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For the communities of Arab seafarers who settled at British ports, religion and politics were two domains that remained closely intermeshed throughout the first half of the twentieth century. A number of international Islamic organizations were active among the Arab seafarers during this time. The Islamic Society and the Western Islamic Association were active among these Arab seafaring communities during periods of acute tension and unrest. After the 1919 race riots, the Islamic Society called for reconciliation and understanding rather than resistance, and in 1930 the Western Islamic Association sought to counter the activities of those Arabs who chose resistance and solidarity with the Communist‐led Seamen's Minority Movement. The North African‐based c Alawi tariqa creaud something of a religious revival among the Arab seafarers during the 1930s and 1940s. Its efforts appear to have been welcomed and supported by the British authorities as a useful counter to Communist propaganda.  相似文献   

For architects in partitioned Poland, the early twentieth century was a time of hope for independence and of a search for building forms intended to preserve or recreate the mythologized Polish landscape and townscape of the past. A dworek, or small manor house, became one of the most popular models for designers of all building types, including synagogues. Those synagogues designed and built by Henryk Stifelman, an active member of the Warsaw Jewish Community and an assimilationist, were the best proof of a continuity of the general local architectural tradition. Other examples can also be found of synagogues in the dworek style, designed by non-Jewish architects in the 1920s for small towns in central and eastern Poland.  相似文献   

This paper examines the historical development of the interaction model of personality in the twentieth century. The philosophical roots of interactionism can be traced to the writings of Aristotle and Descartes. One of the earliest interactionist positions in psychology can be found in the works of Kantor (1924, 1926). Although theoretical interest in interactionism continued with Lewin (1935), Murray (1938) and Rotter (1954), early empirical research examining interactionism developed independently. The social, political, historical and methodological factors that have influenced the research and theorizing on interactionism in personality are examined. Finally, the development of theinteraction model of personality is traced to the evolution of major personality issues, including: (1) the consistency-specifying controversy; (2) reformulation of definitions of consistency; (3) the distinction between mechanistic and dynamic interaction; and (4) the analysis of situations.  相似文献   

This article deals with a unique period in Chinese Christianity in the early twentieth century. During this period a number of Christian theologians engaged actively with communism and Marxist theory. We focus on the work of Wu Leichuan (1870–1944), Wu Yaozong (1893–1979) and Zhu Weizhi (1905–1999), who creatively sought engagements between Christianity and historical materialism and thereby articulated a unique Chinese development, albeit engaged with international currents of thought. The article analyses their varying methods of doing so, their reconstructions of the figure of Jesus and early Christianity, and the efforts to see both the links and differences between Christianity and communism.  相似文献   

The state of contemporary group psychotherapy is reviewed in the light of developments in the areas of theory, practice, research directions, and the internationalization of the field and its literature.This is a revised and updated version of a paper presented at the Department of Psychiatry, University of Warsaw, April 26, 1989.He is the founding editor of the Non-English Literature Review Section of theInternational Journal of Group Psychotherapy and the editor of theInternational Forum of Group Psychotherapy of the International Association of Group Psychotherapy.  相似文献   

Rabinovitch boarded the ship with all the others who were leaving the land of Israel because the land didn't absorb them, so they leave the Land and return outside the Land. Some are glad to get away from the suffering of the Land and some are sad for they don't know what they will do outside the Land. When they ascended to the Land, they knew why they ascended, when they descend and go outside the Land, they don't know why they are descending.  相似文献   

While primary prevention is a much talked about and debated topic in contemporary psychology, it has a considerable history. This paper critically traces primary prevention, philosophy and practice, in the 20th century. Beginning with the mental hygiene movement (1908-1960), the paper progresses to examine the child guidance movement (1920-1955), the eugenics movement (1860-1955), the initial era of federal involvement (1930s, 1940s) as well as significant research, events, and legislation in the decades between 1950 and 1980. The paper concludes with a synopsis of the major themes revealed by the review and suggestions for future efforts in prevention.  相似文献   

This article attempts to outline a history of the critique of medicalization that developed in the 1960s in the work of Thomas Szasz, R. D. Laing, Michael Foucault, and others that was applied in their work to medical and psychiatric theory and practice, the penal system, and public health systems. This article follows the development of Foucault's own work on "governmentality" that emphasized the individualization and internalization of the themes of medicalization and the application of these ideas by his disciples to contemporary medical developments. Finally, the author explores recent historiography in the history of medicine and public health that supports this thesis of individualization that both undermines and reconfigures the older notion of medicalization.  相似文献   

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