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随机抽取日本东京两所大学在校大学生80名,其中男女各半.采用2×2混合实验设计和实验性分离范式研究性别刻板印象,并将研究结果与前期中国文化背景下的研究结果进行比较,以探讨两种不同文化背景下的性别刻板印象之内隐与外显性别效应,结果发现:在两种不同的文化背景下,均存在显著的外显性别刻板印象和内隐性别刻板印象效应;外显性别刻板印象的内容是"男刚女柔",在中国文化背景下,两性均表现为自尊倾向,在日本文化背景下表现为女性自尊、男性尊他倾向;内隐性别刻板印象的内容是"男优女劣",表现为女性自卑、男性自信的倾向.  相似文献   

广告中性别刻板印象信息的内隐效应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王沛  孙连荣 《心理科学》2007,30(3):540-542,528
尝试采用以图片为实验材料及不同步骤的IAT程序测量广告中性别刻板印象的内隐效应及其操作强度,结果表明:(1)广告中的性别刻板印象具有很强的内隐效应;(2)高刻板化程度者具有更强的内隐性别刻板效应;(3)当刺激材料为图片时,不同的IAT程序测得的内隐性别刻板效应不同。  相似文献   

性别刻板印象是在继种族刻板印象之后,逐渐受到研究者们关注的热点问题。本文运用内隐联想测量法来探讨大学生性别一学科刻板印象的加工模式,采用3×2×2的三因素完全随机设计进行实验研究。结果表明:内隐和外显的性别-学科刻板印象出现了实验分离现象。三个不同的内隐测量组的被试均不同程度认为男女性在学习文科时能力相当,学习理科方面则男性明显优于女性。但在外显测试中被试们却认为两者在学习文理科时无差异。结论:内隐性别一学科刻板印象更倾向于一种自动化加工,采用的是“自上而下”的省时省力加工模式。而外显性别一学科刻板印象趋向于自动加工与控制加工相结合,是一种“自下而上”、“三思而答”的加工模式。  相似文献   

内隐数学-性别刻板印象的SEB研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
马芳  梁宁建 《心理科学》2006,29(5):1116-1118,1115
本研究采用SEB实验设计,考察大学生的内隐数学-性别刻板印象。结果发现,SEB方法能显著地检测到大学生普遍存在“男性比女性更擅长数学”这样的内隐数学-性别刻板印象;SEB所测量到的内隐数学-性别刻板印象没有性别差异,所测得的内隐数学-性别刻板印象也没有专业差异。  相似文献   

刻板印象的内隐效应与内-外群体效应的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
王沛 《心理科学》2001,24(2):178-180
采用间接测量方法分别探讨刻板印象的内隐效应与内一外群体效应。实验结果表明:(1)内隐刻板印象是存在的,并且在很大程度上是一种无意识内隐影响的表现;(2)刻板印象是一个自动化的过程;(3)刻板印象表现出强烈的“内—外群体效应”。  相似文献   

为了了解不同性别大学生的性别情绪刻板印象,并分析内隐和外显测验的关系,对280名大学生进行了外显连线测试,对87名大学生进行了内隐联想测验。结果发现:在内隐和外显测验中,男女大学生均存在性别情绪刻板印象,将男性名字更多地与愤怒词相联系,将女性名字更多地与高兴词相联系;男女大学生的性别情绪刻板印象程度存在极其显著的差异,女生更明显地表现出"男性更容易愤怒、女性更容易高兴"的偏见;被试的内隐和外显性别情绪刻板印象相关不显著,是两个不同的建构。  相似文献   

大学生内隐职业偏见和内隐职业性别刻板印象研究   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
于泳红 《心理科学》2003,26(4):672-675
本研究采用内隐联想测验和相应的外显报告考察了大学生被试在职业偏见和职业性别刻板印象中的态度。结果表明,被试的内隐和外显态度出现了分离,大学生中普遍存在着内隐职业偏见和职业性别刻板印象。该研究再次证明了内隐联想测验是一种有效的测量内隐态度的方法。  相似文献   

高中生内隐和外显职业性别刻板印象关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究采用内隐联想测验和相应的外显问卷考察高中生被试的职业性别刻板印象.结果表明,高中生被试内隐和外显职业性别刻板印象未出现实验性结构分离,外显层面和内隐层面均存在职业性别刻板印象,两层面性别差异均不显著.  相似文献   

