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Cars overtaking cyclists have been identified as a source of crashes and subjective risk. Several studies investigated the passing distance for different road types. There has been less research concerning cyclists’ expectations concerning the passing distance at different road types. Thus, we aim at contrasting cyclists’ expectations about the passing safety for different speed limits and cycling infrastructures with the passing distances observed at corresponding urban road types. For this purpose, we show participants images of a predefined set of survey zones in a web-based survey, and ask them about the expected passing safety of cars overtaking them when imagining riding their bikes at these locations. We measure the observed passing distances at the same survey zones with a bike-mounted sensor. We find that cars meet the German legal minimum passing distance of 1.5 m in towns in only 30% of all observed events. In 30 km/h speed zones, passing distances at roads featuring dedicated cycling infrastructure (e.g. bike lanes, cycling boulevards) are decreased as compared to those featuring no cycling infrastructure. In contrast, people estimate that the passing safety on roads with dedicated cycling infrastructure is safer than without cycling infrastructure. This effect is even more pronounced on living streets. Situations where oncoming cars (e.g. living streets, ‘opposite’ roads) must be passed in close distance are apparently not perceived as particularly dangerous. Cycling tracks in 50 km/h speed zones increase both the observed passing distance and the corresponding expectations about passing safety. Taken together, the qualitative comparison of the two datasets implies that cyclists’ expectations about cars passing them in a more adequate and safe distance in streets with reduced speed limits and dedicated cycling infrastructure are not justified in light of the actually observed passing distances. Possible explanations for the contradicting patterns could be that cyclists prefer situations where space is explicitly dedicated for bikes, that they account for the anticipated car traffic volume, and that they assume oncoming cars as less dangerous to pass.  相似文献   

Road users and the general population by and large recognise the value of vehicles with automated driving systems and features (otherwise typically known as Autonomous Vehicles (AVs)) in terms of road safety, reduced emissions and convenience, but are still wary of their capability, preferring the ‘comfort zone’ of human operator intervention. Motorcyclists and cyclists conversely, are vulnerable to human fallibility in driving, with the majority of crashes occurring as a consequence of other drivers’ inattention. The transition period associated with the introduction of AVs will require AVs and motorcyclists/cyclists sharing the road for a number of years yet, so we need to understand motorcyclists’/cyclists’ perception of AVs. The question of interest here is whether motorcyclists/cyclists reflect the historical literature in this area by having higher levels of trust for human drivers over AVs, or whether they have higher levels of trust in AVs because it removes the ‘human element’ that has been proven to be particularly dangerous for them. Here we surveyed motorcyclists and cyclists about their trust in human drivers and AVs, and developed a novel suite of questions designed to interrogate the difference between trust in general versus trust as a concept of their own personal safety. Some of the salient outcomes suggest that motorcyclists have medium to low levels of trust for both human drivers and AVs, but are significantly more likely to believe that AVs are safer in terms of their own personal safety, such as prioritising or detecting the rider, compared to human drivers. This relationship varies with age and crash experience. The results here are consistent with the logic that motorcyclists/cyclists have a heightened sense of vulnerability on the road and welcome the introduction of AVs as a way of mitigating personal risk when riding. This insight will be crucial to the subsequent roll-out of AVs in the future.  相似文献   

