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Anecdotal reports as well as behavioral studies have suggested that creative performance benefits from unconscious processes. So far, however, little is known about how creative ideas arise from the brain. In the current study, we aimed to investigate the neural correlates of creativity by means of structural MRI research. Given that unconscious and less controlled processes are important in creative thinking, structural brain research may find a positive correlation between well‐established creativity measures and cortical thickness in brain structures of the default mode network (i.e., the counterpart of the cognitive control network). Individuals performed the Alternative Uses task by which an individual's cognitive flexibility and the average uniqueness and average creativity of a participant's ideas were assessed. We computed optimized voxel‐based‐morphometry (VBM) to explore the correlation between inter‐individual differences in creativity and inter‐individual differences in gray matter volume. For all creativity measures, a positive correlation was found between creative performance and gray matter volume of the default mode network. These findings support the idea that the default mode network is important in creativity, and provide neurostructural support for the idea that unconscious forms of information processing are important in creativity. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

An enduring tendency towards negative thinking is thought to increase vulnerability for future depression. However, it has not been possible to assess this tendency in non-depressed mood states. We examined if response latency to endorse dysfunctional attitudes is associated with depressive outcomes in a longitudinal study. A sample of young people at familial risk of depression (N?=?252, aged 10–19, 56.3 % female) completed a computer-administered dysfunctional attitude scale. The main outcome measure was the difference in reaction time to agree versus disagree with dysfunctional attitudes. Cross-sectional differences between current and previous depression and no psychiatric disorder groups as well as longitudinal associations with depressive symptoms were examined. Young people with current and previous depression were quicker to agree with dysfunctional attitudes than those without disorder. In young people free from depressive disorder, faster agreements with dysfunctional attitudes were specifically associated with increased depressive symptoms over time. Self-reported dysfunctional attitudes did not differentiate the formerly depressed and no disorder groups and showed a longitudinal association with depressive symptoms for older adolescents only. Reaction time to endorse dysfunctional attitudes may indicate changes in affective processing that represent an early risk for future depression that is not indexed by self-report measures of negative thought.  相似文献   

李雨  舒华 《心理科学进展》2014,22(2):234-249
认知神经科学的迅速发展使得研究者对大脑的功能有了深刻的认识。近些年来, 研究者对大脑在进行外在注意任务时产生的负激活有了更多的了解, 默认网络(Default Mode Network)的概念被提出, 并引起了很多神经科学家的关注, 关于默认网络的相关理论也已提出。当前综述对默认网络的研究历史, 概念理论, 个体和种系发展, 及其与疾病的关系以及临床应用等方面进行了概括总结。未来研究可从默认网络的个体发展, 种系差异, 与其他大脑网络(如注意网络, 视觉网络, 执行控制网络)的关系以及与具体疾病的关系等角度入手进行研究, 共同来探讨默认网络的神经机制。  相似文献   

双重加工模型认为人类拥有两种信息加工模式,联想模式是快速、不需努力的加工,以良好学习联想(Well-learned associations)为基础:反思模式是慢速的、需要付出努力的加工,建立在基于规则的符号推理基础上,联想模式的发生是自动化的,当预期被违反时,执行反思模式,并需要足够的认知资源.当反思加工没有校正消极的有偏向的联想加工时,就会表现出抑郁的认知易感性.双重加工模型对抑郁认知易感性的评估、病原学和治疗提出了新的看法.  相似文献   

抑郁认知易感性应激模式的研究:起源、发展和整合   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
近年来,对抑郁易感性的研究,已经成为探寻抑郁心理病理的一个热点。文章介绍了抑郁易感性应激模型的相关定义、起源、及主要特点。介绍了在当代具有代表性的3个理论:(1)Abramson的抑郁无望理论;(2)Beck的认知易感理论;(3)双信息过程理论。尤其对抑郁认知易感性因素本身的起源、发展及影响因素进行了评述。最后,介绍了整合的抑郁认知易感性应激模型。在此基础上,提出了模型进一步完善和发展的方向  相似文献   