采用内隐联想测验和刻板解释偏差两种测量内隐社会认知的方法考察了60名大学生被试的内隐职业性别刻板印象。结果表明,大学生也存在非常明显的内隐职业性别刻板印象,刻板程度在性别、专业上没有显著差异。在男女职业评价刻板印象上,男大学生表现出非常明显的刻板印象,女大学生的观念已有所改变。用内隐联想测验和刻板解释偏差测量这两种方法测量大学生的内隐职业性别刻板印象,在被试的性别变量上得到的结果不一致。  相似文献   

内隐刻板印象研究综述   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
王沛 《心理科学进展》2002,10(1):97-101
内隐刻板印象是存在的,并且比较集中地体现在内隐种族刻板印象、内隐性别刻板印象等方面.在相关研究的基础上,逐渐形成了判断潜伏期测量、投射测量等有效捕捉和研究内隐刻板印象的间接测量方法.  相似文献   

Powlishta  Kimberly K. 《Sex roles》2000,42(3-4):271-282
Two studies investigated the impact of target age on gender stereotyping. Study 1 examined whether the attribution of gender-stereotypical traits to unfamiliar individuals varies as a function of target and participant age. Adults and children (ages 8–10 years) viewed photographs of men, women, boys, and girls and rated each pictured individual on the possession of masculine, feminine, and gender-neutral personality traits. Both adult and child participants showed evidence of gender stereotyping. The strongest level of stereotyping was seen when adults rated child targets. Adults were particularly unwilling to attribute feminine characteristics to males. Finally, participants of both ages viewed adult targets (regardless of sex) as more masculine and less feminine than child targets. Study 2 examined the generality of the latter finding. Adult participants rated traditionally masculine and feminine traits on the likelihood of possession by adults versus children. Confirming the results of Study 1, feminine traits were believed to be more childlike/less adultlike than were masculine traits. Implications for gender-role development, socialization, and measurement are discussed.  相似文献   

Sylvia Beyer 《Sex roles》1999,40(9-10):787-813
This research assessed the accuracy of academicgender stereotypes. Approximately 9% of participantswere nonwhite (mostly African American and Hispanic).Participants' estimates of the percentage of female and male students and their GPAs were comparedto the actual percentage of female and male students andtheir actual GPAs in 12 majors. Participantssignificantly underestimated the percentage of female students regardless of the gendertype of themajor. Females and males made more accurate percentageestimates for gender-congruent majors. Participantsoverestimated the GPAs of male students significantly more than the GPAs of female students. This wasespecially pronounced for masculine majors. Althoughfemale participants estimated the GPAs of their in-groupmore accurately than the GPAs of the out-group, the reverse was true for male participants. Theimplications of this evidence for inaccurate genderstereotypes regarding academic competence arediscussed.  相似文献   

文章首先介绍了性别角色定型的相关概念和广告中性别角色定型研究的理论基础,然后从内容分析和受众反应两个角度回顾并总结了有关电视广告中性别角色定型的研究。内容分析的结果表明:虽然经过了20多年的女权运动,电视广告中的性别角色定型并没有减弱;电视广告中的性别角色定型具有国际普遍性。受众反应的结果表明:受众对电视广告中的性别角色定型的反应是一个复杂的过程,会受到多种因素,比如性别、年龄、受教育程度和女性主义意识等的影响  相似文献   

性别刻板印象对人们有着重要影响.反性别刻板的行为违背了人们对性别角色的期望和要求,人们为了维护自己的性别刻板印象会采用不同的策略来对反性别刻板的行为作出反应.文章介绍了认知过程中对反性别刻板信息的抗拒和行为反应中对反性别刻板行为的抵制功能模型,分析了人们维护性别刻板印象的心理机制,并对有关性别刻板印象维护的研究进行了评价和展望.  相似文献   

