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精神分裂症是一种常见的病因不明的精神疾病。大量文献表明精神分裂症患者所表现出来的认知紊乱和思维异常等症状与感觉门控功能的缺失有密切的关系, 感觉门控是指在充满刺激的环境中, 从外界的感觉信息中过滤无关的感觉信息然后执行与注意力相关的认知过程, 以对显著的刺激做出反应。研究感觉门控的经典范式是震惊反射的前脉冲抑制。研究发现多巴胺D2受体可以参与调控前脉冲抑制的过程, 但是多巴胺D2受体参与调控前脉冲抑制的机制仍不清楚。探讨多巴胺D2受体参与调控感觉门控即前脉冲抑制的关键脑区、神经环路及分子机制, 有利于促进对精神分裂症感觉门控功能的深入研究。  相似文献   

Rats were given differential exposure to three distinct and novel foods. One of these foods was exposed for 7 days; another for 2 days, and the last was not exposed. Next, half of the rats received six daily sessions in which a compound of the three flavors was followed by opportunities to run in wheels. The other rats received the food compound but without wheel running. On the next day, all rats were given a choice among the three food flavors presented concurrently in separate dishes. When the compound food had been followed by wheel running, rats ate little of the food given no pre-exposure, more of the food given 2 days of pre-exposure, and considerably more of the food given 7 days of pre-exposure. In comparison, rats who did not receive an opportunity to run ate equal and moderate amounts of the three foods. The results suggest that pre-exposure to a food’s taste produces latent inhibition that interferes with conditioned taste avoidance produced by pairing a taste (CS) with wheel running (US).  相似文献   

Considerable evidence suggests that dopamine in the core subregion of the nucleus accumbens is not only involved in Pavlovian conditioning but also supports instrumental performance. However, it is largely unknown whether NAc dopamine is required for outcome encoding which plays an important role both in Pavlovian stimulus-outcome learning and instrumental action-outcome learning. Therefore, we tested rats with 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) induced dopamine depletion of the NAc core for their sensitivity to outcome devaluation in a Pavlovian and an instrumental task. Results indicate that 6-OHDA-lesioned animals were sensitive to outcome devaluation in an instrumental task. This finding provides support to the notion that NAc core dopamine may not be crucial in encoding action-outcome associations. However, during instrumental conditioning lever pressing rates in 6-OHDA-lesioned animals were markedly lower which could reflect an impaired behavioral activation. By contrast, after outcome-specific devaluation in a Pavlovian task, performance in 6-OHDA-lesioned animals was impaired, i.e. their magazine-directed responding was non-selectively reduced. One possibility to explain non-selective responding is that NAc core DA depletion impaired the ability of conditioned stimuli to activate the memory of the current value of the reinforcer.  相似文献   

The pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (PPTg) is involved in the regulation of thalamocortical transmission and of several functions related to ventral and dorsal striatal circuits. Stimulation of the PPTg in anesthetized animals increases cortical arousal, cortical acetylcholine release, bursting activity of mesopontine dopaminergic cells, and striatal dopamine release. It was hypothetized that PPTg stimulation could improve learning by enhancing cortical arousal and optimizing the activity of striatal circuits. We tested whether electrical stimulation (ES) of the PPTg, applied to freely-moving awake rats previously implanted with a chronic electrode, would improve the acquisition and/or the retention of two-way active avoidance conditioning, and whether this effect would depend on the specific PPTg region stimulated (anterior vs posterior) and on the time of ES: just before (pre-training) or after (post-training) each of three training sessions. The treatment consisted of 20 min of ES (0.2 ms pulses at 100 Hz; current intensity: 40-80 microA). The results showed that (1) this stimulation did not induce either any signs of distress nor abnormal behaviors, apart from some motor stereotyped behaviors that disappeared when current intensity was lowered; (2) pre-training ES applied to the anterior PPTg improved the acquisition of two-way active avoidance, (3) no learning improvement was found after either post-training ES of the anterior PPTg, or pre- and post-training ES of the posterior PPTg. The results give support to a role of PPTg in learning-related processes, and point to the existence of functional PPTg regions.  相似文献   

This study investigated glucocorticoid-dopaminergic interactions in modulating retrieval of long-term memory in an inhibitory avoidance task. Young adult male rats were trained in one trial inhibitory avoidance task (0.5 mA, 3 s footshock). On the retention test given 48 h after training, the latency to re-enter the dark compartment of the apparatus was recorded. Systemically administered corticosterone (1 or 3 mg/kg) given to rats 30 min before retention testing impaired their memory retrieval, but the lower dose was more effective than the higher one. Administration of the dopamine (DA) D2 receptor antagonist sulpiride (6 or 20 mg/kg) 30 min before corticosterone attenuated the impairing effects of corticosterone (1 mg/kg) on memory retrieval. Administration of the DA D1 receptor antagonist SCH23390 (25 or 50 microg/kg) had no effect on corticosterone-induced impairment of memory retrieval. Further, applied doses of sulpiride or SCH23390 alone were ineffective in modulating memory retrieval. These findings provide evidence for the existence of an interaction between glucocorticoids and DA D2 receptor on memory retrieval process.  相似文献   