利他惩罚是指在团体中与他人合作, 并不惜花费个人代价去惩罚不合作者以维护群体规范的一种利他行为。这种行为所具有的利他特征, 可能是人类在漫长进化过程中形成的一种特定行为模式, 是人类本性的一个组成部分。本文结合已有研究, 总结了可用于研究利他惩罚的主要范式, 回顾了利他惩罚的进化背景, 从大量实证性文献中提炼出 “不公平厌恶”及“心理理论和共情”两个维度来阐释引起利他惩罚行为的认知-情绪加工机制, 并整合了与其相关的脑神经证据, 最后对该研究领域未来的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to examine existing research on social cognitive factors that may, in part, mediate the relationship between socioeconomic status (SES) and coronary heart disease (CHD). We focus on how social status is 'carried' in the mental systems of individuals, and how these systems differentially affect CHD risk and associated behaviors. To this end, literatures documenting the association of various social cognitive factors (e.g., social comparison, perceived discrimination, and self-efficacy) with cardiovascular disease are reviewed as are literatures regarding the relationship of these factors to SES. Possible mechanisms through which social cognitions may affect health are addressed. In addition, directions for future research are discussed, and a model identifying the possible associations between social cognitive factors, SES, and coronary disease is provided.  相似文献   

利用社会环境剥夺建立的精神分裂症动物模型,是当前研究精神分裂症神经生物学机制的一个热点课题.作为一种重要的早期社会剥夺方式,出生后至断乳前的母婴分离日益受到关注.文章综合阐述了母婴分离对啮齿类动物行为及神经发育影响的最新研究成果,表明母婴分离可以部分模拟精神分裂症的行为及中枢表现,证实了该模型的可行性;并进一步分析了影响实验结果的各种相关因素,为今后采用该模型进行深入研究提供一定的理论支持.  相似文献   

Neuropsychological research provides a useful framework to study emotional problems, such as depression, and their correlates. This paper reviews several prominent neuropsychological theories. Functional neuroanatomical systems of emotion and depression are reviewed, including those that describe cerebral asymmetries in emotional processing. Following the review, a model that is composed of three neuroanatomical divisions (left frontal, right frontal, and right posterior) and corresponding neuropsychological emotional sequelae within each quadrant is presented. It is proposed that dysfunction in any of these quadrants could lead to symptomatology consistent with a diagnosis of depression. The proposed model combines theories of arousal, lateralization, and functional cerebral space and lends itself to scientific methods of investigation. Accordingly, research, prevention, and treatment programs in accordance with the proposed model may promote an improved understanding of the neuropsychological mechanisms involved in depression.  相似文献   

复吸是药物成瘾的重要特征,应激是诱发复吸的因素之一。该文介绍了用于研究应激诱发复吸的动物恢复模型,阐述了涉及应激诱发复吸的神经生物学基础。大量研究结果表明,下丘脑外侧的终纹床核与杏仁核内的促肾上腺皮质激素释放因子和去甲肾上腺素是参与应激诱发复吸的重要神经递质。内侧前额叶皮层可能是介导应激、药物点燃及药物相关线索等各类因素诱发复吸的共同通路  相似文献   

崔丽霞  史光远  张玉静  于园 《心理学报》2012,44(11):1501-1514
Beck抑郁认知理论认为功能失调性态度和自动思维对抑郁的形成和发展有着重要的影响, 但是不同水平的认知因素在青少年抑郁中起什么样的作用还有待于进一步的研究。根据Oei和Kwon (2007)综合认知模型(ICM), 我们假设在青少年负性生活事件和抑郁症状间功能失调性态度是调节变量, 而自动思维是中介变量。研究采用开学初和临近期末间隔近四个月两个时间点的纵向数据搜集方式, 对613名初中生施以青少年生活事件量表(ASLEC)、功能失调性态度问卷(DAS)、自动思维问卷(ATQ)以及流调中心用抑郁量表(CES-D), 然后通过路径分析对模型进行了拟合度和性别差异检验, 结果表明:(1)各变量显著相关(p<0.01), 且各变量间隔四个月两个时间点的分数差异显著(p<0.01); (2)修正后的青少年抑郁综合认知模型较好地拟了数据, 且功能失调性态度与负性生活事件的交互作用对自动思维的影响上女生的路径系数显著大于男生。结论:功能失调性态度在负性生活事件和青少年抑郁症状间起调节作用, 而自动思维从中起到了认知中介的作用, 且该模型性别差异显著。  相似文献   

