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《周易》与《黄帝内经》   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中医学理论体系的形成,与中国古代哲学有密切的联系。尤其是《周易》的自然哲学对中医学理论的奠基之作《黄帝内经》影响巨大,自古即有医易同源之说。《周易》对《内经》之影响是多方面的,本文仅选择阴阳、变易、时位中、象数,来探讨二者之间的关系。阴阳导源于《周易》,《内经》在医学方面作了发展;《内经》对变易运动、时位中概念的吸收,使中医学呈现出有别于西医学的民族特色;象数是中医学建立理论体系的方法。  相似文献   

文化人类学具有跨文化研究的学科优势,其理论与方法逐渐在中医研究中得到关注,文化人类学在中医经典著作的《黄帝内经》的研究中理应发挥作用。理顺了法、英、美等西方有影响力的人类学家的理论与方法,并将其运用到《内经》研究中,分析了《内经》冠以“黄帝”书名的缘由、“祝由”治病、对重视“脏腑”功能的理解以及对所蕴含的传统文化思想的解读等相关内容,不仅拓宽了《内经》的研究领域,而且对于社会文化传播、《内经》国际化的学术交流以及教学都是有益的。  相似文献   

《太一生水》“神明”新释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自郭店竹简面世以来,《太一生水》引起举世瞩目,对其“神明”的诠释见仁见智。本文在全面总结了对《太一生水》之“神明”的各种解释的基础上,结合《太一生水》的宇宙论系统,提出了对“神明”的新诠释.  相似文献   

郭店楚简研究散论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭店楚简研究主要涉及考据和义理两个方面,考据实乃义理解释之基础,因而考据学的方法尤为重要。提出两点供研究者参考:(一)注意证据所能证明的程度,而不要立论太果;(二)注意“求否定的例”。关于如何看待简本《老子》,《老子》与《太一生水》的关系,简本《五行》与《中庸》、《孟子》、帛书《五行》的关系,以及楚简中的“忠信”与“忠敬”等问题,本文提出了一些讨论的意见。  相似文献   

《太一生水》札记   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文是在对简文笺注的基础上所作研究札记,讨论了三个问题:1.指出先秦只作 “大”不作“大”。大、一析言之皆为道体之名,“大一”作为同义复词,郎道之名号。“大一”又与“小一” 相对成文。“大以成大,小以成小”,“其大无外,其小无内”,应是老子关尹“太一”学说的重要内容。 2.《太一生水》有天地生神明,神明生阴阳的叙述,今存《■冠子》其《泰鸿》等篇所论“神明”,颇与简文 合拍。“神明”作为源于道、生于天地的精气,在万物形成的过程中起着通合万类的作用。严遵《老子 指归》对“神明”说有重要发展。3.《太一生水》并不具备水是天地万物本原的观念。简文之“水”乃大 虚之水,天地之包幕,太一之津液,为由无而有的过渡准备了环境和条件,战国以来形成了浑天说,与 道家思想关系密切。以浑天说观之,太一所生之水,当为天表之水。太一隐于其中,以时环周而行, 故能生天成地,变化阴阳万物,终而复始。  相似文献   

《周易》作为群经之首,是中国文化的源头,中国学术的各个方面都深受其影响。中医学的奠基之作《内经》就是以易理为自己的世界观和方法论基础的。在中医学发展的早期,医与《易》的关系尚比较隐蔽,至明代则医与《易》的关系变得紧密而明显了。从《内经》至明代"医易学"的形成之间,作为金元四大家之集大成者的朱丹溪作了重要的准备性工作,本文对此略加分析。  相似文献   

祖国医学的摄生学说,相当于现代医学心理学中的生理和心理卫生理论,其范围比之更大。摄生,犹言养生,即调养生息之意。摄生始见于《管子》,其曰:“盖闻善摄生者,陆行不遇凶虎,入军不避甲兵。”但真正系统著述摄生理论和方法的,还是应当推祟《内经》。《内经》中的摄生理论,可以用十六个字作高度概括:顺应自然,形神兼顾,生活有度,气功摄养。兹将其中与心理卫生关系较直接的前八个字具体内容,介绍如下:  相似文献   

