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Cognitive Processing - The study of the relationships between divergent thinking and the core executive functions is long standing. However, the literature on this topic is not conclusive. The...  相似文献   

How do observers recognize objects after spatial transformations? Recent neurocomputational models have proposed that object recognition is based on coordinate transformations that align memory and stimulus representations. If the recognition of a misoriented object is achieved by adjusting a coordinate system (or reference frame), then recognition should be facilitated when the object is preceded by a different object in the same orientation. In the two experiments reported here, two objects were presented in brief masked displays that were in close temporal contiguity; the objects were in either congruent or incongruent picture-plane orientations. Results showed that naming accuracy was higher for congruent than for incongruent orientations. The congruency effect was independent of superordinate category membership (Experiment 1) and was found for objects with different main axes of elongation (Experiment 2). The results indicate congruency effects for common familiar objects even when they have dissimilar shapes. These findings are compatible with models in which object recognition is achieved by an adjustment of a perceptual coordinate system.  相似文献   

The survival processing effect is a recall advantage for information processed in the context of a grassland survival scenario. The current studies build upon previous research suggesting the effect is due to elaborative encoding and functional thinking. In two experiments, participants completed the “alternate uses test” under five conditions: baseline, grassland survival, Ebola survival, moving to a new home and planning a bank heist. Experiment 1 stimuli were everyday objects. Experiment 2 stimuli were functionally ambiguous “mystery” objects. Number of generated uses was highest in the baseline, but the grassland scenario was consistently highest of the schematic conditions. Recall data lend support to the mnemonic superiority of the grassland condition. Results suggest that grassland scenarios place fewer attenuating constraints on divergent thinking. It is suggested that the survival processing effect might be usefully conceptualised as an effect of creatively thinking about object function in response to broadly defined problems.  相似文献   

Twenty-three patients with mild dementia of the Alzheimer's type (DAT) or frontotemporal type (DFT) and age- and education-matched control subjects were administered tests of complex fluency involving divergent thinking and tests of letter, category, and figural fluency. The tests of complex fluency discriminated the dementia patients from control subjects more strongly than did the other fluency tests. The results suggest that divergent thinking as assessed by complex fluency tests is a cognitive domain that is impaired early in the course of dementia. The sensitivity of complex fluency tests compared to that of letter, category, and figural fluency tests may be related to greater demands for conceptualization in relating stimulus attributes to function and greater demands for flexible thinking during self-directed search processes.  相似文献   

The performance of 93 children aged 3 and 4 years on a battery of different counterfactual tasks was assessed. Three measures: short causal chains, location change counterfactual conditionals, and false syllogisms—but not a fourth, long causal chains—were correlated, even after controlling for age and receptive vocabulary. Children's performance on our counterfactual thinking measure was predicted by receptive vocabulary ability and inhibitory control. The role that domain general executive functions may play in 3- to 4-year olds' counterfactual thinking development is discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to examine further the relationship between counterfactual thinking and false belief (FB) as examined by Guajardo and Turley-Ames (Cognitive Development, 19 (2004) 53-80). More specifically, the current research examined the importance of working memory and inhibitory control in understanding the relationship between counterfactual thinking and FB. Participants were 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds (N = 76). Counterfactual thinking statements generated accounted for significant variance in FB performance beyond age and language. Working memory and inhibitory control each partially mediated the relationship between counterfactual thinking and FB performance. The maturation of executive functioning skills is important in children’s developing understanding of counterfactual reasoning and FB.  相似文献   

In a series of experiments, students were presented with selections of brief encyclopedia articles and biographical sketches, and asked to state which they preferred to read, and which they actually found to be most interesting after the reading. In all experiments, interest ratings were clearly influenced by amount of prior knowledge of the topic in question. There was in some cases a tendency to prefer less known to better known items, but more often familiar topics or persons were thought of as more interesting than unfamiliar ones. The results are compatible with the hypothesis that the inherent interestingness of a communication is directly related to its degree of perceived informativeness, and that both are dependent upon the possibility of getting to know something new about something already sufficiently well known. This study was written while the author was on sabbatical leave at the Aesthetics Research Group, University of Leicester, and was supported by a grant from the Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities.  相似文献   

