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本文采用临床访谈法探讨了人际因素对5、7、9岁儿童内疚情绪理解的促进作用,研究发现人际因素如教师评价确实能促进儿童表现出更高的理解内疚情绪的能力,具体结果为:(1)教师评价促进7岁和9岁儿童对违规者的错误行为采取恰当的情绪归因。(2)对于违规者的错误行为,教师评价促进7岁和9岁儿童更多地采取弥补行为。(3)教师评价促进7岁和9岁儿童对内疚三个层次的理解,同时也促进5岁儿童对内疚第一层次的理解。  相似文献   

张晓贤  桑标  洪芳 《应用心理学》2010,16(4):349-355
社会性害怕和内疚都属于个体体验到的消极情绪,但这两种消极情绪对个体而言都有积极的社会意义,本研究采用临床访谈的方法,以9岁和11岁儿童为被试,探讨他们对内疚与社会性害怕这两种情绪的理解能力,结果发现,(1)随年龄的增长,9-11岁儿童对内疚情绪的理解能力不断提高,但儿童到了11岁仍然不能很好地理解内疚的第二、第三层次。(2)相对于模糊故事,在内疚故事中,儿童表现出更高的对内疚三个层次的理解。(3)两个年龄组的儿童都能很好地理解社会性害怕情绪。因而本研究认为,儿童对社会性害怕情绪的理解明显好于对内疚情绪的理解,且儿童对内疚的理解可能建立在对社会性害怕理解的基础上。  相似文献   

由特定情境诱发的道德情绪与后续的道德干预行为关系密切;而面对不同人际身份的违规者,当事人的道德情绪感受可能差异较大。本研究以大学生为被试探究不同道德情境中道德情绪和道德干预倾向之间的关系,以及违规者人际身份在其中的作用。结果发现:(1)相比不道德程度低的情境,在不道德程度高的情境中被试感受到更多内疚、羞耻和愤怒等道德情...  相似文献   

研究试图考察5~9岁儿童对梦的可控性的理解及其发展趋势.研究以半结构式访谈的方法测查了5岁、7岁、9岁各36名共108名儿童.访谈内容包括四个故事情景,故事的主人公想梦到或不想梦到某事物.其中两个故事情景带有正性或负性情绪色彩,其余两个故事情景带有中性情绪色彩.要求被试判断主人公是否会梦到该事物,并给出自己的理由.研究结果发现:(1)9岁儿童比5岁、7岁儿童更好地理解梦是不受个体意愿控制的心理过程;(2)5岁儿童倾向于认为负性情绪且不想梦见的梦较中性情绪且不想梦见的梦更容易被控制,而7岁、9岁儿童则不这么认为.这些结果说明随着年龄增长,儿童逐渐认识到梦是不可控的心理过程,而且5岁儿童认为负性梦更容易控制.  相似文献   

张晓贤  桑标 《心理科学》2012,35(2):314-320
为考察儿童内疚情绪对其亲社会行为的影响,本研究采用现场实验的方法探讨了小学5年级学生内疚情绪与其亲社会行为的关系。结果显示:(1)内疚情绪能促进儿童亲社会行为水平的提高,难过情绪不能促进儿童亲社会行为水平的提高;(2)当儿童将注意力集中于自己对团体造成的不良影响,产生内疚情绪,但如果其将注意力集中于自己的不良结果时,则产生难过情绪。结论:儿童的消极情绪是否能促进其亲社会行为水平的提高,取决于其将注意力集中于自己还是他人。  相似文献   

马伟娜  姚雨佳  曹亮 《心理科学》2011,34(6):1397-1402
采用情绪理解测验和同伴提名法,探讨7-11岁儿童情绪理解层次发展及其与同伴接纳的关系。结果发现,儿童情绪理解随年龄增长而发展,情绪理解层次发展早晚存在差异,混合情绪和道德情绪理解发展最晚。被拒绝和被忽视儿童的情绪理解测验总分显著低于受欢迎、一般型和矛盾型儿童,矛盾型儿童的总分显著低于受欢迎儿童,他们的情绪调节、混合情绪及道德情绪理解得分也各有差异,表明同伴接纳是学龄儿童情绪理解层次发展的影响因素之一。  相似文献   

张琨  方平  姜媛  于悦  欧阳恒磊 《心理科学进展》2014,22(10):1628-1636
几十年来, 内疚备受国内外研究者的关注, 其研究多从儿童发展、心理健康等方面展开。而近些年, 研究者关注的焦点开始转向内疚的道德层面, 即关注人际交往或社会事件中情绪的道德价值。内疚作为一种道德情绪, 是伴随道德意识的发展而发展的, 在维持和修复社会关系以及情绪情感发展中起着重要作用。因此, 文章从道德视角对内疚的界定、产生机制、行为反应以及亲社会作用等方面进行了梳理和探讨, 以期为国内的同类研究提供一些新的线索。  相似文献   

