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Directors from psychology internship programs across the United States were asked to participate in a survey regarding their sites’ provision of services to traumatized populations and didactic and supervisory training offered to interns. All totaled, 259 training directors completed the survey. Using a point system, an impact score of training saturation was determined based on the content and frequency of training offered in didactic, supervision, or combined formats. Of these, all reported at least one trauma training opportunity in either didactic or supervision format. More than half indicated that they offered at least 1 to 3 hours of didactics on trauma per week (62.2%) and slightly less offered supervision-specific training opportunities (54.5%). However, only 30.8% identified training opportunities in trauma/posttraumatic stress disorder that reached a high level of saturation in training, meaning they offered training activities above the median impact score. The most commonly reported barrier to offering trauma training was related to being busy meeting other specialty or program requirements. Findings provide a preliminary overview of current training practices that can be useful to students seeking trauma internship placements and administrators and faculty who are looking to revise their curriculum.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 global pandemic has disrupted the routine provision of community mental health services, which is especially concerning given that emerging data suggest a rise in mental health concerns related to the COVID-19 crisis (Xiong et al., 2020). Thus, it seems imperative to provide trauma-informed services that are tailored to clients’ coping with the pandemic and can be effectively delivered via telehealth. The goals of these important services would be to mitigate current distress, help prevent the onset of long-term mental health problems, and facilitate client safety during a public health crisis. The present article provides an overview of adoption and telehealth implementation of the Skills for Psychological Recovery (SPR) secondary prevention program within a psychology training clinic. Initial clinical outcome data supported the program’s success in reducing mental health symptoms among individuals in psychological distress due to the COVID-19 crisis; however, the results were more striking for adults than for youths. The article concludes with recommendations for broader implementation and future directions for clinicians, supervisors, organizations, and researchers.  相似文献   

在内科临床中落实生物心理社会医学模式   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
社会心理因素与内科疾病的发生、发展和治疗效果关系密切,临床工作中忽视社会心理因素的作用可能导致严重后果。内科医生应积极拓展自身的知识技能,继而把对社会心理因素的重视落在实处,体现在病历中。完整的病史采集又需要加强医患沟通,如此才能真正发现和解决患者的社会心理问题。  相似文献   

Counseling psychology training programs predominately subscribe to the scientist–practitioner training model, which emphasizes the mutual integration of science and practice. There has been extensive debate surrounding the applicability of the scientist–practitioner training model to the field of counseling psychology, and existing commentary from both trainers and trainees has documented the potential challenges to adequately integrating science and practice. In the current article, three counseling psychology doctoral students outline their experiences in a program that adheres to the scientist–practitioner training model. In particular, they describe their involvement in both clinical and scholarly related activities, their experiences with the integration of science and practice, and how the scientist–practitioner model has influenced their overall professional development. Specific examples of how the scientist–practitioner model can shape the perspectives and career goals of psychologists-in-training are reviewed.  相似文献   

The first words in the inaugural version of the American Psychological Association Ethical Standards of Psychologists (1953) declared, “Psychology is a science” (p. v). Professional ethics for all of the mental health disciplines support science (and objectivity) for knowledge and practice. Using school psychology as an example, consideration is given to the presence of science and research in the scientist-practitioner, professional practitioner, and psychoeducational training and practice models. Although none of the three models truly ignores a commitment to science, the potential Achilles heel comes from the individual practitioner who fails to rely on science in planning, implementing, and evaluating interventions. Similarly, idiosyncratic preferences within training programs could lead to a diminution of science in the curriculum.  相似文献   

受到社会、组织及自身发展因素的影响, 美国临床心理学在不同时期存在着不同的培养模式。文章选取“科学家-实践者”模式、“实践者-学者”模式、“临床心理科学家”模式、“当下的临床科学家”模式及“循证实践者”模式等五种最具代表性的经典模式, 介绍了1949年以来美国临床心理学培养模式的特点及发展规律。认为“循证实践者”模式修正了前面四种培养模式的个体主义倾向, 将单个的“科学家-实践者”, 分化成“科学家”与“实践者”两个集团, 强调实践者遵循科学家提供的最佳证据, 考虑病人的特征、文化与价值观, 在管理者协调下开展实践。这种模式代表着当代临床心理学培养模式的发展方向。  相似文献   