Advanced driver assistance systems (ADASs), which help a driver drive a car safely and easily (e.g., warning alerts, steering control, and brake/acceleration pedal operation), have increased in popularity. However, such systems have not yet been perfected. Sometimes, humans must take over control from the systems; otherwise, they can cause an accident. In this study, we focused on one of the ADASs, adaptive cruise control (ACC), which automatically maintains a selected distance from the preceding car, and investigated individual differences in take-over-control judgment and related factors. The candidate factors included driver’s manual driving style, driving performance without the ACC, and the usability evaluation of ACC. Ten participants repeated the short, strictly controlled trials in a driving simulator (DS), with a varying value of only one parameter (deceleration of the preceding car) affecting the need for intervention. First, we confirmed that the participants made the judgment based on the dangerousness of the situation and that there were individual differences in the take-over-control judgments. Some participants intervened in the ACC control in less dangerous trials, whereas other participants did not, even if their own car got very close to the preceding car. We conducted a correlation analysis and confirmed the results with the estimation of the confidence interval using a bootstrap method. As a result, we found that driving style and driving performance without ACC had a stronger relationship to the number of interventions, rather than the usability evaluation. In particular, methodical drivers, who obeyed traffic rules and manners, began to intervene in less dangerous situations. The tendency to avoid utilizing brake operations was also related to take-over-control judgment. This might be because the participants intervened by pressing the brake pedal. Our study showed that drivers’ driving style could affect the usage of ACC independently from the performance of the ACC.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to explore and describe secondary school learners’ perceptions and experiences of respect in educator-learner relationships within a high-risk South African neighbourhood context. A qualitative research design was used in this study. The 15 participants were high school learners (females = 33%, age range 17 to 21 years). Data on how learners perceive and experience respect in educator-learner relationships were gathered utilising written assignments, and through the application of the World Café technique. Thematic analysis was used to identify relevant relationship themes for learners: mutuality, various behavioural practices and emotional attitudes. All school communities should promote relational well-being practices amongst educators and learners.  相似文献   

PurposeThe purpose of this study was to examine how the therapeutic alliances (TA) of graduate student clinicians and adult clients who stutter relate to perceived treatment outcomes.MethodsStudent clinicians (N = 42) and adult clients who stutter (N = 22) completed a survey assessing their TA strength and perception of treatment outcomes. Responses were analyzed to determine similarities and differences in how clinicians and clients relate the TA to perceptions of treatment effectiveness, progress, and outcome satisfaction.ResultsResults suggest that clinicians and clients who stutter both relate the TA to treatment outcome, but in different ways. While clinicians associate the TA most with treatment effectiveness and client progress, clients relate the TA most to outcome satisfaction.ConclusionClinicians should be aware that for adult clients who stutter, outcome satisfaction is related to the degree of shared understanding, agreement on daily tasks, and bond they experience with their clinician. To ensure a strong TA and client satisfaction, clinicians should actively seek their clients’ perspective regarding TA status.  相似文献   

Perceptions of the walking environment can encourage or discourage walking for transport. However, the influence of the built environment (BE) on pedestrians’ perceptions of the walking environment has not been fully understood. To address this gap, the present research investigates how BE characteristics of a suburban walking environment are associated with the perceptions of attractiveness (i.e., pleasantness, friendliness), safety, and security. Using a cross-sectional design, 995 participants reported their perceptions about the attractiveness, safety, and security of different suburban BE scenarios in Brisbane (Australia). Univariate and bivariate random effect ordered probit models were estimated to identify the associations between BE characteristics and perceived attractiveness, safety, and security whilst controlling for psychosocial factors. Results indicated that perceived attractiveness (i.e., pleasantness and friendliness) was higher for recreational areas than residential land use. Women perceived the walking environment as more pleasant with trees. The perception of safety was higher for recreational and vacant land compared to residential areas. Young pedestrians perceived that the likelihood of being assaulted/robbed/harassed at night was lower if they walked through an area with commercial and mixed land use. Women pedestrians perceived that the corresponding risk at night was higher in recreational areas. Overall, the findings suggest that urban design strategies such as increasing land use diversity and providing adequate trees enhance perceived environmental attractiveness, safety, and security, ultimately resulting in more walking for transport.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether ecological speed information describing ongoing driving maneuvers during automated driving enhances the hedonic quality and driving safety immediately after a driving takeover. Visualizing maneuvers and trajectories has already proven effective. However, planned acceleration and deceleration in an automated vehicle have not yet been investigated. Therefore, this paper assesses how an automated vehicle’s speed control information might be presented by an ecological interface. Besides a possible increase in the hedonic quality, this information might enhance safe behavior of the human driver when it comes to a takeover. To assess these two aspects, 43 drivers participated in a dynamic driving simulator study. Using a within-subject design, two scenarios were used to compare an ecological interface, dynamically visualizing speed changes, to a conventional pop-up interface, using pop-up icons to visualize speed changes. The experimental results indicate that ecological feedback and conventional pop-up feedback do not differ regarding the hedonic quality, which was reflected by the state anxiety, usefulness, and satisfaction with the overall human-machine interface (HMI). Nonetheless, the post-hoc questionnaire on situational awareness showed a significantly lower rating for the ecological interface which may be the result of a more automatic and subconscious processing of the information given. Analyzing the takeover performance, the initial takeover time was comparably low for both interfaces. However, concerning safety, the ecological interface significantly enhanced the lateral control after takeover, and the drivers looked at the vehicle mirrors significantly earlier. In conclusion, the results show that the information given by the ecological interface may help drivers cope with a sudden takeover in a faster and more controlled way. Future applications of these findings might serve to enhance the acceptance and safety of semi-autonomous vehicles by implementing ecological interfaces.  相似文献   

