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This study tested whether adolescent internalizing problems, externalizing problems, heavy alcohol use, fathers' parenting, and family conflict varied over time with fluctuations in fathers' alcohol impairment and also whether children of recovered alcoholic fathers differed from children of nonalcoholic fathers. Fathers and adolescent children (N = 267 families) were interviewed in 3 annual assessments. Results showed that adolescent symptomatology and the family environment did not vary over time as a function of different trajectories of paternal alcohol impairment. However, children of recovered alcoholic fathers exhibited more symptomatology than did children of nonalcoholic fathers. Even though paternal alcoholism has remitted in these families, children of recovered alcoholic fathers might remain on a general higher risk trajectory relative to children of nonalcoholic fathers.  相似文献   

Although heavy alcohol consumption is associated with diabetes-related complications, little is known about patterns of alcohol use among people with diabetes. Moreover, heavy drinking is more common among individuals with major depressive disorder (MDD), bipolar disorder (BD), and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) than in the general population, and these disorders are often comorbid with diabetes. The present study tested the hypothesis that mental disorders moderate the association between diabetes status and alcohol consumption. A total of 14,302 adult participants aged 40-79 were included from the cross-sectional 2012 Canadian Community Health Survey-Mental Health (1,698 with diabetes). Data were analyzed using hierarchical linear regression models. MDD and BD, but not GAD, significantly moderated the association between diabetes status and alcohol quantity, such that the presence of diabetes was strongly and negatively associated with alcohol quantity if individuals had MDD or BD. There was no interaction between diabetes status and any of the mental disorders and alcohol frequency. This study suggests that among individuals with diabetes, those with comorbid MDD or BD drink less than those without MDD or BD. Further investigation of this association is needed and could help inform future alcohol-related interventions among individuals with diabetes.  相似文献   

The present study examined the potential mediating roles of executive and reactive disinhibition in predicting conduct problems, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms, and substance use among adolescents with and without a family history of substance use disorders. Using data from 247 high-risk adolescents, parents, and grandparents, structural equation modeling indicated that reactive disinhibition, as measured by sensation seeking, mediated the effect of familial drug use disorders on all facets of the adolescent externalizing spectrum. Executive disinhibition, as measured by response disinhibition, spatial short term memory, and "trait" impulsivity, was associated with ADHD symptoms. Moreover, although executive functioning weakness were unrelated to familial substance use disorders, adolescents with familial alcohol use disorders were at risk for "trait" impulsivity marked by a lack of planning. These results illustrate the importance of "unpacking" the broad temperament style of disinhibition and of studying the processes that underlie the commonality among facets of the externalizing spectrum and processes that predict specific externalizing outcomes.  相似文献   

T S Parish 《Adolescence》1990,25(98):353-356
In the present study, 334 youths evaluated their families by responding to the Personal Attribute Inventory for Children. An analysis of variance revealed no significant main effects due to respondents' birth order or gender, but did find a significant main effect due to family structure and a significant two-way interaction effect between respondents' family structure and gender. Specifically, males from divorced remarried families and females from divorced nonremarried families were found to evaluate their respective families significantly more negatively than did their counterparts from other familial configurations. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines the spillover and crossover effects of emotional exhaustion on marital satisfaction for both employees and partners as well as on employee work–family conflict and partner family–work conflict. It investigates how the transmission of psychological strain from the workplace to the family domain mediates these relationships. In a sample of 226 employee–partner dyads from manufacturing, electronics, banking, service industries and public organizations, the results support the notion that employees' emotional exhaustion spawns negative strain in the home. More specifically, the results of spillover mediation analyses show the relationships between emotional exhaustion and employee marital satisfaction/work–family conflict in the home. In a crossover model, the results indicate that employee psychological strain mediates the relationships between emotional exhaustion and the marital satisfaction of partners/family–work conflict in partners. These findings provide supports for spillover and crossover models to investigate a direction for the effectiveness of emotional exhaustion on family issues. Theoretical and practical implications of the results are discussed, and directions for future research are offered.  相似文献   

In this study, the author explored the relations of 2 work stressors (work overload and job insecurity) to employee alcohol use and illicit drug use. The primary goal was to explore the importance of temporal context (before work, during the workday, and after work) in the assessment of substance use compared with context-free (overall) assessments. Data were collected from a national sample of U.S. workers (N = 2,790) who took part in a broad cross-sectional survey on workplace health and safety. Consistent with past research, the results fail to support a relation between work stressors and overall measures of alcohol and illicit drug use. However, the results support the relation of work stressors to alcohol and illicit drug use before work, during the workday, and after work. These results provide support for both the stress-induced substance use and stress response dampening propositions of the tension-reduction hypothesis. When exploring the work environment as a potential cause of employee substance use, these results underscore the importance of measures that assess alcohol and illicit drug use in terms of their temporal relation to the workday.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article was to extend previous work on the effect of racial biases on performance ratings. The 1st of 2 studies examined whether a structured free recall intervention decreased the influence of negative racial biases on the performance ratings of Black men. Results indicated that without the intervention, raters who endorsed a negative stereotype of Black men as managers evaluated Black men more negatively. However, the structured free recall intervention successfully reduced these effects. The second study examined in more detail the cognitive mechanisms underlying the success of the intervention. Results are consistent with the assumption that the reduction of the influence of racial biases under structured free recall conditions is a consequence of a modified strength threshold for retrieval of behaviors from memory.  相似文献   

