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Inhibitory control (IC), an ability to suppress irrelevant and/or conflicting information, has been found to underlie performance on a variety of cognitive tasks, including bilingual language processing. This study examines the relationship between IC and the speech patterns of second language (L2) users from the perspective of individual differences. While the majority of studies have supported the role of IC in bilingual language processing using single‐word production paradigms, this work looks at inhibitory processes in the context of extended speech, with a particular emphasis on disfluencies. We hypothesized that the speech of individuals with poorer IC would be characterized by reduced fluency. A series of regression analyses, in which we controlled for age and L2 proficiency, revealed that IC (in terms of accuracy on the Stroop task) could reliably predict the occurrence of reformulations and the frequency and duration of silent pauses in L2 speech. No statistically significant relationship was found between IC and other L2 spoken output measures, such as repetitions, filled pauses, and performance errors. Conclusions focus on IC as one out of a number of cognitive functions in the service of spoken language production. A more qualitative approach towards the question of whether L2 speakers rely on IC is advocated.  相似文献   

Direction of gaze and emergence of speech in the second year   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Orienting to the right member of a pair of identical pictures increased monotonically with age in a longitudinal sample of 14 infants seen monthly from 13 to 22 months. The magnitude of the correlation between this orientation bias and a measure of language development also rose with age reaching a peak at 20 months and then declining. It was suggested that the acceleration of vocabulary and maturational changes in the central nervous system that occur between 16 and 22 months are associated with a special excitatory state in the temporal cortex of the left hemisphere.  相似文献   

The speech of nine adult stutterers was analyzed acoustically prior to and at the termination of a modified Van Riperian procedure to determine if therapy produced discernable changes in their post-therapy fluent speech. The findings indicate that stuttering frequency decreased significantly and reading rate decreased by a statistically insignificant amount during the course of therapy. Vowel duration and the occurrence of voicing during the stop consonant production increased significantly. These findings support the hypothesis that stuttering therapy can affect more than the fluency and rate characteristics of the stutterer's posttherapy speech.  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to clarify Steiner’s understanding of thinking and the way it influences the use of language in the classroom of 6–18 years old, and through that, to discuss how it eventually serves to capture one’s spiritual identity. First, the paper introduces Steiner’s notion of thinking, and then offers a general picture of what ‘speech formation’ is, and how it is actually used in a classroom. Secondly, the paper reviews Steiner’s view on child development and examines his understanding of embodied thinking in accordance with will, feeling and ‘I’ consciousness. Finally, it considers the role of ‘speech formation’ in relation to the development of thinking and speech, and to the genius of language which comes to work in the ‘space’ created through dialogue. (129 words)  相似文献   

This study explored the current psychological characteristics and criminal behavior history of individuals who retrospectively reported being bullies, bully-victims, victims, or controls (i.e. neither victims nor bullies) during their last 2 years of high school. College students (n = 960) completed measures of criminal thinking, aggression, psychopathy, and criminal behavior online. We predicted bullies and bully-victims would demonstrate the highest scores for criminal thinking, proactive aggression, psychopathy, and have the most criminal infractions. Bullies and bully-victims had significantly higher scores on criminal thinking, aggression, psychopathy, and criminal behaviors than victims or controls. Additionally, men were significantly higher in criminal thinking, aggression, psychopathy, and had more criminal acts than women. There were no gender by bully group interactions. Logistic regression analyses differentiated bully-victims from bullies. Bully-victims tended to be male, higher in criminal thinking, and higher in reactive aggression. In addition, bully-victims were distinct from victims, showing higher criminal thinking and higher proactive aggression.  相似文献   

