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The relationship between anger and psychopathology was examined in a sample of 137 inmates. The State-Trait Anger Scale and the Anger Expression Inventory were used to measure anger and the Basic Personality Inventory was used to measure psychopathology. State and trait anger correlated positively with 8 and 9, respectively, out of 12 scales of psychopathology. The factor scales for the State-Trait Anger Scale, anger/hostility, arousal and situational anger correlated positively with 8, 9 and 4, respectively, out of 12 measures of psychopathology. Anger-control had an inverse relationship with 8 out of 12 measures of psychopathology, anger-out was positively related to measures of interpersonal problems, alienation, impulse expression and deviation, and anger-in had positive correlations with 11 out of 12 indices of psychopathology. Alternative treatment approaches which are sensitive to individual differences in anger style were discussed.  相似文献   

Although Black inmates represent almost half the population of United States prisons and have been included in several studies of psychopathy, there appear to be no published studies to date addressing the validity of the psychopathy construct in Black inmates. Three studies were conducted to assess the validity of the construct in Black male inmates using Hare's Psychopathy Checklist (PCL). In Study 1, we examined the internal structure of the PCL and the relation of checklist scores to several constructs relevant to psychopathy. We observed differences between Blacks and Whites in the distribution of psychopathy scores, in the relation of psychopathy to measures of impulsivity, and in the congruence of the underlying factor structure of the PCL. In Study 2, Black psychopaths were found to manifest a pattern of passive avoidance deficits similar but not identical to that reported for White psychopaths in Newman and Kosson's study. Study 3 demonstrated that psychopaths of both races receive more criminal charges in a wider variety of offense categories than do nonpsychopaths. The psychopathy construct appears tentatively applicable to Blacks, although its components may be somewhat different than for Whites.  相似文献   

The Antisocial Personality Questionnaire developed by Blackburn and Fawcett (1999) has shown adequate reliability and validity in studies of male offenders interned in psychiatric hospitals. This paper provides data on the APQ collected from a sample of offenders (males and females) without any diagnosed mental illness. The sample was made up of 216 offenders (108 males and 108 females) confined in Spanish prisons. We analyzed the psychometric properties of the instrument and we also examined differences in personality as a function of gender and type of crime (violent vs. non-violent). Results support the reliability of the APQ scales as well as the structure proposed by Blackburn. Additionally, we selected items that discriminate between offenders convicted for violent and non-violent crimes; when these items are factorized, a three-factor structure emerges, resembling Eysenck's model.  相似文献   

The article presents a profile of college-attending prison inmates' personality and vocational interests based on Holland's theory of careers and an assessment of their attitudes that are critical in realistic career decision-making.  相似文献   

Forty-four male prison inmates convicted for violent offences were interviewed, and details of current offence, previous convictions for violence, prison incidents, and violent situations outside of prison were obtained from each offender. Information on victim, circumstances, precipitating events, type of violence, emotions at the time, and the like, was derived for 246 violent incidents. Cluster analysis revealed eight clusters: “criminal” violence to familiar victims, peer violence within prison, domestic violence, peer violence in pubs, gang violence, violence to staff in prison, “criminal” violence to unknown victims with accomplices, and public violence against younger victims. Results were discussed in terms of treatment of violent offenders, with special emphasis on Social Skills Training.  相似文献   

Factor analyses of the McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities (MSCA) were performed on separate groups of black (N = 124) and white (N = 688) children, aged 3.0 to 7.6 years, to assess the comparability of the underlying structures and to evaluate the construct validity of the MSCA for each racial group. Little Jiffy I (principal components) solutions produced four factors for the blacks and three for the whites. Each “white” factor had a coefficient of congruence of .85–.93 with one “black” factor, indicating the close similarity of the solutions. In addition, the factors which emerged for the blacks and whites corresponded to several of the scales constituting the MSCA, offering evidence of the instrument's construct validity for each racial group. The results of the study should enhance the use of the McCarthy Scales for assessing young children of all races.  相似文献   

Forty-five psychiatric inpatients with DSM-III diagnoses of schizophrenia and 31 inpatients with DSM-III diagnoses of bipolar disorder (and currently manic) were compared on the MMPI. Results indicated that although the schizophrenic patients achieved significantly higher scores on several of the MMPI scales (F, Pt, Sc, Si), these findings were of questionable clinical significance. On the other hand, the schizophrenic group did produce a significantly greater percentage of MMPI high-point pairs containing Scale 8(Sc): that is, 64.4% versus 35.5%.  相似文献   

There are few published studies of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adult inmates, and even fewer studies that have considered ADHD in adult inmates by gender. The present study examined the prevalence of ADHD, its subtypes, and associated psychological and neuropsychological comorbidity as a function of gender in a sample of 3,962 inmates (3,439 men and 523 women; mean age = 33.6 years, range 17-73) who had completed the 250-item, self-report, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (Text Revision) (DSM-IV-TR)-aligned Coolidge Correctional Inventory (CCI). The overall ADHD prevalence rate found was 10.5%, which is substantially higher than the rate among adults in the general population (2-5%). The female inmate ADHD prevalence rate (15.1%) was higher than the male inmate ADHD rate (9.8%), consistent with some previous studies. The most prevalent ADHD subtype for both genders was the hyperactive-impulsive subtype. The combined and inattentive ADHD subtypes had higher levels of comorbid psychopathology than the hyperactive-impulsive ADHD subtype. As the presence of ADHD and associated gender differentials may impact the success of rehabilitation and educative programs with inmates, the assessment of ADHD and comorbid psychopathology should be a priority in initial inmate screening and evaluation.  相似文献   

The Wiener-Harmon subtle-obvious MMPI subscales (Wiener, 1948; Wiener & Harmon, 1946) have been the subject of considerable debate. In this study, we examined the intercorrelations among full clinical scale T scores and their subtle and obvious subscales in an offender population. Low subtle to full-scale correlations were observed, suggesting that these items contribute little to full-scale scores. Further, we explored the criterion validity of the MMPI-2 subtle-obvious scales in this forensic sample. The results demonstrated that the obvious scales of the MMPI-2 had greater criterion validity than the subtle scales when compared to crime history data. Scores on the subtle subscales were unrelated to crime history. The Ma-O subscale demonstrated the strongest association to crime history data. The findings from this study add to a mounting body of evidence indicating that when respondents are in a position to understand item content, and can therefore provide a direct self-appraisal, responses are most predictive of clinical criteria.  相似文献   

The MMPI (Hathaway & McKinley, 1943) and the MMPI-Adolescent (MMPI-A; Butcher et al., 1992) have been used in the evaluation of adolescents for over 60 years, resulting in over 200 studies involving tens of thousands of adolescents. This literature not only informs us concerning characteristics of this test instrument but also holds important implications for our understanding of adolescent development and psychopathology. In this article, based on an invited master lecture at the 2005 Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality Assessment, I present several points illustrating the relevance of MMPI and MMPI--A research in enriching our understanding of adolescence.  相似文献   

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