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基于太极代数,本文证明八卦是八个逻辑范式,八卦中包含四对矛盾关系,其中"六子"构成辩证逻辑组。八卦是生命生产和思想生产都必须共同遵循的变化法则。学界似有这样的倾向,以为《周易》中只有类推逻辑而没有演绎逻辑,本文证明这种观点是不能成立的。八卦本质上就是演绎逻辑的,卦象的本质是逻辑法则。因此,基于卦象的联想或推理不能脱离八卦的逻辑内涵;否则,想象的灵活性必将导致卦象上的混淆,甚至使八卦沦为象数游戏的工具。  相似文献   

"先天八卦"中具有数理内涵,同样,"后天八卦"中亦具有数理内涵。前者呈二进制形态,后者则为三进制形态。《系辞》曰:"太极生两仪,两仪生四象,四象生八卦。"其实,四象生八卦有两种不同的逻辑法则,这两种不同的逻辑法则导致二进制八卦与三进制八卦。而且"后天八卦"与五行具有内在的关联,因此,"后天八卦"中的数理内涵比"先天八卦"中的数理内涵更显丰富。  相似文献   

文王卦位是以中国原有的时空观念为基础,适应占筮需要形成的.最迟在西周之时,先后形成了四时与四方相配的时空统一观念,以及五行顺次相生观念.文王卦位的安排,首先是将四时与四方相配延展为八个时段与八方一一相配,然后据八卦的卦象、卦德排定其时位与方位,理解时位是理解卦位的关键.在卦位的安排中,很可能已考虑到五行的循环相生.这种卦位说形成于古经<周易>成书前,<易经>在观象系辞中利用了这种卦位说.  相似文献   

刘彬 《周易研究》2004,(6):22-27
<易纬>的<乾凿度>和<通卦验>分别记载了两种八卦卦气思想,虽然都是关于八卦于一年中用事的学说,但二者在具体内容、卦序、所属易学流派等方面有所不同.本文即对这些方面作了初步探索.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to propose a systematic classification of emotions which can also characterize their nature. The first challenge we address is the submission of clear criteria for a theory of emotions that determine which mental phenomena are emotions and which are not. We suggest that emotions as a subclass of mental states are determined by their functional roles. The second and main challenge is the presentation of a classification and theory of emotions that can account for all existing varieties. We argue that we must classify emotions according to four developmental stages: 1. pre-emotions as unfocussed expressive emotion states, 2. basic emotions, 3. primary cognitive emotions, and 4. secondary cognitive emotions. We suggest four types of basic emotions (fear, anger, joy and sadness) which are systematically differentiated into a diversity of more complex emotions during emotional development. The classification distinguishes between basic and non-basic emotions and our multi-factorial account considers cognitive, experiential, physiological and behavioral parameters as relevant for constituting an emotion. However, each emotion type is constituted by a typical pattern according to which some features may be more significant than others. Emotions differ strongly where these patterns of features are concerned, while their essential functional roles are the same. We argue that emotions form a unified ontological category that is coherent and can be well defined by their characteristic functional roles. Our account of emotions is supported by data from developmental psychology, neurobiology, evolutionary biology and sociology.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated trigram detection in a continuous recognition task. In Experiment 1 consonant trigrams were presented visually, one at a time, with occasional repetition of a trigram after an interval of 0, 2, 4, 8, or 16 other trigrams. Subjects were told to respond with a button press every time they saw a repeated trigram. If a subject responded to a repeated trigram, it was not repeated again. However, if a subject did not respond to a repeated trigram, it was repeated again at the same interval for up to 3 repetitions. For all intervals greater than 0, the probability of noticing a repeated trigram did not increase with the number of repetitions. In Experiment 2 meaningless shape trigrams were presented, and occasionally a trigram was repeated after an interval of 0, 1, or 2 trigrams. For both intervals greater than 0, the probability of noticing a repeated trigram did not increase with the number of repetitions. The results demonstrate that a repeated input does not necessarily leave a permanent trace in memory.  相似文献   