Recent and dramatic changes in the demand for and reimbursement of psychological services and expertise in health care delivery systems have radical implications for the preparation of psychologists at the predoctoral, internship, and postdoctoral levels. In order to respond to these changes effectively and advance the profession, training programs must realize the expanded and potential role of psychological expertise in evolving health care delivery systems. In this paper, we review several limitations and unfortunate consequences of traditional training programs that have confined the scope of research and practice to the realm of mental health. We propose that future psychologists be recognized and trained from a broader perspective as behavioral scientists, prepared to operate at the highest levels of health care delivery systems. Specific recommendations for training and education are discussed.  相似文献   

The development of community psychology is of vital importance in South Africa because of the historical context, questions about the relevance of mainstream western psychology and the current social change in the country in the post-apartheid era. Accordingly successful community psychology practices for a South Africa in transition need greater dissemination for access and utilization in the communities. This article draws on the community work conducted at the Itsoseng Clinic to show how and why community psychology could be made more relevant to the new South Africa. The Itsoseng Clinic is a psychology clinic that is situated in the township of Mamelodi. The clinic provides several services including counselling, psychometric assessment, psycho educational workshops, and HIV/AIDS pre and post-test counselling. The clients and community that the clinic serves are of low socio-economic status and struggle with a lack of material and personnel resources. The individuals working within the Itsoseng Clinic represent a diversity that is in itself a valuable resource for supporting the core activities of the clinic. This article explores various themes that were identified within the research study such as, making community, entering the ecology of life, closing the divide and bridging the boundaries.  相似文献   

Forensic Psychology is a recognised and important sub‐specialty of the Psychology discipline. However, after an expansion in the number of training places that were offered when programmes were first developed, recent years have seen these diminish in response to changes in university policies, resulting from reformulated Federal government funding models. In this article, we argue that it is important for the future of specialist areas of professional psychology to not only articulate the core skills and competencies that are associated with specialist practice but also to develop unique and distinctive approaches to teaching and learning signature pedagogies. Based on the premise that forensic psychological practice is, indeed, a distinctive activity that requires different skills and, importantly, different ways of thinking about the work from other areas of professional psychology, it is suggested that professional training in this area should aim to develop a signature pedagogy which combines methods of teaching and learning that have been developed in legal training programmes with principles of problem‐based learning.  相似文献   

This needs assessment of predoctoral psychology programs in a large southeastern state reveals that although many programs include adolescent health issues and often involve the psychiatry discipline in their curricula, many trainees do not have exposure to medicine, nutrition, or nursing disciplines. Opportunities for greater interdisciplinary adolescent health care training exist in psychology training programs in this southeastern state. Integrating such training into psychology programs may enhance psychology's ability to function as a vital component of adolescent health care teams within academic medical centers across the country.  相似文献   

Although the dominant scientist–practitioner model has considerable professional support, it remains the case that there is a fundamental mismatch between its conceptualisation of the practitioner as a laboratory scientist in a clinical setting and the actual requirements for good counselling practice. In particular, there is mismatch between the kind of knowledge generated in the laboratory setting and the epistemic requirements of the therapeutic situation; and between the (detached, impersonal) kind of decision-making engaged in by the laboratory scientist and the (interpersonal, interactive) kind engaged in by the practitioner. Moreover, being structural in character, these limitations cannot be rectified by piecemeal modifications of the standard model, such as those envisaged on the ‘local clinical scientist model’. Nor can the recent push towards ‘evidence-based practice’ suffice as a corrective because the core problem simply replicates itself on that level. Instead, since they derive from an unduly restrictive conception of what constitutes scientific inquiry, they require endorsement of the equal partnership of the human science template as a corrective. Moreover, far from compromising its scientific commitments, this actively facilitates rethinking the integration of science and practice in the service of the effective practice of care.  相似文献   

规范化培养全科医生是一项长期、复杂、艰巨的任务。过渡时期,规范化培养全科医生主要通过对基层医生的转岗培训、强化定向培养全科医生的技能培训、基层医生通过成人高等教育提升学历层次、三级医院医生到基层服务四种途径来实现。四种途径皆存在一些影响培养效果的弊端,需要进一步深入研究;着眼长远,规范化培养全科医生又容易受社会因素干扰,统一规范比较困难,全科医生制度容易流于形式等。保障全科医生的福利待遇并建立激励机制,增强职业认同感和岗位吸引力,是规范化培养全科医生保持持续活力的关键。  相似文献   

