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During prolonged observation of an ambiguous figure sudden perceptual reversals occur, while the stimulus itself stays unchanged. There is a vivid debate about whether bottom-up or top-down mechanisms underlie this phenomenon. In the present study, we investigated the interrelation of two experimental factors: volitional control and discontinuous stimulus presentation. Both factors strongly modulate the rate of perceptual reversals and each is attributed either as top-down or bottom-up. We found that participants can apply specific strategies to volitionally increase and/or decrease the stability duration of each of the possible percepts according to the experimental instructions. When attempts of volitional control are combined with discontinuous stimulus presentation the effects are fully additive. Our results indicate that perceptual reversals can originate from different neural mechanisms on different time scales.  相似文献   

In two experiments we studied the effects of one night of total sleep deprivation on task-shift costs. In different conditions shifts were between types of judgment (extradimensional shifts) and between stimulus-response mappings (intradimensional shifts). In addition, with an alternating-runs procedure we used short and long response-to-stimulus intervals and also external precues to vary the opportunities for advance configuration of task sets. Under all conditions sleep deprivation increased shift costs derived from the 20% slowest reaction times, which were insensitive to the opportunities for advance configuration. Shift costs derived from the 20% fastest reaction times were increased only for extradimensional shifts. As indicated by congruency effects, the increase of shift costs after a night without sleep cannot be attributed to increased interference between competing task sets. The findings suggest that total sleep deprivation increases task-set instability and thus lapsing, in particular in conditions with long stimulus-to-response intervals and in shift trials. In addition total sleep deprivation seems to increase the duration of an exogenously controlled process involved in extradimensional shifts.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the relative contribution of bottom-up and top-down control to task selection in the voluntary task-switching (VTS) procedure. In order to manipulate the efficiency of top-down control, a concurrent working memory load was imposed during VTS. In three experiments, bottom-up factors, such as stimulus repetitions, repetition of irrelevant information, and stimulus-task associations, were introduced in order to investigate their influence on task selection. We observed that the tendency to repeat tasks was stronger under load, suggesting that top-down control counteracts the automatic tendency to repeat tasks. The results also indicated that task selection can be guided by several elements in the environment, but that only the influence of stimulus repetitions depends on the efficiency of top-down control. The theoretical implications of these findings are discussed within the interplay between top-down and bottom-up control that underlies the voluntary selection of tasks.  相似文献   

Healthy diet and physical activity have consistently been found to be positively correlated; however, most health behavior theories are focused on regulation of changes in single, rather than multiple, behaviors. Thus, this study explored the mechanism of the carry-over effect between diet and physical activity by conducting a longitudinal study with 706 participants to test the bottom-up and top-down hypotheses of hierarchical self-efficacy (SE). At Time 1 (baseline) and Time 3 (4 weeks after baseline), dietary behavior, physical activity, and self-efficacies of these behaviors (at the contextual level) were measured, while at Time 2 (2 weeks after baseline), general SE (at the general level) was assessed. Mediation analysis and structural equation models supported both the bottom-up and top-down hypotheses for different levels of self-efficacies, suggesting that hierarchical SE is an important factor underlying the carry-over mechanism between diet and physical activity.  相似文献   

Task switching requires the ability to flexibly switch between task rules and responses, and is sensitive to developmental change. We tested the hypothesis that developmental changes in task switch performance are associated with changes in the facilitating or interfering effect of the previously retrieved stimulus-response (S-R) association. Three age groups (7-8-year-olds, 10-12-year-olds and 20-25-year-olds) performed a two-choice reaction time (RT) task in which spatially compatible or incompatible responses were required. The RT costs associated with switching between tasks were larger when responses were repeated than when responses were alternated. Younger children showed a greater cost than adults when switching between tasks but repeating responses. This age difference decreased when the interval between the previous response and the upcoming stimulus increased. Switch costs were larger when switching to the compatible task than to the incompatible task, but this effect did not differ between age groups. These findings suggest that young children build up stronger transient associations between task sets and response sets, which interfere with their ability to switch to currently intended actions. A similar pattern has previously been observed for older adults (Mayr, 2001), suggesting a common contributor to task switching deficits across the life span.  相似文献   