In a series of experiments, a negative priming paradigm was used to determine how the visual system represents novel shapes under conditions of inattention. Observers in a shape-matching task viewed overlapping shapes with or without surface segmentation cues. Positive priming occurred with opaque and transparent surface-like shapes, whereas negative priming was found with outlined and transparent shapes that lacked surface segmentation cues. This effect generalized to familiar shapes. These results support the importance of segmentation cues in negative priming and suggest that, under otherwise identical conditions, surface segmentation processes can determine whether positive or negative priming occurs in an implicit memory task. Thus, selective attention for overlapping shapes may be best understood in relation to surface segmentation processes.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of advanced age on self-reported internal and external memory strategy uses, and whether this effect can be predicted by executive functioning. A sample of 194 participants aged 21 to 80 divided into three age groups (21-40, 41-60, 61-80) completed the two strategy scales of the Metamemory in Adulthood (MIA) questionnaire, differentiating between internal and external everyday memory strategy uses, and three tests of executive functioning. The results showed that: (1) the use of external memory strategies increased with age, whereas use of internal memory strategy decreased; (2) executive functioning appeared to be related only to internal strategies, the participants who reported the greatest use of internal strategies having the highest executive level; and (3) executive functioning accounted for a sizeable proportion of the age-related variance in internal strategy use. These findings suggest that older adults preferentially use external memory strategies to cope with everyday memory impairment due to aging. They also support the view that the age-related decrease in the implementation of internal memory strategies can be explained by the executive hypothesis of cognitive aging. This result parallels those observed using objective laboratory memory strategy measures and then supports the validity of self-reported memory strategy questionnaire.  相似文献   

Amphibian vision is one of the most comprehensively studied of all vertebrate sensory systems. However, the processes of object recognition and memory in anuran amphibians have resisted satisfactory explanation. Our research shows that insight to the issue of visual discrimination and recognition in toads may be gained by investigation of the specialized and complementary functions carried out by the left and right brain hemispheres. We report that specialized processes associated with the left eye (right hemisphere) of the Bufo marinus toad carry out decisions to view and strike at complex prey stimuli recognized as 'novel.' This was demonstrated in the toads' preferences when provided a choice between identical novel insect models presented simultaneously into the left and right lateral, monocular visual fields. In a second experiment, videotaped trials of toad groups competing in an open field for live crickets were analysed for lateralized prey-catching behaviour. Concomitant with a preference for directing agonistic strikes at conspecifics within the left visual hemifield, toads were found to possess a significant preference for directing predatory responses at the familiar prey viewed in the right visual hemifield. The preference for directing prey-catching responses at freely moving crickets in the right visual hemifield supports the earlier findings drawn from automated and familiar model insect prey. We present a hypothesis explaining differences in hemispheric processing in toads responding to 'novel' and 'familiar' prey types, utilizing a range of long-term memories found to be lateralized in other vertebrates.  相似文献   

Haptic recognition of familiar objects by the early blind, the late blind, and the sighted was investigated with two-dimensional (2-D) and three-dimensional (3-D) stimuli produced by small tactor-pins. The 2-D stimulus was an outline of an object that was depicted by raising tactor-pins to 1.5 mm. The 3-D stimulus was a relief that was produced by raising the tactors up to 10 mm, corresponding to the height of the object. Mean recognition times for correct answers to the 3-D stimuli were faster than those for the 2-D stimuli, in all three subject groups. No statistically significant differences in percentage of correct responses between the 2-D and the 3-D stimuli were found for the late-blind and sighted groups, but the early-blind group demonstrated a significant difference. In addition, the haptic legibility for the quality of depiction of the object, without regard to whether or not the stimulus was understood, was measured. The haptic legibility of the 3-D stimuli was significantly higher than that of the 2-D stimuli for all the groups. These results suggest that 3-D presentation seems to promise a way to overcome the limitations of 2-D graphic display.  相似文献   