In three studies we investigated gender stereotypes of emotions among four ethnic groups in the U.S., using persons from these groups as informants about their own groups. European Americans’ reports of stereotypes were compared to those of African Americans (Study 1), Hispanic Americans (Study 2), and Asian Americans (Study 3). The examination of group differences was interpreted based on variations across ethnicities in norms concerning emotional expression and gender roles. Overall, gender stereotypes of emotion were evident among all ethnic groups studied, but European Americans’ gender stereotypes were the most gender differentiated. For example, European American stereotypes held that men express more pride than women do, but African Americans’ stereotypes of pride for men and women did not differ. Similarly, whereas among European Americans, women were stereotyped to express much more love than men do, the gender difference was smaller among Hispanic Americans and Asian Americans. These different norms may pose challenges for inter-cultural interactions, and they point to the importance of considering both gender and ethnicity simultaneously in the study of emotions.  相似文献   

性别刻板印象维护的心理机制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
刘晅  佐斌 《心理科学进展》2006,14(3):456-461
性别刻板印象对人们有着重要影响。反性别刻板的行为违背了人们对性别角色的期望和要求,人们为了维护自己的性别刻板印象会采用不同的策略来对反性别刻板的行为作出反应。文章介绍了认知过程中对反性别刻板信息的抗拒和行为反应中对反性别刻板行为的抵制功能模型,分析了人们维护性别刻板印象的心理机制,并对有关性别刻板印象维护的研究进行了评价和展望  相似文献   

Williams  John E.  Satterwhite  Robert C.  Best  Deborah L. 《Sex roles》1999,40(7-8):513-525
Williams and Best's (1982, 1990a) cross-culturalgender stereotype data from 25 countries, previouslyanalyzed in terms of affective meanings, ego states, andpsychological needs, were re-analyzed in terms of the Five Factor Model (FFM) of personality.In each country, participants were approximately 100university students, equally divided by gender. Withresults averaged across all countries, it was found that the pancultural male stereotype was higherthan the pancultural female stereotype on Extraversion,Conscientiousness, Emotional Stability, and Openness toExperience while the pancultural female stereotype was higher on Agreeableness. Re-analysis of thestereotype data from Japan and Pakistan, which had beenfound relatively atypical in previous analyses, revealedFFM profiles generally similar to the pancultural profiles. The evaluative nature of each factoris discussed and related to the stereotypes associalization models.  相似文献   

Gender Stereotypes in Portuguese Television Advertisements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Neto  Felix  Pinto  Isabel 《Sex roles》1998,39(1-2):153-164
This study examined the portrayal of men andwomen in a sample of Portuguese television commercials,attempting to replicate and extend past investigationsdone in America, Australia, Britain, and Italy. The aim was to update Portuguese research andto compare findings across cultures. Three hundred andfour evening commercials were content analyzed by tworaters, one male and the other female, to check reliability. The attributes of each of theircentral figures were classified into 11 categories:gender, mode of presentation, credibility, role,location, age, argument, reward type, product type,background, and end comment. Strong evidence of differencesin the presentation of male and female characteristicswas obtained. The implications of results for thedevelopment and maintenance of gender roles arediscussed.  相似文献   

Arima  Akie N. 《Sex roles》2003,49(1-2):81-90
The aim of this study was to reveal gender portrayal types in Japanese television advertisements through content analysis. Five hundred and thirty-one adult main characters were coded for sex, age, ethnic background, credibility, role, place, dress, background, persuasion type, camera work, camera angle, product type, target, and sex of voice-over. Five types were found by performing quick cluster analysis: beautiful and wise housewives, young ladies attracting people's attention, young celebrities, middle- and old-aged people enjoying private time, and middle-aged worker bee. The first three were mainly women and the latter two were mainly men. The results indicate that in Japanese television advertisements men and women are portrayed differently, and the differences correspond with traditional gender stereotypes.  相似文献   

This study was designed to compare implicit and explicit occupational gender stereotypes for three occupations (engineer, accountant, and elementary school teacher). These occupations represented the end points and middle of a masculine–feminine continuum of explicit occupational gender stereotypes. Implicit stereotypes were assessed using the Implicit Association Test (IAT), which is believed to minimize self-presentational biases common with explicit measures of occupational gender stereotypes. IAT results for the most gender stereotyped occupations, engineer (masculine) and elementary school teacher (feminine), were comparable to explicit ratings. There was less agreement with less stereotyped comparisons. Results indicated that accounting was implicitly perceived as more masculine than explicit measures indicate, which calls into question reports of diminishing gender stereotyping for such occupations.  相似文献   

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