While it is clear that the goals of an observer change behaviour, their role in the guidance of visual attention has been much debated. In particular, there has been controversy over whether top-down knowledge can influence attentional guidance in search for a singleton item that is already salient by a bottom-up account (Theeuwes, Reimann, & Mortier, 2006). One suggestion is that passive intertrial priming accounts for what has been called top-down guidance (e.g., Maljkovic & Nakayama, 1994). In the present study, participants responded to the shape of a singleton target among homogenous distractors in a trial-by-trial cueing design. We examined the influence of target expectancy, trial history, and target salience (which was manipulated by changing the number of distractors). Top-down influence resulted in fast RTs that were independent of display size, even on trials that received no priming. Our findings show there is a role for top-down guidance, even in singleton search. The designation of intertrial priming as a bottom-up factor, rather than an implicit top-down factor (Wolfe, Butcher, Lee, & Hyle, 2003), is also discussed.  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that working memory capacity (WMC) is related to visual attention when selection of critical information must be made in the face of distraction. The present study examines whether WMC-related differences in flanker task performance might be decreased by displays that are designed to support bottom-up guidance of attention. Participants were required to respond to a centrally located target while ignoring a peripheral flanker. In one condition, bottom-up support was provided by embedding the target in a row of zeros. In another condition, the zeros were removed, thus emphasizing the role of top-down attention in selecting spatially defined information. It was found that the inclusion of zeros led to the elimination of WMC-related flanker effects. We conclude that bottom-up attentional guidance can attenuate the role of WMC in selective attention.  相似文献   

Visual search in children and adults: top-down and bottom-up mechanisms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three experiments investigated visual search for targets that differed from distractors in colour, size, or orientation. In one condition the target was defined by a conjunction of these features, while in the other condition the target was the odd one out. In all experiments, 6-7- and 9-10-year-old children were compared with young adults. Experiment 1 showed that children's search differed from adults' search in two ways. In conjunction searches children searched more slowly and took longer to reject trials when no target was present. In the odd-one-out experiments, 6-7-year-old children were slower to respond to size targets than to orientation targets, and slower for orientation targets than for colour targets. Both the other groups showed no difference in their rate of responding to colour and orientation. Experiments 2 and 3 highlighted that these results were not a function of either differential density across set sizes (Experiment 2) or discriminability of orientation and colour (Experiment 3). Across all three experiments, the results of both conjunction and odd-one-out searches highlighted a development in visual search from middle to late childhood.  相似文献   

Prioritizing selection of new elements: bottom-up versus top-down control   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Watson and Humphreys (1997) have proposed that prioritized selection of new over old elements occurs because observers can apply top-down inhibition to the locations of the old elements by a mechanism they refer to as visual marking. However, recent evidence has suggested that the top-down mechanism is questionable (Donk & Theeuwes, 2001). In the present study, we investigated whether prioritized selection of new over old elements occurs in a bottom-up or a top-down fashion. Observers were presented with displays containing one set of elements (old elements) followed, after a certain time interval, by a second set of elements (new elements). The observers were instructed to search for the presence of a target that was presented with equal probability among the old and the new elements (Experiments 1 and 2) or twice as often among the old elements than among the new elements (Experiment 3). The results show that new elements were prioritized for selection over old ones even though the observers had no incentive to do so. The results suggest that prioritized selection of new over old elements is not mediated by a top-down inhibition process, as was proposed by Watson and Humphreys (1997). Instead, prioritization of new elements appears to be a bottom-up process. The implications of these results are discussed in terms of models of attentional control.  相似文献   

