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U Goswami  A L Brown 《Cognition》1990,35(1):69-95
Children's performance in the classical a:b::c:d analogy task is traditionally very poor prior to the Piagetian stage of formal operations. The interpretation has been that the ability to reason about higher-order relations (the relations between the a:b and c:d parts of the analogy) is late-developing. However, an alternative possibility is that the relations used to date in the analogies are too difficult for younger children. Two experiments presented children aged 3, 4 and 6 years with a:b::c:d analogies which were based on relations of physical causality such as melting and cutting, for example chocolate bar:melted chocolate::snowman:melted snowman. Understanding of these particular causal relations is known to develop between the ages of 3 and 4 years. It was found that even 3-year-olds could solve the classical analogies if they understood the causal relations on which they were based.  相似文献   

In a study of reasoning with four-term verbal analogy problems, we explored the relationship between the effects of an acute, mild stressor and the complexity of the reasoning process. Participants judged whether analogy problems in the form A:B :: C:D were valid or invalid, on the basis of whether the relation in the A:B term matched that in the C:D term. Half of the problems contained a C:D pair semantically near the A:B pair (e.g., NOSE:SCENT :: TONGUE:TASTE), and the other half contained ones semantically far from A:B (e.g., NOSE:SCENT :: ANTENNA:SIGNAL). After an initial block without stress, participants were randomly assigned to count backward by 13?s from 1,000 while being told to go faster, or to count forward by 1?s from 0. The stress-induced participants reported a significant increase in state anxiety as compared to controls immediately after the mental arithmetic task. Stressed participants performed less accurately (as measured by d') on both near and far analogy problems, mainly due to an increase in false alarms. We were able to model the influence of semantic distance using the ??learning and inference with schemas and analogies?? (LISA) model. Our findings indicated that even mild increases in stress impair analogical reasoning. However, the decrement does not seem to directly involve the integration of relations, but rather is due to a shift in decision strategy: Under stress, people show an increased tendency to endorse analogies as valid when the terms in the individual pairs are semantically related to each other, even if the overall analogical relationship is not valid.  相似文献   

We present and defend a view labeled “practiceism” which provides a solution to the incompatibility problems. The classic incompatibility problem is inconsistency of: 1. Someone who intentionally violates the rules of a game is not playing the game.

2. In many cases, players intentionally violate the rules as part of playing the game (e.g. fouling to stop the clock in basketball).

The problem has a normative counterpart: 1’. In normal cases, it is wrong for a player to intentionally violate the rules of the game.

2’. In many normal cases, it is not wrong for a player to intentionally violate the rules of the game (e.g. fouling to stop the clock in basketball).

According to both formalism and informalism, the rules of the game include the formal rules of the game. Both traditional positions avoid the incompatibility problems by rejecting 1 and 1'. Practiceism rejects 2 and 2’: it maintains that the rules are the rules manifested in playing the game, not the formal rules.

Practiceism presents two theses: (a) the real rules of the game are the rules players follow: the practice determines the rules, and not vice versa. (b) the (first order) rules of a game determine what is legitimate within the game.  相似文献   

Six pigeons were trained in sessions that consisted of six or seven concurrent-schedule components, each of which could have a different reinforcer ratio arranged in it. The components were unsignaled and occurred in a random order separated by 10-s blackouts. The overall reinforcer rate arranged in each component was 2.22 reinforcers per minute. In Experiment 1, the range of reinforcer ratios in the seven components was varied from a condition in which the ratios were always 1:1, to a condition in which the ratios varied between concurrent variable-interval 27 s extinction (EXT) and concurrent extinction variable-interval 27 s (ratios of 1:EXT, 9:1, 3:1, 1:1, 1:3, 1:9, EXT:1). In Experiment 2, the range of reinforcer ratios was always 27:1 to 1:27, and the presence and absence of the intermediate reinforcer ratios used in Experiment 1 (9:1, 3:1, 1:1, 1:3, 1:9) were investigated. Log response-allocation ratios in components changed rapidly with increasing numbers of reinforcers in components, and Experiment 1 showed that sensitivity to reinforcement was usually higher when the range of reinforcer ratios was greater. When the range of reinforcer ratios was kept constant in Experiment 2, the presence or absence of less extreme reinforcer ratios had no clear effect on sensitivity. At a local level, individual reinforcers had predictable quantitative effects on response ratios: Successive same-alternative reinforcers in a component had rapidly diminishing effects in both experiments. Reinforcers obtained on the opposite alternative to one or more prior reinforcers always had large effects on preference, and these changes were greater when the range of reinforcer ratios was greater. The effects of such reinforcers in changing preference were enhanced, and produced clear preference reversals, when intermediate reinforcer ratios were absent in Experiment 2. Two processes, one local to reinforcers and one with a longer time course, may be necessary to account for these results.  相似文献   