Current developments in the areas of discourse analysis and cross-cultural studies have led to an increased interest in the way people of different cultures express their affections on various occasions. Individuals learn how to regulate their emotional reactions according to sociocultural norms of behavior defined by the cultures to which they belong. Accordingly, this article aimed to investigate the linguistic expression of emotions in English and Persian short stories in order to fathom out the impact of culture on the way feelings are expressed cross-culturally. For this purpose, a corpus of eight different English and Persian short stories, four in each language, was selected based on a purposive sampling method. Then, using Devon’s (The origin of emotions, 2006) typology of emotions, different types of emotive verbs were selected as the unit of analysis. Finally, the frequency and percentage values of emotive verb tokens used in these stories were carefully tabulated in terms of types and their respective metalinguistic categories introduced by Wierzbicka (Emotions across languages and cultures: diversity and universals, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999). The results obtained from the analysis of the targeted corpora reflected that English and Persian writers employ different types of emotive verbs in expressing their feelings. Essentially, the findings of the present study may have important implications for language teachers, material developers, and course designers.  相似文献   

This article highlights four issues about the neurobiology of emotions: adaptation vs. dysfunction, peripheral and central representations of emotion, the regulation of the internal milieu, and whether emotions are cognitive. It is argued that the emotions evolved to play diverse adaptive roles and are biologically vital sources of information processing. They were not designed as pieces of pathology, though they certainly can underlie some psychophathologies. Emotions are, in part, appraisal systems that are operative at numerous level of the nervous system from the brainstem to the cortex. Like other information processing systems they are not perfect cognitive systems. Emotional systems often utilize somatic and visceral information for appraisals of events to facilitate decisions of whether to approach or avoid objects. The neural systems of emotions traverse the entire neural axis and are linked to the regulation of the internal milieu. Thus, in addition to the experiential aspects of emotions, emotions embody appraisal systems that are pervasive to all levels of the brain to facilitate function, adaptation, and survival.  相似文献   

We propose that the primary attachment process that influences partner choice is a normative one, the desire to form a secure attachment bond, and that a potential partner's attractiveness is, in part, a function of the degree to which the partner can offer the opportunity to form a secure attachment bond. An experimental test of the attachment-security hypothesis was conducted with male and female (N= 282) heterosexual college students in the southeastern United States who had previously been classified as having one of four attachment styles: secure, preoccupied, fearful, or dismissive. Participants read scenarios (derived from Pietromonaco & Carnelley, 1994) that depicted a relationship with an opposite-sex partner who displayed one of the four attachment styles, rated their reactions to the relationship, and assessed the imaginary partner on 20 personality traits. Results provided support for the attachment-security hypothesis in two ways: (a) secure partners elicited more positive and less negative emotions than all other partners, followed by preoccupied partners, who elicited more positive emotions than either avoidant type, and (b) for the explicit choice of romantic partners, secure partners were preferred to all insecure types, who did not differ from each other. Both preoccupied and dismissive participants saw partners similar to themselves as more secure than did the other participants.  相似文献   

<周易>古经虽没有出现阴阳、刚柔概念,但已经以奇偶为依据,将二爻、八卦设置为属性阴柔和阳刚的两仪二分结构,重卦而成的六十四卦及每卦中的六爻因此形成上下卦之间、各爻之间种种阴阳刚柔关系.由<周易>对其分合处位的态度以及与之相应的吉凶判定可见其对于阴阳交合、刚柔持衡的钟爱和追求.  相似文献   

《周易参同契》以《周易》卦爻象数作为符号,既说明外丹炉火,又隐含内丹修炼。“乾坤”多数学者认为就是比喻外丹炉鼎和内丹人身,本文认为还比喻金丹练就的形象以及阳极盛和阴极盛之时的火候。“坎离”主要指外丹的铅汞药物和内丹的元精(元气)、元神,而没有表示火候的涵义。“八卦”主要用于表示火候,实际上只用六卦(除去坎离二卦)。“十二消息卦”表示人身能量流的阴阳变化,即炼丹火候的阴阳消长变化。《参同契》巧妙地借用了《周易》卦爻符号表示火候,从而解决了时空、质量、场的转换问题,构成时空统一的、可顺可逆的四维模式,无疑是一个了不起的发明。  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated the tendency for humans to anthropomorphize computers-that is, to react to computers as social actors, despite knowing that the computers are mere machines. In the present research, we examined the attribution of both primary (non-uniquely human) and secondary (human-like) emotions to ingroup (teammate) and outgroup (opponent) computer-controlled characters in a video game. We found that participants perceived the teammate character as experiencing more secondary emotions than the opponent character, but that they perceived the teammate and opponent character as experiencing equal levels of primary emotions. Thus, participants anthropomorphized the ingroup character to a greater extent than the outgroup character. These results imply that computers' "emotions" are treated with a similar ingroup/outgroup social regard as the emotions of actual humans.  相似文献   