In a free-emission procedure participants were asked to generate instances of a given category and to report, retrospectively, the strategies that they were aware of using in retrieving instances. In two studies reported here, participants generated instances for common categories (e.g. fruit) and for ad hoc categories (e.g., things people keep in their pockets) for 90 seconds and for each category described how they had proceeded in doing so. Analysis of the protocols identified three broad classes of strategy: (1) experiential, where memories of specific or generic personal experiences involving interactions with the category instances acted as cues; (2) semantic, where a consideration of abstract conceptual characteristics of a category were employed to retrieve category exemplars; (3) unmediated, where instances were effortlessly retrieved without mediating cognitions of which subjects were aware. Experiential strategies outnumbered semantic strategies (on average 4 to 1) not only for ad hoc categories but also for common categories. This pattern was noticeably reversed for ad hoc categories that subjects were unlikely to have experienced personally (e.g. things sold on the black market in Russia). Whereas more traditional accounts of semantic memory have favoured decontextualised abstract representations of category knowledge, to the extent that mode of access informs us of knowledge structures, our data suggest that category knowledge is significantly grounded in terms of everyday contexts where category instances are encountered.  相似文献   

Cognitive Processing - Divergent thinking is widely recognised as an individual creative potential and an essential factor in fostering creativity since the early stages of life. Albeit previous...  相似文献   

The present study investigated sensitivity to age differences in a novel executive function (EF) battery for children aged 18 months to 5 years, and whether the pattern of associations among the measures was consistent with a hierarchical model of EF development. Participants (n = 261, aged 18–67 months) were administered a battery of novel tasks designed to assess 3 key EF components (working memory, inhibition, and shifting). The results indicate that the EF tasks were sensitive to age differences and provide partial support for the hierarchical model of EF development.  相似文献   

This study tested participants' preparedness to acknowledge that an object could change as a result of magical intervention. Six- and 9-year-old children and adults treated perceived and imagined objects as being equally permanent. Adults treated a fantastic object as significantly less permanent than either perceived or imagined objects. Results were similar when a different type of mental-physical causality--a participant's own wish--was examined. Adults were also tested on the permanence of personally significant imagined objects (participants' images of their future lives). Although almost all participants claimed that they did not believe in magic, in test trials they were not prepared to rule out the possibility that their future lives could be affected by a magical curse.  相似文献   

We examined the contribution of executive control to individual differences in response time (RT) for naming objects and actions. Following Miyake et al., executive control was assumed to include updating, shifting, and inhibiting abilities, which were assessed using operation span, task-switching, and stop-signal tasks, respectively. Experiment 1 showed that updating ability was significantly correlated with the mean RT of action naming, but not of object naming. This finding was replicated in Experiment 2 using a larger stimulus set. Inhibiting ability was significantly correlated with the mean RT of both action and object naming, whereas shifting ability was not correlated with the mean naming RTs. Ex-Gaussian analyses of the RT distributions revealed that updating ability was correlated with the distribution tail of both action and object naming, whereas inhibiting ability was correlated with the leading edge of the distribution for action naming and the tail for object naming. Shifting ability provided no independent contribution. These results indicate that the executive control abilities of updating and inhibiting contribute to the speed of naming objects and actions, although there are differences in the way and extent these abilities are involved.  相似文献   

We examined the contribution of executive control to individual differences in response time (RT) for naming objects and actions. Following Miyake et al., executive control was assumed to include updating, shifting, and inhibiting abilities, which were assessed using operation span, task-switching, and stop-signal tasks, respectively. Experiment 1 showed that updating ability was significantly correlated with the mean RT of action naming, but not of object naming. This finding was replicated in Experiment 2 using a larger stimulus set. Inhibiting ability was significantly correlated with the mean RT of both action and object naming, whereas shifting ability was not correlated with the mean naming RTs. Ex-Gaussian analyses of the RT distributions revealed that updating ability was correlated with the distribution tail of both action and object naming, whereas inhibiting ability was correlated with the leading edge of the distribution for action naming and the tail for object naming. Shifting ability provided no independent contribution. These results indicate that the executive control abilities of updating and inhibiting contribute to the speed of naming objects and actions, although there are differences in the way and extent these abilities are involved.  相似文献   

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