Successful communication in everyday life crucially involves the processing of auditory and visual components of speech. Viewing our interlocutor and processing visual components of speech facilitates speech processing by triggering auditory processing. Auditory phoneme processing, analyzed by event‐related brain potentials (ERP), has been shown to be associated with impairments in reading and spelling (i.e. developmental dyslexia), but visual aspects of phoneme processing have not been investigated in individuals with such deficits. The present study analyzed the passive visual Mismatch Response (vMMR) in school children with and without developmental dyslexia in response to video‐recorded mouth movements pronouncing syllables silently. Our results reveal that both groups of children showed processing of visual speech stimuli, but with different scalp distribution. Children without developmental dyslexia showed a vMMR with typical posterior distribution. In contrast, children with developmental dyslexia showed a vMMR with anterior distribution, which was even more pronounced in children with severe phonological deficits and very low spelling abilities. As anterior scalp distributions are typically reported for auditory speech processing, the anterior vMMR of children with developmental dyslexia might suggest an attempt to anticipate potentially upcoming auditory speech information in order to support phonological processing, which has been shown to be deficient in children with developmental dyslexia.  相似文献   

Conversational discourse patterns of 11 normal elderly and 11 senile dementia of the Alzheimer's type (SDAT) patients engaged in dyadic interaction with an examiner were examined. Differences in word usage, turn taking, and speech act production were investigated both for the two-subject groups and for the examiner's conversations with each group. Compensatory shifts in discourse by participants are identified. For the subject, differences were shown on words per turn with SDAT subjects speaking in shorter turns and in nonverbal responses with SDAT subjects using this strategy more frequently. Speech act categories of Requestives and Assertives also differed with SDAT subjects using more Requestives and fewer Assertives. The SDAT subjects had significantly more occurrences of unintelligible utterances. For the examiner, words per turn differed with the examiner using shorter turns with SDAT subjects. No differences were shown in the examiner's patterns of speech act usage, nonverbal responses, or intelligibility. In general, these results indicate significant discourse differences in the words per turn level for all participants and speech act levels of conversation for SDAT subjects. They also indicate generally maintained interaction patterns by speakers so that the discourse genre of conversation is sustained. The pattern of compensatory shifts in discourse suggests retained flexibility in the communication system of early and mid stage SDAT patients.  相似文献   

本文选取《易》四卦探析其思维特征:从《泰》、《否》剖辨其因果思维,《泰》之以"果"示"因"更属辩证逻辑思维,从而否定C·G荣格关于《易》不从"因果关系论事"的判断。以《蛊》卦之"蛊"不训"弊乱"而应训如钱钟书先生所证之"事"、"事业",论定《蛊》属于创造性思维范畴,继承前辈事业,在自己的努力实践中创新业,立新功。以《》卦辞"不利即戎"断句或连读,探析前人关于战争的两种思考,一是果决地抓住战机打击敌人,如周武王讨伐纣之《牧誓》所示;一是先安顿内部,"施禄及下"以得民心,如《左传》"曹刿论战"所示,是"攘外必先安内"的战略性思考。  相似文献   

The development of methods to create self‐reported attitude scales has lost momentum, in part because of increased research focused on implicit measures. This paper reviews 162 papers on methodological approaches applied to the validation and assessment of attitude scales. Assessment of methodological approaches applied indicates that neither reliability, validity, nor dimensionality assessments are consistently used according to standard operating procedures or in accordance with best practice. Within current practices in the field of attitude scale development, the full potential of self‐report scales is not met, in part because of such methodological issues. The improvement of existing practices and adoption of promising new developments in attitude scale construction and evaluation are discussed, together with recommendations for best practice in scale validation.  相似文献   

From mouth to hand: gesture, speech, and the evolution of right-handedness   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Corballis MC 《The Behavioral and brain sciences》2003,26(2):199-208; discussion 208-60
The strong predominance of right-handedness appears to be a uniquely human characteristic, whereas the left-cerebral dominance for vocalization occurs in many species, including frogs, birds, and mammals. Right-handedness may have arisen because of an association between manual gestures and vocalization in the evolution of language. I argue that language evolved from manual gestures, gradually incorporating vocal elements. The transition may be traced through changes in the function of Broca's area. Its homologue in monkeys has nothing to do with vocal control, but contains the so-called "mirror neurons," the code for both the production of manual reaching movements and the perception of the same movements performed by others. This system is bilateral in monkeys, but predominantly left-hemispheric in humans, and in humans is involved with vocalization as well as manual actions. There is evidence that Broca's area is enlarged on the left side in Homo habilis, suggesting that a link between gesture and vocalization may go back at least two million years, although other evidence suggests that speech may not have become fully autonomous until Homo sapiens appeared some 170,000 years ago, or perhaps even later. The removal of manual gesture as a necessary component of language may explain the rapid advance of technology, allowing late migrations of Homo sapiens from Africa to replace all other hominids in other parts of the world, including the Neanderthals in Europe and Homo erectus in Asia. Nevertheless, the long association of vocalization with manual gesture left us a legacy of right-handedness.  相似文献   

