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The effect of candy reward on I.Q. scores was investigated in 72 first- and second-grade children. All subjects were administered Form A of the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test and, based upon these scores, were divided into three blocks: low, middle, and high. From each block, subjects were randomly assigned to one of three conditions (contingent reward, noncontingent reward, or no reward) that were in effect during administration of Form B. Results showed that candy given contingent upon each correct response increased I.Q. scores for the initially low scoring subjects, but had no influence on the scores of middle and high scoring subjects.  相似文献   

This experiment studied the effect on intelligence test scores of a probable reinforcer given for correct responses. Eleven pairs of 5- to 7-yr-old children were matched on the basis of a strong liking of candy, no physical problems associated with eating it, parent permission to receive and eat the candy, age, sex, and a revised Stanford-Binet Scale Form L IQ score. The control group was given the revised Stanford-Binet Scale Form M, as prescribed in the test manual. The experimental group was also given Form M according to the manual, except M&M candy was given for each plus or correct response. There was an appreciable, statistically significant difference between the resulting IQ test scores of the two groups.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of the present study was to compare the differential effects of token reinforcement, feedback, and response cost on the test performance of delinquent boys. Eighty students were randomly assigned to three experimental groups and one control group of 20 subjects each. Each experimental group received a standard and a modified administration of the verbal section of the WISC. For the token reinforcement group, the modified WISC administration permitted students to earn tokens contingent on correct responses; the response cost group forfeited tokens contingent on incorrect responses; and the feedback group simply received information regarding the accuracy of each response. The control group received two standard WISC administrations. The primary measure was the difference in verbal I.Q. scores between the standard and modified WISC administrations. Results indicated that the token reinforcement and response cost groups achieved significantly higher scores than the feedback and control groups. No significant differences were found between the token reinforcement and response cost groups nor between the feedback and control groups. The implications of these findings for clarifying the relationship between motivational condition and test performance are discussed.  相似文献   

Two retarded boys exhibited abnormally low rates of smiling. In Exp. I, the frequency of a boy's smiling was first increased with candy reinforcement, but the frequency of the response did not decrease when candy reinforcement was terminated. When the subject wore a sign designed to make social interactions contingent on not-smiling, the frequency of smiling decreased. The sign was then changed to make social interactions contingent on smiling and the rate of smiling increased. In Exp. II, a second boy initially never smiled. Establishment of a contingency for candy reinforcement did not increase this zero response rate. Instructing the child to smile initially increased smiling, but the instructions then became progressively more ineffective. Candy reinforcement increased the rate of smiling to a normal range, but the rate of the response promptly decreased when this reinforcement was discontinued. Continuous candy reinforcement was again employed to increase the response rate and then progressively leaner schedules of variable-ratio candy reinforcement were employed. Consequently, the rate of smiling did not decrease when candy reinforcement was again eliminated. Subsequently, signs were employed to regulate social interactions and the rate of smiling was shown to be controlled by these interactions serving as reinforcers.  相似文献   

144 Subjects divided into four-person groups participated in three discussions. In each group, one member (Target subject) was preselected as either being high or low in cognitive complexity. The groups were then assigned to one of three conditions. Under Continuous Reinforcement the Target subject received a reinforcing light cue following each verbalization in the second of three discussions (no light cues used in the first and third discussions). Target subjects under Partial Reinforcement received light cues on a 50% variable ratio reinforcement schedule. Control subjects received no light cues in any session. Target subjects in both experimental groups showed conditioning effects on all dependent measures. While no differences were found between reinforcement conditions, results suggest that abstract subjects are able to make more use of feedback cues than concrete subjects.  相似文献   

The present study explored the effects of different reinforcement conditions on the number of correct responses on the Raven Progressive Matrices. Four groups of 11- to 18-year-old multihandicapped deaf children matched on the basis of mean age and pretest scores were used. The groups were randomly assigned to any of four posttest conditions: end-of-session reinforcement, noncontingent reinforcement, delayed reinforcement, and immediate reinforcement. The mean posttest score of subjects tested under the immediate-reinforcement condition was significantly higher than that of any other group. No significant differences were observed between the mean posttest scores of the three other groups. The practical implications of using reinforcement procedures for testing purposes are discussed.  相似文献   

