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This four‐year study investigated the under‐researched area of first‐time users’ perceptions of counselling and how these evolved over time. Research participants were drawn from six settings within university counselling services, the voluntary sector and primary care. Using an interpretive hermeneutic framework based on thematic analysis, 30 interviews were carried out. Results revealed that before counselling, participants were uncertain about the nature of counselling and what to expect, described stigma associated with peer influence and varying levels of confusion about specialist language. During counselling, participants experienced some level of positive change. At the same time, divergences of counsellor and client perception highlighted theoretical issues concerning counsellor approach and the exploration of emotions. Post‐counselling interviews revealed further positive change, and practical issues with implications for counsellor training and practice in terms of client assessment, preparation for counselling and the influence of cultural assumptions on theory and practice.  相似文献   

The counselling and psychotherapy profession is changing. For the first time in its history, it has begun to receive substantial Government funding in the UK and it also has to contend with the principles of evidence-based practice and the policies of the New Public Management systems in many countries. This paper argues that such recent developments present challenges to the profession’s historical apolitical standpoint. More importantly, it argues that the present social and political climate offers many opportunities such as the possibility of learning from psychosocial practices in other countries. The paper will look, in particular, at what can be learned from Latin America and India where mental health care and psychological therapy have adopted grassroots involvement, health-focused approaches and innovatory therapeutic methods.  相似文献   

How do clients consider their own contribution and that of their therapist in the last phase of therapy when they are moving toward the end? Thirty-seven clients who had received therapy from highly experienced clinicians were interviewed. Since the time for ending had not been decided at the onset, clients in both short- and long-term therapies were included. Thematic case-by-case analyses were carried out. Clients actively engaged in looking back and looking ahead, as means of reflecting on their capability to handle issues on their own. The majority of clients were satisfied with what they perceived as a reciprocal engagement that enabled them to come to terms with emotionally charged issues in life and in therapy. For some clients unresolved issues remained: wondering whether a therapist with another approach could have helped more; feeling pushed away by the therapist; having to take the lead in ending therapy; the fear of being an “unworthy” client; or wanting to end without the therapist’s approval. Coming to terms with the ending of therapy was highly personally meaningful and loaded with affective tensions, in ways that were not always shared with their therapist.  相似文献   

Aim: To explore the process of ending in psychotherapy, in particular how clients and therapists draw on their notions of client improvements and prepare for the upcoming end. Data: The data comes from an intensive process‐outcome study at the University of Oslo, Norway. The study includes audio‐recording from all sessions and separate post‐therapy interviews with clients and therapists. Twelve psychotherapy dyads were selected because they had reached a ‘good enough’ ending. Therapy duration ranged from 7–43 months. The number of sessions ranged from 10–67. Method and analysis: A hermeneutical‐phenomenological approach analysed and combined the observational and reflexive data. The analysis was carried out using a method for systematic text condensation and through reflexive dialogues with the material and between the researchers. Findings and discussion: The language of improvement towards the end of treatment seemed packed with metaphors conveying growth in both affective and relational management. Metaphors based on travel (how they have moved); cleaning (how they have cleaned up and sorted out things); sensing (how the clients have grown stronger, got their heads above water and see things differently); and the clients’ feeling of having received something (gifts or tools) are widely used. Such metaphors are created in the interaction with a mutual sensitivity to their capacity to confirm and regulate affect towards the end. In this sense, the metaphors celebrate accomplishments in a way that exceeds therapy, and the client can keep them to use afterwards.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to examine supervisees' perspectives about the contribution of two predefined aspects of supervision, supervisory bond (SB) and didactic input of supervisor (DI), to their ascribed outcome of therapy.


Supervisees anonymously assessed the SB, supervisors' DI and their contribution to therapy outcome. Assessment was quantitative and qualitative. The supervisory aspects were assessed using a questionnaire constructed for this study. Perceived contribution was evaluated by two scaled questions, and themes generated by an open question. Supervisees (n = 111) evaluated 16 supervisors and supervision’s contribution to psychotherapy outcomes of 111 clients.


Hierarchical regression showed that supervisees' age, supervisors' status and frequency of supervision accounted for 24% of the variance ascribed to outcome. SB and DI accounted for 51% of the variance. These values, which are higher than reported in the literature, may be attributed to the assessment of predefined aspects of supervision by the same assessor. Thematic analysis of the didactic input produced more themes than for the supervisory bond.