Six experimental rats were conditioned to press one of two available levers to avoid shock. The levers registered bites as well as presses. For four of these rats, shock was contingent on lever bites when a specified time period had elapsed after the previous shock. An extinction period, in which only periodic noncontingent shocks were presented, followed avoidance training. Six yoked-control rats received the same sequence of shocks as did the corresponding experimental rats in both the conditioning and extinction phases. All six experimental rats repeatedly bit the avoidance lever. Four bit it more than the nonavoidance lever during conditioning, and five bit it more during extinction. Five of the six experimental rats consistently bit the levers many more times during each session than did their respective control rats, suggesting that avoidance conditioning facilitated lever biting. Rates of lever biting and pressing by all of the experimental rats and by some of the control rats were highest immediately following shock throughout both phases. During later portions of the intervals following shock, characteristic effects of conditioning and extinction were observed. This finding suggests that extinction of avoidance behavior by unavoidable shock presentations can be demonstrated more readily when shock-elicited responding is extricated from the data.  相似文献   

The present study aimed at investigating the role of sex hormones in individual differences in cognitive abilities. This was achieved by a combination of two methods, reflecting 2 critical periods of hormonal secretion: prenatal, based on the 2D:4D ratio, and postnatal, based on circulating hormone levels. Both methods were tested in 39 men and 41 women, who completed a battery of 6 cognitive tasks. Results showed significant sex differences on the mental rotation task, with men outperforming women. A positive correlation was found between testosterone and performance on the mental rotation task for the combined sample (men and women). A significant interaction was found between sex and estrogen on mental rotation task. Findings also revealed a significant interaction between sex and right hand 2D:4D ratio on different memory tasks. Findings regarding between- and within-sex differences in cognition are discussed in light of the organisational and activational effects of sex hormones.  相似文献   

1,25-(OH)2D3是维生素D在体内发挥生理作用的活性形式。活性维生素D3通过与细胞内特异性维生素D受体结合,除了具有调节钙磷代谢的功能外,还发现其可预防和治疗骨质疏松、心血管疾病、自身免疫性疾病和一些肿瘤等。然而,维生素D缺乏在人群中非常普遍。  相似文献   

Dose-dependent changes in sensitivity to reinforcement were found when rats were treated with low, moderate, and high doses of the partial dopamine D1-type receptor agonist SKF38393 and with the nonselective dopamine agonist apomorphine, but did not change when rats were treated with similar doses of the selective dopamine D2-type receptor agonist quinpirole. Estimates of bias did not differ significantly across exposure to SKF38393 or quinpirole, but did change significantly at the high dose of apomorphine. Estimates of goodness of fit (r2) did not change significantly during quinpirole exposure. Poor goodness of fit was obtained for the high doses of SKF38393 and apomorphine. Decrements in absolute rates of responding were observed at the high dose of quinpirole and at the moderate and high doses of SKF38393 and apomorphine. Changes in r2 and absolute responding may be due to increases in stereotyped behavior during SKF38393 and apomorphine exposure that, in contrast to quinpirole, were distant from the response lever. The present data provide evidence that sensitivity to reward is affected more strongly by dopamine D1-like receptors rather than D2-like receptors, consistent with evidence from other studies investigating consummatory dopamine behavior and the tonic/phasic dopamine hypothesis.  相似文献   

In the current study, the authors investigated the relationship between faith maturity, religious coping, experiential avoidance (EA), and psychological maladjustment (depression, anxiety, and stress) among a sample of Christian college students (N?=?84). Findings revealed a strong positive correlation between faith maturity and positive religious coping, and weak negative correlations between faith maturity and negative religious coping and maladjustment. Moreover, a weak negative correlation emerged between positive religious coping and maladjustment, as well as a moderate positive correlation between negative religious coping and maladjustment. Finally, consistent with the proposed hypothesis, EA partially mediated the link between negative religious coping and psychological maladjustment, although EA played no mediating role with positive religious coping and maladjustment. Further studies are needed to replicate and generalise these preliminary findings.  相似文献   

