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Procedural and declarative memory systems are postulated to interact in either a synergistic or a competitive manner, and memory consolidation appears to be a highly critical stage for this process. However, the precise cellular mechanisms subserving these interactions remain unknown. To investigate this issue, 24-h retention performances were examined in mice given post-training intrahippocampal injections of forskolin (FK) aiming at stimulating hippocampal adenylyl cyclases (ACs). The injection was given at different time points over a period of 9 h following acquisition in either an appetitive bar-pressing task or water-maze tasks challenging respectively "response memory" and "place memory." Retention testing (24 h) showed that FK injection altered memory formation only when given within a 3- to 6-h time window after acquisition but yielded opposite memory effects as a function of task demands. Retention of the spatial task was impaired, whereas retention of both the cued-response in the water maze and the rewarded bar-press response were improved. Intrahippocampal injections of FK produced an increase in pCREB immunoreactivity, which was strictly limited to the hippocampus and lasted less than 2 h, suggesting that early effects (0-2 h) of FK-induced cAMP/CREB activation can be distinguished from late effects (3-6 h). These results delineate a consolidation period during which specific cAMP levels in the hippocampus play a crucial role in enhancing memory processes mediated by other brain regions (e.g., dorsal or ventral striatum) while eliminating interference by the formation of hippocampus-dependent memory.  相似文献   

Many studies have used "reverse" genetics to produce "knock-out" and transgenic mice to explore the roles of various molecules in long-term potentiation (LTP) and spatial memory. The existence of a variety of inbred strains of mice provides an additional way of exploring the genetic bases of learning and memory. We examined behavioral memory and LTP expression in area CA1 of hippocampal slices prepared from four different inbred strains of mice: C57BL/6J, CBA/J, DBA/2J, and 129/SvEms-+(Ter?)/J. We found that LTP induced by four 100-Hz trains of stimulation was robust and long-lasting in C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mice but decayed in CBA/J and 129/SvEms-+(Ter?)/J mice. LTP induced by one 100-Hz train was significantly smaller after 1 hr in the 129/SvEms-+(Ter?)/J mice than in the other three strains. Theta-burst LTP was shorter lasting in CBA/J, DBA/2J, and 129/SvEms-+(Ter?)/J mice than in C57BL/6J mice. We also observed specific memory deficits, among particular mouse strains, in spatial and nonspatial tests of hippocampus-dependent memory. CBA/J mice showed defective learning in the Morris water maze, and both DBA/2J and CBA/J strains displayed deficient long-term memory in contextual and cued fear conditioning tests. Our findings provide strong support for a genetic basis for some forms of synaptic plasticity that are linked to behavioral long-term memory and suggest that genetic background can influence the electrophysiological and behavioral phenotypes observed in genetically modified mice generated for elucidating the molecular bases of learning, memory, and LTP.  相似文献   

cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) is critical for the expression of some forms of long-term potentiation (LTP) in area CA1 of the mouse hippocampus and for hippocampus-dependent memory. Exposure to spatially enriched environments can modify LTP and improve behavioral memory in rodents, but the molecular bases for the enhanced memory performance seen in enriched animals are undefined. We tested the hypothesis that exposure to a spatially enriched environment may alter the PKA dependence of hippocampal LTP. Hippocampal slices from enriched mice showed enhanced LTP following a single burst of 100-Hz stimulation in the Schaffer collateral pathway of area CA1. In slices from nonenriched mice, this single-burst form of LTP was less robust and was unaffected by Rp-cAMPS, an inhibitor of PKA. In contrast, the enhanced LTP in enriched mice was attenuated by Rp-cAMPS. Enriched slices expressed greater forskolin-induced, cAMP-dependent synaptic facilitation than did slices from nonenriched mice. Enriched mice showed improved memory for contextual fear conditioning, whereas memory for cued fear conditioning was unaffected following enrichment. Our data indicate that exposure of mice to spatial enrichment alters the PKA dependence of LTP and enhances one type of hippocampus-dependent memory. Environmental enrichment can transform the pharmacological profile of hippocampal LTP, possibly by altering the threshold for activity-dependent recruitment of the cAMP-PKA signaling pathway following electrical and chemical stimulation. We suggest that experience-dependent plasticity of the PKA dependence of hippocampal LTP may be important for regulating the efficacy of hippocampus-based memory.  相似文献   