A sample of 1006 professional truck drivers were surveyed on their perceptions of self and average other speeds, consideration, relative safety, and relative skill. A disproportionate frequency of responses is found in the measures of speed, safety, and consideration, but not skill. In the measures of speed and consideration this bias is found to operate in a negative direction. Truck drivers are found to evaluate other road users negatively, they do not demonstrate ‘self-enhancement’ indicative of driver overconfidence. Drivers responsible for the biases are isolated from the sample using a method of triangulation. Background factors relating to driver characteristics and employment conditions are examined. Characteristics of the drivers’ employment indicate the perceptions are related to factors external to the drivers’ self-conceptions. These contrasts provide further support for the contention that the ‘self-enhancement bias’, as it appears in this sample, operates as a negative-other rationalisation.  相似文献   

Television has been heavily criticized in the popular press for the way it depicts women. Narrow and stereotyped portrayals of women may, according to some writers, cultivate misconceptions among the public about the way women are or should be. In a new investigation of this issue a survey study was undertaken with a large British sample in the London ITV region in which data were obtained on TV viewing behaviours and perceptions of the way women are portrayed on TV and beliefs about how they are or should be in real life. Results showed that only weight of action-drama viewing was significantly related to respondents’ perceptions of women. Heavy viewers of action-drama content were more likely than light viewers to perceive women in reality as self-reliant, not quarrelsome with other women, not dependent on attractiveness to get on, and not preoccupied by romantic affairs. However, heavy action viewers also tended to believe that most women actually want to become mothers, and do not want careers, and more importantly that women ought to be like this. Only in some respects were these relationships consonant with those inferred by content analysts.  相似文献   

This study explored professionals’ perceptions of providing psychological therapy in prisons. Eight professionals, affiliated with counselling as well as counselling, clinical and forensic psychology, were interviewed. A social constructionist paradigm was used to understand how social and discursive practices shaped professionals’ accounts, allowing for critical engagement with taken-for-granted practices. Participants’ accounts were analysed using a social constructionist informed thematic analysis. Four themes were constructed: (a) performing therapy, (b) humanising the client, (c) frames inside frames and (d) a challenging but rewarding experience. The findings of this investigation indicated that therapy provision was interwoven with the socio-political ideals governing prison, which created a conflict between therapeutic values and penal values. This conflict has important implications for establishing and maintaining ethical and deontological practices in prison, particularly surrounding the dynamics power. The study indicated it is important for professionals to monitor and manage potential stigma and discrimination within therapy or service delivery. The results also found that working in prisons is a complex experience, which requires careful consideration for enhancing professional development for the prison therapist.  相似文献   

Objective: This study investigated changes in illness perceptions from diagnosis to six months later in patients with head and neck cancer (HNC) and their caregivers. The study also examined whether discrepancy in patient and caregiver perceptions at diagnosis predicted patient health-related quality of life (HRQL) at six months.

Design: Forty-two patient–caregiver dyads completed the Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire (Brief IPQ) at diagnosis and again six months later. Patients also completed a HRQL questionnaire at both time points. Analyses were performed using the Actor–Partner Interdependence Model.

Main Outcome Measure: Total patient HRQL assessed by the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy (FACT-H&N).