运用故事情境的临床访谈方法,本研究考察了4岁和6岁儿童在亲社会情境的道德情绪判断及其归因模式,研究结果表明:(1)在亲社会道德情境中,年幼儿童倾向于判断行为者产生消极的情绪体验,年长儿童则作出积极的情绪判断;(2)在归因定向中,4岁儿童以结果定向为主,6岁儿童出现了由结果定向到道德定向的过渡;(3)亲社会情境的类型不影响儿童的道德情绪判断及归因;(4)在观点采择任务中,甚至4岁儿童也能对自己的情绪体验作出合乎道德准则的判断和归因。  相似文献   

意图明确条件下小学儿童对说谎的理解与道德评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究对 7、9和 1 1岁儿童进行了说谎概念的理解与道德评价的研究。研究的目的是想揭示小学儿童在说话者意图明显的条件下对说谎的理解和道德评价中的认知特点。结果发现 ,“事实”因素是影响儿童理解“说谎”的决定因素 ;对说谎 /说真话的道德评价则不同于理解 ,至少到 9岁时 ,儿童的评价依据已由“事实”因素开始转向考虑说话者内在心理过程的“交往目的”因素 ,“情景”因素对道德评价也有一定的作用。  相似文献   

本研究比较了幼儿及小学儿童在亲社会与反社会情境下对说谎/说真话的理解及幼儿对其所作的道德评价上的年龄差异.结果表明自4岁开始儿童能够明确地理解说谎/说真话,并作出相应的道德判断.但3岁幼儿无论是对说谎/说真话概念的判断,还是道德评价,不能对行为与言语作明确的区别.习俗性特征对说谎概念判断的影响始于9岁.  相似文献   

Aggressive and prosocial children's emotion attributions and moral reasoning were investigated. Participants were 235 kindergarten children (M=6.2 years) and 136 elementary-school children (M=7.6 years) who were selected as aggressive or prosocial based on (kindergarten) teacher ratings. The children were asked to evaluate hypothetical rule violations, attribute emotions they would feel in the role of the victimizer, and justify their responses. Compared with younger prosocial children, younger aggressive children attributed fewer negative emotions and were more likely to provide sanction-oriented justifications when evaluating rule violations negatively. Furthermore, age-, gender- and context-effects in moral development occurred. The context-effects included both effects of transgression type (i.e., prosocial morality vs. fairness) on emotion attributions and moral reasoning and the effects of the context of moral evaluation and emotion attribution on moral reasoning. Findings are discussed in terms of the role of emotion attributions and moral reasoning as antecedents of children's aggressive and prosocial behavior.  相似文献   

运用故事情境的临床访谈方法,考察了不同匹配情境对4-6岁儿童道德情绪判断及归因的影响.结果表明(1)当行为意图与行为结果匹配时,即便4岁幼儿也能做出正确的道德和情绪判断;当两者非匹配时,儿童的道德判断和情绪判断都不稳定;(2)在情绪归因过程中,年幼儿童以结果定向为主,年长儿童以意图定向为主;(3)4-6岁儿童在情绪判断任务中不存在年龄差异;(4)道德情境的冲突性因素影响了幼儿的道德情绪判断及归因.  相似文献   

采用故事情境法探讨6~10岁儿童对损人情境下损人者和旁观者的道德情绪判断与归因的发展。结果发现:(1)在损人情境下,6岁儿童能理解损人行为是不对的,但直到8岁儿童才能理解旁观行为是不对的;(2)随着年龄增长,儿童判断损人者的愉悦程度逐渐降低,情绪归因从结果定向过渡到道德定向;儿童判断旁观者的愉悦程度逐渐降低,情绪归因从无法有效归因过渡到道德定向;(3)儿童对不同行为者的道德情绪判断同时受年龄和性别的影响,6岁男孩判断损人者愉悦程度显著高于女孩,6岁男孩判断旁观者愉悦程度显著低于女孩;8岁和10岁儿童对两类行为者的道德情绪判断未发现显著的性别差异。  相似文献   

幼儿情绪理解、亲社会行为与同伴接纳之间的关系   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
以131名3~6岁的儿童为被试,探讨了不同层次情绪理解能力的发展及其与儿童的亲社会行为、同伴接纳之间的关系。结果表明,儿童的表情识别、情绪解码和二级情绪理解能力表现出了不同的发展趋势;在总体上,儿童的情绪解码能力和亲社会行为能显著地预测其同伴接纳;情绪理解和亲社会行为对儿童同伴接纳的影响存在一定的年龄效应,情绪解码能力是年幼儿童同伴接纳的最佳预测变量,亲社会行为则是年长儿童同伴接纳的最佳预测变量。  相似文献   