Cyclophosphamide (CYP) is an anti-neoplastic agent as well as an immunosuppressive agent. In order to elucidate the alteration in adult hippocampal function following acute CYP treatment, hippocampus-related behavioral dysfunction and changes in adult hippocampal neurogenesis in CYP-treated (intraperitoneally, 40 mg/kg) mice (8–10-week-old ICR) were analyzed using hippocampus-dependent learning and memory tasks (passive avoidance and object recognition memory test) and immunohistochemical markers of neurogenesis (Ki-67 and doublecortin (DCX)). Compared to the vehicle-treated controls, mice trained at 12 h after CYP injection showed significant memory deficits in passive avoidance and the object recognition memory test. The number of Ki-67- and DCX-positive cells began to decrease significantly at 12 h post-injection, reaching the lowest level at 24 h after CYP injection; however, this reverted gradually to the vehicle-treated control level between 2 and 10 days. We suggest that the administration of a chemotherapeutic agent in adult mice interrupts hippocampal functions, including learning and memory, possibly through the suppression of hippocampal neurogenesis.  相似文献   

We have studied the effects of an acute predator stress experience on spatial learning and memory in adult male and female Sprague-Dawley rats. All rats were trained to learn the location of a hidden escape platform in the radial-arm water maze (RAWM), a hippocampus-dependent spatial memory task. In the control (non-stress) condition, female rats were superior to the males in the accuracy and consistency of their spatial memory performance tested over multiple days of training. In the stress condition, rats were exposed to the cat for 30 min immediately before or after learning, or before the 24-h memory test. Predator stress dramatically increased corticosterone levels in males and females, with females exhibiting greater baseline and stress-evoked responses than males. Despite these sex differences in the overall magnitudes of corticosterone levels, there were significant sex-independent correlations involving basal and stress-evoked corticosterone levels, and memory performance. Most importantly, predator stress impaired short-term memory, as well as processes involved in memory consolidation and retrieval, in male and female rats. Overall, we have found that an intense, ethologically relevant stressor produced a largely equivalent impairment of memory in male and female rats, and sex-independent corticosterone-memory correlations. These findings may provide insight into commonalities in how traumatic stress affects the brain and memory in men and women.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that nitric oxide (NO) signaling plays a crucial role in memory consolidation of Pavlovian fear conditioning and in synaptic plasticity in the lateral amygdala (LA). In the present experiments, we examined the role of the cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG), a downstream effector of NO, in fear memory consolidation and long-term potentiation (LTP) at thalamic and cortical input pathways to the LA. In behavioral experiments, rats given intra-LA infusions of either the PKG inhibitor Rp-8-Br-PET-cGMPS or the PKG activator 8-Br-cGMP exhibited dose-dependent impairments or enhancements of fear memory consolidation, respectively. In slice electrophysiology experiments, bath application of Rp-8-Br-PET-cGMPS or the guanylyl cyclase inhibitor LY83583 impaired LTP at thalamic, but not cortical inputs to the LA, while bath application of 8-Br-cGMP or the guanylyl cyclase activator YC-1 resulted in enhanced LTP at thalamic inputs to the LA. Interestingly, YC-1-induced enhancement of LTP in the LA was reversed by concurrent application of the MEK inhibitor U0126, suggesting that the NO-cGMP-PKG signaling pathway may promote synaptic plasticity and fear memory formation in the LA, in part by activating the ERK/MAPK signaling cascade. As a test of this hypothesis, we next showed that rats given intra-LA infusion of the PKG inhibitor Rp-8-Br-PET-cGMPS or the PKG activator 8-Br-cGMP exhibit impaired or enhanced activation, respectively, of ERK/MAPK in the LA after fear conditioning. Collectively, our findings suggest that an NO-cGMP-PKG-dependent form of synaptic plasticity at thalamic input synapses to the LA may underlie memory consolidation of Pavlovian fear conditioning, in part, via activation of the ERK/MAPK signaling cascade.  相似文献   