由于视角和侧重点的差异, 无望抑郁认知研究基本上可以分为两大取向。一是以认知易感-压力模型为核心, 围绕“无望”展开的病因学研究, 关注认知危险因素、消极生活事件与无望以及抑郁风险之间的关系。二是以恢复模型为核心, 围绕重获“希望”展开的无望抑郁恢复研究, 关注认知保护因素、积极生活事件与重获希望以及抑郁缓解之间的关系。厘清一些相关问题、整合两个研究取向有利于准确评估个体无望抑郁的风险和弹性恢复。  相似文献   

Neuropsychology Review - This review provides the first systematic and quantitative synthesis of the literature examining the relationship between binge drinking, cognition, brain structure and...  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to use structural equation modeling (SEM) to examine the relationships between factors of cognitive complaints in 427 adults with HIV receiving care from an AIDS service organization (ASO) in Alabama. A face-to-face interview assessed cognitive complaints, mood, self-perceived health status, and substance use. Direct and indirect paths were specified between years with HIV (chronicity) age, education, stress, self-perceived health status, substance use, and cognitive complaints. The final model fit the data well (GFI = .95; AGFI = .92), revealing that age, education, substance use, self-perceived health status, and stress contributed directly or indirectly to cognitive complaints. Chronicity was only related to age, suggesting that duration of HIV may be of limited value in predicting cognitive complaints. These results demonstrate the complexity between the factors that influence cognitive complaints and offer possible solutions that health professionals can use to mitigate cognitive complaints in this population.  相似文献   

为探讨社交网站成瘾对青少年抑郁的影响及其作用机制,在素质-压力模型的视角下,采用社交网站成瘾量表、认知负载量表、核心自我评价量表和流调中心抑郁量表,对武汉市三所全日制中学886名初中生进行调查。结果表明:(1)社交网站成瘾、认知负载、核心自我评价和抑郁两两间存在显著的相关,且社交网站成瘾对抑郁具有显著的正向预测作用;(2)认知负载和核心自我评价能在社交网站成瘾与抑郁的关系中起完全中介作用。具体而言,社交网站成瘾通过三条路径影响抑郁:一是认知负载的单独中介作用;二是核心自我评价的单独中介作用;三是认知负载-核心自我评价的链式中介作用。本研究揭示了社交网站成瘾与抑郁的关系及其作用机制,拓展了社交网站成瘾对个体心理社会适应的研究。  相似文献   

《Psychological inquiry》2013,24(3):269-271
This article describes a program of research on excessive reassurance-seeking and its relation to depression. Relevant theory, central predictions, and empirical work are summarized, and the research program's implications for depression science and clinical work are noted. We argue that excessive reassurance-seeking (a) is implicated as a potential contributory cause of depressive symptoms; (b) is involved in generating negative interpersonal outcomes, such as interpersonal disruptions and "contagious" depression; (c) relates to other theoretically important depression-related constructs in ways that may broaden and enhance depression theory and science; and (d) has potential import for the treatment and prevention of depression. The article may be of interest to those studying the social and clinical psychology of depression, as well as those engaged in the psychotherapy of depressed people, and may inspire future theoretical, empirical, and clinical work, with the ultimate aim of increasing understanding of and decreasing suffering from depression, a vexing (and increasing) human problem.  相似文献   

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