A mother's propensity to refer to internal states during mother–child interactions is important for her child's developing social understanding. However, adolescent mothers are less likely to reference internal states when interacting with their children. We investigated whether young mothers’ references to internal states are promoted by the Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) intervention, an intensive home-visiting programme designed to support adolescent mothers in England. We also investigated family, maternal, and child factors associated with young mothers’ references to inner states during interactions with their children. Adolescent mothers (= 483, aged ≤ 19 years when recruited in pregnancy) and their children participated in an observational substudy of a randomized controlled trial investigating the impact of FNP compared to usual care. Mother–child dyads were video-recorded during free play, and mothers’ speech was coded for use of internal state language (references to cognitions, desires, emotions, intentions, preferences, physiology, and perception). We found no differences in mothers’ use of internal state language between the FNP and usual care groups. A sample-wide investigation identified that other features of mothers’ language and relationship status with the child's father were associated with internal state language use. Findings are discussed with reference to targeted interventions and implications for future research.  相似文献   

Many investigators have demonstrated that task-contingent extrinsic incentives can reduce an individual's interest in some intrinsically rewarding task. Although it has been widely assumed that this “undermining effect” is mediated by the individual's causal attributions for engaging in the task, there has been little independent verification of this notion. In the present study subjects were asked to perform an inherently interesting problem-solving task. Half of the subjects were told that they could earn money by solving the task successfully (Money condition), whereas the other half were not (Control condition). Consistent with previous research, Money condition subjects expressed less liking for the task. In addition, Many condition participants attributed their task performance to less internal causes. Furthermore, across conditions, subjects who attributed their behavior to less internal causes were less apt to enjoy the task. The present data, therefore, more convincingly implicate the mediating role of causal attributions in the relationship between extrinsic rewards and intrinsic interest. Alternative explanations are discussed.  相似文献   

The global precedence hypothesis has been operationally defined as a faster or earlier processing of the global than of the local properties of an image (global advantage) and as interference by processing at the global level with processing at the local level (global interference). Navon (1977) proposed an association between the global advantage and interference effects. Other studies have shown a dissociation between the two effects (e.g., Lamb & Robertson, 1988). It seems that the controversy in previous research resulted from not equalizing the eccentricities of global and local properties. In the present study, the eccentricities of the two levels were equalized by using stimuli with all their elements located along their perimeters. The results of the first experiment demonstrated that although the global level was identified faster than the local level in both the central and the peripheral locations of the visual field (global advantage), the pattern of global interference varied across the visual field. Consistency of global and local levels increased the speed of processing of the local level displayed at the center of the visual field but slowed down the processing of that level at peripheral locations. The results of Experiment 2 demonstrated that it was most likely that the variation in the pattern of global interference was determined by the variable of eccentricity, rather than by the sizes of the global and local levels.  相似文献   

Luxury brands are increasingly adopting chatbots for online customer service. But, little is known about the role of adding design features such as emoticons on customers' luxury experience. This study fills this research gap by exploring the influence of a luxury brand chatbot's adoption of emoticons on status perception and its underlying mechanisms. Results from two experiments suggest that luxury brands might be better off not using emoticons in chatbot communications because it dampens the brand status perception due to perceived unexpectedness, which in turn decreases the perception of the appropriateness of the interaction with chatbots. However, this negative effect of luxury brand's use of emoticons in chatbot communication only exists for traditional luxury brands, not for masstige brands. This study advances the literature on AI, particularly regarding luxury brand-specific chatbot applications. It also offers insights for luxury brand managers that they should be cautious in adopting emoticons in chatbot communication given the risk of ruining the brand status, especially when the brand is a traditional luxury brand as opposed to a masstige brand.  相似文献   

In a previous study, Jacobson, Bernai and Lopez (1973) reported the results of an investigation in which a profoundly retarded microcephalic teenager without language or verbal comprehension participated in a behaviour modification program. The objective of the program was to facilitate conceptual learning. As a result of participation in the program, the boy acquired behavioural, conceptual, and linguistic skills.The purpose of the present study was two-fold. The first objective was to perform a follow-up investigation 9 months after the termination of the original study, in order to learn whether the effects of the behaviour modification program had endured or were extinguished. The second objective was to investigate the boy's capacity for further learning by having him participate in a second behaviour modification program, this one a language acquisition program. The investigators hypothesised that since the S had acquired verbal behaviour without receiving direct linguistic training (the nonspecific adaptive effects phenomenon; see Murray and Jacobson, 1971). the S would acquire far greater language usage if he were placed in a behavioural program that trained language skills directly. It should again be noted that the S possessed no meaningful speech during the first 18 yr of his life prior to participation in the Conceptual Development Program.  相似文献   