The biomotometer, an electronic device which simultaneously measures motor activity and provides auditory feedback, was used in combination with material reinforcers in an experiment to reduce children's activity level in a classroom setting. Subjects were nine boys and two girls, aged 9–13, from a day hospital program for emotionally disturbed children. After five baseline trials, each child had five contingent reinforcement trials in which he/she received feedback “beeps” from the biomotometer and was given toy or candy rewards after each trial in which activity fell at least 20% below mean baseline level. Then five noncontingent reinforcement trials were run in which children received rewards for wearing the apparatus without the feedback attachment. Results indicated that the intervention “package,” including instructions, feedback, and contingent reinforcement, was successful in all five trials for 8 of 11 children. Activity levels increased during the final noncontingent phase.  相似文献   

Subjects within a group of nine were supposedly given different amounts of practice prior to taking a test on which performance was either related or unrelated to practice. After taking the test, each subject was given his score, his rank order in the group, and the amount of practice presumably done by each of the other group members. The subject was then given a choice of which performance score he would like to know; a second choice was also given. On both first and second choices, subjects in the related condition were more likely to choose to see the scores of others with the same amount of practice. Related condition subjects were more interested in their comparison choices and thought they had done better on the task than unrelated subjects. In addition to this confirmation of the related attributes hypothesis, there was a significant tendency toward comparison on the basis of similarity of performance per se and a significant tendency toward upward comparison.  相似文献   

The use of well-documented procedures such as shaping, differential reinforcement, and fading may not be the most practical for teaching certain academic behaviors. An alternative procedure of interspersing trials on previously trained items with trials on unknown items has been suggested, but its effects on acquisition and retention have not been systematically examined. This study investigated the effects of interspersing known items during training on new tasks. Six mentally retarded adolescents were given pretests on spelling and sightreading words, which were divided into pools of learned and unlearned items. Training and baseline conditions were implemented concurrently, using a multi-element design. During interspersal training sessions, 10 known words from the pretest were alternately presented with each of 10 test words that were incorrect on the pretest. The ratio of previously mastered words to test words was gradually reduced. During baseline sessions, 10 different test words were presented without alternation of previously known words. During this condition, a procedure involving high-density social reinforcement contingent on task-related behaviors, but not necessarily correct responses, was later introduced, followed by a return to the original noninterspersal baseline. During all conditions, test words were deleted and replaced after meeting a mastery criterion of three consecutive correct trials. Retention tests were administered over learned test words for all conditions, at specified intervals. Results showed that both acquisition and retention of spelling and sightreading words were facilitated by the interspersal procedure. All subjects acquired more words during the interspersal condition than either the high-density or baseline conditions. The effectiveness of the procedure may possibly be attributed to better maintenance of attending behavior to unknown items as a function of the inclusion of known items, which directly increase the amount of reinforcement for correct responses during the early stages of skill acquisition.  相似文献   

In the first part of the experiment, characteristics of T-maze alternation behavior were compared by giving one group of 11 rats seven sessions under conditions of "rerun correction" (contingent reinforcement for alternation) and another group of 11 rats the same number of sessions with noncontingent reinforcements, i.e., entering either goal arm of the T-maze was reinforced. Both groups alternated significantly above chance, and the difference in medians between groups was small but significant in later sessions. However, rats given rerun correction training quickly came against the "ceiling" of 100% alternation, and individual differences were small. The scores of rats run under conditions of "spontaneous" alternation were more variable, both within and between rats. In the second part of the experiment, six rats in each group received small electrolytic lesions in the posterodorsal septum. There were five operated-control rats from each group. After 2-wk postoperative recovery all rats were again given seven sessions in the T-maze. Under rerun correction procedure (contingent reinforcement), the controls retained near-perfect alternation scores. Most animals with lesions dropped to chance levels but recovered to control level over the seven sessions. Rats tested under spontaneous alternation conditions behaved quite differently. The control group continued to alternate significantly, but rats with lesions significantly alternated less and did not recover.  相似文献   