One of the strongest portraits of Jesus in the Gospels is that of a teacher (Lee, 1988).1 Other than the title “Lord,” people call Jesus “Teacher” more often than any other epithet in the New Testament, and often with a great deal of respect and admiration (Mark 10:17; Matt 22:16).2 Jesus also calls himself a “teacher.” In the story of the preparation for the Last Supper, for example, Jesus instructs his disciples to find a room for the paschal meal and to tell the owner that “the teacher” has need of it (Mark 14:14; Matt 26:18; Luke 22:11). Apart from the portrayal of him as an infant, the earliest picture we have of him is the episode of the 12-year-old Jesus amazing the teachers in the temple with his learning (Luke 2:46-47). Other depictions include the itinerant Jesus teaching multitudes (Matt 5–7), individuals (John 3 and 4), adversaries (Luke 15), and disciples (Mark 4:10-20, 33–34; 7:17-23; 10:10-11,23-31). He teaches in the temple (Matt 26:55; Mark 1117; John 7:14), in synagogues (Matt 4:23; Mark 6:2; Luke 4:15; John 6:59), in houses (Mark 7:17-18; 9:28), from a boat (Luke 5:3), on the hillside (Matt 5:1-2), at a well (John 4:7-30), at table (Luke 7:36-50),on the road (Luke 24:13-32), and by the shore (Mark 2:13; 4:1). In other words, Jesus teaches people wherever he is and wherever they are. In fact, Matt 26:55 evidences that Jesus taught on a daily basis. Today, in the Western world this traveling teacher is considered the most famous pedagogue (Highet, 1950, 190). With these thoughts in mind, let's (1) examine the words used to specify “teacher” in the ancient world and show how Jesus both corresponds to and differs from the perceptions this title implies, (2) suggest some teaching methods used by Jesus, and (3) propose a way modern teachers can learn from him.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《The Philosophical quarterly》2003,53(210):117-154
Books reviewed:
Mark Quentin Gardiner, Semantic Challenges to Realism: Dummett and Putnam
Julian Dodd, An Identity Theory of Truth
Scott Sturgeon, Matters of Mind: Consciousness, Reason, and Nature
Lynne Rudder Baker, Persons and Bodies: a Constitution View
Carolyn Price, Functions in Mind: a Theory of Intentional Content
Donald Gillies, Philosophical Theories of Probability
William W. Lycan, Real Conditionals
Richard Sylvan, Sociative Logics and their Applications: Essays
André Kukla, Social Constructivism and the Philosophy of Science
Rüdiger Bittner, Doing Things for Reasons
P.A. Woodward (ed.), The Doctrine of Double Effect: Philosophers Debate a Controversial Moral Principle
Matt Matravers, Justice and Punishment: the Rationale of Coercion
Brian Barry, Culture and Equality: an Egalitarian Critique of Multiculturalism  相似文献   

Book Review     
C. G. Jung : Psychological reflections Frances Smart : Neurosis and crime Gérard Borg : Le voyage à la drogue Karl Menninger : Number words and number symbols: a cultural history of numbers Alvin R. Mahrer . (Ed.) New approaches to personality classification Curatorium C. G. Jung Institute (Eds.) Conscience Joachim Fleschner : Childhood and destiny: the triadic principle in genetic education Kenneth Koch : Wishes, lies and dreams Joe Kovel : White racism: a psychohistory Isca Salzberger -Wittenberg : Psycho-analytic insight and relationships: Kleinian approach Robert C. Carson : Interaction concepts of personality  相似文献   

Background: Reflective practice in health care social work ensures that social workers provide effective and efficient services to clients as well as maintaining their mental and physical health. In this study, we aim to determine how health care social workers engage in and describe reflective practice and challenges related to their reflective practice in their work in the health care system.

Methods: We used the Reflective Dialogue Rating Scale (RDRS) developed by Marion Bogo et al. to structure qualitative face-to-face interviews with 23 health care social workers employed in a hospital in a large urban area in Ontario, Canada.

Results: Findings illustrated that all participants regularly engaged in reflective practice in order to carry out everyday social work activities, promote ethical practice, and to enhance the provision of services to their clients. The social worker participants consistently agreed that as a profession they faced challenges maintaining their knowledge of current research due to few opportunities for professional development, workload competing with educational opportunities, and a work climate that is not conducive to gaining professional development, thereby challenging reflective practice. Supportive working environments include: peer supervision, safe and private spaces to talk to colleagues, a supportive supervisor, and an overall positive organizational culture.

