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Two experiments tested the common assumption that knowing the letter names helps children learn basic letter-sound (grapheme-phoneme) relation because most names contain the relevant sounds. In Experiment 1 (n=45), children in an experimental group learned English letter names for letter-like symbols. Some of these names contained the corresponding letter sounds, whereas others did not. Following training, children were taught the sounds of these same "letters." Control children learned the same six letters, but with meaningful real-word labels unrelated to the sounds learned in the criterion letter-sound phase. Differences between children in the experimental and control groups indicated that letter-name knowledge had a significant impact on letter-sound learning. Furthermore, letters with names containing the relevant sound facilitated letter-sound learning, but not letters with unrelated names. The benefit of letter-name knowledge was found to depend, in part, on skill at isolating phonemes in spoken syllables. A second experiment (n=20) replicated the name-to-sound facilitation effect with a new sample of kindergarteners who participated in a fully within-subject design in which all children learned meaningless pseudoword names for letters and with phoneme class equated across related and unrelated conditions.  相似文献   

Proficiency in letter–sound correspondence is important for decoding connected text. This study examined the effects of an evidence-based intervention, incremental rehearsal (IR), on the letter–sound expression of three kindergarten English language learners (ELLs) performing below the district benchmark for letter–sound fluency. Participants were native speakers of Hmong, Spanish, and Polish. A multiple-baseline design across sets of unknown letter sounds was used to evaluate the effects of IR on letter–sound expression. Visual analysis of the data showed an increase in level and trend when IR was introduced in each phase. Percentage of all non-overlapping data (PAND) ranged from 95% to 100%. All participants exceeded expected growth and reached the spring district benchmark for letter–sound fluency. Results suggest that IR is a promising intervention for increasing letter–sound expression for ELLs who evidence delays in acquiring letter sounds.  相似文献   

Three experiments were carried out to examine the cues that are used in learning to read and spell new words. In a reading task (Experiment 1), even preschoolers who could not read simple real words were able to benefit from print-sound relationships that were based on letter names. They found it easier to learn that the made-up word TM was pronounced as 'team" (name condition) than that TM was pronounced as "tame" (sound condition) or as "wide" (visual condition). The letter-name strategy persisted among college students (Experiment 2). In a spelling task (Experiment 3), prereaders and novice readers again did better in the name condition than in the sound condition. The ability to use relationships based on letter sounds emerged later than the ability to use relationships based on letter names. However, sound-based relationships were used to a greater extent in spelling than in reading.  相似文献   

Preschool-age children (N = 58) were randomly assigned to receive instruction in letter names and sounds, letter sounds only, or numbers (control). Multilevel modeling was used to examine letter name and sound learning as a function of instructional condition and characteristics of both letters and children. Specifically, learning was examined in light of letter name structure, whether letter names included cues to their respective sounds, and children’s phonological processing skills. Consistent with past research, children receiving letter name and sound instruction were most likely to learn the sounds of letters whose names included cues to their sounds regardless of phonological processing skills. Only children with higher phonological skills showed a similar effect in the control condition. Practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The possibility that stimulus emotionality might influence recognition bias in a long-term memory task was studied with respect to both the valence and arousal dimensions of emotion. For this purpose, we used 108 International Affective Picture System pictures that were representative of all regions of this two-dimensional space. Signal detection theory analysis was applied using A'and B' D as discrimination and bias measures, respectively. In general, the results showed that greater discrimination was accompanied by a response bias that was more conservative for pleasant and for unarousing pictures than for unpleasant and for arousing ones. These results provide new evidence in connection with the emotion-induced recognition bias in long-term memory performance.  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed to determine whether categorization of the pitch of a probe tone is influenced by the pitch of, and response made to, a preceding prime tone. The prime and the probe could be drawn either from a pool of low-frequency sounds or from a pool of high-frequency sounds. The results of both experiments indicated that the performance obtained was best when the prime and the probe were the same pitch (and therefore required the same response), intermediate when the two sounds differed in pitch and required different responses, and slowest when the prime and the probe differed in pitch but required the same response (i.e., they were drawn from the same frequency pool). The results of Experiment 2 revealed in addition that when a repeated response was required, performance declined as the magnitude of the frequency change increased and that responses were made more quickly and accurately if the direction of the frequency change was away from the alternative category than if it was toward the alternative category. The results demonstrate that categorization of sounds by pitch is accomplished with reference to a previous processing episode.  相似文献   