郭店楚简佚籍《太一生水》篇记载了一个以前从未见过的以"太一"为终极存在和起点的宇宙生成论,在这个生成论中,"水"具有极为重要的作用和地位。本文拟通过对《太一生水》中的"水"在万物生成中的重要作用的探讨,还原隐含于其中并被其所吸取的更为古老的"水生论",并通过同《管子.水地》篇的水生论的对比研究,探讨《太一生水》的成文年代并揭示其在中国古代宇宙生成论发展过程中  相似文献   

1 《内经》是实验科学吗《内经》是实验科学的观点是刘里远博士在其新著《古典经络学与现代经络学》中提出的,刘博士认为“古人以极其杰出的实验科学思想,真实地记录了观察到的生命现象,总结出高度概括性的生命规律”[1]。“《内经》是以观察和体验到的现象、事实为依据的,它建立于对人体的形态解剖、生理活动及病理变化的基础上,建立于人体和自然的对比和联系上,因此《内经》是实验科学”。[1]一般认为《内经》是传统医学典籍,是经验性的,那么,为什么刘博士要将《内经》的性质定为“实验科学”?他又为什么能将《内经》定…  相似文献   

《太一生水》存在一个以物之名字为中心的概念词语序列,"名""字"二字对文本解读至为关键。"名"与"字"依据有无的不同情形分为若干逻辑层次与意义层级,名字序列构建文本结构,名字的无有与物之生成以及生成之弱强、尊卑等相对应并依次展开。太一非名,实属强名;道亦非字,应为强字。名字从无到有,万物由生到成,名字的界限即生成的界限。只有从名字的有无出发,对名字定义以及名字关系进行分析,才能理解《太一生水》中万物生成的真正含义。  相似文献   

Five rats pressed levers on variable-interval schedules of water reinforcement at various levels of water deprivation. In one phase of the experiment, three deprivation conditions that replicated conditions in Heyman and Monaghan (1987) were arranged, along with three less extreme deprivation conditions. In a second phase, water deprivation was arranged so that subjects were exposed to a greater range of access to water per day. Herrnstein's hyperbola described the rats' response-rate data well. The y asymptote, k, of the hyperbola appeared roughly constant over the conditions that replicated those of Heyman and Monaghan, but decreased markedly when less extreme deprivation conditions were included. In addition, k varied systematically when the second method of arranging deprivation was used. These results falsify a strong form of matching theory and confirm predictions made by linear system theory.  相似文献   

老子认为,人性是源于道的朴,具有主动性、柔弱性、复归倾向和自我意识。水性兼具人性和道性。圣人的人格是水性人格,其结构包括“食母”需要、质朴的自我意识和柔弱处世三个组成部分。在环境无条件的积极关注之下,个体通过致虚守静和以“重静”规约“轻躁”的努力,就可以形成水性人格。老子的水性人格理论,对于人格理论的构建和健全人格的培养都具有一定的启示价值。  相似文献   

Piaget treats compensatory answers to the water jar problem by assuming that the child multiplies proportions in two dimensions (e.g., half the width by twice the height). Since the problem is three dimensional, a two dimensional analysis will not work to produce conservation. In an empirical test of related hypotheses using a prediction of height of water as an independent index of compensatory ability (N = 118 boys and girls from kindergarten through fifth grade), it was shown that many children compensate who do not conserve, a few children conserve who do not compensate, and conserving children who compensate incorrectly (as almost all do) will reject their compensation-based prediction in favor of the conservation judgment. It is concluded that while a loosely construed theory of compensation might help explain the development of conservation ability in the water jar problem, Piaget's tightly organized theory is at best questionable.  相似文献   

In Expt 1 it was found that hungry rats developed a 100% preference for 8% sucrose over water in a maze-choice situation, whereas thirsty rats developed no preference. When deprivation conditions for the two groups were reversed the pattern of preference relations also reversed. In a 2nd experiment nondeprived rats developed a preference for either 8% sucrose or 0.2% saccharin over water while thirsty Ss did not develop a preference for either of these over water. The results are discussed in terms of incentive theory.  相似文献   

