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D W Massaro 《Perception》1977,6(5):541-553
The present experiments evaluated the effect of relative frequency as a determinant of the figure-ground organization of sequences of auditory tones. Observers counted sequences of 20 ms tones that were presented at the same frequency or that alternated between two different frequencies. The alternating tones differed in frequency by one whole tone, seven tones, or nineteen tones. Counting accuracy increased with increases in the silent interval between the tones. When the alternating tones differed by seven or nineteen tones, counting was disrupted at rates of presentation of eight tones per second or slower. In contrast to this decrement in the counting of tones that alternated by over an octave, very little decrement was observed when the tones alternated by just one whole tone. The best subjects counted these alternating tones more accurately than the tones presented at the same frequency. The poorest subjects showed a small decrement even when the tones alternated by just one whole tone. The results were discussed in terms of determinants of figure-ground organization in auditory information processing.  相似文献   

Perceptual grouping in pigeons   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Nagasaka Y  Hori K  Osada Y 《Perception》2005,34(5):625-632
Animal studies reveal that many species perceive partially occluded objects in the same way as do humans. Pigeons have been a notable exception. We re-investigated this anomaly of pigeon perception using a different approach from previous studies. With our method, we show that pigeons perceive occluded objects in the same manner as do other species. In addition, we report that pigeons can recognize perceptually transparent surfaces when the effect is induced by the same perceptual mechanisms as occlusion. These results give behavioral evidence that the perception of both occlusion and transparency is a common visual function shared by pigeons and humans, despite the structural differences between their visual systems.  相似文献   

In theory, global shading may help with the estimation of local surface structurefrom shading (e.g., in specifying the illuminant direction). Empirically, we do not know whether human observers combine the information given by the local and global shading to estimate local shape. Observers had to indicate the orientation of a local elongated perturbation with or without global shading information provided by a background surface. Our psychophysical results show the following:
  1. Observers do not estimate the orientation of the local perturbation more accuratelywith global shading information than they do in the absence of such information.
  2. Responses depend dramatically on the inclination between the illuminant direction and the viewing direction. For an inclination of 20°, observers indicate more or less the orientation of the local ridge; however, for an inclination of 40°, they indicate either the direction of the illuminant or an orientation close to the shadow edge of the perturbation. Most subjects show some combination of these behaviors. This behavior is not altered by global shading information.
We conclude that in our paradigm, global shading information does not aid the estimation of local shape.  相似文献   

Perceptual grouping in change detection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Detection of an item's changing of its location from one instance to another is typically unaffected by changes in the shape or color of contextual items. However, we demonstrate here that such location change detection is severely impaired if the elongated axes of contextual items change orientation, even though individual locations remain constant and even though the orientation was irrelevant to the task. Changing the orientations of the elongated stimuli altered the perceptual organization of the display, which had an important influence on change detection. In detecting location changes, subjects were unable to ignore changes in orientation unless additional, invariant grouping cues were provided or unless the items changing orientation could be actively ignored using feature-based attention (color cues). Our results suggest that some relational grouping cues are represented in change detection even when they are task irrelevant.  相似文献   

Theoretically, metric solid shape is not determined uniquely by shading. Consequently, human vision has difficulty in categorizing shape when shading is the only cue. In the present research, subjects were required to categorize shaded quadric surfaces. We found that they were rather poor at this task; they confused hyperbolic and elliptic (both convex and concave) shapes easily. When a cast shadow visually indicated the direction of the illuminant, they were able to notice the concavity or convexity of elliptic shapes. However, they still confused elliptic and hyperbolic ones. Finally, when an animated sequence of eight intensity patterns belonging to one quadric shape had been displayed, the subjects were able to categorize the quadrics. However, the results are still quite moderate. Our experiments indicate that local shading structure is only a weak shape cue when presented in the absence of other visual cues.  相似文献   