While positive emotion can be conceptualized broadly as a response to the potential for reward, the environment offers different kinds of rewards, and these are best approached in somewhat different ways. A functional approach to positive emotion differentiation distinguishes among several different types of rewards with strong implications for adaptive fitness and posits the existence of “discrete” positive emotions that promote an adaptive response to each reward. A taxonomy of eight positive emotions, dubbed the “PANACEAS” taxonomy based on an acronym of the first letter of each of the eight constructs, is presented as an example of this approach. Positive emotion constructs defined through functional analyses are useful for guiding empirical research, especially for identifying prototypical eliciting stimuli, and generating hypotheses about the implications of different positive emotions for a variety of outcomes. Research findings are reviewed that support the importance of positive emotion differentiation in understanding the effects of positive emotions on cognition, physiology, and behavior. Advantages of the functional approach are discussed, as well as implications of the approach for evaluating major theories of the structure of emotion.  相似文献   

胡渭对后人以"五行生成数"和"九宫数"为"河图"、"洛书"的来龙去脉进行了剖析,辨明了五行、九宫与八卦的关系,指出,春秋战国时期的阴阳五行之说,是一套独立的系统,它的五行生成之数说与<周易>中的天地之数说还是相矛盾的,也没和八卦发生任何关系."九宫数"原本与九数图的"河图"(或称"洛书")也毫无关系,也是后人硬把它们扯到一起的.胡渭的考证虽有待进一步的深入,但他认为五行数、九宫数与八卦、古河图原不相涉的说法,还是无可辩驳的.  相似文献   

《周易》对《林兰香》叙事艺术的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《林兰香》是一部优秀的世情小说,它的叙事艺术有独特的风格,它模仿《易经》,采用了以“数”谋篇布局的叙事方法.《林兰香》八卷六十四回,六十四是《易经》卦数之总.《林兰香》叙事以八回作为一个单元,每八回有一个相对完整的故事或主题.这个故事或主题又往往孕育着与之不合谐乃至对立的因素.《林兰香》“倚数”结撰,其谋篇布局之法,体现了作者对人生命运的思考,在艺术上则形成了“循环往复”之美.  相似文献   

Humour is often seen as an adaptive coping strategy; however, the empirical literature is inconclusive. One possible explanation is that different types of humour have different adaptive consequences. In the present research, we predicted that positive (good-natured) humour would be more effective at regulating negative emotions than negative (mean-spirited) humour. In Study 1, participants were shown negative pictures two times. First, they simply viewed the pictures and rated their levels of positive and negative emotions. Second, they were instructed to: (a) view; (b) use positive humour; or (c) use negative humour, and then rate their reactions. Compared to negative humour, positive humour was more successful at down-regulating negative and up-regulating positive emotion. In Study 2, we replicated these findings and showed that these effects cannot be explained by differences in difficulty between the two humour conditions, participants' expectations, or social desirability. Taken together, these findings suggest that positive (but not negative) humour may be an effective form of emotion regulation.  相似文献   

Although the negative psychological impact of self-objectification is well-documented, whether people generally recognize this impact in other people remains unclear. We hypothesized that due to their relatively limited experience with self-objectification, men are less likely than women to perceive its ramifications. In Study 1a, where 132 U.S. undergraduates were induced to perceive a female target as self-objectifying, women saw more negative emotions in her. Study 1b, using a U.S. online sample (N?=?170), indicated that this difference was not due to participants’ own state of self-objectification. In Study 2, when participants (U.S. online sample, N?=?84) identified with objectified targets, women again reported stronger negative reactions, further supporting our hypothesis. Implications and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Emotion scientists often distinguish those emotions that are encountered universally, even among animals ( “primary emotions”), from those experienced by human beings ( “secondary emotions”). No attempt, however, has ever been made to capture the lay conception about this distinction and to find the criteria on which the distinction is based. The first study presented in this paper was conducted in three countries involving four languages, so as to allow for cross‐cultural comparisons. Results showed a remarkable convergence. People from all samples not only differentiated between “uniquely human” and “non‐uniquely human” emotions on a continuum, but they did so on the same basis as the one used by emotion scientists to distinguish between “primary” and “secondary” emotions. Study 2 focused on the implicit use of such a distinction. When confronted with a human (animal) context, participants reacted faster to secondary (vs primary) emotions. The implications of the human uniqueness of some emotions within the social and interpersonal contexts are discussed.  相似文献   

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