A series of experiments examined the effect of masking stimuli on the ability of observers to recognize letters of the alphabet through their fingertips. The letters were generated on the 6 × 24 vibrotactile array of the Optacon, a reading aid for the blind. Letter recognition was interfered with by the presence of masking stimuli occurring at the same site on the skin either before (forward masking) or after (backward masking) the target letter had been presented. In general, backward masking interfered with letter recognition more than did forward masking. Backward masking was particularly effective for letters in which the information critical for identification is located on the right side of the letter. Presenting the letters reversed resulted in more forward masking for those letters with critical information now located on the left side. Increasing the time between the target letter and the masking stimuli resulted in improved letter recognition. The implications of the results for tactile reading are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated knowledge of letter names and letter sounds, their learning, and their contributions to word recognition. Of 123 preschoolers examined on letter knowledge, 65 underwent training on both letter names and letter sounds in a counterbalanced order. Prior to training, children were more advanced in associating letters with their names than with their sounds and could provide the sound of a letter only if they could name it. However, children learned more easily to associate letters with sounds than with names. Training just on names improved performance on sounds, but the sounds produced were extended (CV) rather than phonemic. Learning sounds facilitated later learning of the same letters' names, but not vice versa. Training either on names or on sounds improved word recognition and explanation of printed words. Results are discussed with reference to cognitive and societal factors affecting letter knowledge acquisition, features of the Hebrew alphabet and orthography, and educational implications.  相似文献   

College students learned to name Braille patterns presented visually using a fading procedure in which Braille patterns were superimposed on letter names after which letter names were attenuated. Measurement of acquisition was accomplished by presenting probes—consisting of the Braille stimuli only—throughout fading. Effects of probes upon acquisition were assessed by introducing probes early or late in fading. Fewer fading levels were needed for Braille elements to acquire control when probes were introduced early rather than late. When probes were introduced late, all subjects learned to name the Braille elements as the letters were being faded out. When probes were introduced early, however, most subjects learned to name the Braille elements as they were being faded in. Since virtually no errors occurred during compound-stimulus presentations, the probe procedure did not induce errors during acquisition. Quantitative analysis of probe data suggested that inclusion of probes enhanced the control acquired by the Braille elements during compound-stimulus presentations. The reported effects may have been due to differences in the relative frequency of reinforcement presented during compounds and probes.  相似文献   

The influence of stimulus duration and ISI on accuracy of recognition for two-part configurations was investigated in two experiments. A six-alternative forced-hoice recognition procedure is described that tested (1) subjects’ ability to recognize correct or partially correct stimuli, and (2) their tendencies to make transference errors. Subjects were significantly more accurate in recognition of pictorial components when given a longer (2-sec) rather than a shorter (.5-sec) exposure to stimuli, with ISI held constant (.5 sec). There was no beneficial effect on recognition of pictorial components when ISI was lengthened from .5 to 2 sec Iwith a .5-sec stimulus duration) or from .5 to 1.5 to 7 sec Iwith a 2-sec stimulus duration). The total time hypothesis received no support, since when two groups were given the same total time (2.5 sec for stimulus duration plus ISI), the group given the longer 12-sec) stimulus duration was significantly more accurate in partial recognition than a group given a longer 12-sec) ISI. There was a high incidence of transference errors in all experimental groups, although subjects’ ability to distinguish old stimuli from distractors made by recombining parts from different targets was not affected by any of the temporal manipulations. It appeared that, although length of stimulus duration determines the number of components encoded from a picture, the encoding of information that integrates these components into a whole does not require additional processing time.  相似文献   