Discussion and conclusion: Reflective practice is a key component in health care social work. All 23 social workers stated that they used reflective techniques (such as peer supervision and debriefing) to deal with their own reactions and operated in a purposeful and intentional manner to form therapeutic relationships with clients. As such, participants stated that lifelong learning was paramount in providing quality care to clients.  相似文献   

Journal Reviews     
D avidson , R. H. & D ay , R. 'Symbol and realization: a contribution to the study of magic and healing.'
D reifuss , G. (Haifa): 'The significance of the shofar in the rite of the Jewish high holidays'
E ngel , W. (New York): 'Psychotherapeutic prophylaxis in a changing world'
F ordham , M. (London): 'Reflection on child analysis read at the Rome conference "Jung e la cultura europea"'
F ordham , M. (London): Jungian view of the body-mind relationship
F ordham , M. (London): ' Simbolismo nella prima e seconda infanria (Symbolism in infancy)'
H enderson , J. L. & W heelwright , J. B. (San Francisco): American handbook Of psychiatry
H enderson , J. L. (San Francixo): 'The picture method in Jungian psychotherapy'
L ambert , K. (London): 'The problem of authority in the early development of the individual'
L ambert , K. (London): 'Facilitating elements in analysis'
McC ully , R. S. (Charleston, South Carolina): 'Tantric imagery and Rorschach perception'
McC ully , R. S. (Charleston, South Carolina): Separatdruck aus Rorschachiana X
M arshak , M. D. (London): 'Art education in relation to psychic and mental functioning'
P ontius , A. A. (New York): 'Neuro-ethics of "Walking" in the newborn'
P ontius , A. A. (New York): 'Maori art and pseudo-hypoparathyroidism—a medical contribution to prehistoric anthropology'
P ontius , A. A. (New York): 'Basis for a neurological test of frontal lobe system functioning up to adolescence. A form analysis of action expressed in narratives'
P ye , F. (London). 'Feminine images of success'
W heelwright , J. (San Francisco): 'Psychological types'
W allace , E. (New York): 'Conventional boundaries or protective temenos'
W illiams , M. (London): 'Transcience and eternity'  相似文献   

Analogical reasoning consists of multiple phases. Four-term analogies (A:B::C:D) have an encoding period in which the A:B pair is evaluated prior to a mapping phase. The electrophysiological timing associated with analogical reasoning has remained unclear. We used event-related potentials to identify neural timing related to analogical reasoning relative to perceptual and semantic control conditions. Spatiotemporal principal-components analyses revealed differences primarily in left frontal electrodes during encoding and mapping phases of analogies relative to the other conditions. The timing of the activity differed depending upon the phase of the problem. During the encoding of A:B terms, analogies elicited a positive deflection compared to the control conditions between 400 and 1,200 ms, but for the mapping phase analogical processing elicited a negative deflection that occurred earlier and for a shorter time period, between 350 and 625 ms. These results provide neural and behavioral evidence that 4-term analogy problems involve a highly active evaluation phase of the A:B pair.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether certain self-discrepancies predicted the extent to which individuals experienced suicidal ideation. The Selves Questionnaire (an idiographic measure of self-beliefs) was administered to 152 undergraduate participants, who also completed measures of hopelessness, depression, and suicidal ideation. Three kinds of self-discrepancies were associated with suicidal ideation: actual:ideal, actual:ought, and actual:ideal:future. Covariance structure analyses indicated a best-fitting model suggesting that, actual:ideal and actual:ideal:future self-discrepancies contribute to hopelessness, which in turn contributes to depression and suicidal ideation. The findings suggest that self-discrepancy, as a form of negative self-evaluation, may contribute to an individual's risk for suicidal ideation. Moreover, the findings point to an integration of self-discrepancy theory with hopelessness theory.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
Ronald W. Hepburn, The Reach of the Aesthetic: Collected Essays on Art and Nature
W. O. Coleman, Economics and its Enemies: Two Centuries of Anti-economics
Amartya Kumar Sen and Jean Dreze, India: Development and Participation
Christine Swanton, Virtue Ethics: a Pluralistic View
Adam Swift, How Not to be a Hypocrite: School Choice for the Morally Perplexed Parent  相似文献   

Objective: Potential support providers may rely on observable behaviours (e.g. resisting a cigarette vs. smoking) to determine how much and what kind of support to provide. We evaluated the effect of smokers’ salient behaviour on partners’ likelihood of providing positive and negative support.