Children's understanding of sadness and guilt and of guilt and shame were examined in two separate studies, each involving a total of 60 Italian children aged 5-6, 7-8, and 9-10 years. For each emotion, the children were individually interviewed; they were asked to describe antecedents, thoughts characterizing the emotion that was the subject of the interview, and the action tendencies a person might use in response to the emotion. The children were also asked if, and if so, how, the presence of a parent might affect the emotion, and how they would cope with the situation. Results showed that at all the ages considered in this study, the children knew about the three emotions, although there were some age differences related to the depth of their understanding. Such data show that children's understanding of social emotions occurs earlier than claimed in previous studies that have focused mainly on antecedents.  相似文献   

For centuries economists and psychologists have argued that the morality of moral emotions lies in the fact that they stimulate prosocial behavior and benefit others in a person's social environment. Many studies have shown that guilt, arguably the most exemplary moral emotion, indeed motivates prosocial behavior in dyadic social dilemma situations. When multiple persons are involved, however, the moral and prosocial nature of this emotion can be questioned. The present article shows how guilt can have beneficial effects for the victim of one's actions but also disadvantageous effects for other people in the social environment. A series of experiments, with various emotion inductions and dependent measures, all reveal that guilt motivates prosocial behavior toward the victim at the expense of others around-but not at the expense of oneself. These findings illustrate that a thorough understanding of the functioning of emotions is necessary to understand their moral nature.  相似文献   

One line of research on children's attributions of guilt suggests that 3‐year‐olds attribute negative emotion to self‐serving victimizers, slightly older children attribute happiness, and with increasing age, attributions become negative again (i.e., a three‐step model; Yuill et al., 1996, Br. J. Dev. Psychol., 14, 457). Another line of research provides reason to expect that 3‐year‐olds may be predisposed to view self‐serving moral transgression as leading to positive emotion; this is a linear developmental model in which emotion attributions to transgressors become increasingly negative over the course of childhood (e.g., Nunner‐Winkler & Sodian, 1988, Child Dev., 59, 1323). However, key differences in methodology make it difficult to compare across these findings. The present study was designed to address this problem. We asked how 3‐ to 9‐year‐old children (n = 111) reason about transgression scenarios that involve satisfying wicked desires (wanting to cause harm and doing so successfully) versus material desires (wanting an object and getting it successfully via harmful behaviour). Three‐year‐old children reasoned differently about desire and emotion across these two types of transgressions, attributing negative emotion in the case of wicked desires and positive emotion in the case of material desires. This pattern of emotion attribution by young children provides new information about how young children process information about desires and emotions in the moral domain, and it bridges a gap in the existing literature on this topic.  相似文献   

使用追踪设计,以68对母婴为被试,探讨母亲养育质量、陪伴时间影响儿童共情发展的机制。在婴儿期(9、14个月)评估母亲将心比心并调查母亲每周陪伴婴儿的总时间与母亲参与的互动时间;在儿童5岁时,采用“陌生人假装受伤情境”范式测查儿童共情。结果发现:(1)婴儿期母亲恰当的心理相关评论能够正向预测5岁时儿童的行为共情,而对情绪共情与认知共情的预测则受到婴儿期母亲陪伴总时间的调节:母亲恰当的心理相关评论能够显著正向预测陪伴总时间短的儿童的情绪共情与母亲陪伴总时间长的儿童的认知共情;(2)婴儿期母亲不协同的心理相关评论能够显著正向预测儿童5岁时的认知共情;(3)婴儿期母亲陪伴总时间能够显著正向预测5岁时儿童的情绪共情。  相似文献   

Children with incarcerated mothers are at high risk for developing problem behaviors. Fifty children (6–12 years; 62% girls) participated in summer camps, along with adult mentors. Regression analyses of child and adult measures of child’s emotion self-regulation and callous-unemotional traits, and a child measure of moral emotions, showed that poor emotion regulation, along with low levels of guilt and high levels of shame, predicted children’s externalizing behaviors, while only low levels of guilt predicted a unique subset of child characteristics called callous-unemotional traits. Children who experienced healthy guilt for misdeeds were better able to control their behavior. Adults noted the ability of children with callous/unemotional traits to manage and regulate their emotions, while poor emotion regulation was more predictive of the cluster of externalizing problems. Discussion focuses on prevention efforts aimed at teaching emotion self-regulation and the implications of the high levels of callous-unemotional traits in this population of children.  相似文献   

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