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Effective Leadership and Culture in Iran: An Empirical Study   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
On analyse dans cet article les caractéristiques du leadership efficace en Iran, puis on envisage les liens possibles entre ce profil de leadership et les dimensions culturelles du pays. A partir des données fournies par 300 managers provenant de plus de 60 organisations relevant de trois secteurs industriels, on commence par utiliser les dimensions du projet GLOBE pour évaluer la culture iranienne dont les scores sont comparés à ceux d'autres pays. S'appuyant à la fois sur l' emic et l' etic du leadership, les auteurs développent sept dimensions du leadership: encourageant, dictatorial, visionnaire, familial, modeste, loyal et réceptif. Ils soutiennent que certaines de ces dimensions traduisent les aspects universels (ou etic ) du leadership (éncourageant, dictatorial), alors que d'autres procèdent de l' emic , c'est‐à‐dire de la spécificité culturelle du leadership (modeste, familial, loyal). Les résultats sont discutés en terme de positionnement de la culture iranienne entre des entrelacements fondamentaux et des traditions culturelles complexes. On aborde enfin la question des retombées sur les recherches à venir.  相似文献   

This article describes how one second-grade teacher implemented Follow the Reader, her term for dyad reading. Common Core expects students to read increasingly complex texts. Teachers can implement dyad reading with this end in mind. It is a modified version of the neurological impress method in which a lead reader and an assisted reader sit side by side and read a shared text aloud in unison. As this article demonstrates, this strategy can be implemented successfully with small groups or an entire class and is effective with both English-proficient and English-learning children. She included fiction and nonfiction texts, daily class discussions, book logs to maintain student accountability, and discussion between partners about texts. She provided modeling for students and gave them time to practice procedures.  相似文献   

为了向聋人学习者教授更高水平的认知策略,对英国和中国的两所聋校部分教师进行了特别的培训.让两国教师在课堂教学中运用这些策略,为时6个月,每周至少两次.对学生进行的测量包括瑞文非文字推理测验(1959)、认知行为系统观察检核表(Martin&Craft,1998)、及学生对批判性和创造性问题情境所做出的回答.把研究结果与美国以前一项类似研究(Martin & Jones,1985)进行比较.在中、英、美这三个国家的比较中,得到的结果几乎一样三个国家的学生都在推理能力上得到提高;在包含批判性思维(不包含创造性思维)的真实情境下,解决问题的能力得到发展;在课堂上使用认知词汇的能力也提高了,并且表述他人观点的能力上有所提高.经过认知策略教学的实施,教师身上也发生了变化中国教师在认知策略教学中更多的运用恒常的次序;三个国家的教师在认知术语的运用,问题解决策略,自我认识方面都经历了某种程度的提高.  相似文献   

图形推理任务中儿童策略获得的发展机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张宏  沃建中 《心理科学》2005,28(2):314-317
运用微观发生学设计对30名6岁儿童在矩阵填充任务中策略获得的发展机制进行了研究。结果发现:(1)从策略获得点前的错误类型分析,这个阶段主要是元认知机制起决定作用,图形推理的策略获得是一个渐进过程;(2)从反应时的变化趋势分析,元认知机制仍起决定作用,而在策略获得后期,联结机制代替元认知机制起决定性作用;(3)从自我解释中提到的维度分析,也表明元认知机制起着决定性作用,但联结机制在某些题目维度上已经逐渐“竞争”超过了元认知机制。  相似文献   

石国兴  阎晓军  杨绍清 《心理科学》2006,29(6):1388-1391
目的:通过开设心理健康教育课,促进学生学习策略和自信心的形成。方法:采用问卷法和实验干预法对某中学初一学生进行为期八周的实验干预。结果:实验组学生在学习策略、自信方面的提高水平高于对照组学生,在自信方面,两组学生之间存在明显差异。结论:正确的学习策略和自信心可以主动建构。  相似文献   

The Automated Portable Test (APT) System is a notebook-sized, computer-based, human-performance and subjective-status assessment system. It is now being used in a wide range of environmental studies (e.g., simulator aftereffects, flight tests, drug effects, and hypoxia). Three questionnaires and 15 performance tests have been implemented, and the adaptation of 30 more tests is underway or is planned. The APT System is easily transportable, is inexpensive, and has the breadth of expansion options required for field and laboratory applications. The APT System is a powerful and expandable tool for human assessment in remote and unusual environments.  相似文献   