Results: Perceptions of emotional impact and illness concern reduced over time in patients and caregivers. Perceptions of treatment control and identity increased in caregivers only. After controlling for the effects of baseline HRQL, and the individual contribution of patient and caregiver illness perceptions, greater discrepancy in perceptions of timeline, personal control, and illness identity among dyads at diagnosis predicted lower patient HRQL at six-month follow-up.

Conclusion: Patients’ and their caregivers’ perceptions of HNC are dynamic over time. Greater discrepancy between patients’ and caregivers’ illness perceptions at diagnosis predict poorer subsequent patient HRQL.  相似文献   

The present study shows that repeated exposure to a road environment changes eye movement behaviour. In addition, repeated exposure may result in inadequate responses to unexpected changes in the road environment. Participants drove a low-cost simulator while their eye movements were recorded. With repeated exposure participants’ glances at traffic signs along the route were shorter while having a better recollection of the traffic signs along the route. At the last drive, the priority situation at an intersection was changed (a priority road was changed into a yield situation). Even though drivers glanced at the sign that indicated the new priority situation, they did not sufficiently process the information to show an adequate response. Only two out of 12 drivers showed any response, being a response only after crossing the priority road markings. The current finding that unexpected but relevant information may be missed by drivers is relevant for other monitoring tasks.  相似文献   

Considering a limited number of relevant personality measures (e.g., sensation seeking, impulsivity, locus of control, anxiety and altruism), the present study aimed to identify subtypes of drivers in an Italian sample of 207 adolescents aged 14–15 (52.7% girls) with heterogeneous moped riding experiences. Subtypes were compared on the basis of both self-report driving behaviors and two measures extracted from students’ performances on a moped simulator employing a specifically developed Rasch-based method. On the basis of cluster analysis, three subgroups were identified (profiles A, B, C). Profile B was characterized by high levels of sensation seeking and impulsivity, and low levels of altruism and anxiety. It showed high risk propensity considering both self-report and simulator measures. Profile A consisted of mostly females and was characterized by high levels of anxiety, externality and low levels of sensation seeking and altruism. While showing cautious driving behaviors, it did not differ from profile B in terms of crash involvement. Profile C was characterized by high levels of altruism and a more internal orientation; it showed the safest driving attitude.A relevant feature of this study is the direct assessment of driving behaviors by means of simulation performances, which nonetheless showed high concordance with self-report data. Congruence of our findings with previous studies on older and more experienced samples is discussed, along with the use of simulation, in the light of future perspective for research.  相似文献   

A questionnaire probing the distribution of authorship credit was given to postdoctoral associates (“postdocs”) in order to determine their awareness of the professional society’s ethical statement on authorship, the extent of communication with their supervisors about authorship criteria, and the appropriateness of authorship assignments on submitted papers. Results indicate a low awareness of the professional society’s ethical statement and that little communication takes place between postdocs and supervisors about authorship criteria. A substantial amount of authorship credit given to supervisors and other workers is perceived by the postdocs to violate the professional society’s ethical statement.  相似文献   

Senior pastors at churches affiliated with the Baptist General Convention of Texas (BGCT) were anonymously surveyed using an online questionnaire to ascertain their knowledge and perceptions of the causes and potential treatments of mental illness. BGCT senior pastors reported a moderate level of contact with the mentally ill and populations known to have higher than average rates of mental illness (e.g., homeless). They also reported that the individuals with whom they counsel are rarely diagnosed with mental illness. While Baptist senior pastors embraced biological causes and treatments for mental illness as most important and effective, they varied greatly across disorders as to the perceived contribution of psychosocial and spiritual factors. Senior pastors in the present study reported being open to referring their congregants to mental health care professionals with whom they shared common values. Overall, the results of the study point to a need for greater mental health education for Baptist clergy as well as opportunities for the development of increased collaboration between the mental health and faith communities.  相似文献   