Voracek, M., Pum, U. & Dressler, S. G. (2009). Investigating digit ratio (2D:4D) in a highly male‐dominated occupation: The case of firefighters. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 51, 146–156. Second‐to‐fourth digit ratio (2D:4D), a widely studied putative marker for masculinization through prenatal androgen exposure, is lower (more masculinized) in athletes than in general population controls, and athletes with lower 2D:4D have higher sporting success. Occupations differ markedly in perceived masculinity and actual maleness (sex ratios), but these givens have not yet been picked up and utilized in 2D:4D research. Accordingly, this study extended existing accounts on 2D:4D in athletes to a novel approach: 2D:4D and possible relationships to a variety of candidate variables (demographic, fertility‐related, psychological, and other) were investigated in firefighters, a highly male‐dominated occupation. Contrary to expectation, 2D:4D in firefighters (N = 134) was not lower than in local male population controls. Lower 2D:4D corresponded to lower service ranks. Replicating previous findings either unequivocally or partly, lower 2D:4D was associated with larger family size, later sibling position, left‐handedness, and higher scores in the disinhibition component of sensation seeking. Not replicating prior evidence, 2D:4D was unrelated to body‐mass index, offspring sex ratio, and sporting performance level. Novel findings included low 2D:4D in those with low relationship satisfaction and in cigarette smokers, especially among heavy smokers. Absolute finger length, a positive correlate of pubertal‐adolescent androgen levels, was also considered. This marker showed negative associations with relationship consensus and satisfaction and positive ones with perceived quality of relationship alternatives and the experience seeking component of sensation seeking. The merits of this additional marker, relative to 2D:4D, for supplementing studies of possible sex‐hormonal effects on personality and directions for future inquiry along these lines are discussed.  相似文献   

The 2D:4D digit ratio (henceforth, 2D:4D) is accepted as a marker of prenatal testosterone, demonstrating gender differences. The present study reveals that 2D:4D shows not only gender differences but also individual differences in personality and risk-taking behavior. We measured individual participants’ 2D:4D, structural personality, and risk-taking attitude scores. The result of the current study replicates the gender difference in 2D:4D in previous researches. However, we found different aspects of the correlations among 2D:4D, personality, and risk-taking attitude. Path analyses indicated that 2D:4D passes through personality factors before reaching the risk-taking attitude, particularly in the financial domain activities of investing and gambling. Also we observed a specific relationship between right-hand 2D:4D and emotionality and between left-hand 2D:4D and agreeableness. Finally, we suggest multiple path models of 2D:4D and personality in risk taking depending on the domain.  相似文献   

Power Quality (PQ) is becoming more and more important day by day in the electric network. Signal processing, pattern recognition and machine learning are increasingly being studied for the automatic recognition of any disturbances that may occur during the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity. There are three main steps to identify the PQ disturbances. These include the use of signal processing methods to calculate the features representing the disturbances, the selection of those that are more useful than these feature sets to prevent the creation of a complex classification model, the creating a classification model that recognizes multiple classes using the selected feature subsets. In this study, one-dimensional (1D) PQ disturbances signals are transformed into two-dimensional (2D) signals, 2D discrete wavelet transforms (2D-DWT) are used to extract the features. The features are extracted by using the wavelet families such as Daubechies, Biorthogonal, Symlets, Coiflets and Fejer-Korovkin in 2D-DWT to analyze PQ disturbances. Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) and k-nearest neighbor (KNN) classifier determine the feature subsets. Then, WOA and k nearest neighbor (KNN) classifier are used to determine the feature group. By using KNN and Support Vector Machines (SVM) classification methods, Classifier models that distinguish PQ disturbances are formed. The main aim of the study is to determine the features derived from 2D wavelet coefficients for different wavelet families and to determine which of them has a better classification performance to distinguish PQ disturbances signals. At the same time, different classification methods are simulated and a model which can classify PQ disturbances signals with high performance is created. Also, the generated models are analysed for their performance in terms of different noise levels (40 dB, 30 dB, 20 dB). The result of this simulation study shows that the model developed to classify PQ disturbances is superior to conventional models and other 2D signal processing methods in the literature. In addition, it was concluded that the proposed method can cope better with noisy signals by low computational complexity and higher classification rate.  相似文献   

The second-to-fourth digit ratio (2D:4D) is sexually differentiated and is a likely biomarker for the organisational (permanent) effects of prenatal testosterone on the human brain. Recent research has highlighted a possible role of prenatal testosterone levels in both the etiology of autism-spectrum disorders and in sex and individual differences in cognitive styles of the normal mind (Baron-Cohen’s Extreme Male Brain Theory of Autism and Empathising/Systemising Theory). Importantly, autistic children present lower (hypermasculinised) 2D:4D than healthy controls. Based on these accounts, we investigated the relation of 2D:4D with Baron-Cohen’s measures of empathising (“Reading the Mind in the Eyes” test, RMET; Empathy Quotient, EQ), systemising (Systemising Quotient, SQ), and autistic-like traits (Autism-Spectrum Quotient, AQ) in the general population (N = 423 Austrian adults). Whereas sex differences into the expected direction and of expected size were obtained for all variables and internal scale consistencies tallied to retrievable reference values, 2D:4D was unrelated to RMET, EQ, SQ, and AQ scores. Candidate explanations for this lack of correlation might be possible developmental timing differences in the expression of 2D:4D and empathising/systemising, qualitative (as opposed to quantitative) functional differences between the normal and the autistic mind, or the suboptimal psychometric properties of the measures.  相似文献   

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