Four experiments were performed to assess the effect of different orientations and direction of lighting on the visual processing of shaded or bipartite disks. In the first two experiments, observers were presented with nine different shading orientations from 0 degree to 180 degrees. Targets were detected in a rapid and parallel fashion for shaded disks when the orientation of the shading gradient was not horizontal (90 degrees) or oriented at 67.5 degrees. Search asymmetries favoring the detection of "pock" targets over "ball" targets were found for all orientations. The search rates for bipartite disks were similar to the shaded disks at 0 degree, 22.5 degrees, and 90 degrees but not for intermediate orientations, and no search asymmetries were found. These differences suggest that shaded displays and bipartite displays are processed by different underlying mechanisms. The third experiment showed that the direction of the light source (left or right) had no influence on search asymmetries around the 90 degrees point. Shading gradient orientation affected magnitude estimates of depth in the fourth experiment. These experiments show that the visual system's "assumption" of overhead lighting is broadly tuned.  相似文献   

Four experiments are presented in which printed texts are read for their meaning. Some of the texts were mutilated by altering the size of selected letters. In Experiments 1, 2, and 3, the number of words mutilated per passage and the number of letters changed per word were both manipulated. In all three experiments, reading was slowed as a function of the number of words changed per passage, while the number of letters changed per word had a much smaller effect. The interaction between the number of words and number of letters changed was not significant in any of the experiments. It is difficult to explain these results merely in terms of changes in the discriminability of letters. In Experiment 2 all uppercase text was used, which argues against an explanation in terms of supraletter features such as word envelope. We propose an explanation in terms of visual attention and the perceptual grouping required prior to feature recognition. The last experiment supports this explanation through the counterintuitive finding that adding letters of intermediate size can improve legibility by allowing grouping processes to associate large and small letters as belonging to the same word object.  相似文献   

The extraction of three-dimensional shape from shading is one of the most perceptually compelling, yet poorly understood, aspects of visual perception. In this paper, we report several new experiments on the manner in which the perception of shape from shading interacts with other visual processes such as perceptual grouping, preattentive search (“pop-out”), and motion perception. Our specific findings are as follows: (1) The extraction of shape from shading information incorporates at least two “assumptions” or constraints—first,that there is a single light source illuminating the whole scene, and second, that the light is shining from “above” in relation to retinal coordinates. (2) Tokens defined by shading can serve as a basis for perceptual grouping and segregation. (3) Reaction time for detecting a single convex shape does not increase with the number of items in the display. This “pop-out” effect must be based on shading rather than on differences in luminance polarity, since neither left-right differences nor step changes in luminance resulted in pop-out. (4) When the subjects were experienced, there were no search asymmetries for convex as opposed to concave tokens, but when the subjects were naive, cavities were much easier to detect than convex shapes. (5) The extraction of shape from shading can also provide an input to motion perception. And finally, (6) the assumption of “overhead illumination” that leads to perceptual grouping depends primarily on retinal rather than on “phenomenal” or gravitational coordinates. Taken collectively, these findings imply that the extraction of shape from shading is an “early” visual process that occurs prior to perceptual grouping, motion perception, and vestibular (as well as “cognitive”) correction for head tilt. Hence, there may be neural elements very early in visual processing that are specialized for the extraction of shape from shading.  相似文献   

Perceptual grouping is usually defined by principles that associate distinct elements by virtue of image properties, such as proximity, similarity, and occurrence within common regions. What role does learning play in forming a perceptual group? This study provides evidence that learning of shape associations leads to perceptual grouping. Subjects were repeatedly exposed to pairs of unique shapes that co-occurred within a common region. The common region cue was later removed in displays composed of these shapes, and the subjects searched the display for two adjacent shapes of the same color. The subjects were faster at locating the color repetition when the adjacent shapes with the same color came from the same trained groups than when they were composed of two shapes from different trained groups. The effects were perceptual in nature: Learned pairings produced spatial distortions similar to those observed for groups defined by perceptual similarity. A residual grouping effect was observed even when the shapes in the trained group switched their relative positions but was eliminated when each shape was inverted. These results indicate that statistical co-occurrence with explicit grouping cues may form an important component of perceptual organization, determining perceived scene structure solely on the basis of past experience.  相似文献   