Road fatalities involving young road users have become a global health issue. Although human factors are known to be involved in road fatalities, little research has examined the way in which emotional competencies may affect road accidents. With the aim of filling this gap we describe the development and validation of a scale for measuring emotional intelligence when driving. The EMOVIAL inventory consists of nine items distributed across three dimensions (attention to emotions while driving, clarity of emotions while driving, and emotional regulation while driving). Analysis of its psychometric properties showed it to be valid and reliable. The paper discusses how the scale may be used to improve road safety.  相似文献   

Demographic shifts in the United States have resulted in similar demographic shifts between K-12 teachers and their students, resulting in important implications for the educational outcomes of traditionally marginalized students and educators’ cultural awareness required in teaching diverse classrooms. Using data from the Three-City Teacher Study, this study examined students’ (N = 207; 55 % female; 52 % non-Hispanic Black, 48 % non-White Hispanic; mean age = 16.70 years, SD = 1.67) and teachers’ (N = 202; 71.5 % female; 64.3 % white; mean years of experience = 13.80 years, SD = 10.83) agreement on the potential educational attainment of the student. Specifically, we explored the probability that teachers had lower, matched, or higher perceptions of educational attainment compared to their low-income Black and Hispanic students’ perceptions of attainment while accounting for teachers’ and students’ reports of school connectedness, teachers’ cultural awareness, and moderating effects of students’ race. Results from multinomial logistic regressions found that teachers were more likely to have lower perceptions of educational attainment for Hispanic students compared to Black students. Teachers were also more likely to have lower perceptions when they perceived students to have low school connectedness. For Black students, teachers’ cultural awareness attenuated this association; that is, teachers were more likely to have higher perceptions of educational attainment for Black students when they reported higher cultural awareness. The reverse was true for Hispanic students. These results enhance our understanding of how teacher and student perceptions shape expectations of educational attainment with implications for teacher education and professional development domestically and internationally.  相似文献   

Facilitating safe pedestrian road crossings is a major prerequisite for safe urban environments. In multiple cities around the world, 3D crosswalks have been painted, which provoke an optical illusion, of e.g., a crosswalk floating above the road, in car drivers who approach the crosswalk. However, to date, no detailed study of road users’ safety related perceptions on 3D crosswalks has been conducted. Hence, we investigated car drivers’ and pedestrians’ perceptions of a 3D crosswalk, and how they rate its safety in comparison to traditional (non-3D illusion) crosswalks. In an on-site questionnaire survey, we interviewed 201 pedestrians and 102 car drivers in the direct vicinity of a newly painted 3D crosswalk located in Yangon, Myanmar. Our results show that only 53.9 % of the car drivers report to have consciously perceived the 3D effect of the crosswalk. Nonetheless, both, pedestrians and car drivers rate the 3D crosswalk as safer for road crossing than a traditional crosswalk. A high share of pedestrians (43.3 %) report taking a detour to use the 3D crosswalk for road crossing. Approximately one third (31.3 %) of pedestrians and 48.0 % of car drivers interviewed have talked to their friends about the 3D crosswalk, indicating a high potential for using 3D crosswalks as a marketing tool for road safety actors to generate attention for pedestrian safety. Unrelated to our main research question, we found that pedestrians prefer to cross in groups, as it increases the perceived likelihood of cars yielding to them. Overall, the data points to significant increases in the perceived safety of drivers as well pedestrians around the 3D crosswalk. Future studies need to investigate how these perceptions translate to actual safety related behavior.  相似文献   

This research examined the role of harmonious and obsessive passion in athletes’ perceptions of burnout. Two studies using correlational designs were carried out with different samples of athletes of varied skill levels. In Study 1, we found that obsessive passion was positively, and harmonious passion negatively, associated with burnout perceptions in athletes. Results of Study 2 replicated the findings of Study 1 and in addition used Structural Equation Modeling analyses to support the mediating role of conflict and need satisfaction in the relation between types of passion for sport and athletes’ perceptions of burnout. Furthermore, it was found that harmonious passion for a second activity was associated with lower athletes’ perceptions of burnout; while obsessive passion for a second activity was directly associated with it. The results have important implications for theory and research on passion as well as burnout in sport.  相似文献   

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