Phonetic analyses were made of the articulatory errors of ten Broca's aphasics with apraxia of speech. Presentation mode, phoneme position, and phoneme frequency-of-occurrence were related to phoneme difficulty. Consonant clusters were more difficult than consonant singletons; vowels were easiest. Substitution, addition, and compound errors predominated, while distortions and omissions were much less frequent. A subphonemic feature analysis of substitution and distortion errors showed a majority of errors to be close approximations to target phonemes.  相似文献   

This paper serves first as an introduction to the essays gathered in this collection on "Rethinking Gregory of Nyssa". The critique of the so–called "de Régnon" paradigm for Nyssa's Trinitarianism is laid out, and the significance for a new ecumenical rapprochement between East and West indicated. Some new principles are then outlined for reading Nyssa's "spiritual" and exegetical corpus in tandem with his more polemical and apologetic writings on the Trinity, such that the Trinitarian themes in The Commentary on the Song of Songs , especially, along with their novel messages about "gender", become seen as an intrinsic part of Nyssa's contribution to Trinitarian theology.  相似文献   

According to several recent historical accounts, Broca (1865a) stated that left-handers are the mirror-reverse of right-handers for cerebral control of speech, with the right hemisphere being dominant in left-handers, and the left hemisphere dominant in right-handers. The same accounts then note Broca's error in light of current evidence that the majority of left-handers are left-dominant for speech just as are nearly all right-handers. Eling (1984) has called such statements misrepresentations of Broca's position and has argued that Broca's analysis actually was more compatible with the current view that there is a disjunction, meaning an absence of an intimate anatomical relationship, between cerebral control for handedness and speech. The current paper looks again at Broca's work, describes the context in which his views were first articulated, and traces the development of the mirror-reversal principle. The conclusion is reached that, judged by a narrow reading of the 1865 paper, Broca's views could indeed be construed as an anticipation of the modern disjunction principle. However, judged by a broader reading, by consideration of his other writing, and in the context of the philosophical and scientific tradition that shaped his work, it is suggested that it was the mirror-reversal principle to which Broca was actually disposed.  相似文献   

Mechanisms by which personality affects well‐being are not well understood. Following recommendations to examine intermediate process variables that may help explain the personality–subjective well‐being (SWB) relationship, the authors tested whether constructive thinking (CT) mediated the relationships between both neuroticism and extraversion and SWB components. Measures of each construct were administered to 147 undergraduate volunteers twice over four weeks. In analyses controlling for time 1 SWB and time 2 mood, time 2 CT fully mediated the relationship between time 1 neuroticism and time 2 negative affect and emerged as a strong predictor of negative affect (inversely), positive affect, and happiness. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a unified approach for studying the perception of motion, stereopsis, and static-flow (Glass) patterns. The objective is to address the same issues across these “modalities.” To this end, a new class of stimuli and procedures were developed, the key feature of which is the incorporation of a forced-choice competition paradigm into the random-dot stimuli paradigm that has traditionally been used in these modalities. The two competing percepts that are pitted against each other are opposite directions for motion, near/far depth planes for stereopsis, and orthogonal global patterns for Glass patterns. The differences in qualitative predictions for competing hypotheses are generally well pronounced, and the results provide clear evidence for deciding between alternative hypotheses. This approach has been used to confirm that covariance is the preferred metric for eliciting global correlations in all the modalities and to investigate the nature of front-end processes in each modality. It has the potential for neurophysiological studies for both single-cell and neuronal ensemble recording.  相似文献   

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