Because of current health care reforms, quality control, accountability, and cost-effectiveness have become important issues in the practice of clinical psychology. It is imperative that practicing clinicians begin to evaluate their services to assess whether they demonstrate high quality and cost-effectiveness, as well as a continued commitment to qualify improvement. Deming's (1986) approach to quality control is discussed as a useful strategy for improving effectiveness in the practice of clinical psychology. This approach emphasizes the process of identification of the client population, improvements through incremental processes, and evaluation of outcomes. Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) techniques are also reviewed as useful ways in which to supplement and improve on Deming's approach to quality control. Science and quality control are discussed as being inherently coherent. The scientist—practitioner model dictates that services provided to clients should be rigorously evaluated. Various procedures for evaluating the quality of services provided in clinical practice are discussed.  相似文献   


School psychology training at the doctoral level is discussed. Given the increasing diversity in the schools as well as the varied education and mental health needs of the population, school psychology training is necessarily broad, involving traditional skills such as assessment, intervention, consultation, and counseling, all of which are taught within a context of a changing school population with changing needs. Because there is compulsory education, school psychologists’ interface with a broad cross-section of individual children, their parents, and their teachers. Moreover, school psychological practice is not limited to schools, as doctoral school psychologists are health service providers; many of these individuals work in other settings for which they are trained to provide services. The complexities and challenges of training school psychologists within this broad agenda effectively across domains are discussed.  相似文献   

As we reflect on the founding vision of the field of community psychology in the United States, we assess our progress toward achieving, building upon, and refining this vision. We review early literature regarding the US vision of the field, provide a historical overview of education and training within the field, and provide recommendations to guide and strengthen our approach to education. Our recommendations include the following: 1) serve as a resource to communities, 2) promote a sense of community within our field, 3) diversify students, faculty, and leadership, 4) evaluate our efforts, 5) be current and relevant, 6) enhance the visibility and growth of our field, and 7) create globally minded and innovative CPists. We provide strategies for programs, faculty, linkages between researchers and practitioners, and the Society for Community Research and Action. We conclude that community psychology education and training continues to reflect the early vision; however, we believe we must make more intentional efforts to align with the mission and values of the field, and to engage in a critical analysis of our pedagogy. Enhancing and growing undergraduate and graduate education can facilitate the achievement of our goals to promote social justice, prevent and address social problems, and build community connections to become more effective, impactful, and global social change agents.  相似文献   

For many professionals, the Boulder model captures the ideals of clinical psychology. Unfortunately, it can be extremely difficult to integrate science and practice in many work settings. The present paper provides several recommendations for encouraging the scientist-practitioner model in academia. Faculty can strive to integrate teaching, research, and clinical services in weekly activities. First, it is important for the professional to retain a strong and clear focus on clinical psychology, without straying into allied fields. Second, it is essential for anyone who works in academia to learn to juggle many different activities that demand the professional’s time. Third, it is important to maintain a consistent focus on specific areas of interest in order to cultivate them into domains of expertise. Fourth, it is helpful to appreciate the synergism whereby work in one area can enhance the other domains. Fifth, it is helpful to integrate several activities into one multi-purpose task. Finally, it can be useful to view professional involvement in many different activities that could help to advance the field.  相似文献   

There is a significant shortage of clinical psychology services in rural and remote Australia. It is proposed that tele‐web psychology may provide one potential solution to this inequity in health provision. A tele‐web psychology project was developed through a partnership between a university and country health service setting in rural South Australia. Tele‐web psychology was conducted by Provisional Psychologists on their first clinical placement, with patients attending sessions in a community mental health team hub in a regional centre north of Adelaide. This article describes the logistics of setting up a collaborative tele‐web psychology service and makes recommendations on how to expedite the success of this type of venture.  相似文献   

Cognitive behavioral therapy is an effective treatment for virtually all psychiatric disorders. However, very few patients have access to it and few therapists are trained in the theory and practice of cognitive behavioral therapy. Based on the existing evidence and the articles of this series, the following recommendations are made: (a) all mental health care providers (including Psy.D. and social workers) need to be trained in the practice and theories of empirically supported treatments, specifically cognitive behavioral therapy; (b) clinical practice also needs to be based on theory, not just treatment manuals; and (c) psychological treatments have to move beyond the DSM boundaries.  相似文献   

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