The extraction of three-dimensional shape from shading is one of the most perceptually compelling, yet poorly understood, aspects of visual perception. In this paper, we report several new experiments on the manner in which the perception of shape from shading interacts with other visual processes such as perceptual grouping, preattentive search ("pop-out"), and motion perception. Our specific findings are as follows: (1) The extraction of shape from shading information incorporates at least two "assumptions" or constraints--first, that there is a single light source illuminating the whole scene, and second, that the light is shining from "above" in relation to retinal coordinates. (2) Tokens defined by shading can serve as a basis for perceptual grouping and segregation. (3) Reaction time for detecting a single convex shape does not increase with the number of items in the display. This "pop-out" effect must be based on shading rather than on differences in luminance polarity, since neither left-right differences nor step changes in luminance resulted in pop-out. (4) When the subjects were experienced, there were no search asymmetries for convex as opposed to concave tokens, but when the subjects were naive, cavities were much easier to detect than convex shapes. (5) The extraction of shape from shading can also provide an input to motion perception. And finally, (6) the assumption of "overhead illumination" that leads to perceptual grouping depends primarily on retinal rather than on "phenomenal" or gravitational coordinates. Taken collectively, these findings imply that the extraction of shape from shading is an "early" visual process that occurs prior to perceptual grouping, motion perception, and vestibular (as well as "cognitive") correction for head tilt. Hence, there may be neural elements very early in visual processing that are specialized for the extraction of shape from shading.  相似文献   

Two experiments, one with 2 and one with 3-line figures, studied the relative effectiveness of differences in orientation and shape in producing grouping by Similarity. The results showed that changes in shape or orientation which leave the component lines of the figures vertical and horizontal do not facilitate grouping as readily as changes which alter the direction of the component lines to 45° and 135°. These results corroborate and extend the findings of Beck (l966a, 1966b) and are discussed in relation to the problem of specifying the properties of line figures that produce grouping by similarity.  相似文献   

The present study demonstrates that incongruent distractor letters at a constant distance from a target letter produce more response competition and negative priming when they share a target’s color than when they have a different color. Moreover, perceptual grouping by means of color, attenuated the effects of spatial proximity. For example, when all items were presented in the same color, near distractors produced more response competition and negative priming than far distractors (Experiment 3A). However, when near distractors were presented in a different color and far distractors were presented in the same color as the target, the response competition × distractor proximity interaction was eliminated and the proximity × negative priming interaction was reversed (Experiment 3B). A final experiment demonstrated that distractors appearing on the same object as a selected target produced comparable amounts of response competition and negative priming whether they were near or far from the target. This suggests that the inhibitory mechanisms of visual attention can be directed to perceptual groups/objects in the environment and not only to unsegmented regions of visual space.  相似文献   

We report three experiments investigating the effect of perceptual grouping on the appearance of a bistable apparent-motion (Ternus) display. Subjects viewed a Ternus display embedded in an array of context elements that could potentially group with the Ternus elements. In contrast to several previous findings, we found that grouping influenced apparent motion perception. In Experiment 1, apparent motion perception was significantly affected via grouping by shape similarity, even when the visible persistence of the elements was controlled. In Experiment 2, elements perceived as moving without context were perceived as stationary when grouped with stationary context elements. In Experiment 3, elements perceived as stationary without context were perceived as moving when grouped with moving context elements. We argue that grouping in the spatial and temporal domains interact to yield perceptual experience of apparent-motion displays.  相似文献   