Top-down and bottom-up attention are two systems that allocate our neuronal resources for processing different stimuli. To do the tasks efficiently, it is required to suppress irrelevant information. In the presence of both target and distractor, synchronization or desynchronization between the activities of neuronal responses has been observed in different regions of the brain. In the current study, we have proposed a mathematical model to show how the interaction between top-down and bottom-up attention, through synchronization and desynchronization, can lead to the suppression of distractor effects in human beings. The model structure was inspired by the results of neurological studies. The model consists of several oscillating units as a representation of top-down and bottom-up neuronal processing resources. These units communicate with each other through synchronization and desynchronization procedures.Results of simulations showed that how the mutual interaction between top-down and bottom-up units, which was done using synchronization and desynchronization procedures, led to the selective or divided attention between the target and distractor. It was shown that the activity of responsive units to the distractor could be suppressed by a desynchronous signal transmitted from the top-down attention unit. This model suggests a justification for brain waves synchronization or desynchronization during attentionally demand tasks. The proposed model also provides a tool to investigate the effect of some influencing factors such as the distractor intensity or similarity between the distractor and the target on the function of top-down and bottom-up systems.  相似文献   

There is great interest in the relationships between memory span tasks and cognitive abilities. However, the causes underlying their correlation remain unknown. In the present article, five key data sets were reanalyzed according to two criteria: They must consider complex span tasks (so-called working memory [WM] tasks) and simple span tasks (so-called short-term memory [STM] tasks), and they must comprise cognitive ability measures. The obtained results offer several points of interest. First, memory span tasks should be conceived from a hierarchical perspective: They comprise both general and specific components. Second, the general component explains about four times the variance explained by the specific components. Third, STM and WM measures are closely related. Fourth, STM and WM measures share the same common variance with cognitive abilities. Finally, the strong relationship usually found between memory span tasks and cognitive abilities could be tentatively interpreted by the component shared by STM and WM--namely, the capacity for temporarily preserving a reliable memory representation of any given information.  相似文献   

Perceived position depends on many factors, including motion present in a visual scene. Convincing evidence shows that high-level motion perception--which is driven by top-down processes such as attentional tracking or inferred motion--can influence the perceived position of an object. Is high-level motion sufficient to influence perceived position, and is attention to or awareness of motion direction necessary to displace objects' perceived positions? Consistent with previous reports, the first experiment revealed that the perception of motion, even when no physical motion was present, was sufficient to shift perceived position. A second experiment showed that when subjects were unable to identify the direction of a physically present motion stimulus, the apparent locations of other objects were still influenced. Thus, motion influences perceived position by at least two distinct processes. The first involves a passive, preattentive mechanism that does not depend on perceptual awareness; the second, a top-down process that depends on the perceptual awareness of motion direction. Each contributes to perceived position, but independently of the other.  相似文献   

It has been reported that it is harder to switch to a strong, well-practiced task from a weaker, less-practiced task than vice versa. Three experiments replicated this surprising asymmetry and investigated how it is affected by a reduction in interference between tasks. Experiment 1 progressively delayed the onset of the stimulus attribute associated with the stronger task. Experiments 2 and 3 separated the response sets of the tasks. Both manipulations reduced, without eliminating, interference of the stronger with the weaker task but reversed the asymmetry of switch costs, resulting in a larger cost of switching to the weaker task. The results are interpreted in terms of a model of the interactions between control input, task strength, and task priming.  相似文献   

It is harder to find the letter "N" among its mirror reversals than vice versa, an inconvenient finding for bottom-up saliency accounts based on primary visual cortex (V1) mechanisms. However, in line with this account, we found that in dense search arrays, gaze first landed on either target equally fast. Remarkably, after first landing, gaze often strayed away again and target report was delayed. This delay was longer for target "N" We suggest that the delay arose because bottom-up saliency clashed with top-down shape recognition. Thus, although gaze landed accurately and quickly to the distinctive feature in the target shape (the orientation of the diagonal bar in "N" or "И"), the identical zigzag shape of target and distractors was registered, leading to temporary confusion. In sparser search arrays with smaller set sizes, top-down target shape recognition occurs earlier and bottom-up saliency is weaker. The clash in this case causes search asymmetry even before target location at first gaze landing. Our findings rule out previous suggestions that search asymmetry stems from stronger preattentive salience for the reversed target and/or faster rejection of familiar distractors.  相似文献   