Form E of the Sixteen Personality Factors Questionnaire (16PF-E) was administered to 70 adults (45 men and 25 women) who resided in a public facility for mentally retarded persons. Alpha coefficients were computed for each of 16 primary trait scales. The Intelligence (B), Ego Strength (C), Dominance (E), Superego Strength (G), Parmia (H), Protension (L), Autia (M), Shrewdness (N), Guilt Proneness (O), and Self-Sentiment (Q3) scales exhibited low internal consistency, whereas Premsia (I) and Self-Sufficiency (Q2) evidence relatively higher levels. Personality traits of subjects were also assessed by staff ratings. Ratings were compared to 16PF-E primary and secondary trait scores via correlation coefficients. Results provided virtually no support for the validity of the 16PF-E primary scales and the Exvia, Anxiety, and Cortertia secondary factors as applied to the subject population. Limited support for the validity of the Independence secondary factor was found.  相似文献   

Three mirror tracing experiments were conducted to investigate the connection between perception and motor behavior. In the first experiment, some subjects traced a hex-maze, other subjects traced a hex-maze after observing a model trace, others traced a hex-maze after reading instructions on mirror images, and others traced a hex-maze after having observed a model and heard the instructions. There were no significant differences between the groups' error scores, but their time scores differed significantly, although not always in the predicted direction. In Experiment 2, the subjects were to trace selected letters of the alphabet. Error scores for the second experiment did not differ much from those for the first experiment. In Experiment 3, the experimenter gave each subject commands for the correct directions of movement, using the subject's body as a frame-of-reference. There was little improvement in motor performance. These results suggest that the visual information presented in the mirror captured the subjects' attention and blocked their motor tracing program.  相似文献   

It was hypothesized that people will choose to find out about the performance attributes of others who perform similarly to themselves if they believe the attributes are related to performance. Subjects within a group of nine were supposedly given different amounts of practice prior to taking a test on which performance was said to be either related or unrelated to practice. After taking the test, each subject was given his score, his rank order in the group, and the score obtained by each of the other group members. The subject was then allowed to find out about the number of items practiced by one other person in the group. A second choice was also given. On both first and second choices, subjects in the related condition chose to learn about others who were adjacent to them in the rank order. Subjects in the unrelated condition chose to learn about others with extreme scores. First choices in both conditions were strongly biased upward, supporting the unidirectional drive hypothesis.  相似文献   

A procedure was developed for use in a public school classroom where only one of the children needed treatment, sophisticated apparatus was not feasible, personnel were untrained in conditioning techniques, and where disruption had to be minimized. Candy reinforcers were contingent upon working behavior. The total candy earned in the session was divided equally among the class. Portable radio control apparatus was adopted to give feedback to the child when he was displaying the desired working behavior. An increase in working behavior and a decrease in talking aloud and out-of-seat behavior was observed for each of the four subjects. When the feedback apparatus was removed, the desired behavior was maintained through candy reinforcement alone in all four subjects.  相似文献   

The effects of different reinforcement contingencies on the rates of offers to share and their corresponding rates of acceptance by two small groups of preschool children were investigated in two experiments. In the first experiment, food and praise were given after a 5-min play period to any subject who had made one or more offers to share during the play period. This procedure increased the rate of share-offers by all subjects. However, as share-offers increased, the percentage of offers accepted decreased. In the second experiment, reinforcement was made contingent on a subject reducing offers to share to only one or two per 5-min period. This led to a higher percentage of the offers being accepted. The results suggest that by controlling the rate of a social behavior, the manner in which other persons in the environment respond to the behavior may also be influenced.  相似文献   

Form E of the Sixteen Personality Factors Questionnaire (16PF-E) was administered to 70 adults (45 men and 25 women) who resided in a public facility for mentally retarded persons. Alpha coefficients were computed for each of 16 primary trait scales. The intelligence (B), Ego Strength (C), Dominance (E), Superego Strength, (G), Parmia (H), Protension (L), Autia (M), Shrewdness (N), Guilt Proneness (O), and Self-Sentiment (Q[sub 3]) scales, exhibited low internal consistency, whereas Premsia (I) and Self-Sufficiency (Q[sub 2]) evidenced relatively higher levels. Personality traits of subjects were also assessed by staff ratings. Ratings were compared to 16PF-E primary and secondary trait scores via correlation coefficients. Results provided virtually no support for the validity of the 16PF-E primary scales and the Exvia, Anxiety, and Cortertia secondary factors as applied to the subject population. Limited support for the validity of the independence secondary factor was found.  相似文献   