We propose the Gabor lattice as a new stimulus designed to deal with multiple organizations in perceptual grouping, allowing both comparison between psychophysical data and neural findings and a systematic investigation of grouping based on several low-level characteristics and their interactions. A Gabor lattice is a geometric lattice with Gabor patches, evoking a multistable global orientation percept. Visual grouping in Gabor lattices with elements aligned in a global orientation was compared with grouping of nonaligned Gabor patches and of Gaussian blobs. The effect sizes of proximity and alignment were estimated in logistic regression analyses. The results confirmed the importance of proximity and local element alignment as factors in dynamic grouping. We also found a small but consistent enhancement of grouping along the global vector orthogonal to the local patch orientations. In light of these results, we further motivate the relevance of these stimuli and the associated experimental paradigm.  相似文献   

To what extent can human observers process visual information that is not currently the focus of attention? We evaluated the extent to which unattended visual information (i.e., that which appears on the neglected side of space in individuals with hemispatial neglect) is perceptually organized and influences the perceptual processing of information on the attended side. To examine this, patients (and matched controls) judged whether successive, complex checkerboard stimuli (targets), presented entirely to their intact side of space, were the same or different. Concurrent with this demanding task, irrelevant distractor elements appeared on the unattended side and either changed or retained their perceptual grouping on successive displays, independently of changes in the ipsilesional task-relevant target. Changes in the grouping of the unattended task-irrelevant distractor elements produced congruency effects on the attended target-change judgment to the same extent in the neglect patients as in the control participants, and this was true even in those patients with severe attentional deficits. These results suggest that some perceptual processes, such as grouping, can operate in the absence of attention.  相似文献   

K Berbaum  T Bever  C S Chung 《Perception》1984,13(4):479-488
Two experiments are reported which demonstrate the effects of light-source position as an intervening variable upon the perception of relief in pictures. In the first experiment, it is shown that the pattern of light (attached shadow) falling upon forms that can be recognized as having unambiguous surface relief (concave and convex parts) influences the perception of forms with ambiguous surface relief. In the second experiment it is demonstrated that cast shadows may also determine the interpretation of ambiguous relief. These findings suggest that light-source position, implicitly or explicitly, mediates the interpretation of surface relief in pictures.  相似文献   

Two types of perceptual visual grouping, differing in complexity of shape formation, were examined under inattention. Fourteen participants performed a similarity judgment task concerning two successive briefly presented central targets surrounded by task-irrelevant simple and complex grouping patterns. Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded from 22 scalp electrodes and source current density estimations were conducted for the net response to the task-irrelevant background patterns, using low-resolution electromagnetic tomography (LORETA). Although participants’ subjective reports indicated that neither type of organization induced awareness, electrophysiological results showed they both evoked significant activation in occipital, parieto-temporal and frontal brain areas. Behavioral results demonstrated that only grouping of the simple pattern arose under inattention. In contrast to the complex pattern, the processing of the simple pattern was associated with an initially longer latency and higher activation beginning at 130 ms. These results support the distinction of grouping patterns differing in complexity of shape formation.  相似文献   

Pitch, the perceptual correlate of fundamental frequency (F0), plays an important role in speech, music, and animal vocalizations. Changes in F0 over time help define musical melodies and speech prosody, while comparisons of simultaneous F0 are important for musical harmony, and for segregating competing sound sources. This study compared listeners' ability to detect differences in F0 between pairs of sequential or simultaneous tones that were filtered into separate, nonoverlapping spectral regions. The timbre differences induced by filtering led to poor F0 discrimination in the sequential, but not the simultaneous, conditions. Temporal overlap of the two tones was not sufficient to produce good performance; instead performance appeared to depend on the two tones being integrated into the same perceptual object. The results confirm the difficulty of comparing the pitches of sequential sounds with different timbres and suggest that, for simultaneous sounds, pitch differences may be detected through a decrease in perceptual fusion rather than an explicit coding and comparison of the underlying F0s.  相似文献   

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