffé post hoc tests indicated that movements of the lower limbs were not organized into a movement schema, but a pattern of schema of movement for the upper limbs developed. That no movement schema developed for lower limb movements suggests development of movement schema is intricately linked to both the existing as well as the potential for developing precise movement in those limbs. Exp. 2 involved 40 first-grade children who were randomly assigned to perform a gross-motor agility task under one of three conditions: direct practice on the criterion task, constant practice on a modification of the criterion task, or variable practice on several different modifications of the criterion task. A groups X trials analysis of variance with appropriate post hoc tests indicated that there were no significant differences among direct, constant, or variable practice groups. Data suggest that the amount of practice may be as important as the type of practice in developing movement schema involved in gross motor skills in young children.  相似文献   

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