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生态伦理中的"是"与"应该"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

何艳玲 《学海》2003,(5):96-104
论文从行政民主的角度探讨政府与公众之间的理想关系模式及其制度化构建过程 ,将我国在改革之前的政府与公众模式概括为管制模式。论文指出 ,在制度变迁的过程中 ,这一模式日益受到挑战。而在新的制度环境下 ,我国政府与公众的关系模式应该是平衡模式。这一模式的制度化措施包括培育自主的市民社会 ,赋予公众以独立的活动空间 ;促进行政公开 ,建立一个开放负责的政府 ;推进行政法建设 ,抑制行政恣意  相似文献   

张敬梅 《宗教学研究》2004,1(1):133-137
从"玄之又玄"到"重玄"经历了一个演变过程."玄之又玄"本意是"幽远而又幽远",指道的不可知性与终极性."重玄"的最初含义是"重天",佛道两教学者用它来指宗教的终极境界.隋唐时期"重玄"与"双遣"连用,指"遣有、遣无、遣其遣"的三重否定思想方法."重玄"与"双遣"的结合标志着从"玄之又玄"向"重玄"的转变最终完成.  相似文献   

In the course of extensive philosophical debates on aesthetics in nineteenth-century Germany, Robert Vischer introduced the concept of Einfühlung in relation to art. Theodor Lipps subsequently extended it from art to visual illusions and interpersonal understanding. While Lipps had regarded Einfühlung as basically similar to the old notion of sympathy, Edward Titchener in America believed it had a different meaning. Hence, he coined the term empathy as its translation. This term came to be increasingly widely adopted, first in psychology and then more generally. But the lack of agreement about the supposed difference between these concepts suggests that Lipps had probably been right.  相似文献   

Martens has presented and excellent and provocative paper in an extremely interesting area. He has certainly outlined most of the complexities of anxiety, discussed the limitations and strengths of various theoretical approaches to its study, and has presented alternatives to existing methods. My approach has been to try to summarize what I have held to be the major problem ares or limiting factors in the study of state anxiety (stress) and motor performance and then incorporate these problem areas into the context of Marten's conclusions.  相似文献   

近几年来,首先是伪科学方面把现代社会对科学的信任说成是“迷信科学”。近来,也有一些朋友把人们对科学的信任和迷信鬼神等量齐观,认为二者在心态上没有什么差别。他们认为,迷信,就是“入迷(执着)的相信”。这不仅不合迷信这个概念的本义,也不合生活实际。  相似文献   

邓小平对我们的干部和人民提出的“四有”要求中的“有文化”,是指要有文化知识。掌握文化知识是关系革命和建设事业成败的大事。同时 ,“有文化”在“四有”中具有重要的地位和作用。在当前形势下 ,我们要直面挑战 ,努力提高科学文化素质。  相似文献   

历史上的每一种公正观,都有它的核心价值指向,它们构成了公正思想的价值维度,引导着社会的基本治理方向和利益分配方式.中国社会的公正观经历了一个从"平均"到"公正"的发展过程.长期以来,它是以平均主义为核心价值取向而展开的,并因此而深刻地影响着中国社会.面对当今中国日趋扩大的利益分配差距,一种以公平正义为价值指向的公正观应运而生.公平正义的公正观是具有现实合理性和价值优越性的新型公正观.  相似文献   

目前医学上尚难认定"癌症村"中的"癌症一污染"关系.但在现实中,"癌症村"作为社会事实已经存在并持续影响了村民的生活.对所选浙江、江西、广东四个"癌症村"进行实地调查,并结合自然科学的研究成果,讨论村民对"癌症"、污染及"癌症一污染"关系的认识及健康风险应对.虽然村民对外源性污染敏锐感知、对癌症高发极度担忧和敏感,但村民对"癌症一污染"关系的认识受外部认识的影响比较大,处于认知"连续谱"的两极之间.政府及相关部门难于在短期内消除因污染而致的健康风险,所以应对健康风险已是村民日常生活中的紧迫实践.他们尝试通过消除污染源、迁离污染源、改变水源、改变食物来源等办法规避健康风险.在风险应对过程中,经济因素影响其环境行动的强度及策略,也衍生出其它社会行动.更进一步,村民的风险应对往往嵌于乡村宗族势力、地方"绅权"及"单位制"遗存等社会结构中.  相似文献   