Top-down attentional settings can persist between two unrelated tasks, influencing visual attention and performance. This study investigated whether top-down contextual information in a second task could moderate this “attentional inertia” effect. Forty participants searched through letter strings arranged horizontally, vertically, or randomly and then made a judgement about road, nature, or fractal images. Eye movements were recorded to the picture search and findings showed greater horizontal search in the pictures following horizontal letter strings and narrower horizontal search following vertical letter strings, but only in the first 1000 ms. This shows a brief persistence of attentional settings, consistent with past findings. Crucially, attentional inertia did not vary according to image type. This indicates that top-down contextual biases within a scene have limited impact on the persistence of previously relevant, but now irrelevant, attentional settings.  相似文献   

The present study examined adaptations in the planning of initial grasp postures during a multi-segment object manipulation task. Participants performed a grasping and placing task that consisted of one, two, or three movement segments. The position of the targets was manipulated such that the degree of object rotation between the home and temporally proximal positions, and between the temporally proximal and distal target positions, varied. Participants selected initial grasp postures based on the specific requirements of the temporally proximal and temporally distal action segments, and adjustments in initial grasp posture depended on the temporal order of target location. In addition, during the initial stages of the experimental session initial grasp postures were influenced to a larger extent by the demands of the temporally proximal segment. However, over time, participants overcame these cognitive limitations and adjusted their initial grasp postures more strongly to the requirements of the temporally distal segment. Taken together, these results indicate that grasp posture planning is influenced by cognitive and biomechanical factors, and that participants learn to anticipate the task demands of temporally distal task demands, which we hypothesize, reduce the burden on the central nervous system.  相似文献   

An ongoing issue in visual cognition concerns the roles played by low- and high-level information in guiding visual attention, with current research remaining inconclusive about the interaction between the two. In this study, we bring fresh evidence into this long-standing debate by investigating visual saliency and contextual congruency during object naming (Experiment 1), a task in which visual processing interacts with language processing. We then compare the results of this experiment to data of a memorization task using the same stimuli (Experiment 2). In Experiment 1, we find that both saliency and congruency influence visual and naming responses and interact with linguistic factors. In particular, incongruent objects are fixated later and less often than congruent ones. However, saliency is a significant predictor of object naming, with salient objects being named earlier in a trial. Furthermore, the saliency and congruency of a named object interact with the lexical frequency of the associated word and mediate the time-course of fixations at naming. In Experiment 2, we find a similar overall pattern in the eye-movement responses, but only the congruency of the target is a significant predictor, with incongruent targets fixated less often than congruent targets. Crucially, this finding contrasts with claims in the literature that incongruent objects are more informative than congruent objects by deviating from scene context and hence need a longer processing. Overall, this study suggests that different sources of information are interactively used to guide visual attention on the targets to be named and raises new questions for existing theories of visual attention.  相似文献   

Long GM  Moran CJ 《Perception》2007,36(3):431-445
The nature of processes underlying our perception of reversible figures was examined through two experiments investigating the effects of prior exposure conditions on an observer's report of figural reversal. In experiment 1, observers were adapted over several minutes to an unambiguous version of a rotating Necker cube prior to the presentation of the standard ambiguous figure. Results indicated that adaptation produced an immediate bias to perceive the ambiguous figure in the opposite configuration (ie reverse bias) and to reduce reports of reversal over the test period. The introduction of a brief delay between the adaptation and test periods revealed that this bias is a highly transient effect and is only clearly evident when the adaptation and test figures are matched in size. In experiment 2, observers were primed with an unambiguous figure for a few seconds prior to the presentation of the standard ambiguous figure. In this case, the obtained bias strongly favored the observer's reporting the ambiguous figure to be in the same configuration as the adapting figure (ie positive bias); and neither introducing a delay period nor changing figure size had any effect. We conclude that these experiments reveal the distinct roles of transient, retinally localized neural processes as well as more stable, global processes under specifiable conditions.  相似文献   

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