T S Parish 《Adolescence》1991,26(101):105-112
In the present study, 648 youths from across the state of Kansas voluntarily evaluated themselves and their parents using the Personal Attribute Inventory for Children. Self-concept was found to be significantly higher for those from intact families in comparison with those from divorced remarried families. Evaluations of mothers were significantly higher for those from intact and divorced nonremarried families as compared with those from divorced remarried families. The ratings of fathers by youths from intact families were significantly more favorable than the ratings by those from either divorced nonremarried or divorced remarried families. Interestingly, gender by family status two-way interaction effects were also found for self-concept and ratings of fathers. Possible explanations for these findings, and their implications, are discussed.  相似文献   

Using the differential susceptibility perspective (Belsky & Pluess, 2009) as a guiding frame-work, age 12 neighborhood disadvantage (ND) and family characteristics (parental knowledge) were examined as moderators of the relations between age 12 youth impulsivity and the development (ages 13, 14, and 15) of positive (community activities) and negative (antisocial behavior; ASB) adolescent behavior. An interaction between ND and youth impulsivity (age 12) operated with differential susceptibility, but only for female community activities at age 13: under low levels of ND, impulsive adolescent females engaged in the highest levels of community activities, whereas under high ND, they engaged in the lowest levels. Exploratory analysis showed the association between community activities and ND to be partially related to parents' or adults' engagement in informal social controls (e.g., alerting the police with misbehavior in the neighborhood). Differential susceptibility effects were not identified for: (i) parental knowledge and impulsivity; (ii) ASB (ages 13, 14 or 15); or (iii) community involvement at ages 14 and 15. Findings provide limited evidence for impulsivity as a differential susceptibility phenotype.  相似文献   


Using data collected in a longitudinal study of detained juveniles, we test a model of the relationships among alcohol and marijuana or hashish use, reported adverse effects of the use of these substances, and emotional and psychological problems. Significant interrelationships were found among these factors over time. Degree of involvement in alcohol and marijuana or hashish use (measured either by self‐reports or both self‐reports and urine test results) was significantly related at Time 1 with the number of reported averse effects of the use of each specific substance; a similar relationship was found at Time 2 for marijuana or hashish use. In addition, emotional and psychological problems were significantly associated with reported adverse effects of the use of alcohol or marijuana or hashish at each time period. The results further indicate that youths who become more involved in the use of alcohol or marijuana or hashish over time report more adverse effects of their use of each of these substances. These findings highlight a network of interconnected experiences that add insight into the youths’ functioning over time. At the same time, the youths’ Time 2 emotional and psychological problems, reported effects of their alcohol use, and reported effects of their marijuana or hashish use are weakly predicted by the variables in the model; these findings suggest considerable change in these experiences over time. Theoretical and policy implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

We examine the effectiveness of apology following a workplace offense, as influenced by the achieved or ascribed status (i.e., professional status or gender) of the parties involved. A total of 780 undergraduates participated in a scenario experiment. The results demonstrate that apologizing is more effective than not apologizing. Yet apology is most effective when the apologizer is a male, a manager or is a male apologizing to a female. Moreover, apology expectancy mediates the relationships between the apologizer's status and the apology's effectiveness: Apologies are less expected from managers and males than from subordinates and females, and the less expected they are, the greater their effectiveness. Apology expectancy has a unique effect unrelated to the apologizer's sincerity and perceived motive.  相似文献   

One ‘reasonable ground’ for unlawful sex with a minor is mistaken age. Alcohol consumption and make‐up are often deemed further influences on impaired perception. Two hundred and forty persons in bars and cafes rated the attractiveness of composite faces of immature and mature females with and without additional make‐up, alcohol users having their concurrent blood–alcohol level measured using a breathalyser. A non‐sex‐specific preference for immature faces over sexually mature faces was found. Alcohol and make‐up did not inflate attractiveness ratings in immature faces. While alcohol consumption significantly inflated attractiveness ratings for participants viewing made‐up sexually mature faces, greater alcohol consumption itself did not lead to overestimation of age. Although alcohol limited the processing of maturity cues in female observers, it had no effect on the age perceptions of males viewing female faces, suggesting male mate preferences are not easily disrupted. Participants consistently overestimated the age of sexually immature‐ and sexually mature‐faces by an average of 3.5 years. Our study suggests that even heavy alcohol consumption does not interfere with age‐perception tasks in men, so is not of itself an excuse for apparent mistaken age in cases of unlawful sex with a minor.  相似文献   

Using data from the NICHD SECCYD (N = 1053), we used two-level hierarchical linear models with site fixed effects to examine whether teacher-child closeness and conflict moderated associations between two indicators of early socioeconomic status (maternal education and family income) and standardized measures of children's math and reading achievement at 54 months, 1st, 3rd, and 5th grades. Children whose mothers had lower levels of education and conflictual relationships with teachers exhibited lower reading achievement, on average, across elementary school. At the same time, children with less educated mothers who experienced increases in teacher-child closeness and decreases in teacher-child conflict exhibited improvements in reading achievement across elementary school. Finally, low teacher-child closeness elevated the risk for poor math achievement posed by low family income. Implications for intervention design and development are discussed.  相似文献   

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