Two experiments on partial reinforcement were undertaken to test predictions made by a two process model of discrimination learning. In the first experiment rats were trained on a discrimination involving two relevant cues: one group (C) was trained on a 100: o schedule, the other (P) on a 50:0 schedule. Both groups were then given transfer tests with the two cues presented individually; finally all animals were extinguished on the original training stimuli and on the single cue stimuli. During extinction there was a negative correlation between the number of correct responses made by individual subjects of Group C to each single cue; whereas the correlation was positive for subjects of Group P. The second experiment employed basically the same design, but subjects were trained with seven relevant cues. The results of transfer tests showed that subjects of Group P learned to attach the correct response to many more cues than subjects of Group C. This suggests that the breadth of learning is greater under partial than under consistent reinforcement. The results were predicted by the model of discrimination learning under test.  相似文献   

This research describes an assessment procedure based on measures of actual learning. First-grade children (N = 120) learned five sight vocabulary words under feedback only, and were then assigned to one of five conditions where they learned five additional words either under feedback, praise, candy, praise and candy, or reproof. In a sixth condition (reciprocal to the first treatment), students learned the first five works under praise and the second five under feedback only. Although results indicated no differences in learning rate under different reinforcement conditions, learning measures under feedback accounted for approximately 39% of the variance in achievement (r = .62), with combined reinforcement learning measures slightly improving prediction (r = .68). The order of treatments had no effect on learning rate. Implications for this process approach to assessment are discussed. Directions for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

Previous investigations of the social behavior of handicapped preschool children (Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1974, 7 , 583–590; Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1976, 9 , 31–40; Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1977, 10 , 289–298) demonstrated that introduction of adult or peer confederate intervention agents produced substantial increases in levels of positive social behavior emitted by the subjects. In addition, it was observed that changes in rates of positive social behavior emitted by recipients of intervention tactics were accompanied by parallel changes in rates of positive social behavior emitted by interacting peers. However, with one limited exception, sudden removals of arranged intervention procedures were followed by immediate reductions in the levels of positive social behavior emitted by subjects and peers in each study. The current investigation was designed to examine the effects of response-dependent removal of intervention procedures on the positive behavior of three socially withdrawn preschool boys. Interactive effects on the social behavior of classroom peers who did not receive adult prompts and contingent attention events were also examined. A combination of withdrawal of treatment and multiple baseline procedures was employed. The three target subjects received fixed numbers of prompts and contingent attention events during Intervention I and Intervention II, Phase 1 conditions. During Intervention II, Phase 2 conditions, prompts and contingent attention events were reduced on a response-dependent basis for two subjects and on a response-independent basis for the third subject. The results suggest that: (a) the intervention procedures produced marked increases in positive social behavior emitted by each subject; (b) response-dependent fading and thinning, contrasted with response-independent tactics, maintained levels of positive social behavior equivalent to those observed during Intervention I and Intervention II, Phase 1 conditions; (c) changes in positive and negative behaviors emitted by peers paralleled changes in positive and negative behaviors emitted by each subject; and (d) no “spillover” of treatment effects was noted for subjects during periods in which they were not direct recipients of intervention procedures.  相似文献   

After receiving contingent or noncontingent success feedback on a test, subjects were given the opportunity to self-handicap by selecting impairing (vs enhancing) music to listen to while taking a second test. Privacy of tape choice and posttest scores were manipulated. Overall, subjects were more likely to self-handicap after noncontingent than contingent success. In addition, high self-orientated perfectionists self-handicapped in public and in private, presumably for purposes of self-protection. High socially prescribed perfectionists self-handicapped more after noncontingent than contingent success in public but not in private. Presumably for this group, impression management is a primary concern.  相似文献   

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