中国在未来的15年~20年内面临着"人口红利"的机遇.但是中国人口较低的素质状况使得我们必须大力提高人口素质之后才能真正得到这个"红利".一方面要发展农村合作医疗.另一方面要努力实现健康老龄化,具体地看,要加大宣传人口老龄化的问题、建立机制合理、低成本、高效益的社会保障制度、加强老年医学尤其是生命科学的研究和应用,以迎接人口老龄化对医学技术的挑战.  相似文献   

燕继荣 《学海》2011,(3):85-96
政治理论和政治实践表明,"有限政府"作为"宪政"的核心概念,是善治良政的重要条件和原则。然而,行政主导下的全能政治一直被认为是中国政府政治的主要特点。本文在梳理"有限政府"理论的基础上,简要分析了中国宪政发展的历程,总结了中国法治建设的成就,指出了目前距离宪政目标的差距,从"有限政府"与"有效政府"的关系出发,论证了"有限政府"作为中国政府改革目标的合理性,并从限制政府自由裁量权、确立针对政府政治的有效监督、建立公共财政制度三个方面,说明了这一改革的基本路径。  相似文献   

Links between pronoun use, relationship satisfaction, and observed behavior were examined during 2 problem-solving interactions in which 134 distressed and 48 nondistressed couples participated. Results supported hypotheses that distressed and nondistressed couples would use pronouns at significantly different rates, and that rates would also differ for partners depending on whose topic was being discussed. Actor–partner interdependence models (APIMs; D. A. Kenny, 1996 ) revealed actor and partner effects of pronoun use on satisfaction and observed positivity and negativity. Interestingly, I-focus pronouns were found to be linked with satisfaction in distressed partners and dis satisfaction in nondistressed partners. The pattern of findings was otherwise largely consistent across topics and levels of distress. These findings have implications for both future research and clinical interventions.  相似文献   

Bion's ideas may be extended to describe an emotional phenomenology of the analyst's subjectivity and a methodology which helps differentiate countertransference enactments from fuller emotional participation. Bion called the process of integrating and utilizing one's most basic and important emotions to make meaning, "passion." The analyst's primal feelings--of love, hate, and curiosity--serve as a central organizer of meaning in the analytic interaction. These feelings involve pain, and to the extent the analyst unconsciously decides to evade or foreclose the evolution of the feelings, such that they remain unintegrated in the thinking process, the analyst is liable to become mired in repetitive transference-countertransference experiences without establishing fresh meaning. A case example illustrates the relevance of "passion" to contemporary relational theory and practice.  相似文献   

The results of a modified functional analysis demonstrated that aggression, displayed by a 27-year-old man, was occasioned by the use of "don't" requests to interrupt the client's ongoing and often inappropriate activities (e.g., lying on the floor, pica, inappropriate touching of others). Subsequent analyses demonstrated that aggression was lower when ongoing activities were interrupted with symmetrical "do" requests than with "don't" requests. An intervention utilizing symmetrical "do" requests (i.e., prompting an individual to engage in an incompatible behavior) to interrupt such activities resulted in reduced levels of aggression.  相似文献   

据曹卫东先生《在雅典与耶路撒冷之间》(《读书》2004年第5期)一文评介,2004年新春伊始,在慕尼黑天主教神学院院长舒勒先生主持下,德国现代哲学家哈贝马斯教授和“天主教神学指路人”拉辛格主教分别代表世俗学界和神圣学界,面对面地就“启蒙和宗教”阐述各自的立场。  相似文献   

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