An important recent insight in a number of neurobiological systems is that during learning, individual dually regulated proteins with associative properties function as critical sites of stimulus convergence. During conditioning in Aplysia, the Ca2+ /calmodulin-sensitive adenylyl cyclase (AC) in mechanosensory neurons serves as a molecular site of interaction between Ca2+ and serotonin [5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)]-two signals that represent the CS and US in these cells. Conditioning requires that the CS and US be paired within a narrow time window and in the appropriate sequence. AC shows an analogous sequence preference: It is more effectively activated when a pulse of Ca2+ precedes a pulse of 5-HT than when the 5-HT precedes Ca2+. One mechanism that contributes to this sequence preference is that Ca2+/calmodulin binding to AC accelerates the rate of AC activation by receptor-Gs. We have identified two additional properties of AC activation that would cause pairing with Ca2+ preceding 5-HT to be more effective than simultaneous pairing or pairing with the reciprocal sequence: (1) Activation of Aplysia AC by a Ca2+ pulse rose with a delay compared with activation by a 5-HT pulse. (2) A late pulse of Ca2+, which arrived after 5-HT, acted, via calmodulin, to accelerate the decay of AC activation by receptor-Gs. Together, these activation properties of AC may contribute to the CS-US sequence requirement of classical conditioning.  相似文献   

In this study, tetrodotoxin (TTX) inactivation was employed to evaluate the involvement of the rat's basolateral amygdala (BLA) in hippocampus-dependent spatial memory using a place avoidance learning task. Rats were trained in single 30 min session to avoid a 60 degrees segment of the stable circular (80-cm diameter) arena, entering which was punished by a mild shock. Bilateral injections of TTX or saline were made either immediately, 1 or 2h after training. Retention was tested 24h later in a 30 min extinction session. Retention was impaired when both BLA inactivated immediately or 1h after training, but not 2h after training. These data indicate that activity in the BLA, at least 60 min after training, is necessary for the post-training processing of a hippocampus-dependent place avoidance memory.  相似文献   

We evaluated various forms of hippocampus-dependent learning and memory, and hippocampal synaptic plasticity in THY-Tau22 transgenic mice, a murine tauopathy model that expresses double-mutated 4-repeat human tau, and shows neuropathological tau hyperphosphorylation and aggregation throughout the brain. Focussing on hippocampus, immunohistochemical studies in aged THY-Tau22 mice revealed prominent hyper- and abnormal phosphorylation of tau in CA1 region, and an increase in glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in hippocampus, but without signs of neuronal loss. These mice displayed spatial, social, and contextual learning and memory defects that could not be reduced to subtle neuromotor disability. The behavioral defects coincided with changes in hippocampal synaptic functioning and plasticity as measured in paired-pulse and novel long-term depression protocols. These results indicate that hippocampal tauopathy without neuronal cell loss can impair neural and behavioral plasticity, and further show that transgenic mice, such as the THY-Tau22 strain, might be useful for preclinical research on tauopathy pathogenesis and possible treatment.  相似文献   

We investigated whether varying the environmental context will affect the magnitude of retroactive interference produced by misleading postevent information in an eyewitness memory paradigm. Previous eyewitness memory studies have typically presented the original and misleading information in the same environmental context. In this experiment, the physical contexts in which the original information and the misleading information were presented were varied, a procedure that is more analogous to what usually occurs in real world situations. We tested 288 subjects, half using the original and misleading information in the same encoding context and half using a different context for presenting the two types of information. Memory for the original event was assessed using either the standard recognition test procedure or the modified test developed by McCloskey and Zaragoza (1985). Measures of both recognition accuracy and response latency showed no difference in performance attributable to varying the environmental context. The present data replicate the findings of previous single-context experiments that showed the two recognition test procedures to produce different patterns of results. Thus, environmental context seems to play little role in determining the magnitude of the misleading postevent information effect.  相似文献   

The extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERKs) are members of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) superfamily of enzymes and have recently garnered considerable attention in the field of learning and memory. ERK activation has been shown to be required for the induction of long-term potentiation (LTP) in the rat hippocampus and for the formation of associative and spatial memories in both the rat and the mouse. However, the individual roles for the two isoforms of ERK have yet to be deciphered. To investigate the specific contribution of the ERK1 (p44) isoform of MAPK to mammalian learning, we performed a general behavioral and physiological characterization of mice lacking the ERK1 gene. The ERK1-null animals demonstrated significantly higher levels of activity in the open field test. However, we observed no other discernible deficits in the ERK1 knockout mice in our behavioral testing. Specifically, no differences were observed in the acquisition or retention (24 h and 2 wk after training) of either contextual or cue fear conditioning between the ERK1−/− and their wild-type littermate controls. In addition, no learning phenotype was observed in the passive avoidance test. When hippocampal slices were analyzed, we found no deficits in baseline synaptic transmission or in tetanus-induced LTP in hippocampal area CA1. We found no apparent compensatory changes in the expression of ERK2 (p42 MAPK). We conclude that hippocampus- and amygdala-dependent emotional learning does not depend critically on the activity of ERK1.  相似文献   

The dorsal hippocampus is crucial for mammalian spatial memory, but its exact role in item memory is still hotly debated. Recent evidence in humans suggested that the hippocampus might be selectively involved in item short-term memory to deal with an increasing memory load. In this study, we sought to test this hypothesis. To this aim we developed a novel behavioral procedure to study object memory load in mice by progressively increasing the stimulus set size in the spontaneous object recognition task. Using this procedure, we demonstrated that naive mice have a memory span, which is the number of elements they can remember for a short-time interval, of about six objects. Then, we showed that excitotoxic selective lesions of the dorsal hippocampus did not impair novel object discrimination in the condition of low memory load. In contrast, the same lesion impaired novel object discrimination in the high memory load condition, and reduced the object memory span to four objects. These results have important heuristic and clinical implications because they open new perspective toward the understanding of the role of the hippocampus in item memory and in memory span deficits occurring in human pathologies, such as Alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Several explanations for the weak relations between subjective memory judgements and objective memory performance were investigated in two groups of normal older adults. Group 1 sampled a general population (mean age 61.6 yr., range 46-89), while Group 2 sampled subjects who were on a waiting list for memory training (mean age 63.0 yr., range 45-85 years). In both groups, subjective memory judgments were assessed with global ratings of memory capacity and with ratings of frequency of forgetting in specific memory situations. Memory performance was assessed with several well-known tests and with recently developed tests for domain-specific aspects of memory. Most tests concerned episodic memory. Study 1 also included measures of semantic, incidental and working memory. Study 2 further examined the influence of the domain-specificity of objective and subjective measures for remembering names, intentions, and texts. Relations between memory self-reports and performance were weak in both groups and for all kinds of tests. Against expectations, the low correlations could not be explained by differences between ecological and laboratory tests or incidentally and intentionally remembered information, or by differences between specific failures compared to global, stereotyped judgments. Surprisingly, correlations did not increase when subjective and objective measures assessed the same ability, like remembering names. Also noncognitive variables (mood and lifestyle) did not influence the relations. The (weak) relations between subjective and objective memory measures were comparable for subjects over and under 65 years of age. Furthermore, relations were comparable for the general population sample and the memory compliant group.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional sample of adults recalled categorized word lists and narrative texts. Subjects gave performance predictions before each of 3 recall trials for each task. Older subjects had poorer memory performance and also predicted lower performance levels than did younger subjects. The LISREL models suggested (a) direct effects of memory self-efficacy (MSE) on initial predictions; (b) upgrading of prediction-performance correlations across trials, determined by direct effects of performance on subsequent predictions; (c) significant effects of a higher order verbal memory factor on MSE; and (d) an independent relationship of text recall ability to initial text recall performance predictions. These results lend support to the theoretical treatment of predictions as task-specific MSE judgments.  相似文献   

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