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使用语义启动词汇判断范式,研究维吾尔语-汉语和朝鲜语-汉语大学生双语者词汇加工的模式如何受语言经验的影响.实验一表明,维汉双语者既存在语言内、也存在语言间的语义启动效应.不管目标词是维吾尔语还是汉语,以维吾尔语(母语)为启动词的效应要大于以汉语为启动词的效应.实验二表明,朝汉双语者语言内产生了类似大小的效应;但当目标词是汉语、启动词是朝鲜语时,却没有启动效应.进一步的问卷调查表明,朝汉双语被试虽在小学和中学阶段听说和阅读母语的概率大于听说和阅读汉语,但在大学阶段却是汉语占优势;维汉双语被试在小学、中学、大学时的口头语言都是母语占优势;虽然他们在大学阶段阅读汉语的概率要大于母语,但两者的差异要明显小于朝汉双语被试.这些结果说明,语言经验可以改变词汇形式表征的加工速率以及从形式表征出发激活词汇意义的模式,从而使得第二语言有可能取代母语而上升为主导语言.  相似文献   

李霄翔  黄虹 《学海》2007,(2):190-193
语言不仅是人类交往的工具,同时也具有和其他商品一样的价值和效用。语言经济学认为语言是人为资本的一种重要形式,语言能力不仅可以提升个人市场价值,同时也可以和其他生产要素一起成为国家和民族经济发展的有效动力。在经济全球化的语境中,经济实力提升了语言的市场价值,而语言在经济市场上的使用份额也促进了经济的发展。语言在全球交往中的经济效用成为决定国家和个人语言计划的关键因素。重新审视民族国家的语言教育政策,充分调动市场调节和社会公众心理机制,及时制定和实施积极的双语教育政策,是加快社会经济发展和迎接全球化挑战的有效方略,也是保存和发展自己民族语言文化的有效措施。  相似文献   

采用语义启动任务及藏语与汉语语义相关词和无关词对,探究语言经验能否改变熟练藏-汉双语者的母语主导优势和双语语义表征方式。结果表明,1)无论启动词为藏语还是汉语,藏-汉双语者对汉语L2目标词的加工速度和正确率均显著好于藏语L1,存在语义启动效应; 而在藏语目标词条件下则未发现显著的语义启动效应; 2)藏语到汉语的语义启动效应大于汉语到藏语的启动效应。结果表明,藏-汉双语者的汉语经验对藏语词的表征有影响,但汉语还不能完全替代母语藏语为主导语,结果在一定程度上支持Kroll的RHM模型和Green的ICM模型。  相似文献   

全省双语教学研讨会今天如期召开了,这是新世纪新阶段召开的第一次会议,也是我们两家在作了大量调研的基础上,共同下发了《关于进一步做好我省少数民族语言字工作的意见》等件之后召开的第一次会议。因而有着特殊的重大意义。我代表省教育厅、省民宗委对会议的召开表示热烈的祝贺!向大家并通过大家向辛勤工作在民  相似文献   

双语获得的认知过程与浸入式教学的理论基础   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
方俊明 《心理科学》2001,24(5):523-527
本文从语言心理学和认知心理学的角度,介绍了双语获得的认知过程与浸入式教学的理论基础。通过对双语获得的内部过程的探讨,明确指出不同的双语获得途径可能具有两种不同的语言信息加工的模式和产生不同的学习效果和语用能力;特别强调语言与认知发展的关系以及语言认知策略;此外,结合认知神经心理学的研究成果,探讨了双语获得的神经机制。  相似文献   

中广网北京3月7日消息(记者李剑文通讯员成蹊何春中)北京八国语言的微博,三国语言的网站,正源源不断地把中国传统文化理念传向五湖四海,引来世界各地一百七十多个国家的众多网友、粉丝的亲睐。  相似文献   

民族教育是国民教育的重要组成部分,而少数民族地区的双语教学工作作为民族教育的基础工程是绝不可忽视的。毕节地区通过近二十年的艰苦努力,少数民族地区的双语教学工作取得了显著的成绩,众所周知,功不可磨。但成绩必仅只属于过去,在迎来新世纪第一个春天的时候,静下心来,回顾过去,面对现状时,给人予最大的还是忧虑。  相似文献   

阿拉伯语言与伊斯兰文化是彼此独立,而又相互联系的,阿拉伯语言是伊斯兰文化的重要组成部分,同时又是伊斯兰文化的载体。培养起伊斯兰文化意识,它可以使我们从字词、句子、语篇等不同层面上分析中阿习惯思维方式的差异,以及在语言上的表现。阿拉伯语言与伊斯兰文化尤如鱼水关系,阿拉伯语言教学如果离开了其特定的伊斯兰文化,意义也就失去了其应有的价值。  相似文献   

叶宝娟  方小婷 《心理科学》2017,40(4):892-897
为考察双文化认同整合、文化适应压力在文化智力与主观幸福感关系中的链式中介作用。采用文化智力量表、双文化认同整合量表、文化适应压力量表和幸福感指数量表对799名少数民族预科生进行调查。研究显示:(1)双文化认同整合是文化智力与少数民族预科生主观幸福感之间的中介变量;(2)文化适应压力是双文化认同整合与少数民族预科生主观幸福感之间的中介变量。因此,双文化认同整合和文化适应压力在文化智力与少数民族预科生主观幸福感之间起链式中介作用,这表明双文化认同整合和文化适应压力是影响文化智力与少数民族预科生主观幸福感之间关系的重要内因,研究结论对提高少数民族预科生主观幸福感具有重要的价值。  相似文献   