Sociodemographic variables and supervisory relationship variables determine supervisees' evaluations of supervision’s contribution to outcome.

Implications for practice

Training and supervision may benefit from information obtained from quantitative and qualitative measures regarding these and other predefined variables related to supervision. The in-depth look at views and experiences shared by supervisees may advance training, practice and research.  相似文献   

Aims: This qualitative pilot study explored the perceptions of four female domestic violence clients regarding counselling they had concluded in order to identify a preliminary client‐preferred domestic violence counselling approach. Method: Semi‐structured interviews asking about significant events during counselling were held. An adapted grounded theory and narrative methodology was used. Results from the analysis were reviewed with two of the participants. Participants were offered additional counselling support if required after the research interview. Results/Findings: Domestic violence clients found starting counselling particularly difficult after years of keeping the abuse to themselves. Participants actively withheld and managed information for several sessions and needed to know they had time to explore their experiences. The counsellor being consistent and non‐judgemental, and understanding domestic violence and its effects was helpful. Having a clear ending was appreciated by the participants. Discussion: The initial development of the therapeutic relationship benefited from active discussion of how domestic violence could affect behaviour and emotions. Good early therapeutic relationships showed elements of the three main psychological schools. Participants benefited from a pro‐active discussion of endings. A key limitation of this research is the small sample size. Implications for practice: The research suggests that counsellors would benefit from knowledge and skills from different psychological schools and specific training in domestic violence. Allowing flexibility on the number of sessions available to clients may be helpful. Conclusions: Further work is required to explore these preliminary findings. However, early indications suggest that domestic abuse clients may benefit from non‐time‐limited specialist counselling services.  相似文献   

Using the Meaning in Life Questionnaire (MLQ), we studied Presence and Search for meaning for 34 adult clients in psychodynamic psychotherapy. Clients completed the MLQ and Outcome Questionnaire (OQ) before intake and after every eight sessions. Variance in Presence scores was mostly attributable to clients; variance in Search scores was mostly attributable to clients and therapists. Clients initially high in Presence decreased and then increased back to initial levels; clients initially low in Presence increased and then decreased back to initial levels. Clients initially low in Search increased and then leveled off; clients initially high in Search decreased and then leveled off. In lagged cross panel analyses, when clients decreased in psychological distress during one eight-week time period, they increased in Presence during the next eight-week time period; when they increased in psychological distress during one eight-week time period, they increased in search in the next time period. Excerpts from post-therapy interviews illustrate the process of working with meaning in life in psychotherapy. Implications for practice and training are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of psychotherapy is to help clients address and overcome problems troubling them in their everyday lives. Therapy can therefore only work if clients include it in their ongoing lives to deal with their problems. Detailed, systematic research is needed on how clients do so in their everyday lives outside their sessions. A design of exploratory case studies on this topic is presented in this article. The main outcomes of such a case study on family therapy are then laid out in general terms. They highlight how treatment practices and clients’ ordinary everyday practices interact when clients change their everyday lives to overcome their troubles. They also highlight what it involves for clients to accomplish this. It is concluded that we need more research on how to understand intervention; on the interaction between interventions and clients’ conduct of their everyday life; on sessions as a particular, secluded part of clients’ ongoing everyday lives, and on how to consider therapists’ procedures and conduct of sessions accordingly.  相似文献   

Aim: When the duration of therapy is not preset and the outcome is a matter for negotiation, the decision to end psychotherapy will be an experiential concern for the two participants. This case study draws attention to how ambiguities may be settled in a process where ending is initiated by the therapist and resisted by the client. Method and analysis: The actual case was strategically selected as exceptional owing to a combination of circumstances. The client and the therapist had developed a ‘good enough’ alliance (WAI) and reached a ‘good enough’ outcome (OQ‐45), and still the client felt she was far from finished. A close inspection of interactional data in sessions together with both clients' and therapists' reflections in post‐therapy interviews elicited information about both substantial content and structural aspects of this complicated process of ending. Findings and discussion: The discrepancy between therapist and client was not addressed, but rather postponed and revisited again later. Structural elements like preparations for a break for vacations and reducing the frequency of sessions were used to test experiential qualities, such as how the client managed life without therapy. Carefully preserving a ‘good enough’ emotional bond through the negotiations seemed important to both parties. Significantly, the client's autonomy was interpreted as the final proof of improvement and the client came to a point where she could affirm that she had got better only by accepting that treatment was coming to an end.  相似文献   