Stimulus control of pigeons' key pecking was transferred from colors to lines by the method of stimulus fading. Fading was conducted with the addition of probes consisting of the line stimuli presented alone at each fading level. Probe responding was used to measure stimulus-control acquisition by the lines. Effects of reinforcement and nonreinforcement of probe responding upon acquisition of stimulus control were assessed using a single-organism repeated-acquisition design in which three fades were conducted serially. Probe responding was not reinforced in the first and third fade but was in the second. Reinforcement of probe responding substantially reduced the number of fading levels needed to complete fading. The outcome of a control experiment ruled out the possibility of accounting for these results in terms of the specific stimuli used in each fade or in terms of the sequential exposure to the three discriminations. Although probes permitted measurement of stimulus-control acquisition in fading, a measurement/acquisition interaction was also present.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, 7 nonreading children were exposed to a program designed to teach reading of 51 training words. The program featured an exclusion-based procedure in which the children (a) matched printed to dictated words and (b) constructed (copied) printed words with movable letters and named them. All children learned to read the training words. Five children also read generalization words and showed progress in spelling. Experiment 2 applied the program to 4 different children, omitting the word-construction task. They also learned to read the training words, but only 1 participant read generalization words. The data support a stimulus equivalence account of reading acquisition and suggest that reading generalization may be obtained, especially when the teaching program includes word construction.  相似文献   

Subjects’ identification of stop-vowel “targets” was obtained under monotic and dichotic, forward and backward, masking conditions. Masks, or “challenges,” were another stop-vowel or one of three nonspeech sounds similar to parts of a stop-vowel. Backward masking was greater than forward in dichotic conditions. Forward masking predominated monotically. Relative degree of masking for different challenges suggested that dichotic effects were predicated on interference with processing of a complex temporal array of auditory “features” of the targets, prior to phonetic decoding but subsequent to basic auditory analysis. Monotic effects seemed best interpreted as dependent on relative spectrum levels of nearly simultaneous portions of the two signals.  相似文献   

Learning mnemonics: roles of aging and subtle cognitive impairment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previously validated methods of memory training were used in conjunction with the Folstein Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) to explore the relationship between complexity of learned mnemonic, aging, and subtle cognitive impairment. Subjects were 218 community-dwelling elderly. Treatment included imagery mnemonics for remembering names and faces and lists. There was a significant interaction among age, type of learning task (face-name vs. list), and improvement when controlling for MMSE score. There was also a significant interaction among MMSE score, type of learning task, and improvement when controlling for age. Scores on the more complex list-learning mnemonic were more affected by age and MMSE scores than were scores on the face-name mnemonic. Implications of the findings for cognitive training of the old old and the impaired are discussed.  相似文献   

Teaching African children pictorial depth perception: in search of a method   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J B Deregowski 《Perception》1974,3(3):309-312

Stimulus fading techniques were compared to those of contingency management in the treatment of a 6-yr-old, electively mute girl. Experimental periods consisted of the mother rewarding the child for verbal and motor responses to scheduled tasks, while a stranger slowly entered the room and then gradually administered the task items as mother left the room. A timeout contingency for non-response to task items was also employed. Control periods consisted of a stranger administering the same tasks to the child under the same contingencies but without the presence of the mother or the use of stimulus fading. Experimental and control periods were alternated during each treatment hour. The stimulus fading procedure was found to be a necessary component of the treatment process. While the timeout contingency for non-response was found to facilitate treatment if combined with stimulus fading, it was completely ineffective without the stimulus fading.  相似文献   

The help given by loci mnemonics in memorizing isolated items is widely known, whereas there is no doubt as to whether mnemonics are useful for learning meaningful passages. In the present research it is argued that past failures to find a loci effect with text may have been due to the limited range of conditions explored during analysis of the problem. In the present research the modality of presentation of the text was hypothesized to be particularly relevant. In two experiments groups of trained and non-trained students were asked to memorize two different passages, either using loci mnemonics or not. Loci mnemonics facilitated memory of passages, the increase being greater for oral presentation of text than after private study of a written text.  相似文献   

The provision of a series of requests to which compliance is highly likely (high-probability requests) immediately antecedent to low-probability requests has been used to establish behavioral momentum of compliance. We evaluated a fading procedure for maintaining high levels of compliance obtained with high-probability requests. Fading involved a systematic reduction in the number of high-probability requests and an increase in the latency between the high- and low-probability requests. High levels of compliance for both "do" and "don't" requests were maintained for 16 weeks in a 5-year-old boy with developmental disabilities after the high-probability request sequence was faded. Similar maintenance was obtained for "do" requests in a 15-year-old girl with developmental disabilities. For this subject, however, the high-probability request sequence was ineffective with "don't" requests. When "don't" requests were phrased as "do" requests, the high-probability request sequence produced high levels of compliance to the low-probability request. High levels of compliance to these "do" requests were maintained for 16 weeks after the high-probability request sequence was faded.  相似文献   

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