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The purpose of this article was to fill a gap in the literature regarding the conceptualization and measurement of entrepreneurial curiosity. Although research in other fields suggest that different types of curiosity exist, no conceptualization research has yet been done in the field of entrepreneurial curiosity. This research aimed to develop a construct of entrepreneurial curiosity and tested it on multi-country empirical samples (Slovenia and the United States). Items for the questionnaire were developed after an in-depth literature review and detailed interviews with entrepreneurs and experts in two stages. The data from the survey were analyzed using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The results of this study showed that entrepreneurial curiosity can be an independent construct dimension in relation to other types of curiosity. Entrepreneurial curiosity can be used as a new concept and measure in research. The construct can be tested on a sample of nonentrepreneurs in a multi-country sample and together with other determinants in a future model. With the measure of entrepreneurial curiosity, society can test individuals and encourage them to become active in entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

This study investigated the mediating roles of social and economic exchange perceptions on the relationship between perceived investment in permanent employee development in the client organization and exchange outcomes among 375 temporary employees. The results support full mediation by exchange perceptions, where social exchange perception is positively related to both task performance and organizational citizenship behavior, and economic exchange perception is negatively related to task performance. Implications for practice and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This article presents a definition of constructs, construct validity, and wn- struct validation and traces some of the historical treatments of the terms. It is argued that construct validity and validation procedures can be particularly useful in personnel-testing contexts, where jobrelatedness is required. Several examples are presented using sophisticated modeling procedures along with other kinds of data to illustrate how evidence to show job relatedness through construct validation might be developed. Several cautions are extended re- garding the use of these statistical modeling procedures.  相似文献   

This article defines the construct of social peer rejection and describes the development of the Social Peer Rejection Measure. Social peer rejection entails being rejected, excluded, ostracized, or criticized by one's peers; lack of active sympathy and active dislike on the part of one's peers; ignoring; preventing access to friends, playtime activities, toys, or important information; verbal aggression; commands; and blaming the rejected child. Evidence for the validity and reliability of the scale is presented. Results indicated strong content validity, construct validity, and criterion-referenced validity. Differences were found between females and males in terms of insult, accusation, and reported levels of physical attack.  相似文献   

中学生社会适应性的理论构建及量表编制   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
陈建文  黄希庭 《心理科学》2004,27(1):182-184
社会适应性是人们适应社会所需要的心理素质。通过开放式调查和理论分析,构建社会适应性的维度:心理优势感、心理能量、人际适应性和心理弹性。据此编制中学生社会适应性量表对1809名中学生的测量结果表明.社会适应性维度及其成分与社会适应性量表具有较好的信度和效度。  相似文献   

儒家经济伦理是在中国自然经济基础上形成的,由儒家学派提炼并理论化的调整人们利益关系,评价人们经济活动的基本态度、价值观念和规范体系.儒家经济伦理体系是围绕着义利关系展开的,以"见利思义"为核心,以"仁"、"义"、"诚"、"信"为根本.我们无论着眼于儒家经济伦理的发源地还是着眼于"儒教文化圈",无论着眼于中国传统社会还是当代中国,儒家经济伦理对于社会发展都发挥着重大的作用.  相似文献   


The present study examined the construct and external validity of social status based on data covering various aspects of the construct, and collected from adolescent samples in Sweden, Australia, and the United States. Using correlation and factor analytic techniques it was found that (a) the various social status variables were, in general, only moderately related within the different countries, (b) the relations among variables were not congruent between countries, (c) two social status factors were revealed in all countries, separating educational-occupational status from social-economic status, and (d) only the educational-occupational factor showed high congruence between all of the countries.  相似文献   

This article presents the construction, exploratory dimensionality analysis (Study 1), and validation (Study 2) of the self-report and 36-item Individuation Test for Emerging Adults (ITEA). It is the first instrument to measure different aspects of individuation (in relation to mother and father) specifically in emerging adulthood. The construct validity of the final 5-factor structure (Support Seeking, Connectedness, Intrusiveness, Self-Reliance, and Fear of Disappointing the Parent) was satisfactory. The results of multigroup analyses demonstrated that the factor structure is stable across male and female emerging adults for ITEA assessments in relation to both mother and father. The ITEA scales also show good internal consistency and concurrent validity against Emotional, Conflictual, and Functional Dependence scales of the Psychological Separation Inventory.  相似文献   

Psychometrika - Psychologists and other behavioral scientists are frequently interested in whether a questionnaire measures a latent construct. Attempts to address this issue are referred to as...  相似文献   

The belief-in-equality construct is defined as the belief that general ability and potential are widely distributed throughout the human population, rather than being limited to an elite minority. Data from a 21-item belief-in-equality inventory and from two construct-validation tasks were gathered using a liberal-arts undergraduate sample of 201 students. Of the two validation tasks, one indicated strong construct validity ( p < .015), however, the second one produced correctly patterned but insignificant results. The results showed that leaders with a high belief in equality put more funds into training their subordinates and had a tendency to delegate more authority to them than leaders with a weak belief in equality.  相似文献   

Political efficacy is the belief that one has the skills to influence the political system. Two similar studies are described that support the validity of a scale designed to measure internal and external political efficacy (Craig & Maggiotto, 1982). One study used a sample of 388 undergraduates; the second study used a sample of 159 nonstudents. Factor analytic results from both studies replicated the factor structure reported earlier (Craig & Maggiotto, 1982). Convergent and discriminant evidence was established using measures of community involvement, leadership, alienation, and perceived competence. Political efficacy was also greater for members of politically oriented voluntary organizations than both nonmembers and members of nonpolitical organizations. Implications of the study of political efficacy for understanding citizen participation are discussed.  相似文献   

Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) has received considerable support as a methodology for assessing construct validity. As with other methodologies, however, numerous problems can be encountered when using CFA to assess construct validity. Given the limitations of the CFA, Multitrait-Multimethod (MTMM), and analysis of variance (ANOVA) methodologies, a set of guidelines was developed. The guidelines recommend that the characteristics of the data set be used to determine how the three alternative construct validation methodologies can be used in combination. Examples from the research literature are discussed in order to demonstrate the application of these guidelines.  相似文献   

Affect integration, or the capacity to utilize the motivational and signal properties of affect for personal adjustment, is assumed to be an important aspect of psychological health and functioning. Affect integration has been operationalized through the affect consciousness (AC) construct as degrees of awareness, tolerance, nonverbal expression, and conceptual expression of nine discrete affects. A semistructured Affect Consciousness Interview (ACI) and separate Affect Consciousness Scales (ACSs) have been developed to specifically assess these aspects of affect integration. This study explored the construct validity of AC in a Norwegian clinical sample including estimates of reliability and assessment of structure by factor analyses. External validity issues were addressed by examining the relationships between scores on the ACSs and self-rated symptom- and interpersonal problem measures as well as independent, observer-based ratings of personality disorder criteria and the Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) scale from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed. [DSM–IV]; American Psychiatric Association, 1994).  相似文献   

Incompetence at solving interpersonal problems is a possible antecedent of anorexic and bulimic behaviors in college-age women. A role-play measure of interpersonal competence, the Anorexia and Bulimia Problem Inventory (ABPI), was developed empirically and then was tested in two validation studies. ABPI scores for two samples of college women were compared: a subclinical sample [extremely high scores on the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT)] and a control sample (extremely low EAT scores). Groups differed as predicted. The second study replicated and extended these findings. The ABPI scores of clinical, subclinical, and control samples of college women differed significantly. Bulimic bingers, purgers, and laxative users were least competent on the ABPI. A lack of group differences on the Helping Situations Inventory supported the ABPI's discriminant validity. A correlation between the ABPI and Beck Depression Inventory supported the ABPI's convergent validity. ABPI competence appears to be related to certain subtypes of eating disorders.  相似文献   

行为博弈与社会交换看似两个毫无关联的现象和研究领域,却有着内在的、实质性的联系。行为博弈也是一种社会交换或以社会交换为机制,社会交换则表现为一种行为博弈或有着内在的博弈性质。行为博弈与社会交换互为表里、互为机制、水乳交融,行为博弈是社会交换的行为博弈,社会交换是行为博弈的社会交换。以行为博弈的眼光来看待社会交换或以社会交换的意识来研究行为博弈,跨领域的研究洞视,各自互为对方启动了一方别开生面的研究天地,为枯燥乏味的传统博弈研究和死水微澜的社会交换领域凭添了一丝新鲜气息。  相似文献   

研究旨在编制针对小学生社会技能的家长评定量表。有效样本1027名(男484名,女543名)。通过量表的编制、预测、修改和再测,确定了量表的3个层次,9个因素,量表的内在一致性信度为0.88,分半信度为0.76,量表总分与效标分数(同伴正提名分)相关显著(P<0.01)。量表编制发现:小学生社会技能在总体上存在性别和年级差异,女生显著高于男生,三年级显著低于二年级、五年级和六年级。  相似文献   

Self-help support groups are indigenous community resources designed to help people manage a variety of personal challenges, from alcohol abuse to xeroderma pigmentosum. The social exchanges that occur during group meetings are central to understanding how people benefit from participation. This paper examines the different types of social exchange behaviors that occur during meetings, using two studies to develop empirically distinct scales that reliably measure theoretically important types of exchange. Resource theory informed the initial measurement development efforts. Exploratory factor analyses from the first study led to revisions in the factor structure of the social exchange scales. The revised measure captured the exchange of emotional support, experiential information, humor, unwanted behaviors, and exchanges outside meetings. Confirmatory factor analyses from a follow-up study with a different sample of self-help support groups provided good model fit, suggesting the revised structure accurately represented the data. Further, the scales demonstrated good convergent and discriminant validity with related constructs. Future research can use the scales to identify aspects of social exchange that are most important in improving health outcomes among self-help support group participants. Groups can use the scales in practice to celebrate strengths and address weaknesses in their social exchange dynamics.  相似文献   

There is a need to promote growth past basic reading proficiency toward the more substantial idea of reading maturity. The reading maturity construct has a history of being valued, at least in principle. However, it is a complex construct, and this makes its measurement challenging. The present research study addressed aspects of this challenge by using data collected from an instrument called The Reading Maturity Survey, administered twice to 382 college students, to help validate the instrument and to add one piece of validation evidence to the internal structure of the reading maturity construct. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to identify the latent literacy constructs and to examine the relationships between these constructs. The findings contribute to further psychometric validation of The Reading Maturity Survey, and add one new piece of quantitative evidence supporting the theory-based construct of reading maturity. Because this study provides some preliminary evidence of viable ways to both measure and define this construct, our hope is that the findings would move the reading field one step closer to being able to better recognize an overarching unified construct of reading maturity, perhaps eventually (re)establishing it as a goal that literacy education could pursue.  相似文献   

微博客积累的海量信息为直接快速地测量社会情绪提供了可能。本研究构建了微博基本情绪词库,结合在线文本词汇匹配技术对数百万用户的情绪进行分析,得到了快乐、悲伤、愤怒、恐惧和厌恶五种基本社会情绪。发现快乐与其它四种情绪显著负相关,而四种情绪之间正相关,符合情绪维度理论;工作日的快乐情绪显著低于周末;重要节日和事件引起了社会情绪的相应波动。这些结果都表明基于微博的社会情绪测量是有效的。  相似文献   

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