在自然界处事策略中,"疏导"相对于"围堵"有着许多无可比拟的优势,即人们常说的堵不如疏.环肺静脉消融与肺静脉前庭放射状线性消融分别代表了"堵"与"疏"两种不同的房颤消融策略.我们的多中心随机临床对照研究揭示,肺静脉前庭放射状线性消融的成功率明显高于环肺静脉消融,潜在着广阔的临床应用前景.2012年HRS/EHRA/ECAS房颤指南已明确指出,针对肺静脉及(或)肺静脉前庭的消融术式是房颤消融的基石.  相似文献   

自我设限及其研究范型和影响因素   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
自我设限是指个体针对可能来到的失败威胁而事先设计障碍以自我保护或自我提升。自我设限可细分为行为的自我设限、声称的自我设限以及抬举他人,但缺乏对这三种策略的机制、前置因素和后续结果的比较研究。影响自我设限的因素主要有任务性质、评价情境以及性别、自尊、归因倾向等,但对自我设限动机的探讨应更多考察评价情境与其他中介变量的交互作用,以及内隐自尊对自我设限的影响。  相似文献   

Portable digital devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and netbooks, now permeate our society. These devices allow substantial efficiencies in access to and communication of information by mental health professionals. They also bring with them risks to psychotherapist–client privacy. This article reviews these threats and offers suggestions as to their mitigation.  相似文献   

The Processes of Scientific Discovery: The Strategy of Experimentation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hans Krebs' discovery, in 1932, of the urea cycle was a major event in biochemistry. This article describes a program, KEKADA, which models the heuristics Hans Krebs used in this discovery. KEKADA reacts to surprises, formulates explanations, and carries out experiments in the same manner as the evidence in the form of laboratory notebooks and interviews indicates Hans Krebs did. Furthermore, we answer a number of questions about the nature of the heuristics used by Krebs, in particular: How domain-specific are the heuristics? To what extent are they idiosyncratic to Krebs? To what extent do they represent general strategies of problem-solving search? The relative generality of KEKADA allows us to view the control structure of KEKADA and its domain-independent heuristics as a model of scientific experimentation that should apply over a broad domain.  相似文献   

This writing is a preliminary report describing a prototype of a portable delayed auditory feedback device called the DYSTECH 1000. This writing and our observations are presented to stimulate review and feedback by our colleagues of the DYSTECH 1000 as a clinical and generalization tool.  相似文献   

樊琪  朱蕾 《心理科学》2007,30(6):1359-1362,1320
做笔记(note-taking)是学生在听课和阅读时普遍使用的学习策略,借此可适当记录所学内容以促进记忆和思考,从而有效控制自己的认知过程和对材料信息的加工,有助于发现和建立新旧知识的内在联系,建构对知识的理解。本研究运用调查法、实验法和训练法对中学生的笔记策略进行实证研究。第一,通过自编问卷调查了中学生的笔记策略运用状况并揭示其特点;第二,通过实验研究探索了学生笔记水平与学业成绩的关系,并分析笔记策略运用的影响因素;第三,运用训练法比较了笔记策略辅导的不同方式对学生的影响,探讨学习策略辅导有效性的影响因素。本研究对认知心理学研究的重要领域~学习策略研究以及学校心理辅导的重要工作~学习策略辅导具有一定的启迪作用。  相似文献   

A clear need to teach preservice teachers to generalize newly acquired teaching skills across time and settings has been well established in the literature. Few empirical studies exist that inform teacher educators on ways to promote generalization of teaching skills with beginning teachers, however. Programming for generalization continues to be a missing link between preservice teacher preparation and inservice application of skills. Four factors emerge as important to sustaining teaching skills in classrooms based on a review of the research. A model for promoting generalization of teaching skills using these factors is described including using immediate feedback to promote acquisition of skills, training to mastery to promote maintenance of behavior, programming for generalization, and providing performance feedback in classroom settings. Implications for teacher preparation are discussed such as requiring generalization training in teacher preparation programs and training supervisors to sequentially implement model components.  相似文献   

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