举全国之力,建设新疆是中央的战略决策。在新疆全面实施双语教育,国家不惜投入巨额资金和强大人力,目的就是着眼新疆未来长治久安和跨越式发展目标的最终实现。新疆的落后,不是在资源,主要是在人才!我们开办双语班的最大优势,就是要抢抓国家支援新疆和大力发展师范教育百年难遇的历史契机扬长避短。一方面,更加以政治上精神上和物质上重视关心照顾,那些默默奉献的老师,止他们政治上暖心,精神上舒心,物质上放心。另一方面,干l方百计加快学校软硬件建设步伐,切实提升学校办学综合实力。  相似文献   

听觉障碍人群的言语机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张明  陈骐 《心理科学进展》2003,11(5):486-493
对听觉障碍人群言语机制的研究,提供了独特的视角来探讨人脑内语言专门化系统的组织。该回顾了近年来在该领域内进行的损伤研究及功能性成像研究,着重综述了三个问题:(1)左右半球损伤造成的手语失语症的特点;(2)手语加工过程中左右半球的激活模式;(3)先天聋被试在阅读唇语过程中的脑内激活模式及后部扣带皮层在唇语阅读过程中的可能作用。  相似文献   


Being connected to other people at the level of inner and unobservable mental states is one of the most essential aspects of a meaningful life, including psychological well-being and successful cooperation. The foundation for this kind of connectedness is our theory of mind (ToM), that is the ability to understand our own and others’ inner experiences in terms of mental states such as beliefs and desires. But how do we develop this ability? Forty-six 17- to 107-months-old children completed a non-verbal eye-tracker false-belief task. There were 9 signing deaf children from deaf families and two comparison groups, that is 13 deaf children with cochlear implants and 24 typically developing hearing children. We show that typically developing hearing children and deaf children from deaf families, but not deaf children with cochlear implants, succeeded on a non-verbal eye-tracking ToM task. The findings suggest that the ability to recognize others’ mental states is supported by very early, continuous and fluent language-based communication with caregivers.  相似文献   

The body of philosophical knowledge concerning the relations among language, the senses, and deafness, interpreted as a canon of key ideas which have found their way into folk metaphysics, constitutes one of the historically sustained conditions of the oppression of deaf people. Jonathan Rée, with his book I see a voice, makes the point that a philosophical history, grounded in a phenomenological and causal concern with philosophical thought and social life, can offer an archaeology of philosophy's contribution to the social oppression of deaf people.This article offers support for such a project while being critical of Rée's philosophical phenomenology, since it presumes, àpriori, two ideas about deafness and sign language: firstly, that deaf experience is like hearing experience but without hearing; and secondly, that the iconic qualities of sign languages are strictly superficial phenomena. Both presumptions, it is argued here, derive from the same philosophical knowledge which has linked deafness to the sense of hearing and the voice, and in doing so secured an intellectual basis for the oppression of deaf people in social life.Instead it is proposed, using examples of sign language use, that deafness as sensory experience is best understood by reference to the sense of sight; that iconicity is a central creative resource in sign language formation, maintenance and productivity; that Rée's philosophical phenomenology, as a metatheoretical critique of philosophical knowledge, proves unable to selfreflexively uncover (let alone overcome) existing presumptions in philosophy and social life; and that as a consequence that project itself risks perpetuating, within philosophy, key conditions of the oppression of deaf people.  相似文献   

Counseling deaf and hearing-impaired children is a service that is likely to be a responsibility of most school counselors as a result of PL 94–142. This article provides some of the basic knowledge and skills needed and describes the counselor training program at Gallaudet College that prepares counselors for helping hearing-impaired and deaf persons.  相似文献   

In the Renaissance, educating for philosophy was integrated with educating for an active role in society, and both were conditioned by the prevailing educational theo-ries based on humanist revisions of the trivium. I argue that women's education in the Renaissance remained tied to grammar while the education of men was directed toward action through eloquence. This is both a result of and a condition for the greater restriction on the social opportunities for women.  相似文献   

In this paper we present the syntax and semantics of a temporal action language named Alan, which was designed to model interactive multimedia presentations where the Markov property does not always hold. In general, Alan allows the specification of systems where the future state of the world depends not only on the current state, but also on the past states of the world. To the best of our knowledge, Alan is the first action language which incorporates causality with temporal formulas. In the process of defining the effect of actions we define the closure with respect to a path rather than to a state, and show that the non-Markovian model is an extension of the traditional Markovian model. Finally, we establish relationship between theories of Alan and logic programs.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(1):73-87

This study examined the role of faith, both religion and spirituality, on the sexual satisfaction of lesbian/queer and bisexual women (n = 318). A hierarchical regression was used to determine the potential influence of religion and spirituality above and beyond the variance explained by three background variables (i.e., age, sexual orientation, living with partner status). While religion did not significantly contribute to women's reports of sexual satisfaction, results indicated that both living with a partner and spirituality had a significant positive relationship with sexual satisfaction. In particular, two aspects of spirituality (spiritual freedom and connectedness) were strong predictors of sexual satisfaction.  相似文献   

外语学习与教学是一个非常复杂的习得过程,它涉及到各种因素。或许由于我国教育体制的局限,长期以来在教学过程中,尤其是英语教学过程中,过分强调英语成绩、识记能力而忽视教学过程中的情感因素、认知因素,致使教学目标单一、片面化、效率低下。为解决这些问题,必须在英语教学中融入情感因素,发挥其在英语教学中的作用,改变传统的英语教学模式,优化教学效果。  相似文献   

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