Design: Partners of smokers (N = 131) were randomly assigned to recall a time when their partner either successfully resisted a cigarette, failed to resist a cigarette or a control condition (no recall). All participants reported the likelihood of providing positive and negative support to their partner. Perceived commitment to quitting smoking was measured as a potential mediator.

Main Outcome Measures: The main outcome was intention to provide support for a quit attempt.

Results: Participants who recalled their partners’ past failures reported more intentions to engage in negative support and smaller ratios of positive to negative intended support than did participants in the success or control condition. These effects were partially mediated by perception of commitment to quitting.

Conclusion: Lapses in a quit attempt may change the nature of the support quitters receive. Interventions to improve communication between partners about the smoker’s commitment to quitting and experienced challenges may result in better support.  相似文献   

The Borg Scale, widely used to measure perceptions of exercise, has not been validated for use during recovery. Heart rate was used as the validity criterion. 11 untrained men and 10 untrained women were run to exhaustion on a treadmill. Heart rate and recovery ratings were obtained at :15, :45, 1:15, 1:45, 2:30, 3:30 and 4:30 min. following exercise. No significant differences were observed between sexes for both heart rate and recovery ratings. Trend analysis showed recovery ratings to be linear between :45 and at 4:30 while heart rate is best described by two linear trends with a break point at 2:30. Percent recovery was significantly faster for recovery ratings at :45, 1:15, 1:45 and 4:30. Heart rate and recovery ratings were not significantly correlated at any time point. A perceptual scale should be designed which more closely approximates metabolic response during recovery.  相似文献   

《Modern Theology》1991,7(5):483-497
Book reviewed in this article:
Plurality and Ambiguity: Hermeneutics, Religion, Hope, by David Tracy
Towards a Theology of Religions: by Glyn Richards
Story, Text and Scripture, by Wesley Kort
Christ Without Absolutes: A Study of the Christology of Ernst Troeltsch, by Sarah Coakley
Revelatory Positivism: Barth's Ealiest Theology and the Marburg School, by Simon Fisher
To Care of the Earth: A Call to a New Theology, by Sean Mcdonagh  相似文献   

Objective: A congenital craniofacial anomaly (CFA) is expected to impact upon several domains of psychological, emotional and social functioning, yet no recent reviews have comprehensively summarised the available literature. Further, existing reviews tend to draw upon literature in the field of cleft lip and palate, and do not give substantive attention to other types of CFAs.

Design: A review of 41 papers published between January 2000 and March 2016 pertaining to psychological adjustment to CFAs.

Main outcome measures: Findings are presented according to key psychological domains: General Psychological Well-being, Quality of Life, Behaviour, Emotional Well-being, Social Experiences, Appearance, and Treatment-Related Experiences.

Results: Current literature offers a contradictory picture of adjustment to CFAs. Psychological adjustment appeared to be comparable to norms and reference groups in approximately half of the papers related to non-syndromic CFAs, while more variation was found across domains among samples with syndromic CFAs. Associations were found between adjustment, physical health and cognitive function in several papers. The review identified a number of gaps in the literature, such as the inclusion of a wide range of diagnoses within research samples.

Conclusions: This review demonstrates the complexity of findings, both within and across domains, and highlights a number of methodological challenges.  相似文献   

Objectives: Impulse Control Disorders (ICDs) in Parkinson’s disease (PD) have previously almost exclusively been considered to result from anti-parkinsonian medication. However, this biomedical perspective has failed to achieve a full understanding of the phenomenon and it is argued that a failure to consider psychological factors is a critical omission.

Design: The present study examined the predictive relationship between ICDs in PD and a range of psychological measures, whilst controlling for a number of biomedical determinants.

Main outcome measures: One hundred participants with idiopathic PD completed questionnaires that assessed demographic and clinical characteristics, psychological measures and the presence of ICDs (QUIP-RS).

Results: Increased use of a ‘negative’ coping strategy, stronger illness identity, more emotional illness representations and stress were found to be significant predictors of ICDs, and different psychological predictors were associated with different ICDs. Medication was not found to predict ICDs in the presence of psychological factors, either when total treatment levels were considered or when agonist dose was considered alone.

Conclusions: This study provides the first quantitative evidence of a predominant predictive relationship between psychological factors and ICDs in PD. The results suggest that psychological interventions may have useful therapeutic role to play for ICDs in PD.  相似文献   

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