“乾坤坎离”说是研究乾、坤、坎、离四卦关系的学说,先儒对此内容多有涉及。其中东汉易学家荀爽,在前人研究的基础上,将《周易》中的乾坤坎离四卦与阴阳观念相结合,融卦气于象数,阐发了他的“乾坤坎离”思想。本文对荀爽“乾坤坎离”说的内容、渊源以及意义等方面做了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

The present studies extend the opponent-process theory of acquired motivation to the schedule-induced polydipsia paradigm and more generally to adjunctive behavior. The theory suggests that manipulations of the quality and the size of the pellet presented on an intermittent schedule should be important modulators of polydipsia. In Experiment 1, presenting animals with preferred, less preferred, or least preferred food pellets on a fixed-time 120-sec schedule resulted in progressively lower levels of water intake. In Experiment 2, the quality and size of the pellet were manipulated factorially. These variables were found to interact in the control of both the development and maintenance of schedule-induced drinking. Thus, predictions from the opponent-process theory were supported by these findings.  相似文献   

Contrast, induction, facilitation, suppression, and conservation   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Ten rats received all of their water in daily 1-hr sessions. Following a baseline phase in which lever and water spout were freely available throughout each session, subjects were trained to press the lever for water on mixed schedules composed of two alternating components. Each component gave access to water for a fixed cumulation of drinking time every time the rat cumulated a fixed amount of lever-pressing time. Changes in one component produced contrast and induction effects, both positive and negative, with respect to both lever pressing and drinking in the unchanged component. All schedules facilitated lever pressing relative to baseline. All schedules suppressed drinking relative to baseline, even though contingency sessions allowed ample time to perform the baseline amount of drinking. The entire pattern of results was predicted in quantitative detail by assuming that the total amount of a dimension apportioned to lever pressing and drinking is conserved between baseline and contingency sessions. Conservation theory was shown to predict several effects produced by simple fixed-ratio schedules, and was compared favorably with probability-differential (Premack, 1971) and response-deprivation (Timberlake and Allison, 1974) theory.  相似文献   

Extending existing theory in social and environmental psychology, we develop a model to study important predictors of water consumption behavior. Overall results provide support for the predictive ability of stimuli (e.g., environmental awareness), reasoned processes (e.g., personal involvement), unreasoned processes (e.g., habits), and situational factors (e.g., income) on water consumption behavior. Findings indicate that households with lower water usage display greater awareness of water conservation issues, are more highly involved in the decision to use water, and tend to form habits associated with lower usage levels. Furthermore, the results are consistent with past research that attitudes toward water usage appear to be poor predictors of water consumption behavior. After controlling for situational factors (e.g., household size), the findings substantiate the role of personal involvement and habit formation in explaining water consumption, lending further support to the adaptation and development of repeated behavior models in environmental psychology.  相似文献   

Since current water governance patterns mandate cooperation and partnership within and between the actors in the hydrosystems, supplementary models are necessary to distinguish the roles and the rules of indoor actions which is why we extend a theory in the frameworks of philosophy of technology. This analysis is empirically grounded on the problematic hydrosystems of a river in central Iran, Zayandehrud. Following a modernist-holistic-based analysis, it illustrates how values in the water apportionment mechanisms are being reshaped. The article by using the theory of normative practice has scrutinised the tasks and the rules of the old and new water-management systems, Mirab. Subsequently according to such philosophical theory, it has argued that the conflicts over the cases are due to interference of structural and directional norms within them.  相似文献   

Grounded in construal‐level theory (CLT), this experiment examines how messages with different temporal frames (i.e., present‐ vs. future‐framed) influence individuals' perceptions of, and reactions to, water conservation. One hundred ninety‐three participants, 99 from China and 94 from the United States, participated in this study. Results indicated that a present‐framed message results in more positive attitudes toward water conservation than the future‐framed message. Participants who scored higher on individual future‐time orientation show stronger behavioral intention to conserve water than participants who scored lower. A significant interaction between temporal message framing and country emerged such that the future‐framed message resulted in greater behavioral intention for Chinese participants than their U.S. counterparts whereas the present‐framed message did not differentially influence Chinese and U.S. participants. Implications of findings for theory‐building and application are discussed.  相似文献   

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