Positive Psychotherapy is a form of short-term psychotherapy based on an in-depth psychological approach, resulting from cross-cultural psychotherapy. After a brief introduction to some central elements of the theory of Positive Psychotherapy (PPT), the first results of the effectiveness study will be discussed in this paper. an assessment of alterations in symptoms, as well as changes in the way subjects feel and behave, which occurred in the period of time between the beginning and after the end of therapy will be presented here. In a longitudinal study, patients treated with PPT showed a distinct reduction of symptoms as well as improvement with regard to the way the subjects experience and behave compared to the control group, where no significant changes were observed. an additional cross-section comparison between the post-measures of the prospective assessment of PPT patients and retrospective assessments of PPT patients was carried out. No significant differences between the assessments made directly after finishing PPT and the assessments made within three different time spans after finishing PPT (a) 3-10 months; b) 10 months-4 years; c) 4-5 years) were found. This finding is viewed as an indication of the lasting stability of the therapeutic effects of PPT, which can still be detected up to five years after finishing PPT.  相似文献   

The paradigm of complexity science provides a new way to address the problem of psychotherapy integration and allows us to bypass the various shortcomings of the linear-interventionist perspective. Nine criteria are outlined, which should be satisfied by any integrative approach to psychotherapy: (a) the use of complexity science to provide a meta-theoretical and generic understanding of change processes (from neuronal to social system levels); (b) a comprehensive and formalised modelling of change processes and personality development; (c) an integrative method of case formulation; (d) the ability to understand a variety of techniques in terms of basic change principles; (e) criteria to guide microdecisions; (f) the application of data-driven feedback and real-time monitoring of change dynamics; (g) standardised assessment of outcomes in naturalistic settings; (h) guidelines for training; and (i) strategies that are well-suited to science–practice integration. Using these criteria as a framework for evaluation, one may grasp the potential of complexity science to drive innovation in the pursuit of psychotherapy integration.  相似文献   

Within the field of counselling and psychotherapy research, qualitative methods have been a longstanding tradition of inquiry due to the mutual interest of therapists and researchers in both internal experiences and intersubjective processes. Methodological integrity is a conceptual framework that has been advanced to increase the rigor of these methods. In this paper, we consider the value of this concept for counselling and psychotherapy researchers and reviewers. This framework guides investigators and reviewers to consider how procedures can be adapted to meet the goals of specific studies, given their characteristics and approach to inquiry. In this brief article, we exemplify the relevance and application of this concept to this field by describing the decision‐making process within the designing of a qualitative research project to investigate clients' needs within rape crisis counselling. Through this exemplar, we also provide guidance to counselling and psychotherapy researchers on considerations during the process of research review and reporting.  相似文献   

Psychotherapy is widely used to treat different mental health disorders and emotional difficulties. The main objective of psychotherapy is to help clients become aware of and have control over their thoughts, moods, feelings and behaviours, as well as create healthy strategies to respond to challenging situations. Since the existing psychotherapy approaches and other methods of treatment are not always effective in treating mental health disorders, there is still space for new approaches to fill this gap. In this paper, we provide information about internal cohesion psychotherapy, which is a new integrative approach. This paper presents a new approach to eclectic psychotherapy, focussing on four detrimental aspects of human functioning through different time perspectives.  相似文献   

Self-renunciation or self-denial, although often misunderstood, is a foundational concept in several major religions and is frequently associated with spiritual maturity. In spite of this, the action of self-renunciation has been viewed with suspicion by the psychological community and criticized as repressive. This article argues that the concept of self-denial found in the Sufi tradition of rebirth and the salvation paradox found in the synoptic Gospels can bring a valuable perspective to psychotherapy. First, a brief summary of the history of psychotherapy and its contributions to the understanding of the self are provided. Next, a cursory overview of the Sufi tradition of rebirth is given. Third, the salvation paradox found in the synoptic Gospels is reviewed. It is argued that these two traditions offer valuable insight into ideas surrounding the self. Finally, the clinical implications of self-denial are discussed, and conclusions are drawn related to how psychotherapy can benefit self-renunciation.  相似文献   

Computer- and internet-based psychotherapy interventions   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Computers and Internet-based programs have great potential to make psychological assessment and treatment more cost-effective. Computer-assisted therapy appears to be as effective as face-to-face treatment for treating anxiety disorders and depression. Internet support groups also may be effective and have advantages over face-to-face therapy. However, research on this approach remains meager.  相似文献   

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